Across the Heavens: Marvel's Mechanical Hunter

049 Level 10, strength improvement

Ye Jiujiu had been on guard against Laura for a long time. The moment Laura fired, Ye Jiujiu also moved. His short body quickly circled and sprinted around Laura, making Laura's optic nerve unable to keep up with his speed.

Not to mention that this is really useful, with Ye Jiujiu's speed of 18 meters per second, at close range, Laura's optic nerve really couldn't keep up with Ye Jiujiu's speed, and all the bullets were fired into the air.

As for why Ye Jiujiu walked up to fight in close combat even though he had a mechanical crossbow and was not using it?

It's easy to understand. The shooting distance of the mechanical crossbow is 150 meters. This distance is very reliable for shooting zombies with little activity, but it is a bit unsatisfactory for shooting living people.

If he hadn't shot and killed the two people and let them escape separately, Ye Jiujiu would have been distracted by chasing the two people. How could he easily kill the two people at close range so quickly?

As for why Ye Jiujiu dared to face the pistol directly, he had the confidence. He had been able to dodge rifle bullets at long distances before, and now it was no problem to dodge pistol shots at close range.

You must know that everything has two sides. It is true that it is difficult to dodge pistol bullets at close range, but it is also true that the closer the distance, the more restricted the human optic nerve is.

This is why Ye Jiujiu is confident and avoids Laura's shooting at close range.

While Negan was stunned, Ye Jiujiu had already rushed in front of Laura, and a flash of knife light flashed past Laura's neck. Negan even clearly heard a 'pop' sound, and saw Laura He let go of his hands, dropped the pistol to the ground, and put his hand on his neck. Then he saw a handful of bright red blood spurting out and splattering to the ground.

Laura said helplessly "Uh, uh" a few times, and then her body fell softly to the ground. It was obvious that she could no longer live.

Negan calmed down at this time, looked at Ye Jiujiu and also shrugged and said:

"Wow! You are really cruel and ruthless? Even more cruel than me. I kill men without mercy, but I will always be soft-hearted when I kill women, but you are different! Ye, you really make me look at you in a new light!"

Ye Jiujiu curled his lips and said after hearing this:

"No, we are different. The people I kill are all evil-doers, and this is the case with your Salvation Army! Although she is a woman, there should be many ordinary people who died in her hands, so she deserves to die! You... .”

Hearing this, Negan knew that it would be impossible to persuade Ye Jiujiu to let him go with words, then. . . There is only one battle left!

So, Negan waved the bat in his hand and said to Ye Jiujiu:

"Okay! I agree with what you said. In other words, only one of us can survive today, so... let us fight like men!"

Ye Jiujiu nodded when he heard the words, took out the dog-leg knife on the other side with his left hand, crossed it in his hand and waved it, and said to Negan:

"Okay, so what are you waiting for, Negan? Come on!"

As soon as the sound fell, Ye Jiujiu and Negan moved almost at the same time. Negan howled, rushed in a few steps and swung the bat diagonally from bottom to top. The target was Ye Jiujiu's hands holding the knife, obviously wanting to hit him. Knocked Ye Jiujiu's two swords to the ground.

Ye Jiujiu's body took a light step to the side, letting go of the powerful and heavy blow. He rushed forward in front of Negan, turned his shoulder sideways, and hit Negan's back hard.

There was a muffled sound, and the huge impact made Negan's chest feel tight and almost out of breath. He staggered and rushed out a few steps.

After finally stopping his forward momentum, he propped his bat on the ground, turned around hurriedly, and shouted to himself:

"Wow, cough! It's really awesome! You are so strong... But, cough, do you really think what you did is right? You killed so many of us, what do you have with us? Isn’t it different? They are all killing people, right?”

Ye Jiujiu knew that Negan wanted to talk and disturb his mood, so he let out a disdainful 'hum', was too lazy to pay attention to him, and rushed towards Negan quickly.

Seeing this, Negan cursed inwardly, "Damn it," suppressed the annoyance in his chest, picked up the bat and went forward.

In fact, Negan is also a ruthless person. With Lucille in his hand, he has smashed the heads of countless zombies and living people. His combat power is second to none in the Salvation Army.

But when it comes to Ye Jiujiu, a pervert, it's too far behind. Not to mention the junior combat master ability given by Ye Jiujiu's system, Ye Jiujiu's current five-point strength and structure are several times stronger than Negan. What about Negan? Is he Ye Jiujiu’s opponent?

Seeing Negan's bat hit him fiercely on the head, leaving an open door in the middle, Ye Jiujiu simply ducked, rolled on the spot and rolled under Negan. When he got up, he hit with a headbutt.

"Uh-huh," Negan howled in pain. Due to the impact of the stick and the severe injuries to his lower body, he could no longer stand steadily. He fell to the ground like a dog eating shit.

Ye Jiujiu had already avoided Negan's tall body and then stepped forward, stepping on Negan's body so that Negan could no longer move. The tip of the dog-leg knife was pressed against the back of Negan's head. , Ye Jiujiu said:

"Farewell to this world, Negan! Although this world is already riddled with holes, it is still the place where you were born and raised!"

Hearing this, Negan struggled a few times, but when he couldn't struggle anymore, he resigned and stopped moving. His mind couldn't help but think of the scene when the disaster just broke out.

Thinking of his wife who died of cancer and became a zombie due to his negligence, and also thought of the children he once educated, Negan murmured:

"Lucille, I'm here to stay with you!"

Ye Jiujiu remained unmoved, and the tip of the knife pierced the back of Negan's head. With a 'pop' sound, the tip of the knife pierced the back of Negan's head. Negan's body shook, and blood overflowed along the tip of the knife, quickly invading the body. The clothes around Negan’s neck were dyed, and the system voice in his head also sounded:

"Congratulations to the host for completing the ultimate hidden mission:

Destroy the Salvation Army, kill the big leader Negan (1/1) and the boss (5/5), and collapse the Salvation Army. The mission completion reward will be 5000 experience points and the mechanical space will be expanded to 1000 square meters.

Tip: The host level is improved. Currently, it is level 9. Strength and physical strength are increased by 5 each; intelligence, spirit, and agility are each increased by 1. They have been automatically assigned to the attribute panel! Please check the details by the host!

Tip: The host level has been improved. Currently, it is level 10. Strength and physical strength are each increased by 5; intelligence, spirit, and agility are each increased by 1. They have been automatically assigned to the attribute panel! Please check the details by the host!

The host registration reaches level 10, the junior combat master is upgraded to the intermediate combat master (moderately improves the host's ability to use weapons to fight), the junior mechanical master is upgraded to the intermediate mechanical master (the host can use the scanning function to copy other machines that do not exceed the host's strength) Mechanically create objects and obtain corresponding drawings)!

The number of mechanical pets the host can drive increases, and every five points of spirit can drive a mechanical pet with a soul! "

As soon as the sound fell, Ye Jiujiu felt countless knowledge appear in his mind, and the overwhelming amount of information almost made Ye Jiujiu vomit.

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