After the twisted tree spirit fell, the crazy animals around it calmed down, stopped attacking, and began to flee.

Kane, who was guarding the defense, also put away his sword and walked towards Aether.

When he came to Aether, Kane performed the most honorable etiquette of a knight to Aether:”Warrior Aether, thank you for saving us, you are really a powerful exorcist!”

“It’s OK! The power of attribute restraint, oh, by the way, Cain, when I was jumping on this tree spirit just now,

I saw some paladins, I used the holy spear to knock off the vines on their bodies, but there was no movement!”

“Alas!”Kane sighed as he looked at the blazing flames:”Not all paladins are equally strong.

Some paladins are weaker, and their spirits have been completely separated from their bodies, remaining in the spiritual realm forever.”

“I have limited knowledge of spiritual abilities, so I can’t offer you any help! I can only say I’m sorry!” Esther patted Kane’s shoulder armor.

“You don’t have to say that. I am very grateful to you for saving me and so many of my soldiers.

I owe you a favor, and I will definitely repay you when I complete my mission!”

“Do you have any other missions?” Esther walked forward while chatting, ready to check what the twisted tree spirit could drop.

Kane followed Esther and answered the question:”My mission is to explore this area. There is still some distance ahead, so I have to keep moving forward!”

“There is such a big tree here. If you go further, you might encounter a bear as big as this, or some other monster as big as this. Aren’t you afraid?”

“Unless you die, the Paladin’s mission must be carried out! No difficulty can stop the Paladin!”

Aise turned his head and looked at Kane with a determined face: he has a strong mental will and is not afraid of life and death when carrying out his mission.

What a great Paladin, it would be great if I could use him!

“Okay, Kane, since you said so, I can only wish you a successful mission!”

At this time, Esther saw something familiar and gradually quickened his pace and walked up.

“Oh my god, my little white horse! Now it has turned into a charcoal-grilled black horse!”

Kane also came up to take a look and said,”Is this your mount?”

“Haha, yes!” Esther laughed:”But now I can’t sit or ride it! Eating… seems a bit old too!”

“If that’s the case, I’m willing to give you my holy horse!” Kane generously offered help.

“My holy horse has also been baptized by the holy light. Compared with ordinary war horses, in addition to its strong mental will, its physical fitness is also first-class and can be used for running for a long time!”

“Oh? Thank you, Kane. I have experienced it in the spirit realm. It is really good!”Good things are delivered to the door, so Esther naturally accepted it without hesitation.

Kane whistled, and a white horse quickly came to Esther.

Kane pulled the reins and stroked the white horse:”However, warrior Esther, this physical horse is a little different from the one in the spirit realm.

At this moment, its spirit and body are together. You may need to tame it before you can control it!”

“What a great horse!”Aither stepped forward and took the reins from Kane.

As soon as the reins reached Aither’s hands, the holy horse began to jump and its head shook from side to side.

After a while, the white horse raised its front legs and tried to throw Aither out.

Aither exerted force on his arms and pulled the white horse down again. The white horse immediately became obedient and no longer dodged when he was touched.

Kane was shocked. After a moment, he recovered and praised:”Warrior Aither, you are really a god! You have tamed the holy horse in just a short while!”

“”Thanks, Kane, this is a really good horse!” Esther was also very satisfied with this new mount.

Kane praised Esther again, said a simple goodbye, and then led the Paladin team to move forward.

Esther also began to count the rewards obtained from executing the twisted tree spirit.

【The twisted tree spirit has been executed, and has devoured 20% of the void energy and converted it into its own adaptive ability!】

【Items that can be picked up: Immortal Bark]

The huge energy of the twisted tree spirit has improved all of Aether’s physical attributes to a higher level.

The whole person feels refreshed.

However, the items that can be picked up are a bit pitiful.

Aether took out a large piece of unburned bark from the fire.

“Wow, this is a good thing! It won’t burn even in fire.

But there is only one piece of bark from such a big tree for me to pick up!

That’s right, there is a hole in the middle of the trunk, and there is nothing else!

What can I do with this piece of bark ?”

【Immortal Bark has void attributes and can be used to increase the storage space level.】

“Upgrading the storage space again? Come on!”

The system instantly responded to Ayser’s command and began to consume the immortal bark.

The huge immortal bark began to dissipate and was used to upgrade the storage space.

【The immortal bark has been consumed, and the storage space has reached level 3.

Because the twisted tree spirit carries the power of spirit illusion and void, the storage space upgrade has gained new features in addition to expanding the capacity.

【Storage space: Level 3, new features: If the stored living creature has high intelligence, it can enter the soul state with the host’s permission.

The soul state can gain visual and auditory perception.

The soul state can only be seen by the host, and the conversation can only be heard by the host】

“Soul state, that is to say, the maids don’t have to stay there lifelessly after entering!”

“Lord Esther! Lord Esther!”After the storage space was upgraded, the sleeping Cinderella also woke up and started calling Esther immediately.

Esther also waved his hand to let Cinderella out.

As soon as Cinderella came out, she hurriedly took Esther’s arm:”Lord Esther, I can’t feel you in there, I’m so scared that you are in danger!

I’m sorry, Lord Esther, I fell asleep in there!”

Esther stroked Cinderella’s little head gently:”This is not your fault, it’s the enchanting pollen of this big tree.

Don’t feel guilty, you helped me a lot when I went to other realms!”

“Really? Master Aether!”Cinderella’s eyes were filled with tears. She was very afraid of losing Aether.

“Okay, you won’t cry again! There’s a new sister over there! Do you want to welcome her like this?”

Cinderella raised her hand and winked, then turned her head to look in the direction that Esther pointed:”Is it the new maid?”

“As for a maid, she isn’t really one. Her name is Alice, and I brought her back from another realm!

But I’ve fucked her, too! Just like you!” Esther raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the other corner of Cinderella’s eye.

Cinderella took a deep breath and adjusted her mood:”Then let’s go see my sister!”

Esther shook the wolf claw accessory to remove Little Red Riding Hood’s wolf girl status.

“Lord Esther!” Little Red Riding Hood became excited when she saw Esther, but after running two steps, she was stunned when she saw the chaotic burning scene around her:”This…what happened?”

“”Master Aether, look!” Cinderella pointed to Alice, who was squatting on the ground in a trance not far away.

“”Cinderella, explain the current situation to Little Red Riding Hood! I’ll go see Alice!”

Esther said, and walked towards the squatting Alice.

When he got closer, Esther found that Alice’s hands were on her chest, squeezing her chest.

“”What happened? Did you get smaller or bigger?”

Alice shrank back when she heard what Esther said. Then, when she looked up and saw that it was Esther, her mouth drooped, her eyes blinked, and she burst into tears.

“Wow… this is where the Black Prince brought me, this big tree!

This… this is real! It turns out… it wasn’t a dream! I’ve really grown up!” Alice hid and cried loudly.

Esther came forward and squatted close to Alice.

Alice twisted her body and subconsciously wanted to hide, but when she thought that it was Esther next to her, she kept her posture.

Esther hugged Alice and patted her gently:”Whether it is a dream or not, we are back, aren’t we? (To read exciting novels, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Didn’t you say you would look for me when you wake up from the dream? Now you don’t have to look for me!”

“But…but, if that wasn’t a dream……”Alice sobbed and lowered her voice:”Then we are doing it before we get married. This is not good… Wow!”

After whispering to Esther, she burst into tears again

“Hehehe!” Esther smiled and touched Alice’s head:”Little fool, it’s not that I don’t want you, why are you crying so hard!

If you give yourself to me, you will naturally be my woman, and I will definitely keep you forever!”

Alice slowly stopped sobbing, turned her head to look at Esther, and after staring at each other, Alice wanted to jump into Esther’s arms again.

But after knowing that this was the reality, Alice still restrained herself. After relieving for a while, Alice blinked at Esther and said:”Then…then can you go to my dad and tell him that you are going to marry me!”

“Tell your father that I want to marry you, of course! But will you marry me?”

“”Yes, yes, I am very willing!”

Of course, facing Esther, Alice’s restraint could not be restrained for a while. When she heard that Esther was willing to marry her, Alice rushed up and hugged Esther’s neck.

Cinderella, who was behind Esther, saw the two hugging each other and smiled with relief:”Another sister!”

But Little Red Riding Hood’s face turned red, and she grabbed the clothes in front of her nervously.

Cinderella saw the abnormality of Little Red Riding Hood, and remembered that Lord Esther was also going to do it, so she approached Little Red Riding Hood to ask a question.

“Little Red Riding Hood, what’s wrong with you?”

Little Red Riding Hood instantly shifted her gaze away from Esther and Alice, and shyly answered Cinderella:”I…I, nothing!”

Cinderella smiled and moved closer to Little Red Riding Hood:”Do you also want Lord Esther to hug you?”

“”Ah? Me?…I want to…No, no, no!” The blush on Little Red Riding Hood’s face spread a little.

Seeing Little Red Riding Hood’s shyness, Cinderella understood her feelings a little, and now they just had to wait for the right time.

After the excited hug, Alice noticed two beautiful sisters in the distance, blushed, shyly let go of Esther and asked,”Mr. Esther, who are those two sisters?”[]

“Oh, they are my maids, so to speak.……”

Esther turned her head and took a look. Cinderella immediately waved happily to say hello, but Little Red Riding Hood was still shy.

“.I guess she is your sister!”

“Maid sister?” Alice also raised her hand slightly to respond to Cinderella, and then leaned close to Esther’s ear and asked in a low voice:”Will maid sister teach me how to do it with you in the future?”

“Hahaha!” Esther couldn’t help laughing:”I guess it’s impossible to teach you, but you can explore with them!”

“”Huh?” Alice opened her mouth in a silly way.

“Come on, I’ll take you to meet them.”

Esther pulled Alice up and walked towards Cinderella and the others.

When Little Red Riding Hood saw Esther approaching, she immediately took a deep breath and adjusted her chaotic thoughts.

“This is Cinderella!”

“Hello, Sister Cinderella!” Alice bowed politely.

“This is Little Red Riding Hood!”

“Hello…big!” As Alice bowed her head, she caught a glimpse of Little Red Riding Hood’s surging waves and was stunned for a moment:”Sister Big Red Riding Hood!”

“I… My name is Little Red Riding Hood!” Little Red Riding Hood corrected softly

“Oh, oh, sorry Little Red Riding Hood sister!”

“Her name is Alice, and she should be considered a spiritual illusionist!”Aise introduced Alice to the two maids.

“I actually don’t know what a psychic is! Just treat me as a younger sister!”

“Actually, we are of similar age. Alice, you don’t have to be so reserved. You can just call us by our names!”

Although Cinderella was not much older than the two, she was the first to come to Esther, so she had a little older sister demeanor at this moment.

Alice nodded, and seeing that the two were Esther’s personal maids, she quickly became familiar with them.

“By the way, Alice, you asked me to find your father. Where is your home?”

“My home?” Alice looked around. The surrounding environment was chaotic and Alice couldn’t tell the direction:”I… seem to have forgotten where I came from!”

Seeing this, Esther took out a map and unfolded it to Alice:”Then do you remember where you are on the map?”

After seeing the map, Alice excitedly pointed to the hat icon:”Here, my home is here!”

Esther glanced at the place Alice pointed to: the Dukedom, it’s quite on the way to the main country!

“OK, then go to (Nuo Zhao’s) place, meet your father, and get things done!”

Aise snapped his fingers and called Shengma over.

“Now there is only one horse, you can go into the storage space together!

Now the space has been upgraded, you can also see me in a special state inside, and you can talk to me!”

“Really?”Cinderella, who was just worried about not being able to see Esther for a while, is now excited again.

“Come on!”As soon as Esther stretched out his hand, Cinderella immediately followed, and Little Red Riding Hood was also fast. The two entered the storage space together.

After a moment, Esther used his consciousness to open the soul state for Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood.

“”Lord Esther, I can see you now!” Cinderella always loves to be close to Esther.

Even though she is in the spirit state and has no sense of contact, she immediately sticks to Esther.

Little Red Riding Hood is also infected and starts to stick close to Esther.

“Alice, come on!” Esther also stretched out her hand to Alice.

“Is it a magic space?”Alice raised her hand slightly and asked curiously.

“Yes, my two sisters are by my side in a special state right now!”

Alice took Esther’s hand, but immediately said:”Mr. Esther, I…I want to ride a horse with you, okay? I…I want to hug you!”

Alice is not Esther’s maid, so compared to Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood, Alice is a little bolder and would like to get closer to Esther.

Esther smiled and replied:”Sure! I can bring one more!”

Esther took Alice to the side of the holy horse, hugged Alice intimately and sent her to the horse.

Cinderella saw this and floated to Little Red Riding Hood with a smile:”Little Red Riding Hood, you have to be as bold as Alice!”

“”Ah? I…I!” Little Red Riding Hood lowered her head shyly again.

With two maids floating beside her and his wife hugging him tightly, Esther rode as fast as he could towards Alice’s house.

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