
“Right! The owner of the candle shop is called Rod, and his daughter is called Mary!”

After listening to the words of the innkeeper, Esther thought for a moment: It seems that this Mary is the real match girl! Could she be another female magician?

“Wait a minute!” Esther sensed something wrong:”Boss Rod is elusive, how can I see his daughter so easily!”

“Um… Sir, it may sound a little unreliable, but it is true!

Although Rhodes is rich and powerful, Mary’s clothes don’t seem to be that rich.

She often does voluntary labor in the children’s welfare home, so we can often see Mary.

She is a kind girl, I believe she should be able to help you!”

The information given by the innkeeper made Esther’s thinking a little confused: Oh my god, is this information a bit confusing?

The little match girl is a shop owner. The shop owner is a man, but he has a daughter, and the daughter seems to have nothing to do with this candle and match shop!

The whole route is full of doubts, and I am afraid that only by finding this Mary can the story continue.

According to the guidance of the innkeeper, Esther immediately went to the children’s welfare home.

Probably because of the high price of land in the city, this children’s welfare home was built on the edge of the city.

Esther, who set out in the afternoon, was about to arrive at the children’s welfare home in the evening.

In addition, the weather today was not very good, with strong winds and heavy dark clouds in the sky, so it was already very dark when Esther arrived near the welfare home.

Esther looked from a distance, vaguely watching a person in light yellow clothes walk out of the gate of the welfare home and leave.

At this moment, Esther didn’t know that this person was Mary. He went straight to the children’s welfare home and asked the people inside to find out that the person just now The girl in light yellow clothes who just went out was Mary.

Esther chased Mary in the direction she had just gone.

At this moment, Mary heard a rumble in the heavy clouds, and her body shivered unconsciously.

When Mary was a child, her stepfather Rod was always out drinking and gambling, and did not return home at night. Her mother died early, so Mary was always scared of thunder in her bed and cried. Even now that she has grown up, she is still subconsciously afraid of thunder.

Today the weather is weird, and there is thunder again. The welfare home’s affairs have been delayed for a while, and it is already a little late.

Mary decided to take a darker shortcut to the alley so that she could get home quickly and hide in the quilt to avoid the thunder.

Before, Mary saw that this alley was dark, and she had never walked through it. She always took a longer detour to go home, so today she broke in as an exception. She was still a little panicked, and kept muttering words of faith, praying that nothing would happen.

But the more you worry, the more likely it is to happen.

The environment was dim, and Mary didn’t know where the two yellow-haired boys came from.

“Hey, brother, look! There’s a blonde girl!”

The skinny yellow-haired guy saw Mary passing by in a hurry.

The two of them saw that it was getting dark, and they ran up to stop Mary.

“Sorry, could you please move aside? I need to go through!” Mary said as she stepped back. Unexpectedly, there was a taller yellow-haired man behind her.

“You can go over there! But don’t worry, play with us for a while before going over there!”

“This… This, I can’t do that! It’s already dark!” Mary curled up in fear, not knowing what to do.

“Afraid of the dark? Then come to my brother’s arms, you won’t be afraid anymore!” The thin and yellow-haired man said with a mean smile.

“Your stupid flirting words made me want to vomit my lunch!

What, you want to marry this girl and have kids with her! Just press her and fuck her!” The thick yellow-haired man behind her scolded

“Hey, brother, you don’t know how pretty this blonde girl’s face is. I couldn’t help but say a few more words!”

“You like her face so much! Then you use your mouth and I’ll use my back. Come on, come on, I’ve been holding it in for so long!”

The thick and sturdy yellow-haired man couldn’t wait to unbutton his pants, but before he could take them off, a strong and powerful foot kicked him right in the middle! Everything went to waste, and it looked like he would have to hold it in for the rest of his life.

“Ouch, ouch……”The thick yellow-haired man rolled on the ground in pain.

The thin yellow-haired man looked back and saw a lightning flash, which highlighted the burly figure of Esther.

Mary was so frightened by the thunder that she covered her ears, and the thin yellow-haired man was also frightened by Esther.

But the thin yellow-haired man didn’t know why, and he attacked Esther.

Esther also decisively kicked him, permanently banning the thin yellow-haired man’s desire, and then punched him again, and the thin yellow-haired man fainted directly.

When Esther wanted to continue to attack, Mary grabbed the corner of her clothes:”My lord, if someone dies, the sheriff will be attracted, and it will be very troublesome!”

Mary didn’t want this lord who helped her to get into a lot of trouble, so she dissuaded him in time.

Esther glanced at Mary, then kicked a sharp stone beside him, breaking the tendons of the thick yellow-haired man, and then took Mary to the end of the alley quickly.

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