Admiral, Hello

Vol 2 Chapter 346: You must have a book tomorrow

"Huh... Stop the instructor, I'm exhausted. Anyway, there is no one at the moment, and the group of students training on the playground have also eaten. Wouldn't I still let me run like this in the afternoon? Then I'm afraid of business cards. It's not that you can't handle any training items!" Xiao Yuhang panted and waved to Bismarck.

Thinking that the parent officer insisted that there was basically no rest for the whole morning, and there are not many people on the playground now, Bismarck's address problem went with him.

She smiled to her parents and said, "Don't worry, sir, you really like the training in the afternoon!"

"What kind of training do I like very much?" Xiao Yuhang asked Bismarck in wonder.

"Hehe, you'll know when the time comes. Now get up and go back to have a meal with me!" Bismarck stretched out his hand to the official.

Xiao Yuhang grabbed Bismarck's hand and got up from the ground, and the two left the playground side by side and walked towards the dormitory.

. . . . . .

"Admiral, what are you like...?" Akagi had seen her admiral and Bismarck a long time ago, and when the two approached, she asked him in surprise, looking at her admiral with a dull face.

"Uh... nothing, nothing, my response was so bad, it has nothing to do with Bismarck." Xiao Yuhang said to her embarrassedly.

Xiao Yuhang didn't say that it was okay. As soon as he said Akagi's gaze, he immediately looked at Bismarck sharply.

She patted the white ash on her admiral’s training uniform, and said dissatisfiedly to Bismarck: "Huh? Bismarck? You did the admiral? You want to train the admiral. I have no objection, but is it too much? "

"Puff! Hahahahaha! Xiao Yuhang, what did you do? There is so much white dust on your body? Didn't you go to the kitchen and fell into the flour tank? Hahahahaha!" Bismarck was about to speak, from outside the door There was a chuckle.

Hearing the familiar laughter, Xiao Yuhang looked back at the door helplessly. He looked at his body dripping with sweat, and some colors of Yu Siqing faintly exposed under his white short sleeves, counterattacked: "Yo! Yu Siqing, have you returned from exercise? How is it? How many catties have been lost?"

"... No matter how fat you are!" Yu Siqing replied with a dark face, and then walked into the next dormitory with the clothes in her hand.

"...2333333." Xiao Yuhang shook his head, and then he said to Chicheng: "Chicheng, I will take a bath first, and eat after the bath."

"Well, the lunch at noon has already been prepared for the admiral." Akagi nodded and took his admiral's training uniform and put it on the hanger outside.

. . . . . .

"Akacheng, call Bismarck and Yu Siqing to eat together! It's obviously their own people, what to eat separately?" Xiao Yuhang said to Akagi while drying his hair with a towel.

"The admiral, can you call it? I'm helping you wash your clothes now." Akagi's voice came from the bathroom.

"Yeah." Xiao Yuhang nodded, put down the towel and walked out of the room.

He went straight to the next door, knocked on the door twice and asked inside: "Bismarck? Yu Siqing? Can I come in?"

"Wait! Don't come in! There is something to say outside the door!" Yu Siqing's slightly flustered voice came from inside.

Knowing that Yu Siqing was either changing clothes or taking a shower, Xiao Yuhang shrugged, then raised the volume outside the door and said to the inside: "Bismarck, Yu Siqing, you should come to me after you take a shower. Eat. Akagi has prepared everyone's meals, remember to come and eat!"

"Okay, I see, is there anything else? If it's okay, go back first!" Yu Siqing hurriedly said to Xiao Yuhang.

"Okay." Xiao Yuhang answered at the door, turned around and returned to his dormitory.

"Admiral, did you call it? What did they say?" Akagi asked his admiral when he returned from the balcony with a basin.

"Well, it is estimated that Yu Siqing is taking a bath, we have to wait for her." Xiao Yuhang said to Chicheng.

"Admiral, if you are hungry, eat first, there is no need to wait for us." Akagi saw his admiral's eyes frequently look at the delicious food on the table, so he said to him.

"It's okay, wait for everyone to eat together. There should be some snacks there, right? Or... I will let me pad my stomach?" Xiao Yuhang suddenly remembered that there might not be other ship women, but Chicheng would definitely bring them. Lots of snacks, reached out to her.

"No, Admiral, Bismarck has already said that you should control your diet during training~~~!" Akagi put up a green finger to his admiral and shook his head with a smile.

"Hmm... don't you do this, Akagi~~~! Just a little, just let me pad my belly, OK?" Xiao Yuhang began to seek Dafa with his unfavorable soft language.

As long as he begged like this, the ship wives would have nothing to do with him, and they would often agree to his request, even if it was a big cover. . . Cough cough cough, don’t drive, don’t drive!

Akagi really couldn't help being asked by his own admiral. She looked at the door, quietly took out a box of sushi from her ship's space and stuffed it in the hands of her admiral.

"Admiral, eat faster! Don't be discovered by Bismarck!" She whispered to her admiral.

Seeing something to eat, what Xiao Yuhang told Chicheng. A box of sushi arrives in his hand, two or three minutes is gone.

"Uh... Akagi what did you say just now? I didn't pay attention, can you say it again?" After Xiao Yuhang swallowed the sushi in his mouth, he raised his head and asked Akagi.

"...It's nothing, you should be better now, the admiral? If you really can't help it, you can eat it first! No one will say anything to you anyway." Akagi casually threw the admiral's leftover sushi box into it. After leaving the trash can, he asked with concern.

"It's for them to come together!" Xiao Yuhang waved at her.

As soon as he finished speaking, Bismarck knocked at the door and greeted the self-administrator: "Sir, here I am."

"Look, that Cao Cao is here! Well, where is Yu Siqing?" Xiao Yuhang asked subconsciously.

"Blowing hair, coming soon," Bismarck replied.

"Come here! What's the hurry! I'm talking as if I'm not hungry!" As he spoke, Yu Siqing walked in from the door with his hair tied.

"Well, since everyone is here, let's eat! I'm almost starving to death!" Xiao Yuhang looked at them and said to them.

So the four people gathered around the small square table in the dormitory, and the remnant clouds wiped out the delicious food.

After eating lunch, Bismarck looked at his watch and said to his parent's official: "Sir, the training time in the afternoon starts at 3:30, and I personally recommend you to sleep for a while."

"Okay." Xiao Yuhang nodded.

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