"You are Mr. Hodder!!!"

Gwen was shocked. At this moment, she finally understood why she felt that the mysterious man was so familiar.

Because the mysterious man in front of her was Hodder, so he said he would teach her.

"So this person is Mr. Hood. No wonder he is always so calm."

Gwen thought to herself as she looked at Hood.

If it was Mr. Hood.........That must be a sure win.

Thinking that she would persuade Mr. Huode not to be impulsive, she felt her ears burning.


It is Huode who should be blushing!

He has always known, but he has never revealed his identity.

He even pretended to be so cool. She was deceived!

"Hod Fernandez?"

When Jin Bing saw the man, his brows knitted tightly, and even the flesh on his face wrinkled together:"If I remember correctly, you are a member of the board of directors of Stark Group!"

He had a certain understanding of the information of these high-level people, and the members of this board of directors were either rich or noble.

"Well, I seem to have such an identity."

Hodder nodded and grinned:"Of course you can also call me a brave climber, a pentathlon champion, a charity master, etc."

After he owned shares in Stark Group, he did have such an identity.

It's just that he never attended such meetings.

"Mr. Hodder, I don't think we need to be so awkward......."

Kingpin actually made concessions at this time.

He knew very well that if he killed the people of Stark Group, he would really be in trouble.

Once there was a problem with the identity and status of these people, it would definitely cause an earthquake.

What's more, Tony and the Avengers were not easy to deal with. He didn't think he could deal with those monsters.

So if possible, he would rather give up some profits in exchange for Hood's departure.

"No! But don't be afraid of my identity."

Huo De shook his head slightly and said contemptuously:"I just want to kill everyone present, or be killed by everyone present!"

"You are going too far. Don't think I am afraid of you!"

"In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Jin Bing's eyes were filled with murderous intent. It was the first time he encountered such a provocation.

As an underground emperor, he was actually looked down upon by others.

Even if the Avengers were behind him, he would never let this person go.


As long as Hood disappears, no one will ever find him!

"Come on!"

Like a gentleman who specializes in etiquette, Huo De rolled up his white sleeves and hooked his hand at Jin Bing.

His disdainful look made Jin Bing so angry that his muscles all over his body trembled slightly.

"There's going to be a good show!"

Gwen shot out a spider silk and hung herself upside down on the roof to watch the show.

She was indeed worried about Hood before, but knowing Hood's identity, she didn't care at all.

Kingpin has met a tough guy this time, and he deserves his bad luck.

Mr. Hood can control the lizard man at will.

Kingpin leaned forward slightly and took a sumo posture, staring at Hood with serious eyes.

This is the fighting method he is best at, because of his huge weight, sumo can better suppress the enemy.

Hood looked at Kingpin with disdain, his hands behind his back, as if he didn't take Kingpin seriously at all.

"Damn it! You, come and die!"

Jin Bing was furious when he saw the arrogant look.


In an instant, the ground beneath his feet suddenly cracked.

He leaned over and rushed towards Hod, and his speed was so fast that only a flesh-colored shadow was left.

It was like a heavy tank rushing towards Hod at the fastest speed.

Every time he took a step, the ground of the entire warehouse was shaking slightly.

"Very fast."

Hodder nodded slightly, and had to admit that Kingpin's speed had exceeded the limit of normal people.

If it was against an ordinary person, he would not even be able to react to this speed.

And Kingpin was heavy, so it was incredible that such a heavy body could burst out at such a speed.

Because the greater the force applied, the greater the force endured!

If you want to stay flexible, it will put more pressure on the body, but Kingpin doesn't seem to have this worry.


This was only for others.

In front of him, he was not good enough, and there was no way for him to cheer up.

Facing the collision of Kingpin, when the opponent was about to pounce on him, Hod suddenly pulled his body to the side.

The Kingpin passed by him directly.

"I didn't expect you to react so quickly!"

The Kingpin stopped after missing the target and turned to look at Hood.

It must be said that the distance just now was only a few centimeters, and Hood could be knocked away directly.

With his speed, even a slight touch would be like being hit by a truck.

However, he was also very keenly aware that Hood must be a martial artist.

An ordinary person would never have such speed.

But even so, he would definitely not be his opponent.

Just as he was thinking, Hood on the opposite side suddenly took action.

His movements were as fast as lightning, and one could only barely see the afterimage.


"" Hah!"

At this critical moment, Jin Bing hurriedly blocked with his arms. The huge force from his arms made him open his eyes wide. What kind of power is this!

Before he could react, he was directly swept away by the huge force. When he hit the wall, the blood in his body surged up and instantly became extremely red.

"this......How can this be!"

"What kind of monster is it that can kick the boss away!"

"Can this still be considered human?!"


Jin Bing's men were all dumbfounded.

They had never seen their boss become like this after just one move!

"As expected, your boss is going to lose."

Gwen was not surprised. After all, this was Mr. Hood!

She was even now focusing on why Mr. Hood was"playing tricks" on her.���


Kingpin's arms felt like they were being torn apart, and he looked at Hord in horror.

The force just now was very strong, far exceeding that of the Ghost Spider!

Even his intuition told him that the other party had not used his full strength yet.

"Got it!"


As soon as Hood's voice fell, his figure appeared in front of him.


With a strong wind, his toes kicked Jin Bing's chest quickly and accurately.

Jin Bing's pupils shrank into needle points in an instant, and he gritted his teeth and raised his hands.

Bang bang bang!!!

The kicks were like a string of cannons, and they came down as fast as afterimages and heavy rain.

There was no chance to breathe at all.

In just less than a second.

Jin Bing felt severe pain in his arms, as if he was hit by countless sledgehammers.

But soon, his arms lost consciousness, and endless blood flowed.

The white bones were exposed to the air!

His arm was broken!


Jin Bing gasped and knelt on the ground powerlessly.

"I...I lost."

He had never seen such a terrifying opponent.

This was no longer a fight, it could even be called a massacre.

He hadn't even touched the corner of Horde's clothes before he was defeated.

【Ding! You successfully defeated Kingpin in a one-on-one duel!】

【Get reward: Seriously Punch!】

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. If you lose, you have to pay the price."

Hod listened to the prompt sound of the system in his mind and did not intend to let Jin Bing go.

He pinched Jin Bing's head and slowly lifted it up.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

What's more, Jin Bing wanted to kill him.

At this time, Jin Bing's limbs drooped weakly. Although he was extremely scared, his body did not listen to him at all.

"Mr. Hodder, can you please not kill him?"

But at this moment, Gwen let go of the spider silk and jumped down from the roof, speaking to stop


Hood looked at Gwen with surprise.

Doesn't Gwen hate Kingpin? Kingpin never thought that it would be Ghost Spider who pleaded for him at this time.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it. As long as he could stay alive, he would definitely have a chance to come back!

But Gwen's next sentence surprised Hood very much.

Gwen took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and said,"Let him lie in bed for the rest of his life and be a vegetable."...................Dividing line.................... ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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