“I……”Little Red Riding Hood looked at Esther’s reliable face again, raised her hand and took another sip of water, and began to slowly tell her story with Grandma Wolf.

“Four years ago, I lived with my parents in a small wooden house in the mountains.

Suddenly one day, a middle-aged woman came and said she was fleeing here and asked for some food from our family.

My mother felt sorry for her and took her in at home.

At that time, our family was not rich, so we could only treat her with some vegetables, but she didn’t seem to like them!

A few days later, our chickens suddenly disappeared!

My father said that they might have been stolen by wild animals nearby, so he planned to go to the town to buy a shotgun for defense!

On the night my father left, I heard some strange noises in the middle of the night. I went out and saw a huge black shadow stealing our chickens!

I hurriedly called my mother, but soon, the black shadow rushed into the house!

My mother pulled me to escape through the window, but as soon as I climbed out of the window, she was dragged back by the black shadow.

I was so scared at the time, and my mother shouted loudly for me to find my father!

I could only run towards the market.

I ran desperately, but I was too thin at that time, and I was exhausted after running for a while!

Fortunately, my father came back in time. After I told him what happened, my father hid me in a small tree hole! Then my father ran home with a shotgun!

I hid in the tree hole and waited for my father to pick me up.

But in the end, it was an old lady.

The old lady led me out of the tree hole, and when I returned home, a group of guards had surrounded me.

The guards told me that they only found a lot of blood and did not see my parents.

They told me that my parents were probably eaten by wild beasts!

Later, this old lady adopted me, that is, the grandmother behind!

Grandma was afraid that I would be sad if I stayed in the original place, so she took me away!”

Aise sorted out the key points of what Little Red Riding Hood said:”Middle-aged woman, old lady, I see that they are both the same person, that black shadow.

That black shadow is also a werewolf, and your parents were eaten by this werewolf!

As for why she didn’t eat you when she found you, it might be because she was full.

And you are too thin and small, not enough for her to fill her teeth, so she plans to raise you again!

Why didn’t she eat you later?”

Little Red Riding Hood shook her head:”I don’t know! Later, some men would look at us and say they wanted to help us build a house!

But after we had chosen a spot in the forest, when I turned around to pick up branches and fetch water, those men disappeared!

My grandmother said they were not sincere, so I kept wandering with my grandmother!”

“Oh!” Esther also nodded in sudden realization:”It’s not sincere, but it sinks into the stomach, sinks into the stomach!”

“Huh? Are you saying that grandma ate them all?”

“That’s why she didn’t eat you. She was using you to catch food!

It makes sense to eat one and move to another place to avoid being caught. But why did you end up settling in this forest?”

“The decision to settle down was made by my grandmother after she took me to a strange forest more than three years ago!”

The key clue came, and Esther also concentrated and asked carefully:”How strange is it?”

“That’s what I think, maybe it’s not too weird.

The animals I saw there seemed to have human thoughts!

When they saw me and my grandmother, they didn’t make a fuss or run away, but just watched from a distance!

Later I saw a rabbit wearing clothes!”

Little Red Riding Hood became excited as she spoke:”But this may be because I’m hungry and my eyes are dazzled!

Later, my grandmother and I walked to a very big tree, and the tree was full of white flowers.

I kept looking at the white flowers, maybe because I was too hungry, I fainted after looking at it for a while!

After I woke up, my grandmother told me that we should find a place to settle down!

Then we came here. Grandma said that this forest is big, and there are many wolves and animals!

Later, my grandmother and I worked hard to build a house. At that time, I said that my grandmother was very strong. It turned out that she was a werewolf!”

Little Red Riding Hood is now scared when she thinks back

“Little Red Riding Hood, does your wolf grandmother usually give you food or teach you? Anyway, it’s a strange thing that has been going on for a long time, right?”

Little Red Riding Hood simply thought about it and immediately answered Esther:”Yes, my grandmother would let me drink a bowl of strange red soup every day, and it tasted strange!

She said that I was too thin, and drinking this soup could help me supplement my nutrition!

Well, after drinking it, my body did slowly become better.……”

Little Red Riding Hood looked down at her breasts and said,”It’s getting better!”

Cinderella tilted her head and looked at Little Red Riding Hood’s breasts in confusion, and asked curiously,”What kind of soup is that?”

Esther smiled and said to Cinderella,”That’s not a good thing, but for you, it probably won’t have any effect if you drink it!”

“”Okay!” Cinderella puffed up her cheeks.

Esther extracted the key information from Little Red Riding Hood: a strange forest, strange animals, strange trees, and a rabbit wearing clothes!

Hey! The spiritual method of the candlelight spirit also said that there was a talking rabbit and a big tree!

Damn, the werewolf and the candlelight spirit are not talking about the same place!

They are all spiritual methods. It seems that there is a big monster behind this!

Eh? Could this be related to the disappearance of Snow White?

Esther thought for a long time and felt that it was necessary for him to see this mysterious tree.

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