"Ho ho ho……"

Lizardman Connor looked at the huge hole, his eyes dimmed.

"This... How is this possible?"

He staggered back several steps and fell heavily to the ground.

Green blood flowed along the cracked ground and seeped into the

"You... you can actually do this?"

Wanda looked at Hood in disbelief.

This made Hood's already mysterious body shrouded in a thick fog.

At the same time, it revealed an indescribable charm.

She originally thought that Hood was only powerful in strength and magic, but she found that this was just one part of this man.

She didn't know Hood at all. He was much more mysterious than she thought.

Mountaineer, entrepreneur, knew Tony Stark, started from scratch.

Understand magic, know chaos magic, and also have ancient energy in his body.

She thought this was already the limit, but the laser just now refreshed her cognition.

And she could keenly feel the power contained in the light.

"Are you really not a superhero?!"

Gwen was shocked. She looked at the calm Hood in front of her with admiration:"The move you just made was really cool. How did you do that ray?"

She said while gesturing excitedly. The scene just now shocked her.


Hod pulled his hand out of his pocket and rubbed Gwen's excited little head:"Want to learn? I can teach you!"

""Ahem, Hood, this can be left to others to deal with."

Just then.

Wanda on the side interrupted the conversation of the two.

She didn't know why, but she felt uncomfortable when she saw the intimate behavior of the two here.

Especially the familiar rubbing of the head, she already felt that it was exclusive to her.

But now Hood did it to others, which made her feel mixed.

But she also knew that the two did not do anything too out of line.


Suddenly, a deafening explosion came from the building not far away.

The huge explosion even made the ground tremble slightly.

"Oh no!"

Gwen heard the noise and his face turned pale:"I forgot about the important thing!"

"What's going on?"

Wanda looked at the situation in the distance, frowned and asked

"The Lizard Man intends to spread the gas tanks containing mutation ingredients throughout New York, causing everyone to mutate!"

Gwen said as she took a running start and jumped up, quickly swinging towards the scene of the incident.

She knew very well that if there was a problem with the gas tank, no one in New York would be spared.

This was also the purpose of the Lizard Man Connor, which was to turn everyone into reptiles!

"Let's go! Let's go too!"

Hood thought, and flew over there quickly with Wanda.

The first floor of the towering building was ablaze with flames, and explosions were heard from time to time.

The raging flames rolled and spread all around, with thick smoke rising from inside, and the terrifying heat wave made the air distorted.

The black smoke rolled out from the breach and turned the surrounding walls black.

At this time, the deep blue sky was shrouded in thick smoke, and the raging fire spread with the heat wave, mixed with strange green smoke.

"Come and save people! Call the fire department immediately!"

"Someone come save my children, they are still in there!"

"Don't pull me, I want to go in and save my wife!"

"Where is the fire hydrant? Someone help me!"


People outside the building were running and screaming. Many of them had come to hide inside because of the riot caused by the Lizardmen.

But they never expected an explosion to happen. Because of the surging crowd, many people were left inside the building. People outside the building were wailing. Some people rushed into the building, but were forced back by the scorching flames and suffocating black smoke.

"We have to put out the fire quickly! Otherwise, the flames will sweep across New York with the green mist!"

Gwen stood on the building, looking around nervously, trying to see if there was a water tank nearby.

If they didn't hurry up, even if the people in the building survived, they would be infected by the green mist and turned into reptile monsters!


Hodder noticed that Wanda beside him looked dazed, with a mixture of fear, hesitation and

""Hod, the fire is too big, I can't do it!"

Wanda's voice trembled, and everything in front of her began to overlap with the memories in her mind.

She was not sure if she could really do it. If she didn't do it,...

During the German mission, her mistake caused the building to explode.

The explosion also caused a fire, but she failed to put out the fire.

"You can do it."

Hod held his shoulders and said encouragingly:"Chaos magic can destroy everything, but it can also create everything."

"Yes! I can do it!"

Wanda felt the warmth and trust, and the confidence she had lost in her heart returned.

She took a deep breath and slowly walked towards the fire.

Her determined back formed a sharp contrast with the frantically fleeing crowd around her.

"What is she going to do?"

Gwen wondered.

If she remembered correctly, Wanda should not be able to put out the fire.


Hod hopes that this incident can help Wanda break through her inner demons.

If you don't face your fear head-on, you will always be wrapped in fear.

And this is the best time!

"Who is that person? Why is she walking towards the fire?"

"I remember, this woman seems to be Scarlet Witch!"

"How did she get here?! Could it be that she wanted to kill the people inside?!"

"God, Chaoying finally comes and saves my child!"

"But what's the point of her coming here? This guy only kills innocent people!"

"Shut up, no one will make a mistake, now we can only put our hope on her!"

"Yes, after all, Scarlet Witch once saved New York!"


The gossips around her made Wanda hesitate a little.

What if I screw up again?

"Don't be afraid, there are few celebrities in the world who don't have haters."

"Look at Tony, he is still alive despite all the rumors, isn't he?"

Hood made an inappropriate joke standing aside.

He knew Wanda's fragile heart very well.

She was a sensitive and self-abased poor person.

Her parents died when she was young, and she depended on her brother for life, struggling to survive in the gunfire.

She finally escaped to the United States and ended her years of revenge, but her brother died.

No one could accept this.

And it was precisely because of this reason that chaos magic would infinitely magnify the fragile side of her heart.

""Hodder, you're right."

Wanda's eyes became more determined. She looked at Hodder deeply and murmured in a voice that only she could hear:"I still have you."


The fire scene that continued to sweep the flames caused another explosion.

The people trapped in the building screamed in despair.

Wanda took off her hood with a firm look and threw her baseball cap on the ground.

At this moment, she plucked up the courage to reveal her true face.

The eyes of everyone around were focused on the Scarlet Witch.


She opened her arms and her clothes floated with the air flow.

The scarlet light surrounded her like a stream of light.

Wanda floated up in the scarlet light..........

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