The door opened, and what came out was not a hairy werewolf, but an old, white-haired grandmother, with eyes narrowed into a line and a raised mouth, looking very amiable.

Esther looked at her and saw that she looked normal, so he put away his fighting posture.

“Haven’t you eaten it yet?”


Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood looked at Esther in confusion.

“Oh, it’s nothing, grandma. Little Red Riding Hood said that your mushroom porridge is delicious, and I’m craving for it!”

“Hehe, come on, Little Red Riding Hood, give me the mushrooms, I’ll cook them for the guests!”

Grandma’s movements were old and slow, and she really didn’t look like a werewolf.

Little Red Riding Hood trotted forward, and her movements were a bit big. Esther looked at the huge breasts that seemed to be about to burst.

Esther took a deep breath and raised his head: Oh my God, they’re about to jump out if he moves! Eating mushrooms can make you so big! It’s incredible!

Little Red Riding Hood supported her grandmother and slowly walked into the house. After entering the house, she did not forget to turn around and invite Esther:”Please come in! Mr. Esther, it’s warmer in the house!”

Esther nodded, shook his shoulder bones, relaxed a little and walked into the house

“Although I didn’t find a werewolf, I did find a big-breasted loli. What a wonderful development!

Forget it, just enjoy it for now! After all, it’s rare to have such an eye-popping beauty to appreciate!”

Esser walked into the house with a relaxed mood, but the good mood disappeared immediately in just a second.

Because Esser saw that the light in the house was the blood-red candle.

The warm picture of grandparents and grandchildren that he had just seen suddenly became weird.

The wax drips that kept falling on the candle flame looked like human blood in Esser’s eyes at this moment.

The flame of the red candle was swaying in a sudden gust of strange wind, casting a long shadow, and the whole room seemed to be dyed blood red.

Grandma was sitting by the stove, concentrating on cooking porridge. Her movements were slow and rhythmic, as if she was performing some kind of ritual.

The aroma of porridge filled the air, but there seemed to be a hint of a strange smell that was not easy to detect.

The flame in the stove jumped, occasionally making crackling sounds, and grandma’s face was still a seemingly kind smile.

Just as Esser was staring at her grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood brought a bowl of hot water:”Mr. Esser, drink some hot water first! The mushroom porridge will be ready soon!”

Ayse suddenly felt that Little Red Riding Hood was the only normal person in the room.

Of course, Little Red Riding Hood wasn’t completely normal, as she couldn’t have such a big chest with such a face.

Now was not the time to think about this, and Ayse looked around at the red candles around her again.

So many red candles didn’t attract werewolves, which meant that there was already a werewolf in this room, and it was the most powerful one.

Ayse’s eyes locked on the grandmother again, and he concluded that the grandmother was a wolf in human skin.

Okay, wolf grandmother, I’ll kill you as soon as the wolf’s tail shows up.

Little Red… Oh no, ‘Big’ Red Riding Hood will be adopted by me.

“Come, come! Mr. Esther, the mushroom porridge is ready!”

Little Red Riding Hood excitedly brought Esther the steaming hot mushroom porridge.

“Mr. Esther, please try it! It’s delicious!”

Esther looked at the mushroom porridge in front of him, and it really smelled tempting.

Esther picked up the wooden spoon and stirred the mushroom porridge. When he was about to taste it, he suddenly remembered what Little Red Riding Hood said, that the guests always left after he woke up.

Esther turned around suddenly and looked at his grandmother by the stove, and his eyes met with his grandmother’s.

Grandma turned her head quickly and started to busy herself with her hands.

Esther frowned: This old woman has been paying attention to me!

“Mr. Esther, what’s wrong with you? Don’t you like mushroom porridge?”

In such a tense atmosphere, Little Red Riding Hood still had an innocent look on her face, and her brown eyes sparkled with purity.

Esther was even more certain that grandma was the werewolf.

Esther also put on a kind smile and slowly stood up:”Grandma has been busy for a while, so of course you should eat first!”

Esther walked towards his grandmother who was by the stove and suddenly pinched her arm. He thought he would pinch firm muscles, but unexpectedly it was a loose arm.

“Hey, young man, this is something I prepared specially for you! Come and have a taste of my cooking!”

Perhaps because she was anxious to let Esther taste the mushroom porridge, grandma’s perfect disguise of even her skin and flesh was finally discovered by Esther.

Esther’s pinch just now was so strong that even a middle-aged man couldn’t withstand it.

Grandma didn’t even say a word.

Esther was relieved immediately after finding out, and said with a smile:”Grandma, I am the most filial. I usually let the elders eat first!”

After saying these superficial words, Esther smiled and leaned close to grandma’s ear and whispered:”Old woman, if you don’t eat it, I will shoot you in the head later!”

Grandma’s neck shrank, and she looked at Esther in horror.

Esther still had a smile on her face when she looked at Little Red Riding Hood. After helping grandma sit down, she saw that grandma’s hands were trembling under her apron, fiddling with it, but she just didn’t take it up.

Esther didn’t bother with her, and directly picked up the bowl and scooped a spoonful of porridge:”Come, grandma, I’ll feed you!”

The spoon kept getting closer, but grandma never opened her mouth.

Esther kept staring at grandma, waiting for her to transform into a werewolf.

When the spoon was about to touch grandma’s mouth, a sharp claw suddenly attacked from the back of Esther’s head…

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