Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 769: Oh, this dog is starting to bite again

Chapter 769 Oh, this dog is starting to bite again

A man who originally yelled and said that Gong Siyu was the murderer, suddenly rescued Shen Manqing from a fire, and then repeatedly said to the Captain of the Criminal Police Brigade that he knew who the murderer was who killed Gong Lisen and Lu Qingyun...

Both Ji Yuno and the extremely suspicious Miyajiyu felt weird.

But I can't say what is strange in the end.


Gong Siyi played the recording for Su Xing.

It turned out to be what Quan Miu said when talking with others.

Quan Miu actually admitted that he was the culprit who made the palace restless


Ji Yuno and Miyajiyu, from the recording, heard a title that shocked them all...

Shen Manqing inhaled a lot of heavy smoke because of his advanced age, and burned his body to varying degrees. He was quickly taken away for medical treatment.

After all, they were an old couple for decades. Gong Siyu's grandfather was concerned about the safety of the old lady, and once again the womb Limin supported him and left.

The fire was too strong to be extinguished, and everyone could only watch the huge courtyard burn to ashes.

Gong Siyi worked hard to save people. After watching it, many of the palace family members at the scene changed their views and stepped forward to ask for warmth.

At the same time, the big guy also noticed the appearance of Miyajiyu.

Seeing Gong Siyu, the parents of the palace can't help but worry about him. He was seriously injured, but he appeared here so late, with the title of a suspect. Compared with Gong Siyi's bravery in saving people, Gong Siyu looked more or less "coldly watching" on the side. It was left out.

However, whether it was Miyajiyu or Ji Yuno, they did not appear to be very worried and impatient.

They are all indifferent faces, watching the play side by side, and it doesn't matter what they look up to.

This can't help but make people misunderstand whether this pair is too ruthless and unjust.

Ji Yuno has been having a husband and wife relationship with Miyajiyu more and more recently.

Talking poisonously, habitually indifferent face, seemingly gentle and charming, but in fact he has a lot of eyes and a dark belly, and the soft, cowardly and pitiful little white rabbit in the past is simply different.

At the scene of the fire, Gong Siyi hurriedly awoke and listened to the recording.

In Gong Siyi's mobile phone recording, a man's voice was repeatedly playing.

The content is as follows:

"Master Donghuang, I'm sorry, I failed your expectation. The mission to assassinate Gong Siyu failed. But... I did his father and mother, but afterwards I learned that the woman was his stepmother, not her own. The woman found a lot of strange people to protect Gong Siyu. She has already begun to beware of me. I can’t do it. However, at the moment, I’m at the palace and can do it on some vital relatives around him, such as the old man. Desperate, it seems that the family is ruined, and it is even more interesting. I am going to burn that old woman tonight."

The content of the recording is very clear and not vague.

The moment Ji Yuno and Gong Siyu heard the four characters "Emperor Donghuang", their pupils contracted and looked at each other.

"Donghuang Wuji?" said in unison.

That Quan Miu was actually the person sent by Donghuang Wuji to assassinate Gong Siyu?

Both Ji Yuno and Miyajiyu were lost in thought.

"No, the recording is too clear, like it was recorded very close, deliberately, isn't it? If a person is very careful, he will not report such a detailed incident to his superior during the call, that Quan Miu, Don’t you think it’s weird that it’s not like this kind of people who don’t have the heart to watch out? No matter how stupid people, you also know the truth that the walls have ears? How could they be so careless and be recorded?"

Ji Yuno questioned.

But Gong Siyi seemed to have heard her.

He didn't think about it at all, as if he had already thought about it, and replied: "At 8 o'clock in the evening, I wanted to go to his room to find him, and let him go to set a cemetery for my mother. My father and my mother divorced. She can’t enter the graveyard of Gongjiazu. Who knows that there is no one in Quanmiao’s room. I was waiting in the room. While waiting, I accidentally found a steel needle wrapped in white cloth in the hidden compartment at the head of the canopy bed. It was stained with blood, Gong Siyu, you know better than me! I saw this thing, and I was shocked when I heard Quan Miu's footsteps outside the door, so I hid under the bed. Hidden away, there will be this recording of this call. I didn't dare to come out until he left the room not long ago, knowing that he was going to burn grandma to death, and ran over to save someone lifelessly!"


Yuno was speechless, a perfect explanation, wasn't it?

But if she wants to pick a thorn in her bones, she can't find inconsistent points.

For example: Gong Siyi, why did you throw your mother's bones into the stove and burn them?

However, Yuno did not ask.

Because they stole Lu Qingyun's body.

If it is said now, Gong Siyi can bite them like a mad dog.

It is estimated that all the responsibilities will be transferred to Quan Miu's body, saying that he destroyed the body, but he didn't know anything.

However, what surprised Yuno the most was...

Donghuang Wuji actually sent a person to enter the palace family ancestor house without knowing it, to kill Gong Siyu? And they didn't even notice it?

This is not surprising.

"Speaking of this, Gong Siyu, aren't you seriously injured? Why? You can get out of bed in just one day? Oh, wouldn't it be pretend?" Gong Siyi narrowed his gloomy eyes, mocking Gong Siyu for a while. , As if because he saved Shen Manqing, just like the hero of the palace family, his voice has been raised an octave, and he can look at people with his nostrils.

He got up endlessly, taking advantage of the fact that many palace parents hadn't left, and then said again.

"In the recording, what Quan Miu said, listen to how you and your fiancee provoke some dangerous people, thus implicating the palace family, killing my father and my mother, and wanting to kill grandma, killing more People! You brought disaster to the palace! Do you know!"

Yuno raised her eyebrows, oh, this dog is starting to bite again, which is kind of interesting.

She just wanted to choke back when she was stopped by Gong Siyu, held in her arms, and soothed.

Immediately, he listened to Gong Siyu sneered with his lips, sullen and gloomy, not rushing, and not changing his face, as if looking down at an insignificant ant, squinting at Gong Si Yi, mocking: "You are the one who led the wolf into the room, Quan Miu The assistant entourage you are looking for is more appropriate than saying that I harmed the palace family..." He stopped talking, Gong Siyu closed his eyes, and his body was soaked with cold, "Your palace secretary hates me to the bone. Being used by others, the other party wants to use your hand to eradicate me, and then you can have a place in the palace and take over my position. This seems more reasonable, otherwise... you are a idler, how can you return? On the day of the ancestral house, there was an additional assistant by your side? Don’t think I didn’t send someone to check it out. Before the ancestor worship, you spent time and drink and only played wild models. There was no assistant named Quan Miu around."

(End of this chapter)

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