Little Red Riding Hood suddenly stopped in front of Esther, without raising her hands to attack.

“Sure enough, this can be used to control Little Red Riding Hood’s transformation state!”

Esther looked at Little Red Riding Hood’s rapid breathing and the white ball that was about to fly out. Although her expression was fierce, it was also full of fatigue.

Esther probably guessed that this transformation state might be a bit too physically demanding.

So Esther tried to gather the power of the wolf claws.

After completely suppressing it,

Little Red Riding Hood’s eyes finally returned to normal, the claws on her hands were retracted, and her body became a little loose as if she was deflated.

Little Red Riding Hood looked at the shabby scene around her with a look of horror, as if she had no idea what had just happened.

When she saw the bloody heap of wolf meat behind her, Little Red Riding Hood was so scared that she screamed out,”What…what is that!”

“That’s your grandma!”

“My…my grandma?”

Little Red Riding Hood looked towards Esther following the voice and found that there were traces of claws tearing Esther’s clothes:”Mr. Esther, your clothes are… torn by claws, were they torn by the monster wolf?”

“Have you seen those wolves?”

“I… I once saw a big wolf while picking mushrooms!

I thought it was going to eat me, but it just ran away!”

Little Red Riding Hood looked around and saw claw marks all around, and was sure that her home had been attacked by a monster wolf.

“Haha! Eat you?” Esther laughed and shook his head:”You are much more powerful than those wolves!”

“Just now… just now, Mr. Esther said that… that was my grandma!” Little Red Riding Hood pointed at the rotten meat in the backyard in horror:”Was my grandma eaten by a werewolf?”

Esther tightened his sleeves and said slowly:”It’s not your grandma who was eaten, it’s your grandma who is the most terrifying werewolf!”

The grandma who had lived with her for so long turned out to be a terrifying werewolf.

This absurd reality made it difficult for Little Red Riding Hood to accept it all of a sudden. Coupled with the fierce battle just now, her head sank and she fainted.

Esther stretched out his hands to catch Little Red Riding Hood who fell into his arms. The position was just right to hold the two soft balls.

Esther’s big hands were fully stretched out, but he couldn’t hold them completely.

“Ha, the portion is really big!”

Esther took a closer look and found Little Red Riding Hood. He found that she was really dizzy, so he tried to store it in the storage space.

After sorting everything out, Esther walked out of the cabin, looked at the sky that was about to brighten, and lit the last red candle.

Esther held the candle in his left hand and the holy spear in his right hand, and shot the mutant beast wolf when he pounced on it. With the forged and upgraded holy spear, dealing with this kind of mutant beast wolf is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

Coupled with the bloodthirsty nature, all the mutant beast wolves were completely dealt with, and it didn’t take Esther much physical strength.

Coming to the edge of the forest, Esther shook the hot holy spear and put it into the storage space.

As soon as he walked out of the forest, Esther saw Hank and his group running into the forest in a hurry with shotguns and bows and arrows.

“”Yes… it’s Master Esther!”

Hank, who had good eyesight, saw Esther from a distance and immediately quickened his pace and ran to Esther’s side.

“What are you going to do?”

“We were just about to come and rescue you! Lord Esther!” Hank explained excitedly,”We went to the church before daybreak, and it was already surrounded by guards.

We asked Sean, and he said there was no priest in the church, only a pool of blood!

We thought you went to settle accounts with the priest! That priest was related to the red candles and werewolves.

We thought you and that dog priest had fought in the forest!

We were afraid that something might happen to you, so we hurriedly took our weapons and came… Ouch!”

Hank saw the claw marks on Esther’s clothes:”You…did you encounter a werewolf?”

Esther stretched his body as he looked at the rising sun in the distance, and said with relief:”There will be no more werewolves in this forest in the future!” When

Hank and the hunters heard this, they all widened their eyes in an instant, looking at Esther as if he were a god.

“As for the pastor……”

“Oh, we have already told Sean about the pastor.

He reported it immediately. The Baron was very angry and immediately issued a wanted order!”

Hank hurriedly reported what he had done

“Well, that’s perfect, he’s also in the forest, lying with his ‘werewolf’ companions!”

After saying this, Esther went straight to the inn.

“Sir, what shall we do next?”

“Just wait here and go with Sean to dispose of the werewolf’s body!”

“”Sir, do you want to see a doctor?”

Hank was still worried whether Esther was injured.

Esther continued to move forward facing the rising sun, and waved his hand with his back to everyone:”I’m fine, my little maid is waiting for me in the inn!”


In the hotel, after Esther left, Cinderella sat by the bed waiting for Esther, and stayed awake all night.

At this time, there was a noise at the door, and Cinderella, who was already worried, became even more nervous.


“I’m back, Cinderella!”

“Lord Esther!” Hearing Esther’s voice, Cinderella stood up suddenly and ran to the door excitedly.

After the door opened and she saw Esther’s face, Cinderella’s heart was finally at ease.

Cinderella stood on tiptoe excitedly, wanting to get closer to Esther, but was afraid of scaring Esther, so she put down her foot that had just been raised.

Esther also saw Cinderella’s details, so she said,”Why, I’m back, don’t you want a hug?”

Cinderella’s eyebrows moved immediately, the corners of her mouth raised, and she threw herself into Esther’s arms and hugged her tightly.

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