Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1455: We will see you soon

Chapter 1455 we will see you soon

Linggui half-ducked his head as he listened to Farrid's prudent but unbelievable words coming from the micro communicator.

"What makes you vaguely feel that there is another person?"

"Because I have never seen it." Farreid muffled.

Linggui listened to the piercing grinning laughter and continued to talk. The terrifying laughter echoed everywhere in the central computer room of the supercomputer. She twisted her eyebrows, feeling piercing and annoying, went to the aisle and continued talking.

"Where is Francis? Come out! Do you think there is anyone on the Pope?"

In the communicator, every few seconds, Francis’ gloomy voice sounded: "Uncertain, but the ability of the Vatican Pope is indeed not enough to lead the entire Sixth Empire, and you have been to the headquarters of the Sixth Empire, Have you also been in that secret meeting room? Didn’t you notice a very interesting phenomenon? The pope did not sit on the main seat, but created another seat, willing to sit next to the main seat."

"What's wrong, what happened?" Farreid asked in a worried muffled voice.

"It's okay, you stay where you are, stay with Adai Yaoshen, I will go back soon."

Linggui closed the communicator's public dialogue channel and returned to Gong Siyu, Feng Jinxuan, and Lingyuan.

In the center of the huge metal supercomputer room, in front of the cylindrical console, Miyajiyu is the one who is best at computer system intrusion operations among the four of them. So he turned on the keyboard in front of the console and was quickly looking for this The IP address of the online video and all the information available.

Ling slyly watched Gong Siyu's slender white fingers tapping quickly on the keyboard, closing his eyes, and beginning to recall everything he saw in the Sixth Empire headquarters...

Next to the main seat, another place was created. She also noticed this phenomenon.

Is there really someone else?

The Vatican Pope is just a manipulated puppet.

The real behind-the-scenes manipulator has never paid the surface?

"It's a ghost IP, it cannot be tracked." Gong Siyu frowned deeply, stopped his movement, and gave up continuing to track.

"What is a ghost IP?"

"Hundreds of millions of virtual IP addresses have been established on Internet sites around the world, and the traces of real IP have been erased at the same time. And... this image is only virtual generated. It can be said that it is an intelligent voice dialogue system programmed with a super computer. ...This is what the most advanced supercomputer can do."

"So... what shall we do now?" Ling Yuan looked at Feng Jinxuan and Gong Siyu.

"Take the system terminal storage of this supercomputer, take it back, and study it slowly." Gong Siyu said, while forcibly closing the image in front of him, shutting down the supercomputer system, and then on the cylindrical console At the bottom, the terminal storage hidden behind the metal plate was found, dismantled violently, and threw it to Feng Jinxuan.

Just as the four of them were planning to completely destroy the Manchak Swamp base and leave the central computer room of the supercomputer here, there was a "bang"! The metal door leading to the exit closed automatically, instantly trapping Lingyu in the computer room.

With a "click", the entire computer room went dark.

In the dark environment, Lingyu, Gongsiyu, Lingyuan, and Feng Jinxuan were back to back instantly, surrounded by four people, vigilantly feeling whether there was any abnormal movement around the area where the fingers could not be seen.

I thought I would be attacked.

As a result, this was just a supercomputer in the central computer room, which started the self-starting program.

After being forcibly closed by Miyajiyu, it was activated again.

Immediately afterwards, a faint white light emerged from the screen of the supercomputer.

Thirty identical 3D holographic images instantly appeared in front of the four of them and surrounded them.

Half-human tall, weird and terrifying broken puppets.

The ghostly and sly smile resounded like a magic sound, and these terrifying holographic images began to repeat what they wanted to say:

——It is a pity that you only discovered my existence until this point.

——Who am I, where am I, where do I come from, do you really want to get to the bottom of it?

The scalp numb, the disgusting treacherous laughter began again.

——You, can't find me, because I am a super AI made by Daddy, and I am everywhere!

Speaking of this, the holographic image of the scary doll image showed a strange and terrible smile.

"Let's go, I'm already full of detonating devices here, there is no need to listen to a program talking to itself."

Ling Yuan twisted his eyebrows, knowing how long he stayed here, he couldn't find the answer.

Lingkui felt that what Lingyuan said was reasonable, even if the metal door was sealed, but she had a Mingzhu.

As a result, the transmission channel for the ocean-going freighter was opened, and the four of them went into the channel one by one.

Behind him, the weird virtual image was still talking to himself, but no one paid any attention.

Lingyu was the last to drill into the transmission channel. On the metal wall, the countdown timer had stopped for 5 seconds.

——We will see you soon, this is what Daddy asked me to tell you!

Suddenly looking back, the beautiful eyes of the strange and cold and the virtual image of the strange and eerie scary doll are facing each other...

The door of the teleportation channel gradually closed, and at the last second, Lingyu vaguely heard the explosion sound like the sky and the earth.

She knew that it was the Manchak Swamp base that was detonated.


The sun was shining brightly and the sun was dazzling.

In the Sahara Desert, on the surface of the sand dunes in the desert base under the jurisdiction of Franciscans, a giant deep crater as large as 6 football fields in diameter appeared. In the beginning, there were building fragments such as metal steel plates...

Such a large movement caused a large amount of gravel to pour into the deep pit like a waterfall.

Suddenly, four figures jumped out from the deep pit, and they slammed into the soft desert with a "clang", sinking deep into it.

One of the figures, with a majestic and domineering posture, burly and tall, like a hill, a second before falling to the ground, he spoiled the woman next to him in his arms and acted as a cushion. He would rather let yourself fall than be willing to let a woman. Suffer any harm, although the woman will not be hurt at all.

Another slender figure that was slightly taller and slender, holding a huge coffin dripping with formalin, struggling to smash into the sandpit, this figure stopped for a few seconds, and then kicked angrily. He kicked the coffin he was holding and cursed "shit", and saw the swollen corpse in the coffin rolled out of the coffin and rolled several times on the sand dunes.

As soon as he saw, the thin figure sighed deeply, ignoring the grit and dust, and got up in embarrassment. He went to pick up the corpse and put it back into the coffin to make sure it was not broken or damaged. Only relieved.

Then, he clicked on the micro communicator in his ear and said coldly on the public channel: "Your father's body is brought out. Don't thank me."

(End of this chapter)

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