Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1927: Want them to suffocate to death

Chapter 1927 wants them to suffocate to death

When the old man finished speaking, he added, "But his hair is light brown."

Light brown hair color...

Linggui and Gong Siyu glanced at each other.

"Francis, Francis and Draco are all rare silver hairs. Only Grasse did not inherit his father. He has light brown hair. You can basically be sure from this look."

Although the spirits repeatedly dare not be sure of this laboratory, the female corpses upstairs are all the masterpieces of Glass, but more and more clues show that it is absolutely inextricable with Glass. The result is quite disappointing. , I'm afraid it is really Glass.

So if this were the case, Linggui almost felt that Draco's death was related to Glass.

Otherwise, a person who just took his brother home and didn't even have time to enter the house, how could he have time to wear rubber gloves?

The allergy to Glass's rubber gloves has made Lingyu suspicious. Why should he wear rubber gloves? Oh, don’t you want to leave fingerprints?

Soon, Bai Wuyou was carrying a crystal cup from the kitchen of the mansion, filled with filtered pure water, and sent it to the underground laboratory.

Stepping into this, he was quite surprised.

After Miyajiyu told the Worry-by-Worry code, Wuyou-by-Worry entered the confined space of the laboratory, first handed the water to the elderly imprisoned here, and then looked around in shock, "There is also such an experiment here. Room? What is it for?"

Gong Siyu replied in a deep voice: "Research mutants."

After drinking the pure water in the cup, the old man was relieved. Although he was hungry and weak, he was relieved. The iron chain on his ankle was also untied by the spirit and he was able to move freely.

"What's your name?" Lingyu visited this laboratory around. She saw the dense vertical lines drawn by the old man on the whiteboard beside it, which seemed to prove that the old man had been imprisoned here for quite a while. A long period of darkness, lonely and desperate.

"Eukinson." The old man was sitting on a chair, using disinfectant in the laboratory to disinfect and debride his wrists and ankles.

"You've been arrested... a long time, haven't you?" Linggui pointed at the white board filled with vertical lines, "Why did he arrest you?"

"Today, it is 2930 days in total." The old man said sadly, "I am an expert in the field of biological genetics. I was teaching at Harvard. One day on my way home, I was suddenly knocked out. When I woke up, I was already there. This, I can’t escape, that person asked me to study for him a serum immune protein after blood separation. From time to time, he would send one or two living people to me for experiments. I don’t understand his purpose. Serum immune protein is very peculiar, capable of instant regeneration, but the effect on the upper body of each person is different, and the mortality rate is extremely high..."

As the old man said, he should have remembered something crucial, looked at Lingyu, and pointed to the liquid nitrogen cryogenic storage tank in the corner of the laboratory.

"That thing is inside, but the initial immune protein has been used on that man, and after that, it was the man who regularly took his own blood and sent it for me to study."

Miyajiyu saw the silver airtight low-temperature liquid nitrogen storage tank, and walked straight over. After entering the password as prompted by the old man, he opened the air-conditioned low-temperature tank, and indeed saw an empty bottle of serum immune protein inside.

As if seeing something that shocked him, Gong Siyu's pupils gradually shrank, his expression extremely cold.

Carrying Linggui on his back, he suddenly said with a solemn coldness: "Kui'er, it is the immune protein that was taken away from the underground laboratory of Francis Manor."

Linggui's mouth opened slightly, "Ah", as if he couldn't believe it, wouldn't everything be right?

The only people who have been to the underground laboratory of Franciscan Manor are Francis and his two sons. Now Draco is dead, and all clues point to Grass...

"Wait, you just said that he... he used immune protein himself? He used this serum?"

After the old man disinfected and debride his wound, he sat in front of the computer in the laboratory and called up all his previous test records for Linggui and the others to see, and then nodded, "Yes, he used it himself."

"After using it? What happened?"

Eukinson heard the words, his eyes filled with inexplicable fear, "He has a very strange ability, I will call it a supernatural ability for the time being, even if a knife is inserted into the heart, he will not die."

"Then what is his ability? It's like some people can control fire, and some people can control lightning, so what does he get?"

"He can become anyone, and he can absorb each other's energy at will... to achieve the purpose of strengthening himself."

Eukinson’s words made Lingwei shocked. She looked at Miyajiyu, "But Disi, the Glass we saw in the hospital, did not have the ability to heal his wounds, and his memory was even emptied. Nor does it have any characteristics of a mutant person, nor does it have any breath similar to Farreid, because the original serum was made from the blood of Farreid’s father. If it is really injected, this The breath that dissolves in the blood and bone marrow cannot be hidden! Unless..."

Ling curiously talked and stopped, his expression was extremely ugly.

"Unless the person in the hospital is not Glass at all." Bai Wuyou helped his forehead with a headache, "It's really bad..."

"No! Isn't Glass allergic to gums? His hands are indeed allergic, aren't they? And many of the injuries on his body were left behind by mutants in the rainforest. These can't be faked. It's Glass that's right." Linghui retorted, but felt that things were getting chaotic.

Glass was lying in the hospital and Draco was dead.

So the question is, who is the person who used Dr. Eukinson to create mutant human serum protein?

And just when Lingyu and Gong Siyu were caught in complicated thinking, suddenly, the glass doors around the entire circular laboratory were all sealed by a sudden drop of metal shields, and the only exit was also locked from the outside.

With a "pop", the incandescent lamp in the laboratory went out and instantly turned into a dim purple disinfection lamp.

Dr. Eukinson jumped up in horror, staring dumbfounded at the surrounding ultraviolet spotlights all lighting up, and the alarm sounded, panicked and said: "It is the laboratory self-destruct system! Because this serum protein is a very dangerous thing. , So the laboratory installed an anti-proliferation device, and someone activated this device! Want to make us all die here, here will soon start high-intensity ultraviolet antivirus, and exhaust all the air, let us suffocate... "

(End of this chapter)

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