
Jing Xing became interested, checked the information database for a while, and found that You Bei had uploaded a message.

The general idea is that she went to the An Xing Bureau as a guest, and was entrusted by Feng Yu to bring a message to Jing Xing, explaining the origin of the aliens by the way.

"The wormhole is closed?"

Jing Xing thought for a while, and said in the whole channel: "I'll go to the Anxing Bureau."

Yang Yan: "Wait for me, I'll go with you."

Jing Xing: "...What are you doing?"

Yang Yan: "I am your left wing, of course I will guard you by your side!"

Ruan Man: "Then I, the right wing, must also follow?"

Yang Yan: "You just stay and mine, go to the earth, my left wing is enough!"

Jing Xing: "It's up to you."

An Xing Bureau received the news that Jing Xing was coming, Feng Yu and Yang Ning waited at the door early.

Jing Xing and Yang Yan descended from the sky, flapped their wings lightly, and landed slowly.

Yang Yan is still wearing the miniskirt armor, but Jing Xing's 18 dress made Feng Yu and Yang Ning's eyes start to blur.

At this moment, they seem to have returned to their memory and saw the king of gods.

The gold and silver full body armor is engraved with unknown patterns, which is full of magnificence, and the red cloak buckled on the shoulder armor flutters slightly.

Under the black hair, a pair of pale golden eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, and the three-dimensional facial features were as handsome as a knife.

With the angel guarding behind him—

The present Jing Xing is the king of gods in memory!

"You actually greeted me? Did you make a fuss over a molehill?" After landing on the ground, the nose said amusedly.

When she came back to her senses, Feng Yu pursed her lips and said with a smile: "There is no way, the attitude towards you now is just one word, respect! We also have to express it."

"Be respectful and stay away." Jing Xing didn't care, nodded to Yang Ning, and said, "The energy in your body has already begun to feel chaotic... It shouldn't be far from turning into dark energy, right?"

Yang Ning said with a smile: "It changed again before, and it should be enough to do it a few more times."

Yang Yan stood half a step behind Jing Xing and said with a smile, "Brother, I'll give you a suit of armor!"

As he raised his hand, a set of silver-gray armor fell down and covered Yang Ning.

Yang Ning's expression was a little distorted, and he looked down: "It's really ugly!"

"...cough!" Jing Xing said uncomfortably, "Go and see that alien first."

Feng Yu snickered and said, "Come with me, that alien is dying!"

A woman is lying on a bed in a fully enclosed isolation room?

It looks like a human woman, except that she looks thinner and more delicate, with pointed ears extending to both sides and green hair.

Through the one-way glass, Yang Yan couldn't help but said: "Aliens look like this? Why do they look a bit like... elves?"

Feng Yu smiled wryly and said: "At first we were also taken aback, we couldn't believe that such a creature would invade our world, but she did come out of the door.

"Let me see..." Yang Yan opened his eyes of insight, and his eyes were covered with white fluorescent film: "The body structure is similar to that of a human, and its strength is higher than that of ordinary people, but it is worse than that of an evolutionary. The lifespan... ...Tsk tsk, converted to dark earth time, it is more than 1,400 years old!"

Feng Yu looked into Yang Yan's eyes enviously, and said: "We have studied for so long, and the information we have obtained is not as good as the angel's insightful eyes.

"Of course." Yang Yan said proudly: "But she is dying, even if she stays in the isolation ward, she still can't adapt to the air of the earth."

Fengyu spread her hands and said: "We tried to communicate with her, but she seemed to be dumb, she didn't say a word, and she didn't want to communicate at all."

Said, looking at Jing Xing: "Is there anything you can do?"

The Jing Xing observer isolated the alien in the room, and said casually: "If you want to know anything, just go in and ask her."

Fengyu was taken aback: "Just go in like this?"

"Otherwise?" While speaking, Jing Xing had already opened the door of the isolation room.

"Rewrite the current space medium and change the air composition."

The four walked into the isolation room, Jing Xing was no different from Yang Yan, while Feng Yu and Yang Ning frowned at the same time.

Stepping into this room from the outside, for the two of them, it was like entering another environment from one environment. Although they could bear it, they needed to get used to it.

"Don't pretend to be asleep when you wake up, get up and talk.

Jing Xing didn't know what to say, but the voice sounded in the isolation room, faintly echoing with strange vibrations.

Feng Yu and Yang Ning looked at each other.

Yang Yan didn't understand either, and asked curiously, "What kind of method is this?"

Jing Xing explained: "I learned it from Russell, but he used his brain to cause the air to vibrate to make a sound, and I directly use my thinking to make a sound, so that no matter what language you use, as long as you have thinking, you can understand it. !"

Yang Yan exclaimed: "It's amazing! Can I learn it?"

Jing Xing glanced at her: "I have already uploaded the Skyblade, have you never looked at the database of the Skyblade?"

"Hey!" Yang Yan turned his head, eyes dodging.

On the hospital bed, the elf-like alien woman slowly opened her eyes. The blue eyes glanced here, spit out an inexplicable syllable, and closed her eyes again.

The sound is crisp.

"She can talk!" Feng Yu regretted, "I just don't know what she said."

"Heh!" Jing Xing shook his head, raised his hand, and a stool appeared behind him, and sat down slowly:

"Don't want to talk about it? Actually, I don't want to either, I'd rather destroy your civilization directly!" The voice echoed in the room.

The elf woman suddenly opened her eyes, with an inexplicable expression on her exquisite face, she opened her mouth: "#¥......"

While she was talking, Jing Xing pointed in front of her.

A table appeared out of thin air, followed by a fist-sized cube on the table.

"...I don't know anything, the gods don't...huh?"

The elf girl seemed to be frightened, nervously looking at the cube on the table in front of her.

Jing Xing leaned on the back of the chair, her lips didn't move, and continued with an echoing voice: "It's not that I don't know anything about you, on the contrary, you really don't know anything about me! God... .Oh, you don't understand anything!"

Shaking her head, Jing Xing stood up and said, "This is a translator, if you have anything to say, ask her yourself, I'm not interested in her anymore.

With that said, he turned and left the room.

The elf girl looked at the back of Jing Xing leaving, and said in a crisp voice: "Who is he?"

Feng Yu smiled, sat down on Jing Xing's chair, and said, "God... the god of our world!"

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