When Rod walked into the room, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. His wife, Lil, was sitting on the ground, the door was wide open, and there were some water stains on the ground.

On the side, there was a handsome and strong man leisurely drinking his own wine.

Rod thought that his big water hole was dug by someone else, and he was so angry that he immediately became furious:”Damn it! Bitch, what are you doing!”

Lil was in a trance for only a second and then burst into tears. Her acting skills are comparable to those of an actor.

“You…what are you doing, sir! I…I treated you with good wine out of kindness, but I didn’t expect you to be such a beast after drinking!

Give me my underwear back, how can I face people like this!”

Li’er turned the tables and even made up an excuse for not having any underwear.

“You!… Li’er! What the hell are you doing!”Rod stamped his feet in anger:”Go call someone, call someone! Don’t let this pervert run away!”

The servant ran away immediately after hearing the order.

Li’er rolled her eyes again, hurriedly got up, and staggered into Rod’s arms.

“”My dear, you… you are finally back. If you hadn’t come back, your baby would have been fucked by this man!”

Lil cried, and knowing that Lil hadn’t been fucked by the man in front of him, Rhode began to pamper Lil again.

“Oh, baby, don’t cry, don’t cry! I’ll take care of it for you. I’ve already called someone. Just talk slowly. Don’t be afraid! I’m here!”

Li’er sobbed and began to make up a story.

“Honey, he…his name is Esther, and he was brought by your precious daughter Mary.

Mary said he needed to buy happy candles, and then…and then”

Lil thought for a moment and simply added some emphasis to the plot:”Mary said she wanted to gather some men to have a party with Esther!

I thought Mary was your daughter after all, so I helped her!

Who knew that after I didn’t reply for a few days, Esther came to my door!

I thought you had prepared happy candles tonight, so I asked him to wait a moment and sell him one early to help you solve some problems!

Then he said he wanted to drink some wine, so I just took a bottle from your wine cellar!

He actually pulled me and asked me to drink with him!

He is strong and you are not here. I thought I couldn’t anger him, so I drank with him!

Who knew that he started to make moves after drinking. He said some perverted words, looked at my underwear, thought my underwear was beautiful and wanted to collect it.

Then he took it away rudely! I…I am too weak and I can’t beat him!

Fortunately, you came back in time… Otherwise, I really don’t know… Woohoo!”

Esther tasted the wine, and after listening to Lil’s words, he snorted and laughed: What a hearty compilation, this exquisite plot design is no less than a Japanese blockbuster!

In the future, if anyone says that the plots of European and American movies are rubbish, I will be angry with them!

However, Esther also grasped the key point from Lil’s exaggerated words-Rod went to prepare the happy candles tonight.

After listening to it, Rod immediately stood up for Lil.

“Mary, this little bitch, I thought she was usually honest, but I didn’t expect that she had been ruined by a man.

Now she brought you, a slut, to cheat my happy candle! Don’t be afraid! Baby, I will kill this slut tonight!

I will deal with that little bitch tomorrow!”

Rod rolled up his sleeves and walked forward.

Esther took the last sip of wine and stood up:”The wine is good, but you two are really a pair of rotten people made in heaven!”

Rod looked at Esther, who was half a head taller than him, and his aggressive posture just now was instantly reduced by half.

But with his wife standing behind him, it would be too embarrassing to retreat now, so Rod still punched Esther fiercely:”Damn, you lowly commoner, I must chop you into eight pieces today!”

Aither grabbed Rod’s wrist with a casual move. Rod cried out in pain after a little force.

Then he punched Rod again, knocking him out, knocking out two of his front teeth.

Aisser walked towards Rod, who was already half unconscious, and prepared to interrogate him about the happy candle.

Seeing Aisser’s strong power, Li’er was afraid that she would be hit by the punch, so she quickly came up and hugged Aisser’s arm.

“Mr. Esther…, that’s great, you finally saved me from this pervert!” Li’er pretended to be pitiful again:”Thank you, Mr. Esther, I… I am willing to be fucked by you, you are so strong……”

Esther slapped Lil to the ground with his backhand:”Fuck you! Slut! I can stab you with any stick, right? You want to send me a batch, but I think it’s dirty! Get out of here!”

Esther came directly to Rhodes and started questioning:”Boss Rhodes, I’m not interested in your slutty wife. Tell me, where did your happy candle come from!”

Hearing Esther asking about the happy candle, Rhodes, who had just been beaten and screaming, actually started laughing wildly…

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