After Esther followed Carl into the garden, he saw a crazy man who was kissing flowers, touching grass, and grinning at butterflies in the air.

After a careful inspection, Esther found that this man was the special nobleman who sat on the two candle seats last night.

“Who is this?”

“this……”Karl hesitated and didn’t dare to tell the truth:”This is the person who needs to be exorcised. He is the one who is possessed by the devil. Please help, Master Exorcist!”

“Lord Viscount! If you are still trying to hide this from me, I will hit you hard and if you get hurt or disabled, it will have nothing to do with me!”

“Oh! No, no!” Carl panicked when he heard what Esther said.

Carl turned his head left and right again, and after confirming that there was no one else, he lowered his voice and said to Esther:”This man is the king’s younger brother, the son of the prince of our territory, Prince Henry!

After I held a welcome banquet for him last night, I… was also greedy and drank too much!

After waking up, the prince became like this! I asked a doctor but he couldn’t find out what was wrong.

My wife said that he must be possessed, so I asked around, and fortunately you, the exorcist, are staying with us temporarily!”

“There really is a prince! This really is a fairy tale!”

“Mr. Exorcist, what did you say?”

“Oh, nothing!” The first thing Esther thought of was the person who helped Cinderella get the crystal shoes.

“Then I’ll have to trouble the exorcist to help the prince return to normal!

If anything happens to Prince Henry, our entire territory will be in trouble!”

Carl said, sweat began to break out on his forehead.

“this……”Esther does have some ability to exorcise demons now, but it is a holy spear exorcism, and he can’t just shoot Henry!

Carl thought Esther was hesitating about the reward:”Master Exorcist, as long as you can save Prince Henry, I will reward you with one hundred silver coins. If you are awarded the title in the future, I can also be your guarantor!”

One hundred silver coins is a considerable amount for the territory under Carl’s rule. One silver coin can be exchanged for one thousand copper coins.

Since there is money, Esther naturally uses his brain to solve his problems.

“Prince Henry’s symptoms originated from the party last night!

Was there a beautiful girl wearing crystal shoes at your party last night?”

“Crystal?” Carl recalled and replied quickly:”Yes, yes, yes, the girl is beautiful, and her crystal shoes are particularly dazzling, but her behavior is a little strange, eh? Mr. Exorcist, you are also at the party?”

Esther saw that Carl didn’t know that he was at the party last night. In order to add some mystery to the exorcist, Esther deliberately said something mysterious.

“It was calculated by special holy light means!”

Carl, who was panicked because of Henry’s matter, immediately believed Esther’s words:”Oh, Master Exorcist, you are really amazing, yes, yes!

Are you saying that Prince Henry’s madness is related to the crystal shoe girl! Oh, I remember it!”

Carl slapped his forehead:”The crystal shoe girl did talk with Prince Henry for a while last night. Could it be that she cast a spell on Prince Henry at that time?”

“It takes too much time to perform it alone. I guess it’s the effect of her crystal shoes!

As long as we find the owner behind the crystal shoes, Prince Henry’s magic can be removed!”

Aise’s idea was to point a gun at the forehead of the owner behind the crystal shoes and use physical intimidation to exorcise the magic.

“Then…how do we find the owner of this crystal shoe?”

“Hold another dinner party tonight! I guess she won’t achieve her goal, so she’ll come again!”

“She… is she going to come again?” Carl was obviously a little scared of Cinderella.

“I’m here, what are you afraid of!”

Carlson swallowed his saliva and said,”Okay, Master Exorcist is here! I’m not afraid, for Prince Henry! I’ll cooperate, I… I’ll go and issue the pass right away!

Eh? Master Exorcist, how can I issue the pass so that it can reach the hands of the girl in the crystal shoes!”

“She has special means, she can come no matter what you send her!”

“”Ah?” After Esther said this, Carl felt even more frightened, but in order to help Henry exorcise the demon, he risked his life.

Carl still issued passes according to the previous standards, and many people still came to the dinner in the evening.

Esther was not sure whether he could be immune to the mental interference of Cinderella’s crystal shoes, so to be on the safe side, Esther stood at the door this time, away from the crowd.

As the sky gradually darkened, the familiar blue dress appeared at the banquet again, and Cinderella was still wearing the pair of colorful crystal shoes on her feet.

At this time, Carl nervously approached Esther:”Mr. Exorcist, she, it’s her! The crystal shoes are here, should we send troops to catch her?”

Carl was so scared that he couldn’t speak clearly.

“Why arrest her? She is just an ordinary girl. What’s important is the person behind her. Just eat and drink normally.

She will leave later, and I will follow her and find out the demon behind her!”

“Oh oh oh! All right! Then Master Exorcist, you…you have to protect me!”

Esther looked at Carl’s timid look and snorted,”Of course!”

After Carl got Esther’s promise, he pretended to be calm and joined the dinner.

The situation at the dinner was the same as last night. Cinderella chatted everywhere as if on a mission, and then everyone’s confused state reappeared.

Nearing twelve o’clock, Cinderella was panicked and prepared to escape from the banquet again.

Esther, who had been waiting for a long time, drew out the holy spear and quickly followed.……



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