After several days of investigation and statistics, the werewolf incident was finally completely over.

Before leaving, Esther came to the shop of the little girl selling matches again.

At this time, the business of the shop had improved.

Due to Esther’s reputation in the town, the previous help to Mary was also spread secretly.

Everyone speculated about the relationship between Mary and Esther.

Some said they were siblings, some said they were husband and wife, and some said Esther was the supporter behind the candle shop.

But no matter what the speculation was, everyone agreed that Esther and the candle shop were related.

So out of gratitude or respect, or some officials wanted to get close to them, everyone came to take care of Mary’s business.

Although some people bought candles with impure intentions to please Esther, this also gave the candle shop a kind of protection invisibly.

Esther came to the door of the candle shop and watched Mary busy with the two girls.

Mary would donate part of the money she earned to the children’s welfare home, so when she was busy, some slightly older girls would spontaneously come to the store to help Mary.

A little girl was busy at the store entrance when she saw Esther.

She stared at Esther for a long time and then exclaimed,”You are the exorcist!”

Esther smiled and asked,”How do you know me?”

“Sister Mary drew a picture of you in the welfare home, and also told the story of how you exorcised the candle demon and the werewolf!”

After the little girl finished speaking excitedly, she skipped into the store:”Sister Mary, the boss is here, the boss is here!”

After placing the candles, Mary tapped the little girl’s forehead:”Aren’t I the boss? What boss is here?”

The little girl smiled and shook her head:”No, Sister Mary is the boss’s wife, he is the boss!”

Mary looked in the direction of the little girl’s finger and saw the face she missed day and night.

The sister who was taking care of the overall situation just now, now blushed like a little girl.

“Hey, Sister Mary is blushing. Is it because she saw the Exorcist?”

“Of course! I blush when I see someone I like!”Another little girl also echoed

“Where did you two learn this every day?” Mary turned around and took two bags of candy and handed them to the two little girls.

“Well, thank you two for today. Take the candies back and share them with your brothers and sisters! I will come to see you when I am free!”

The sisters who received the candies were immediately happy.

“Thank you, sister! I wish you a happy date!”

Mary stamped her feet in shame

“You two naughty kids! Watch your way!”

After the two little girls ran out of the store, Esther went in.

“What lovely little girls they are!”

Seeing Esther coming, Mary straightened her collar, tugged at the hem of her skirt, and straightened her manners.

“They are both talking nonsense, don’t take it seriously!”

“It’s okay, children speak without restraint!”

Esther looked back at the two lively little girls and said,”It seems that life in the welfare home has improved!

The children are much more energetic than the first time I saw them!”

“That’s all thanks to you!”

“Me?” A puzzled look appeared on Esther’s face.”I have never donated money to the welfare home.

But I heard that you donated most of your earnings!

They should be thanking you!”

“I have extra money to donate, it’s all thanks to you!

You helped me own this candle shop.

You solved the werewolf case and made the priest’s crime public.

Customers are coming back.

And I know many customers come to my shop to buy candles because of you!

Thanks to you, the officials know that I help the children’s welfare home.

They also started to pay attention to the welfare home and sent people to repair the dilapidated places in the welfare home!”

“It turns out that I have influenced so many things invisibly!”

“Yes! So you are the good man behind the scenes!”

Mary joked with Esther happily, her eyes never leaving Esther’s face:”By the way, Lord Esther, what do you want to see me about today?”

“It’s okay, I just came to see you and say goodbye to you!”

Esther originally wanted to take Mary with him.

But seeing that Mary’s life here was already orderly and stable, and Mary didn’t have the disturbing magic like Cinderella, or the wolf form like Little Red Riding Hood,

Esther finally thought that it was best for Mary to continue living in this town.

When Mary heard that Esther was here to say goodbye, the smile on her face disappeared immediately.

“Lord Ayse, are you leaving?”

“Yes, I have cleared all the demons and monsters in the town!

But there are still some things waiting for me to deal with, I have to leave for a while!”

Mary’s little hands began to pull up her skirt unconsciously, as if she was making some decision.

“Mary? What’s wrong with you?”

Mary came back to her senses, looked at Esther’s face and forced a smile again:”It’s okay, Master Esther, please wait a moment!”

Mary hurried to the door of the store, hung up a sign to stop business, and then closed the door.

“Your business is so good now, isn’t it a pity to close the shop in the afternoon?”

Mary turned around and looked at Esther with a smile:”Money can be made at any time, today I will treat you well, Lord Esther!”

Mary walked out of the back door with Esther and went to her resting place……

“I’ll make noodles for you today! But we have fresh meat today, so we can make meat sauce, and we also have some wine!”

Mary happily shook the wine for Esther, as if the bottle of wine had been prepared long ago, just waiting for Esther to come.

Esther leaned against the door frame and watched Mary busy in the kitchen. Her charming buttocks always made Esther look at her twice more.

“Master Esther, you can sit down and rest for a while, it will be ready soon!

Esther’s eyes moved from her hips to Mary’s slender waist.

“It’s okay, I like looking at you, I want to see you more!”

Mary was stunned for a moment, the corners of her mouth rose, and she continued to be busy.


“It’s delicious!”

Mary happily picked up two plates of spaghetti bolognese, and Esther was not idle either, helping to get other tableware.

When they came to the dining table, Mary poured some good wine. They started eating and clinked glasses comfortably.

Mary obviously had never drunk alcohol before, and she took a big sip and choked.

Esther took out a tissue and wiped Mary’s mouth considerately:”Silly girl, you can’t drink so quickly!”

I don’t know if it was Esther’s intimate action or the alcohol, Mary’s face turned red all of a sudden.

“Thank you, Master Esther!” Mary breathed quickly and bit her lips gently:”You are really a perfect man!”

Due to shyness, Mary only said a relatively neutral rhetorical word

“You are perfect too! Pretty and kind!” Esther tasted a mouthful of spaghetti bolognese and said:”You are also a good cook and have a great figure! If I get married in the future, I will definitely……”

“Ah!”Mary was startled when she heard the word”marry”. Her thigh knocked over the table leg and accidentally knocked over Esther’s wine glass, spilling the wine on Esther’s pants.

“”I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Master Esther! I’ll go get a towel!”

Mary stood up in a panic, and staggered back and forth between the stool and the table.

She was unstable and sat down again, just touching Esther’s side.

Her butt sat directly in Esther’s arms, and the position was just right.

“”Mmm~” Mary relived the feeling of the wet night.

Oh! Yeah!

For Esther, these two classic words can always perfectly describe the feeling of this round and perky buttocks.

Although Mary also enjoyed this full feeling, she didn’t know what Esther was thinking.

So she didn’t dare to say the words she prepared in her heart.

“”I’m sorry, Master Esther!”

After staying for a while, Mary was reluctant to get up.

But just this short stay also allowed Esther to successfully see through Mary’s mind.

As soon as the buttocks were halfway out, Esther reached out and hugged Mary’s lower abdomen, letting Mary sit down again.

“”Lord Esther, what are you doing?”

Esther did not answer, but hugged Mary’s neck tightly.

After a moment of silence,

Mary finally spoke first, intending to tell her thoughts.

“Master Esther, people outside say that you are the boss and I am the boss’s wife.……”

Esther’s mouth curled up. Hearing this, he knew that he could have sex soon.

“Didn’t you tell me that they were talking nonsense and asked me not to take it seriously?”

“Yes… that’s it… but, but!” Mary was a little panicked when she heard Esther say this, and she twisted her body from side to side.

“But what?”

Mary was silent for a moment, lowered her head and said shyly:”But I care a lot!”

“What do you care about?”

Esther gradually induced Mary to tell him her true thoughts.

“Care… Care…”

Mary still didn’t dare to say it directly, so she used other things to replace it implicitly:”I care whether you want this store and whether you want to be the boss!”

“I don’t want this store much!”

When Esther said this, Mary’s expression suddenly became lost.

“”Oh, I know!” She began to stand up slowly.

But Esther pulled Mary down again and whispered in Mary’s ear:

“But, Madam Boss, I really want it!”


Mary’s face instantly flushed with joy.

“Lord Aesir, are you telling the truth?”

“Of course, I’ve been thinking about your small, oh not big butt for a long time!”

Esther said while giving a physiological certification.

Mary felt the change, and the expression on her face suddenly became comfortable:”Here it comes, the feeling of that night!”

“That night?” Esther smiled, tilted his head and looked into Mary’s eyes and said,”So you know what happened that night?”

“Ah? You didn’t fall asleep that night?”

Mary’s eyes bulged, her face became hot, and her hands began to move unnaturally.

“How can I sleep with such a great figure like you! You made it so hard for me that night!”

Mary was even happier after hearing what Esther said:”Lord Esther, do you really like my butt so much?”

“Haven’t you already felt my answer?”

Esther shook his legs upward.

“Ah!” Mary bit her lip and turned to look at Esther:”Then I’ll give it to you tonight!”

“And Xiaopi!”

Mary turned her head away shyly and nodded coquettishly:”All for you!”

Then, Esther used his waist strength to stand up, hugged Mary and walked towards the bedroom……



Thanks to Star Wish, Ai Li Di Yi, and Hua Xia San Fen Xue for their monthly ticket support.

Thanks to all the readers for their flowers, comments, and other data!

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