The middle-aged man’s answer shocked Esther.

What? The little match girl?

Is that what I thought?

Another fairy tale?

Wait a minute! This must not be an ordinary match girl, there are candles here! It’s not like a joke! She won’t sell nuclear bombs!

Haha? Then I’ll exorcise a chicken feather demon!

After Esther asked the middle-aged man for the address, he asked Cinderella to lead the horse to find a hotel to rest, and he went to see the little match girl first to find out the situation.

Esther walked forward in the direction pointed by the middle-aged man. The further he went, the more prosperous the surroundings became.

As Esther walked, more doubts came to his mind.

This area has such a large flow of people, it’s not as desolate as described in fairy tales!

And it’s not winter yet, you won’t freeze to death if you sleep on the floor for two days in this weather!

With all kinds of doubts, Esther turned the last corner and came to the street where the little match girl was.

Esther looked around and was stunned.

After a moment, he uttered:”Oh my God!”

Esther did see the little match girl, but the name of the store was – Little Match Girl!

And the business seemed to be pretty good!

Esther walked up to her with a lot of doubts in his mind:”This little match girl has become a business tycoon? How come she opened a store?”

When Esther arrived in front of the store, he saw two men busying around inside.

“”Hello, guest, what can I do for you?” A man came forward to greet Esther warmly.

Esther carefully observed the shop and found all kinds of candles and some matches for sale, but there seemed to be no strange magical reaction. After all, he was not on the path of a magician, and Lamia’s 20% ability was not enough for Esther to find the supernatural magic at once.


Aither’s strange reaction alerted the two shop assistants.

“”Oh!” Esther then looked at the two shop assistants, who were also ordinary people:”Who is your boss?”

Seeing that Esther’s clothes were relatively high-end, the two shop assistants still answered Esther’s question politely:”Our boss is not in the store, if you have any needs, just tell us!”

Esther thought about it for a while, and decided to light a candle to check before making a decision:”Give me two candles!”

“Oh, OK!”

The two saw that Esther was well dressed and thought that Esther would buy a lot of candles, so they were polite. But now when they heard that Esther would only buy two, their attitude immediately changed 180 degrees. Their smiles disappeared in an instant, and they casually grabbed two candles and handed them to Esther.

Esther walked out of the store with the candles, looking at the strange name of the store and thinking deeply: Is the little match girl really just a name? The miserable and pitiful description in the fairy tale has become domineering and bullying customers here? As the sky gradually darkened, Esther, who was puzzled, took the candles and rushed to the hotel.

After returning to the hotel, Cinderella had prepared hot water and other rest services for Esther.

Esther took the candles and put them on the table and lit them.

“Sir, there are oil lamps in the hotel, why did you buy candles?”Cinderella held her head and looked at the candles on the table carefully.

“Do you think this candle looks familiar to you?”

Cinderella turned her head left and right to examine the candle carefully, then shook her head.

“That’s right, you were in such a hurry to complete the task at the banquet that it was impossible for you to notice this candle!

This candle is the source of the mental illusion we are investigating this time!”

Esther shook his body, sat in front of the table, took a deep breath, and waited for the state of trance. However, the candle had burned one third, and Esther was still very sober.

Cinderella blinked her big sapphire eyes at Esther and called softly:”My lord, are you trance?”

Esther turned his head and looked at the cute Cinderella:”No, your breasts are not exposed, you are definitely not in a trance!”

“”Ah? You want me to show it?” Cinderella’s face flushed.

Dong, dong, dong…

After a series of knocks on the door, the innkeeper’s attentive voice came:”Sir, the weather is autumn and the wind is blowing tonight. I’m afraid you will catch a cold tonight, so I specially sent two thin quilts!”

The horse shows Esther’s status. In this era, noble status always enjoys benefits everywhere.

“”Okay, bring it in!”

But at this moment, Esther’s attention was completely on the candle, and he had no time for anything else.

After putting down the quilt, the innkeeper saw that his courtesy did not get Esther’s attention, so he started to find other things to show off.

“Hey, sir, you bought your candle from the little match girl, right?”

“Oh? The boss knows that too!”

Seeing that Esther was interested in this, the innkeeper turned back and said,”I see that you have been paying attention to this candle. Are you waiting for that wonderful feeling?”

Hearing the boss say this, Esther finally moved his eyes away from the candle and looked at the boss.



Thanks to Yuying Xiuluo for the monthly ticket support.

Thanks to all the readers for their comments, flowers, and other data support. I will work hard to update! If there is better data, it is okay to stay up late to update.

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