In the isolation room, the elf woman's expression improved a lot, but she still didn't touch the food in front of her, she just drank some water.

The door opened, Fengyu walked in, glanced at the untouched food, and said: "If you don't tell us your recipe, then you will only starve to death in the end!"

Her words were transmitted to the elf woman's ears through the cube translator.

The elf girl said coldly: "Give up, I won't let you get any information about our civilization.

Feng Yu froze for a moment, then suddenly smiled, and said: "So you think so... Actually, it's not necessary, I just came back from Jing Xing, and I learned something, do you want to hear it?"

"Jing Xing? The...God you're talking about?" the elf girl sneered.

Feng Yu didn't care either, she dragged the chair and sat down, thought for a while, and said: "You are a princely system. In the royal family, the princess who is favored by the gods will inherit the throne. The current queen has just ascended the throne... According to Counting our time, it was about three years, and he was only seventeen years old..."

The expression on the elf girl's delicate face changed somewhat.

"Because I am too young, the one who is in power now is the Queen's Uncle, and the power will not be handed over until the Queen is one hundred years old..."

"Your average life expectancy has reached 5,000 years, this is really enviable..."

"It is also the long lifespan of your race that caused the slow progress of your civilization. It is known that 10,000 years ago, the god-given opportunity came...

"Afterwards, the royal family and the three dukes under the king unified the entire planet by virtue of a god-given opportunity, and established the current system, which has not changed for ten thousand years..."

"By the way, the royal family and the three dukes have always inherited their respective opportunities. With mutual cooperation, you have launched a total of invasions of six civilizations in ten thousand years, and we are the sixth..."

Every time Feng Yu said something, the elf woman's face changed a bit.

"The method of invasion is nothing more than the queen being responsible for locating and opening the "door", and the three dukes being responsible for cultivating monsters and cleaning up after the invasion..."

"You guys had a long time to wait, waiting for the monsters to slowly take over the target world, but this time it was just over a year, you were sent over to check, and the door was closed on the other didn't Do you think something is wrong? Can you (bibd) tell me why?"

Feng Yu looked at her and asked.

The elf girl opened her mouth and didn't answer, she just looked at Fengyu in disbelief: " did you know?"

Feng Yu smiled and said: "Our god, just look at you, and all your information will be known to him... Who on earth knows nothing about "God"?"

The elf girl looked skeptical about her life: "How is it is it possible..."

"Don't want to say, or don't know?"

Feng Yu frowned slightly, shook her head and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't say it, it's not important anyway.

Feng Yu got up and was about to leave, but stopped before leaving: "By the way, our god is going to launch a counterattack against your world in three days' time."

"Impossible!" The elf girl hurriedly shouted, "You can't go to our world at all!"

"Don't you know that the 'door' works both ways?"

Feng Yu looked at her strangely: "When you opened the door to us, our god also passed the door and positioned your world!"

For the first time, the elf woman showed a look of horror: "He... what will he do to my civilization?"

Feng Yu raised her head and thought for a while, then said: "Let's think about it, he once pulled the sun and destroyed the entire planet of a civilization... and used his car to split a planet of civilization in two Half.....He can also attack the race of life, destroying a certain race on the planet without affecting other life... By the way, he can also create a sun, burn all life, but not It will destroy the planet.....there are too many methods!"

At the end, Feng Yu spread her hands and said, "I don't know, what method my god will choose to deal with you!"

The elf girl's face was pale and she was speechless.

"Goodbye!" Feng Yu waved her hand and said, "When we meet again next time, you will be free, after all..."

He smiled and continued: "After all, by that time, you will be considered homeless!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Yu left directly and closed the door behind her.

Only the elf girl was left trembling with a disastrous face.

In a room not far from the isolation room.

Jing Xing raised his head and glanced at Feng Yu who came in, and said angrily, "Am I as cruel as you said?"

Feng Yu pursed her lips and said with a smile: "It's just to scare her... Besides, what I said is what I remember you did.

Jing Xing was silent for a while, and said: "It seems that the future in your memory is really miserable!"

Otherwise, he would not have made such a violent revenge.

"Isn't it tragic that the family has been wiped out?" Feng Yu smiled and walked to sit down opposite Jing Xing, and said: "But that is just a memory after all, and the current reality has not happened. We can use this as a warning, but it is useless. What happened to revenge!"

Jing Xing shook his head and said: "It will be too late when it happens to take revenge!"

"But the reality has changed, hasn't it?" Feng Yu said solemnly: "Although this invasion caused a lot of casualties, we also took this opportunity to realize a part of self-evolution!

It's easy for you to destroy their civilization, but without monsters, our evolution rate will become extremely slow, and more people will die in response to the next invasion! 1"

Jing Xing looked up at her and said, "That's right, now you can start from the big picture and focus on the future!"

Feng Yu happily said: "You agreed?"

Jing Xing shook his head and said, "Let's look at their attitude first...we can take over the technology and produce monsters ourselves!"

Feng Yu nodded and said: "Okay, let's look at their attitude first. In fact, I am more inclined to destroy than to negotiate, but I have to think about the next invasion..."

"Boom boom boom!"

Just as he was talking, there was a knock on the door, and a staff member pushed the door open and said, "Ju Feng, that elf wants to see you.

Feng Yu and Jing Xing looked at each other, and said with a smile: "It seems that she really scared her."

Jing Xing nodded, and said: "This elf is not bad, at least her heart is pure enough. If she is not hostile to civilization, I still like her."

Feng Yu looked at Jing Xing strangely.

Jing Xing said angrily: "Her heart is suitable to be an angel!".

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