On the noisy street, people come and go. Here is Chi Yu, Yu Yue and the city that is the largest in the border, which can be regarded as a small trade center. At the border of the three countries, although some people are mixed, it is a prosperous place, and most of them are businessmen from the three countries. There are many restaurants everywhere, shops full of streets, gorgeous gowns, or men and women who are in a hurry, adding a touch of green and bustling atmosphere to the city.

On the street, a pair of men and women appeared. Originally a pair of men and women, not so noticeable. However, it is strange to blame, the two men and women messy clothes, the untidy appearance, and the woman who looked down and looked down, was held in her arms by a man who was somewhat embarrassed but handsome and domineering. The feudal ancients demanded extremely high women. Under the public, they were hugged with men. Such a woman would be cast aside by society. Therefore, people look at the woman's eyes, there is more disdain.

However, people's expressions suddenly became shivering when they came into contact with the fierce eyes of the handsome and domineering man. Turning away the line of sight, the man looks like a wolverine, the momentum of that body, but people know that can not easily provoke.

Holding the woman in her arms, she walked to the door of an inn, and she went straight into the door, but was stopped by the second store that came out. The eagle squatted and looked at him with cold eyes. "What?"

Despisingly glanced at the wearing of the body, the shop's second eye was lightly picked, and the yin and yang grotesquely said: "This shop does not accept you, no money, go and go!"

In the eyes, there was a storm, and I never encountered such a look of humanity. I couldn’t help but clench my fists, but when I wanted to start, I was surrounded by a pair of soft little hands. The sound of the weak mosquitoes rang in the ear. "Hold it, don't."

Gloomy eyes, slammed a sigh of high-spirited shop second, the bottom of the eye, flashing a slight murderous. Turning around, leaving, there is really no money in his hands, but that does not mean that he can endure such a humiliation.

A despicable poor man dared to look at him like this. If it weren't for the block, he had already taken his dog's life. The lightness of the body seems to have no weight, and the pair keeps holding his hand, but does not relax. Inexplicable, the angry emotion suddenly disappeared, looking at the calm eyes of the closed eyes, knowing that she blocked him, not from the so-called kindness. Now, he is not the one who is tall and can decide the life and death of others in one sentence. Killing people under the crowd will give them too much trouble.

The sky is getting darker, and it is forced to go down. In the end, it is a prosperous town. This temple is not so dirty and ruined in the imagination. Spread the dry straw at the entrance of the temple and gently put the seeds on it.

"After a day, tired, can you sleep first?"


On this day, she has been in his arms, and she has never been to the ground, how can she be tired. Knowing what he wanted to do, the woman lay firmly on the straw and whispered: "Don't go too far, come back soon."

When I heard this, the pupil of Huai’s eyes became deep and deep, and laughed low. The shaking chest and the pleasant look show the mood of the man at the moment. The magnetic sound is full of gentleness.

"Okay, it won't be too long."

The footsteps in the ear gradually disappeared, and in the air, only the sound of breathing was heard, and the body was lifted up, and the expression was complicated. Not accustomed to his so petting movements, not accustomed to his gentle tone. He is not the one in her heart, but greedily nostalgic for that warmth. As if, I am still by their side. However, after all, it is not the same, and, the memory of restoring memory, has an identity called Huaizhi. From the tone and behavior of Huaizhi, she knows that he is not an ordinary person, or even a powerful person in a certain country. There are many entanglements around him, but now she can only rely on him. Ask him to go back for himself, don't want to, don't dare. I dare not face them with such a face, and dare not easily reveal their identity once again. She has no confidence, even if everything she thinks in her mind may be superfluous, she can't spend the hurdle in her heart.

I am sorry, I only hope that you don’t have that kind of mind for me. You will not be hurt like this. Because, some things, I can never give you.

At midnight, the largest inn in the Yingbin Building, suddenly heard the sound of knocking on the door. The shopkeeper who yawned and got up, opened the door and slammed the door. It’s time for this. Who is so hateful and knocks at the door. He is not the one who disturbs the people.

"Which, which Wang Ba Lazi is so late, still,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"

Opening the door, a man in a black robe with air conditioning, his face hidden in a large cloak. The shop's second child is about to open up, but he was beaten in the palm of his hand by a force. He sat down on the ground and sounded a cold and majestic voice in his ear.

"Prepare two pieces of room and hot water, and eat a little, hurry."

"Okay, okay, wait for you!" The strange thing is that the shop's second child actually prepared things in a flattering tone. It was just that the black man had thrown a piece of gold worth 12 yuan to him. With so much money, he had to save the store for twenty or thirty years. The martial arts are strong and strong, and the other party must be a big man who can't offend. The second day has been done for so many years. These things are still understandable.

Elegant room, the air behind the screen. The tall and handsome man tried the water temperature and laid the things for the bath. There was a small stool next to the barrel, which was a stack of neatly folded underwear and a white floral skirt.

Turning around, the woman who picked up the bed, the low-pitched voice sounded: "Pick up, bath soap on the left side of the barrel, clothes behind. You can reach it with one hand, right, when you wear clothes, call me if it is inconvenient. I am in the next room."

Nodded, the woman replied softly: "I know, you can go."

The sound of closing the door sounded, and the smile was so slight. After a long time, she used to wear her eyes closed, and she needed his help. Only, he cares so carefully, let her move. The former nephew, washing and cooking, cleaning wood and even sewing, he is so familiar with what he is. She did not see him learn these things, then, it must be his own. Nowadays, it seems to be pampered, but the rough hands let her know that this man must have experienced a lot. Even the trivial things that a woman is good at, he has nothing to lose, and his, cold and impermanent character. Even though, Huaizhi has been trying to hide herself in front of her, she does not want her to discover his dark side. In the afternoon, the dog’s eyes were low, and she knew that Huai’s would not let him go. Because he only promised to come back soon, and ignored the phrase "Don't be too much."

Self-deprecating, she is not a naive and kind woman. Even if he kills that person, she will not feel anything else in her heart.

The dark room, taking off the black cloak, revealing a handsome and domineering face, no light in the arms. Gently walked to the window, the moonlight was cool, but the shadows gradually approached. A gray bird suddenly flew to the shoulder of the arms, and the slender hand took a tube from the foot of the bird and looked at it and destroyed it. The night wind blew, and the expression on the face of Huai’s face looked dark and unclear.

In the morning, the Chacha Restaurant was noisy on a new day. On the street, people came and went. Yingbin Building, the seat of the base has been filled with guests, from time to time there is a voice of a man chatting, most of the discussion is the gossip happening in the market. The loudest thing to say is a sly bearded man and a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi. Looking at the clothes of the two people is not rich, but it will not show poverty.

"Brother, do you know that Huixiangju was burned by a big fire last night, and now the ruins still smoke?"

"No? Huixiangju is also a famous restaurant. How can it be burned so easily?"

"Listen to the government said that it seems to be the fire in the backyard kitchen. The worst thing is that there are dozens of tenants in the building, and the boss man, no one is alive."

"No, it's so bad?"


Above the stairs, a tall man walked down the footsteps, holding a slender woman's wrist in his left hand. At this moment, the strength of the left hand stinging, let him know that she was angry.

Let the woman's sharp nails be branded into his palm, but the man's face is hung with a smile of indulgence, without paying attention to the pain in his hands. "Get out of your feet, let's go."

Taking a deep breath, the woman gently approached him. "Huaizhi, you are more cruel than I thought."

A careless smile, as if I didn't understand her words, was blind, but still took her gently and left the restaurant. The response to the breeze gradually faded into the air.

However, in this world, I am alone, will not be cruel to you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Pick up, you know, this world is so cruel. Kindness and weakness will only make people more difficult to live. Perhaps you will not believe that power and status are things that I have been chasing, just because they can protect me. Only power can make others surrender, in order to win their pride and self-esteem, so that they will not be stepped on by others. I just want to protect myself, any potential threat, I have to eradicate. If a person is abandoned by the whole world, then he only cares about himself.

But now, I want to care, there is one more. There is a voice in my heart that reminds me all the time. If you continue, you will become my weakness. Absolutely not, there are weaknesses. Either, I have left you before I have completely sunk; or, I am ruining you. But why, every possible idea, I can't do it.

I should, what should I do with you?

Pray, the palace hall.

Xiao Ran, a military officer, was kneeling on the ground.

"Your Majesty, I pray that the 500,000-strong army is ready, and you can swing south at any time, and you will be able to go to the late Jade Emperor!"

"Very good." Above the dragon chair, Xue Yunge squinted and couldn't see the emotion. Snow did not come to the DPRK month by month. Most of the time, he vented in the palace. When he was out of control, he would be fed a calming pill by Fu Hanyu and fell asleep. The state of the imperial return is basically controlled by Xue Yunge, supplemented by Xiao Ran.

"Your Majesty, the old minister has something to play."

It was a Hu Taishi who was a purple official gown. Xue Yunge glanced at him and faintly said: "Say."

"This attack attacked Chi Yu, the teacher was unnamed, and the conscription of the soldiers was extremely laborious and miserable. The old minister worried that the people would complain and sigh. When it is time, it is not good to appease the people!"

"This, it is not necessary to worry about the teacher." With a sneer, Xue Yunge patted the palm of his hand in the empty hall. Suddenly, ten Jinyiwei dragged a few men in black to go to the temple. The eyes of the people who were puzzled looked at the black men who were not dead on the ground, and they all looked at each other and dared not speak out.

Hu Taishi couldn’t help it. "Your Majesty, is this?"

"Last night, the prince and the emperor were attacked by the assassin. After a **** battle, they took a few assassins and found this from them!"

A piece of sandalwood delicate wooden sign was slammed to the ground. This kind of violent strength, the wooden sign is not damaged. In the hearts of the ministers, there is a clear understanding. Everyone knows that the sandalwood brand can only be owned by the dark guard of the late jade royal family. Look at the pear flower engraved on the wooden sign on the ground, and it is still the most powerful among the dark guards.

"More than that, they also stole the jade that I prayed for! If it wasn't for the generals of Xiao Ran who were on duty last night, the heroic heroes took these small generations, and where did I pray for the country?"

The voice of anger echoed in the hall, and Xue Yunge used a force. The handle of the dragon chair made of gold was actually cut off by him and rolled to the center of the hall. For a time, the entire temple was silent.

After two years of prayer, the first half of the snow calendar in March, 500,000 troops came to Hongdu, the largest gateway city of Chiyu. And quickly occupied the city within three days, at this moment, prayed to officially fight against Chi Yu. The illusion of calm between the three countries has since been broken, and the smoke and smoke of the war has finally risen slowly on this continent.

Oh, it is no longer a stable prosperity. Where the three countries communicated, the original friendly trade exchanges disappeared with the start of the war. Many late jade merchants fled back to their country overnight, and they did not suffer from the war, but they did not want to be infected with this body. They left here to avoid war.

In the dark secret room, several figures stood on the ground. The first person to sit on it was a tall and handsome man.

"Lord, you are finally back! You know, you will not have something!"

Excited voice, with a shudder, open black man, eyes are pleased and eager. The tall man is still calm and does not respond to the excitement of men.

"How is the domestic situation?"

"Fortunately, everything is on the right track, the master plan set before leaving, no one has found something wrong." The eyes flashed admiration, the man continued: "Just, snowy, that is, praying, I was taken over by the two twins, and now I have officially started fighting with Chi Yu. Lord, are we going to prepare?"

"When the war, the Xue brothers dare to be so bold? How can the power of the prayers compete with Chi Yu?"

"This, the subordinates do not understand very well. However, after three days of war, the prayers have already captured Hongdu, and now they are preparing to go to the next military fortress in Chiyu. The subordinates received a one from Chi Yuhuang yesterday. The letter did not dare to move, but the Lord returned."

Respectfully handed a secret letter, the tall man took it, the eagle swept over, then he sank his face and his face was unpredictable.

"Lord, how?"

"The Jade Emperor wants to work with us. After the event, it will be split into half."

Although I lost a city, but because of the raid is a surprise and premeditated, for Chi Yu, it is not in a disadvantage. If you join forces with Chi Yu at the moment, it is good for both countries to attack and pray. However, he does not believe that the Snow Brothers will be so rash, unable to see their own strength and not force the war. There must be hidden secrets that they still don't know. Besides, the jade emperor’s thoughts, how can he not understand. Between these three countries, it is doomed to compete and war, and the world is already a potential trend, but that layer of paper has not been broken.

"Don't reply to him first, wait until the situation is clear."

"The genus knows. The Lord, I have found you now. I wonder when the Lord will go back with his subordinates?"

The tall figure was a long time, and for a long time, he was quiet and open. "Let's talk about it later."

Exquisite and gorgeous courtyard, located in the suburbs of Handan. In the arms of a robes, I looked at the woman sitting by the lotus pond, and a smile came from the corner of her mouth. Going forward, habitually picking up the soft little hands. Seeing the emotions of the people around me suddenly relaxed, and did not object to his behavior, the smile on his face was deeper.

His identity has not been told to her, but the cleverness seems to know that he is extraordinary and has never asked him. This is also good, he likes the two people to simply believe, do not want that one identity, and bind each other.

"So hot, how are you sitting outside, how to do heatstroke? Your body is not good, next time, don't you know this?"

I never knew that I could be so sloppy, and I couldn’t help but smile and took her back to the room. Her face and eyes, here he also looked for a lot of doctors, but they are all helpless. It seems that it is necessary to take her back. At least, there are famous doctors and countless good medicines. He believes that he can cure her. Be sure to let the children open their eyes and see what he looks like. As for the face, it doesn't matter, he doesn't care about her face. However, the woman loves beauty, I believe that she will still care about it. Then, with all the means, he will also restore her face and vision.

"Pick up, now praying has begun to fight against Chi Yu, this place is very unstable. I want to take you out of here, what do you think?" Carefully put the woman on the stone bench of the pavilion, ask The opening. He cares about her thoughts and doesn't want to decide for himself, so I still have to ask her.

Leave? Although I don't know where this is, but after all, it is in the land of the snowy area, they are still in a place, a country. Praying, praying, is praying for her return? But sorry, I can't face it now. I am so ugly, I am so unable to do so, but I can not bear your love.

"it is good."

The soft voice, but with a slight tremor, too happy, and did not find the woman's strange, happy: "In this case, I will immediately ask the next person to prepare. The day after tomorrow we will go on the road, you first Wait a minute, I will be back soon."

The excitement of the man's footsteps gradually disappeared. He looked down and bowed his tears for a long time. He finally couldn't help but fall.

Chi Yu, Yucheng.

The importance of Yucheng is not only in its developed economy, but also in its important military strategic base. The occupation of Yucheng is equivalent to opening a door to the land of Chi Yu. However, as the Yucheng portal, Yucheng has superior geographical conditions and is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is very difficult to get it. What's more, the Jade Emperor also sent a famous war god, Chi Yu, who is stationed in the army. It can be said that it is even more powerful.

It is very furious to lose the imperial excuse of a city. However, for the challenge of praying back, Chi Yu did not look at it. Whether it is economic or military, Chi Yu's strength is considered to be slightly better. Although the prayers were compiled into the snowy army, the emperor who won the position in the Sui Dynasty was established by the snowy dynasties of generations. How could the two young people conquer in just one year. In Chi Yu’s view, praying for this time is undoubtedly a self-destructive way. They naturally have to fulfill it. As for the cooperation between the two months, it is to prevent accidents. Who knows if the moon will hurt them both, and take advantage of the fishermen.

Above the gates of the city, among the patrolling teams, a tall and majestic figure appeared in front of everyone. He has an armor, a strong and solid figure, and a strong and profound facial features, all of which show the mightyness of the soldiers. Lei family generations were officials in the DPRK, and they were all military commanders. Lei Yue, is the leader of the Lei family, can be described as a hundred battles and victorious, is the unbeaten general of Chi Yu. It is reasonable to say that Chi Yu seems to have a little fuss, and there is no need to transfer Ray Yue from Kyoto to Yucheng. However, the Jade Emperor did this and he also had his own considerations. Praying for the first battle, the enthusiasm for Chi Yu’s military was greatly shaken, and the spread of Lei Yue also had the effect of stabilizing the military and the people. Moreover, if Raythey is defeated and pledged in the battle of Yucheng, then you can go straight to the Huanglong and go deep into the country. According to intelligence, this battle, prayed to invest all their forces. After all, young people are young people, so they will not leave behind, and they will die.

"Reporting the general, according to the return of the spies, the army that prayed back has been stationed in the woods 100 kilometers away from the city. Until now, there has been no movement! Is there any fraud in this?" In the large hall, ten A few middle-aged men in armor are gathered into a table. The main player in the center is the **** of war, Chi Yu, Lei Yue!

This book is from the start, please do not reprint!

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