The golden light instantly enveloped the Bull Man.

The moment it hit the Bull Man, his body was pierced and melted.

A large amount of black mist gushed out of the Bull Man's body.

The Bull Man's remaining body also began to turn into black mist at this time.

The black mist continued to tangle and surge in the air, and even emitted a roar and wailing sound like from hell.

""What's going on?!"

Gwen looked at this extremely strange scene, her eyes filled with fear.

She had faced many monsters, but she had never seen such a scene.

This was completely beyond her cognition. The black mist seemed to have life.

It looked like countless black tentacles entwined in the air.

"This is the breath of death!"

Wanda could clearly feel that this large amount of black air exuded a disgusting breath.

"It looks like something interesting is going to happen."

Hodder looked at this scene and did not rush forward to stop it. Instead, he crossed his arms and planned to see what would happen next.

This was the first time he faced an enemy who used black magic, although he had studied it.

But this was from the Sison Scroll after all, and the branches of black magic developed later would be different.

At this moment, the black fog gathered in the air gradually became solid, and his eyes became deeper.

As the black fog dissipated, a huge bull man appeared in the black fog.

However, this bull man was very different from the previous bull man.

Because its body was covered with all kinds of weird rune marks, and there was some flesh and blood on the pure black skin that was slowly stirring like granulation.


This giant bull man, more than ten meters tall, roared all day.

The surrounding glass was shattered by the huge roar.

"After all this time, they actually came up with a combined skill?"

Hod touched his chin and nodded slightly with a smile. It must be said that this does look quite interesting.

"This is unscientific, how did they do it?"

This was undoubtedly a huge shock to Gwen.

It was incredible that a cow could turn into a humanoid monster, but it could actually turn into this.

Moreover, this huge size completely violated her cognition.

Such a thing should not appear in this world!

And just now she clearly saw that the three bulls had been killed by Hord's laser.

This was not only resurrected, but also became so big!

"Is this magic?"

Wanda's pupils shrank slightly. The giant bull man in front of her contained extremely terrifying power.


With a roar, dark flames began to appear on the skin of the giant bull man.

The extremely high flames even distorted the surrounding air.

The steel next to it also showed signs of melting due to the intense heat.

The terrifying heat wave caused the surrounding paper to show signs of spontaneous combustion.

"My God, what kind of monster is this!"

The eyes on Gwen's mask suddenly enlarged. This was completely a BUG.

Even though she was dozens of meters away, she could clearly feel the waves of heat coming towards her.

It was as if she was standing directly in a furnace, and even the close-fitting fabric felt sticky to her body.

Just as they were hesitating, the giant bull man moved. The giant bull man suddenly opened his mouth and roared, raised his right leg and kicked the ground hard.

The asphalt road fell apart in an instant, and the cracks spread rapidly towards Hod.

What was even more terrifying was that there was a flame bursting out from under the crack.

With just one kick, the whole street was suddenly ablaze, and the flames in the cracks burned violently.

""Be careful!"

Gwen and Wanda couldn't help but scream when they saw the crack rushing towards Hood.

At this moment, Hood looked at this scene motionless, but instead showed a sneer.

Facing the oncoming cracks and the bursting fire, he just slowly stretched out his right hand.

A red light appeared out of thin air on the entire street.

This red light was like a giant barrier, wrapping up the street.

With a sudden squeeze, the red light flowed rapidly on the street.

The moment the crack wrapped with huge force came into contact with the red light, it was as if it hit an invisible barrier.

It stopped instantly, and even the flames that followed were instantly extinguished at this time, and the billowing flames dissipated.

In just a blink of an eye, all the flames had disappeared.

As a breeze blew, the high temperature just now seemed like a dream.

"Wow! How did they do that?"

Gwen looked at the scene on the street in amazement:"This is so cool!"

Hood just gently closed his hands, and the terrifying flames disappeared instantly!

It was just like a scene in a science fiction movie.

And Hood looked even cooler when he used this trick!

"Is this the correct way to use magic?"

Wanda, who possessed chaos magic, was very sensitive to the fluctuations of magic just now.

Because at that moment, an extremely terrifying force filled the streets.

It was suppressed with an extremely terrifying force, so the flames disappeared instantly.

"I haven't used the power of the Phoenix much, so it's a little rusty."

Hodder just used the power of the Phoenix to extinguish the fire.

The power of the Phoenix can turn dust into water, and water into life.

It can also turn everything into dust.

Even into nothingness.


Seeing that the flames were useless, the giant bull took huge steps and ran towards Hord.

Every step made the ground crack and shake. The flames burning all over his body burned the building black.

Even the footprints left behind were burning with black flames, as if they would never go out.

""Why are you yelling? It's so annoying!"

Hod raised his hand and grabbed the air. An unknown force instantly clamped the giant bull's mouth tightly like a giant hand.

Although the giant bull closed his mouth, he still ran towards this side with all his strength.

"I'm tired of playing, I don't want to play anymore!"

Hod shook his head and pressed his hands down.

With just one push, the running giant bull stopped.

It was as if it was imprisoned in place by something, and fear flashed in its eyes without intelligence.

The flesh and blood on its body turned into mud and scattered, just like quicksand. In just a few seconds, it turned into a pile of dust.

【Ding! You are about to destroy the bull monster while showing off!】

【Get reward: the power of fire element!】


Wanda was stunned. This move was so cool.

She was about to go over to celebrate with Hood.


Gwen rushed over with excitement, jumped up and hung on Hood:"Mr. Hood, you are so awesome!"


Wanda narrowed her eyes slightly, as if something was not right.

Shouldn't she be holding him?

This seemed a little strange!...................Dividing line................. ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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