“Is it possible that Snow White is also controlled by magic, witchcraft or something like that?”

Although Esther has heard or seen no less than ten versions of the Snow White story through various channels, they are basically all manipulated by the evil stepmother queen.

But after the shock of the reality that the crystal shoes are shackles and the little match girl is a shop,

Esther dare not conclude whether there is really a stepmother queen, or whether this stepmother queen is really evil.

“That’s very possible! The news that the king is looking for the princess has spread all over the country!

No one would dare to hide the princess in the living area of ordinary people!

Snow White can only be in those secret areas that few people know about!”

Esther saw Henry so excited, thinking that he and Snow White were cousins, and he understood.

“Uh, Prince, don’t get excited. Snow White sounds very auspicious. She will come back sooner or later!”

Henry looked at Esther excitedly, as if he had just thought of something:”Hey, Esther, aren’t you a powerful exorcist? Can you help me find my sister, Snow White?”

“I?……”Esther was silent, and began to think: There is a reward of 100 gold coins, and one gold coin is worth 1,000 silver coins. If you succeed, you will have no worries about food and clothing.

But this Snow White is really related to her stepmother, the queen. It’s not just about exorcism!

There are also a lot of power struggles! I’m not even a knight, so money is useless…

Henry saw Esther hesitate, and decisively began to add conditions:”Esther, are you worried about your identity?

I can write you a letter of recommendation so that you can enter the palace, and I can also let you skip the knight stage!”

“What? Can I skip the knight stage and become a knight directly?” Henry’s words made Esther a little interested.

“Of course there is such a path!” Henry explained slowly:”But it is only for special talents like you.

With more and more strange events in various territories, King Hunter’s Paladins are already too busy!

So King Hunter granted the knights of all sizes in various territories to train their own talents and deal with the troubles in their own territories! If the knights recognize a certain superpower, they can issue him a disc.

As long as this person solves abnormal things no matter where he is, the local knight can give him credit.

Finally, it will go to the king, and after verification, he will be directly conferred a title according to the size of the incident! The highest can be Earl!”

Esther carefully analyzed Henry’s words:”Your Highness, if it is a talent recognized by a baron, and finally he is conferred the title of Viscount or Earl because of his outstanding merits.

Then the status of this recognized baron is lower than that of his own subordinates, isn’t it embarrassing!”

“Yes, so generally, the people who train talents are high-ranking nobles such as princes, dukes, and marquises!

Earls are rare, and even if viscounts and barons are willing, they don’t have the financial resources and ability to train a strong person to deal with superpowers!

However, as far as I know, many discs have been sent out, but no one has used them to ask the king for a title! So………”

Henry looked at Esther and paused for a moment, as if hesitating whether to say the next words.

“Everyone said that this was an empty wish made by the king because he didn’t want to waste his Paladin team resources!

It not only saved the Paladin team, but also avoided being accused of inaction by the princes, ministers and nobles!”

“”Hehehe!” Esther laughed and said,”Your Highness, how can a commoner like me listen to these words?”

“Esther, you are too modest. You are not a commoner, you are an exorcist. I want to issue you a certificate recognized by the prince.

With this certificate, no nobles below the earl can embarrass you anymore!

Add to that the magician incident here in Carl and the candle demon incident in the next town.

You are definitely above the status of a knight!”

This special path to nobility was originally an empty pie that the king used to fool nobles from all over the country, but now it has become Esther’s direct train to enter the nobility.

Esther thought for a long time and confirmed that it was indeed profitable. At least after obtaining the status of a noble, things will go much more smoothly in the future.

Seeing that Esther was still hesitating, Henry gave him another gift:”Esther, as long as you agree to go find my sister Snow White.

I will give you another badge, which can guarantee that you can do things smoothly in the territory within the marquis!”

Esser was stunned for a moment as he looked at Henry’s sincere face: If I remain silent for a while, Henry will not give all the prince’s territory to me!

Under Henry’s multiple conditions, Esser agreed to go to the main country’s territory to take on the task of finding Snow White.

Under the identity of Prince Henry, the prince’s certification disc was quickly processed, and Viscount Carl also quickly completed the record of Lamia’s events on the disc.

In addition, before Henry gave any instructions, Carl thoughtfully prepared a map, dry food for departure, and everything for Esser.

Because Carl knew that Esser would probably become his boss when he came back after leaving this time, so it would be right to please him first.

In this way, Esser prepared a good horse and took Cinderella to the main country’s territory, ready to contact the mysterious Snow White.

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