Esther pulled Alice, stopped, drew out the holy spear and began to be on guard.

A moment later, a bunch of playing cards holding spears appeared in front of Esther and Alice.

Alice saw the sharp spears and subconsciously said,”It’s so sharp! It’s too dangerous!”

“Alice! Get ready!”Aesther turned the holy spear, mobilizing energy, ready to go.

“”Okay! Poker cards, throw away your spears and lie down!”

Alice quickly gave orders to the poker guards.

The two poker cards running in the front, although they executed slowly, still threw away their spears and lay down.

But the poker cards behind them did not respond at all.

“The ones in front all fell down, and the ones behind were silent. Did it fail?”

At this time, Esther heard Alice’s stomach growling.

“Oh my god, it can’t be what I thought! It’s inactivated by the acidic environment and is useless!

Forget it, I’ll explore this matter in depth later!”

Esther didn’t have time to think about it, and pulled Alice behind him, ready to start fighting.

At this time, the captain of the poker guards rushed up from the back:”Sir, Miss Alice, please don’t do it!”

After hearing the shout, Esther still held the gun, but did not pull the trigger for the time being.

“Oh, dear sir and Miss Alice, we are here to invite you to the palace on the orders of the Queen of Hearts!”

“The Queen of Hearts? Inviting us to the palace?”

Aise looked at the mighty guard team behind the captain of the poker guard and said cautiously

“Invitation, why did you bring so many… playing cards? Landlord?”

“Fight… Landlord?”

The captain of the poker guard and Alice looked at Esther in confusion.

“Sir, what is Landlord?”

“Oh!” Esther reacted immediately:”I remember now, there is no landlord here.

I just want to ask why you brought so many people here? Isn’t it an invitation?”

“Oh, that’s because there are often some strange insects and flowers here, as well as other monsters.

I brought so many guards here to protect you and Miss Alice!”

The captain of the poker guards followed the instructions of the Queen of Hearts: Do not use force to avoid angering the two.

Esther looked at the poker team again and thought: The palace, this is also a place Alice has never been to.

So many poker guards did not take forceful action, they should be afraid of me or Alice!

Anyway, now I have mastered the method to restore Alice’s mental illusion.

Might as well go and see what the Queen of Hearts is up to.

After thinking for a moment, in order to find a way to leave this realm, Esther accepted the invitation of the captain of the guard.

Pulling Alice to follow the captain of the guard to the mysterious palace.

On the way forward, Esther saw the faces and expressions of several poker cards in the poker guard team, some of which looked like the knights hanging under the canopy of the big tree before. Esther kept a watchful eye on this.

After walking for a long distance, Esther followed the captain of the poker guard to the palace.

To Esther’s surprise, the palace here was not as solemn as he had imagined.

“Mr. Esther, Miss Alice, please follow me. The Queen of Hearts is waiting for you in the palace hall!”

Having arrived at the palace, the captain of the guards was still respectful and polite.

Esther also relaxed his vigilance a little.

Before entering the palace hall, Esther heard a noisy sound.

After entering the palace hall, there were all kinds of animals and some strange living objects on both sides.

“It’s so lively!” Innocent Alice looked around curiously.

“Oh, it’s those two humans. They are the ones to be judged today!”The coat rack and the brown rabbit in the tree house are also

“I’ve said it before, if someone is targeted by a Cheshire Cat, he must be someone special!”The brown rabbit still looked calm.

“Please go up! Both of you!”

Aither pulled Alice to the two seats in the center of the hall.

After Aisser and Alice took their seats, the red-haired queen on the throne put down her hands supporting her face and slowly sat up.

“Alice, and you……”The Queen of Hearts looked at Esther

“”Esther!” Esther introduced herself.

The Queen of Hearts nodded and continued,”Alice and Esther, the two of you are running around and fighting in my country. Do you know your crime?”

“What crime?” Esther asked back.

“You disturbed the rest of the guardian beast from another world.”

Guardian beast from another world, as expected! That griffin is guarding the place to leave this place.

After Esther grasped the key information said by the Queen of Hearts, she began to refute:”Guardian beast, that griffin, right! When we saw it, it was flying in the sky!”

Hearing Esther’s rebuttal, the Queen of Hearts began to list other charges:”You also picked the buds of the aphrodisiac mother flower, disturbing the mating and reproduction of thousands of insects! And burned many insects to death!”

It turned out to be an aphrodisiac flower! No wonder Alice ran over to show her cherry mouth after holding the flower bud and smelling it.

“What kind of love flower are you talking about? There is no notice, how should I know!

As for the insects that were burned to death! I just lit a fire and they came over. I thought they liked it!”

“You are such a talkative person. Whether he is guilty or not is not up to you to decide. Let everyone else have their say!”

The Queen of Hearts waved her hand to let the audience in the palace hall express their opinions

“Without the notice, it is indeed easy to mistakenly enter the aphrodisiac flower forest!”The brown rabbit said this to Esther.

But soon other animals came out to refute:”They killed many lives, they are guilty!”

In an instant, the whole palace hall was in chaos.

The Queen of Hearts let everyone quarrel for a while, then waved her red sleeves, and the hall instantly became quiet.

“Look, more people think you are guilty!”

When Esther saw the Queen of Hearts waving her sleeves, she vaguely felt that there was a supernatural power emanating from her.

The audience around her did not seem to shut up because of the pressure from the Queen of Hearts, but seemed to be forcibly controlled to be quiet.

Esther looked at the Queen of Hearts and smiled:”Okay, Queen, since we are guilty, exile us from your country!”

The Queen of Hearts looked at Esther and smiled:”In my country, all guilty people must be punished!”

“”Then I’m sorry, Queen!” Esther stood up and drew his gun as quickly as possible.

The Queen of Hearts also straightened up instantly, waved her sleeves with both hands, and exuded mental power.

This was after Esther awakened the system, and he felt the dizziness again when he smelled the soul-enchanting candle in Viscount Carl’s mansion.

But it was just a dizziness, and there was no phenomenon of losing control of the limbs.

However, after Esther fired a shot, the wooden board under his feet was instantly emptied, and he fell down with Alice.

The bullet only hit the sleeve of the Queen of Hearts.

Such an unexpected situation happened, but the hall was silent.

The audience who were still active in the discussion just now suddenly became dull and stagnant.

The Queen of Hearts waved her hand, and all the audience left the palace hall stiffly like dead bodies.

The Queen of Hearts looked at the hole in her sleeve that was pierced by the bullet, sighed and said:”This man named Esther, even in this palace hall-my domain, I can’t control him.” (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Is he also a high-level psychic illusionist?”The Cheshire Cat jumped out from the corner.

“He is not, I don’t sense the existence of mental power in him!”

The Cheshire Cat kicked his legs and jumped onto the armrest of the throne. He shook his head and said,”He is not a mental illusionist, but he can be in the mental realm, not controlled by high-level mental illusionists, and can control the fire element. The weapon in his hand is also strange. Could he be a great elementalist who surpasses high-level elementalists?”

“Impossible. If humans want to learn elemental abilities, even those with extremely high talent will have white hair when they become high-level elementalists!

He looks too young!”

“Didn’t the human domain have a great elementalist?”

The Queen of Hearts looked at the Cheshire Cat and thought for a moment:”She? She’s not from the human domain! And wasn’t she dead a long time ago?”

“That’s right.” The Cheshire Cat wrapped its tail around its body:”I hope the dungeon can trap this human!”

“The dungeon is made of spiritual rune stones, and basically no abilities other than spiritual power can be used.

As for Alice, with the restrictions I gave her before, her spiritual power can’t be used in this palace dungeon!

Then send more poker guards to guard it, and they should be trapped for a while!”

“We still have to think of other ways as soon as possible. I always feel that this man is not simple!”

The Queen of Hearts tapped her temples with worried fingers, thinking about countermeasures…

In the dungeon, Esther and Alice, who had recovered, were also thinking about how to get out.

When Esther tried to summon the Holy Lance and prepare to break the prison by force, he found that it was very difficult to draw out the Holy Lance, let alone use the power of the Holy Lance.

Esther stepped forward and touched the stone door of the dungeon to check the situation.

“Mr. Esther, do you see any problem?”

“Judging from her fight with the Queen of Hearts in the palace, she is also a powerful spiritual illusionist.[]

In this cell, I get a headache every time I pick up the Holy Lance. I guess this cell has its own mental suppression!”

Alice looked at the environment of the cell. Except for a flat window at the door, everything else was tightly closed.

“So we can never get out? Mr. Esther!”

Although the situation was bad, Alice didn’t look panicked because Esther was always by her side.

“It’s not possible to never get out!” Esther saw the patrolling poker cards through the window:”Just because I can’t use my powers doesn’t mean you can’t!”

“Me? Can I help you, Mr. Esther?”

Hearing that she could help, Alice excitedly stood up from the stone bed.

“Of course!”

Esther pushed up the stone slab of the window, turned around and pulled Alice back to sit on the stone bed:”Do you remember that when you first saw the poker guards, you ordered them to lie down!”

Alice nodded:”But only two of them lay down, and they stood up quickly.”

“Yes, the control ability was restored because you ate my stuff.

The reason why it lost its effect again was probably because my stuff was deactivated in your stomach!”

“Ah? Mr. Esther wants me to do it again?” Alice’s eyes widened, her hands clenched into fists and clasped them together nervously, not daring to look at Esther.

“No, that would last too short a time to support us escaping the dungeon.

I have a place that stays active longer!” Esther had originally planned to use it to tease Alice later, but now she had to use it in advance.

“A long time ago? Where is that place?”Alice turned her head slightly and began to peek at Esther.


Alice blinked curiously and finally turned her head:”What is that place?”

Esther leaned close to Alice’s ear and explained the process to her.

Alice’s face became visibly red, and it spread to her ears.

“Oh, Mr. Esther, this is not possible!……”Alice moved her body and sat further away:”No! This can only be done after marriage!

You… you are the man I fully expect, and I… I like you very much too!

But… but, I haven’t grown up yet.……”

When Alice looked down and saw her protruding breasts, she suddenly remembered that she was in a dream.

“Hey, this is a dream, I have grown up!”

“Alice, since you like me, I will not abandon you! When we get out………”

“Mr. Esther!”Before Esther finished speaking, Alice turned around and interrupted him.

“This is a dream, right!”

“Forehead……”Esther looked at Alice’s move to move closer and seemed to be ready to criticize her:”I can’t tell where this place is exactly. You’ve been here a long time before me, so you should know it better than me.”

Alice grabbed her skirt and moved closer to Esther:”If this is a dream, I’m grown up now. It’s just an experience in a dream, not real. I’m willing… willing too!”

Alice’s breathing was rapid, her heartbeat accelerated, and after a long pause she finally said:”I’m willing to be Mr. Esther too……!”

The atmosphere was right, and Esther took advantage of the situation to hug Alice and let her get close to him, step by step

“Alice, I promise this is a very comfortable experience!”

At such a close distance, Alice’s breathing became more rapid, and she stared at Esther with her eyes wide open.

Even when they were kissing, Alice didn’t close her eyes.

“Why are you looking at me? Alice!”

Alice pursed her lips, tenderly accepted Esther’s kiss, and slowly said:”I like Mr. Esther so much, I want to remember Mr. Esther’s face clearly.

When I wake up from the dream, I must find Mr. Esther and stay with him forever!”

Alice raised her head and kissed Esther, and her hands began to untie her dress.

Esther quickly grabbed Alice’s little hand

“”What are you doing? Alice!”

Alice looked at Esther in confusion:”Don’t you have to take off your clothes to do this?”

Esther smiled and gently stroked Alice’s face.”That depends on the location! The situation here is special, you can’t be too exposed! Cover it with your skirt!””

“” Okay!” Alice was confused for a moment, but still did as she was told. Suddenly, Alice felt something was wrong with the white lace.

Because Alice had behaved inappropriately in the flower forest and in the cave before.

Alice hesitated for a moment and took off the white lace:”This will give Mr. Esther a better experience!”

Alice felt it was inappropriate to hold it in her hand, as she would have to hug Mr. Esther later, so she gently put it in Esther’s pocket.

After putting it away, Alice gently lifted up the lace skirt and slowly approached Esther… then…

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