“”Hmm~what is that!” Alice slowly raised her head, thinking that she had fallen on a piece of grass and hit something like a stick.

But when Alice stood up, she was stunned.

Little red flowers suddenly bloomed on Alice’s cheeks. She had just fallen on Esther.

Alice’s mind became active.

She just smelled a very comfortable smell.

What is it? Mr. Esther’s?

Alice seemed to know nothing about the structure of men and could only imagine it out of thin air.

“Alice? Alice!”

Esther called out several times before Alice came back to her senses.

“Oh? I don’t……!”

“You don’t what?” Esther looked at Alice in confusion.

Alice stared at Esther’s crotch one last time, then immediately looked away and looked at the surrounding scenery.

“I…it’s nothing, I just feel a little dizzy!”

“Is it okay?”

Alice shook her head and slowly stood up:”Just take a rest!”

Esther also stood up neatly and observed the surrounding environment

“Have you been here before?”

Alice took two steps, looked carefully, and then immediately said excitedly:”I haven’t been here before! Wow! It’s a new place.

Great, I can explore new places with Mr. Esther!”

Coming to a place she had never been to before, Alice was extremely excited, and the attack of the vines in the black hole just now was completely forgotten.

It seemed that Alice felt that this was at most an adventurous dream, and there was no danger to her life at all.

And Esther clearly felt from the fight just now that the vines had energy changes.

This place is very likely not a dream, but a foreign world full of strange energy, and this strange energy will also suppress her mentally.

After the bombardment of the bomb just now, her brain is still aching.

But this is a place Alice has never been to, and it is very likely a secret place.

So Esther took Alice and continued to move forward.

But before they took two steps, a huge black shadow passed over their heads.

“Eh? Are they dark clouds?”Alice looked up at the sky curiously.

Esther also looked up and saw a huge black griffin circling above her head.

The two took two steps forward, and the griffin seemed to have the intention to attack and began to approach Esther and Alice.

Esther saw the griffin flapping its wings, which looked very much like the brown rabbit imitating it.

“This is what it is! It has an eagle’s head, a lion’s body, and big wings. Is it an animal?”

Esther looked at Alice, who was not very scared, and said,”Alice, can you tell it to go away?””

“I’ll try!” Alice waved at the griffin flying in the air:”Big monster, go away!”

After a moment, the distance between the griffin and Esther was still shortening.

“It doesn’t seem to work! Mr. Esther!”

“I see!”

Esther pulled Alice and started running wildly, then drew out the holy spear and fired several shots at the griffin.

Because his head was still dizzy and the griffin was very flexible.

Esther’s bullets missed and failed to trigger the bloodthirsty characteristics and restore energy.

At this moment, he was not in a good state. He was not 100% sure that he could defeat the intermediate monster like the griffin by pulling Alice, so he temporarily gave up the counterattack and ran wildly in the densely wooded forest with Alice.

The griffin was also reckless and rushed directly into the forest, breaking trees to chase Esther and Alice.

“Ah… So exciting! Mr. Esther, this is the most exciting dream I have ever had!”

Alice cheered like a little madman, not showing any fear at all.

Esther pulled Alice, ran left and right, ran out of the woods, and broke into a dense grass.

The height of the grass was as high as Esther.

Esther didn’t care about the abnormally high grass now, just ran all the way with Alice.

After running in the grass for a while, the griffin seemed to stop chasing, and flapped its wings to return to the forest area.

After confirming that the griffin was not chasing, Esther slowed down and stopped.

Alice supported her thighs with both hands, panting.

Esther reached out and touched the golden hair that Alice had scattered on her face:”Is it still exciting now? Alice!”

Alice slowly propped herself up and looked at Esther with a smile:”Exciting… I’m happy to be with Mr. Esther!”

Esther smiled at the innocent and lively Alice in front of him, and helped Alice to sort out the last strand of golden hair.

“Let’s go! Keep going!”

Alice nodded quickly and followed Esther happily.

Looking up at Esther’s broad back, Alice suddenly had some random thoughts: Hmm, I want to smell Mr. Esther’s special thing again.

It smells weird, but I really want to smell it. I wonder what it tastes like…

Just as Alice was daydreaming, Esther suddenly stopped. The imaginary Alice didn’t notice and bumped into Esther’s back.

“What’s wrong? Mr. Esther, why did you stop?”

“There are so many flowers!”

Alice shook her head, suppressed her chaotic thoughts, walked around to Esther, and then saw flowers that were taller than people.

“”Wow! How beautiful!” Alice looked up at the huge flower and exclaimed

“Some of the plants here are ridiculously large! Alice held me, I’m afraid something big will pop up later!”

As soon as Esther stretched out his hand, Alice couldn’t wait to pull it:”Thank you Mr. Esther for protecting me!”

After holding Esther’s hand, Alice didn’t know why, but the random thoughts in her mind were about to be suppressed.

She really wanted to know what Mr. Esther looked like there.

But at this time, a sudden movement in the flowers distracted Alice’s attention.

Esther pulled Alice to slow down her pace and gently pushed aside a few flowers.

The scene that they saw next stunned Esther and Alice at the same time.

They saw a huge grasshopper about 30 centimeters long, and its tail was docking with the tail of the grasshopper under it.

Esther gently let go of the flower, slowly stepped back, and quietly left with Alice.

“”Ai Se, what are those bugs doing?” Alice asked curiously with her eyes wide open.

“They are doing the happiest thing in their lives!”

“What is the happiest thing?” Alice insisted on asking

“It’s all about reproduction and mating!”

“Wow! Is that fun? Alice blinked and stole a glance at Esther’s crotch.

“Happiness, of course……”

Before Esther finished speaking, he saw a pair of half-human-sized frogs playing stacking games next to a puddle not far away.

“Mr. Esther!” Alice lowered her voice and pointed in the direction of the frogs:”Big frogs! Are they breeding too?”

Esther nodded and said:”This frog is so damn big! One is enough to make twenty pots of spicy frogs!”

Esther led Alice forward and saw many giant creatures engaging in intense mating.

“Damn, I said this must be a different world! I clearly remember that it was autumn before and winter was coming!

The smell of spring is too strong here! It’s all breeding!”

After sighing for a while, Esther found that the lively Alice hadn’t spoken for a long time, so he turned his head to look at Alice.

At this time, Alice’s face was flushed, her breathing was rapid, and her other little hand was clenched into a fist.

Esther smiled, this was also embarrassing for Alice who was still a virgin.

“Alice, are you okay?”

“”Ah? Ah…ah, no…me!” Alice called out three times, not knowing what to say.

Her eyes wandered around, and she saw a relatively small flower bud in the distance, and quickly changed the subject.

“Hey, Mr. Esther, that flower bud is so beautiful, I like it so much! Can you help me pick it? Thank you!”

Esther looked at the half-man-high flower bud in the distance and replied:”Okay, then wait for me, I’ll pick it for you!”

When Esther let go of Alice’s hand and walked forward,

Alice’s body trembled slightly for a moment. She immediately closed her legs and raised her hand to press the center of her skirt.

After a moment, Alice moaned and let out a long sigh, and her body felt better.

When Esther was pulling the flower bud, she found that the flower stem of this flower bud was particularly tough, and it took a lot of effort to tear it off.

The violent movement caused the flowers in front of Esther to shake open a little, and the picture coming through the gap shocked Esther.

Behind this bush, there were densely packed with all kinds of strange giant insects that were reproducing.

And Esther’s action of picking flowers seemed to have alarmed these insects.

Many insects turned their heads to look in the direction of Esther, and the wings behind them began to vibrate.

“Mr. Esther, what’s the matter? If the bud is difficult to take, I don’t want it!”

“”Alice, here, take the flower bud and run first!” Esther handed the flower bud to Alice.

Alice was also very obedient. After taking the flower bud, she started running.

But before she ran far, a huge green grasshopper flapped its wings and flew into the air.

Esther quickly drew out the holy spear and shot the giant grasshopper that rushed up, and disgusting green juice splashed everywhere.

Esther also took this opportunity to chase Alice, but there were more and more flying insects behind them.

The two ran all the way out of the flower area, but the group of flying insects still chased them.

“Damn, these insects are so angry because their mating is interrupted? They are still chasing!

When I recover, I will burn all the flowers for you. Don’t mate anymore!”

Aise observed the surrounding environment and found a cave.

“Alice, run to the cave!”

“”Okay, Mr. Esther!”

I have to say that Alice’s physical strength is really good. She can run so far with Esther holding her skirt.

After Alice rushed into the cave, Esther fired several shots at the top of the cave, and countless boulders began to roll down.

Before Esther completely closed the cave entrance with the boulders, he hid in the cave with a flexible maneuver.

The rolling boulders completely blocked the cave entrance, and the chasing flying insects were intercepted outside.

Esther vigilantly observed the situation outside the cave through the gap, and after confirming that it was safe, Alice kept looking at Esther’s crotch with eager eyes.……



Thanks to p1287..、If you don’t do it, there are plenty of people who will support you with monthly tickets.

Thank you for the reward support from Canteen Spicy Sauce. World.

Thank you for all the data support along the way.

This book will be on the shelves tonight, and I hope to get a good first order data!

After the release, I will immediately start writing and updating, and the excitement will remain the same, fully satisfying the needs of the readers!

Finally, thank you again for your support!

Please, please, please get a first order data!

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