Across the Heavens: Marvel's Mechanical Hunter

$522 Ye Jiujiu's Arrangement

Half a month is actually very fast. →

Just when Ye Jiujiu was slightly excited that he could travel through time again tonight.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. building in New York was attacked by Thanos' army.

There is no way, the first thing Obsidian Five will look for when they come to Earth is Vision staying in the building, and naturally they will find the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Without the three main combat forces of Ye Jiujiu, Tony and Hulk, S.H.I.E.L.D. was completely unable to resist.

Even with the powerful forces of Team Rice, Vision, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, it would be difficult to withstand the attack of the five Obsidian generals.

What's even more ridiculous is that the aerospace carrier built by SHIELD at a great cost was destroyed by Thanos' space battleship before it even took off.

Facing such a terrifying enemy, Furui simply took out his phone and contacted Ye Jiujiu.

The call was connected, and before Ye Jiujiu could speak, he heard Fu Rui's urgent voice saying:

"Ye, damn, where are you?"

Hearing this, Ye Jiujiu couldn't help but feel doubtful. When he heard the fierce gunshots and intermittent gunshots coming from the phone, Ye Jiujiu immediately knew something was wrong and hurriedly said:

"Tony, Banner, and I are all here in Wakanda... Director Fury, what happened? There seems to be a war over there. What's going on?"

"Damn it! Why are you there at this time? Damn it, why are you starting a war? This is a one-sided massacre, and aliens are coming!"

"Isn't it right? During this time period, there should be no alien forces invading the earth?"

Ye Jiujiu said it subconsciously, and immediately reacted. Thinking of the possibility of Thanos arriving early, he couldn't help but change his face and asked hurriedly:

"Damn it, Fury, tell me, who is leading the team?"

"Damn it, how do I know who it is... shit! There are four people leading the team, and they all look weird!

One of them can float in the air and can control metal, ice, vines, etc. to attack;

There is also a giant who is no lower than Hulk, very powerful, and his weapon is a huge double-edged axe;

There's also a guy wearing a black cloak and wielding a death scythe and a woman wielding a spear!

Oh, damn, what time has it been? I’m still talking nonsense to you. You should bring Tony and the others over here quickly and teach these damn aliens a lesson! "


After hearing Fu Rui's words, Ye Jiujiu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, but he was thinking in his heart:

What was supposed to come, has it come yet?

But he said to Furui solemnly:

"Vision should be at your place, right?"

"Yes, but he is no match for those people. He was pushed to the ground several times by the guy holding the death scythe. If Wanda hadn't rescued him, he would have been killed long ago!"

"That's right, those four people are the five black generals under Thanos. Their purpose of coming to Earth is to get the Mind Stone on Vision's forehead!"

"I don't care about Thanos or the Five Obsidian Generals. I just ask that you come over quickly to support this place. Do you understand?"

"It's useless for us to go there. Without powerful weapons in this battle, we can't defeat it at all..."

Before Ye Jiujiu finished speaking, Furui angrily interrupted and cursed:

"You damn, shit-like guy, are you a coward? You gave up before the fight even started? What the hell..."

This time, before he could finish his curse words, Ye Jiujiu interrupted him coldly:

"That's enough, Director Fury! I'm not your subordinate, and I won't let you curse me... Do you understand?"

Taking a breath and suppressing the annoyance in his heart, Ye Jiujiu didn't wait for Furui to speak again and continued:

"I have built a large number of laser cannons in Wakanda specifically for dealing with aliens. You ask Team Mi and the others to bring Vision to Wakanda and I will take care of those alien beasts. ”

Having said this, Ye Jiujiu never forgot to add:

"Besides... New York is not suitable as a battlefield, but Wakanda is! That's it... you should quickly inform Team Mi and come to Wakanda!"

After speaking, Ye Jiujiu hung up the phone without waiting for Furui to speak.

Because he didn't have time to spend time with Fury, he still had a lot of preparations waiting for him before the arrival of the five Obsidian generals and Thanos.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Ye Jiujiu contacted Skye. When the call was connected, before Skye could speak, Ye Jiujiu said:

"Skye, the situation is urgent. You contact Parker immediately. I will ask Tony Platoon's plane to pick you two up and come to me... It's time to fight!"

After saying that, Ye Jiujiu hung up the phone and said to Tony and Banner, who had only half-understood what they heard:

"Aliens have invaded the earth. The enemy is very powerful. It is an enemy at the level of a universe overlord...Their purpose of coming to the earth this to fight for the three infinity stones on the earth. Get ready for war!"

After saying that, Ye Jiujiu glanced at Su Rui who was standing aside and said:

"I'm sorry Shu Rui, I selfishly set the battlefield in Wakanda, hoping to get Wakanda's help...

because. . . There are no warriors anywhere like the warriors of Wakanda.

them. . . Better suited to help us defeat those alien beasts! "

Ye Jiujiu's words were immediately recognized by Su Rui. Without thinking, he proudly puffed up his chest and said:

“You are right, there is no place where people are more suitable to fight than our Wakanda warriors...

I will go and inform my father and brother, and ask them to inform the warriors of each tribe to come and prepare to fight the aliens! "

After saying that, Shu Rui ran out in a hurry.

Looking at Shu Rui who was leaving, Tony looked at Ye Jiujiu with contempt and said:

"You are really good at fooling people. You just let this girl go to inform the old king of Wakanda!"

Hearing this, Ye Jiujiu sighed helplessly and said:

"I can't help it, Tony!

It's really only here that is suitable for fighting those aliens, because there are vast land and sparsely populated here, so there will not be so many innocent people hurt in the fight.

Only here can more warriors participate in the battle.

You have to understand that no matter how powerful we are, there are only a few of us. It is impossible to kill so many aliens!

You also know that those American soldiers are not so reliable, right! "

Tony actually understood what Ye Jiujiu said, and he said that just to tease Ye Jiujiu.

Hearing this, Tony apologized with a bad face:

"I know, Ye, I was just joking!"

After a pause, Tony asked solemnly:

"What should we do next, Ye?"

Hearing this, Ye Jiujiu took a deep breath, looked at the boxes of parts for the laser railgun in the huge laboratory and said:

"First, contact your people to bring Skye and Parker here, they are both very powerful fighters!"

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