Across the Heavens: Marvel's Mechanical Hunter

408 Join forces to kill the two-headed black snake

Both of them had perfect body skills, how could they be attacked by the two-headed black snake?

At the moment when the snake head attacked, the two used the body skills and flowing light of the Nine-Layer Thunder Blade to dodge neatly.

Speaking of body skills and flowing light, it was Ye Jiujiu who automatically comprehended it when the Nine-Layer Ice Blade was promoted to the third level.

And Luo Feng is worthy of being the chosen son of this world. His comprehension and luck are both top-notch. He actually comprehended body skills at the second level of the Nine-Layer Thunder Blade, which really made Ye Jiujiu speechless.

With two loud noises of "boom", the two heads of the two-headed black snake hit the ground fiercely.

It quickly raised its head and looked at the two people in confusion.

Obviously, in its view, how did these two people, a high-level warrior and a junior warrior, avoid its attack.

Although puzzled, the two-headed black snake would not let the two go, but launched an attack with all its strength.

It no longer used only a pair of snake heads to attack the two people, but used its entire body, tail sweep, body entanglement, and mouth bites, hoping to kill the two people in a short time and have a full meal.

Facing the lightning-fast attack of the two-headed black snake, the two cooperated tacitly on the left and right to fight with the two-headed black snake.

There was no way. Although the two-headed black snake was a physical attack, its skin was too thick, and the swords in the hands of the two could not break its defense.

Of course, this did not include Ye Jiujiu.

Although the sword could not break the defense, it was different with his ice power.

At this time, he had already performed the nine-layer ice knife technique, and every time he chopped the knife, there was a touch of frost on the blade. Even if he could not break the defense of the two-headed black snake, he could leave frost marks on its skin.

Luo Feng was struggling while fighting, thinking about whether to use his telekinetic flying knife in this battle.

Is Ye Jiujiu worthy of his trust?

Thinking back to the care and performance of Ye Jiujiu from the warrior assessment to now, and seeing that he was obviously reduced to a supporting role when fighting with the two-headed black-line snake at this time;

He couldn't stand it.

Thinking that although Luo Feng was born in a slum, he also had his own pride.

He would never allow him to be inferior to Ye Jiujiu in strength and drag Ye Jiujiu back in the battle.

Thinking of this, watching Ye Jiujiu calmly fight the two-headed black-line snake, leaving scars on the two-headed black-line snake again and again, while he could only tickle the two-headed black-line snake, Luo Feng couldn't stand it more and more.

Finally, Luo Feng gritted his teeth and made the decision to expose his strength in front of Ye Jiujiu.

During the fight, Luo Feng saw the right time, and with a thought, six telekinetic flying knives flew out from his back, gathered together in the blink of an eye, and merged into a slightly larger flying knife, which shot towards the eyes of one of the two-headed black-line snake's heads with a "whoosh".

'Puff, snap.

. Ang.

. Woo.

. ♙♕  ♦♦’ The flying knife pierced into the eyes of the two-headed black snake, and the sound of the eyeball bursting and the two-headed black snake's screams rang out.

Ye Jiujiu seized the moment when the two-headed black snake was injured and paused, and flew up from the ground. The sword in his hand was full of ice power, and the handle was upright. He stabbed the two-headed black snake's mouth, which was wide open due to the screams.

‘Puff, roar.

. Woo.

. ’ A more shrill scream came from the mouth of the two-headed black snake.

Then, the two-headed black snake's tail was pulled back fiercely, and it was pulled towards Ye Jiujiu at a speed faster than lightning.

Ye Jiujiu reacted quickly, pulled out the sword and fell to the ground with extremely fast movements, and his body moved away from the sweeping range of the two-headed black snake's tail at an incredible speed.

With a sound of "boom, crash", the tail of the two-headed black snake swept through the air and hit the building next to it fiercely.

The huge force swept the building down, and a large amount of building debris fell down.

Luo Feng was also experienced in combat, so he would never miss the opportunity to seriously injure the two-headed black snake. The telekinetic flying knife was launched again, piercing into the mouth of the only uninjured snake head of the two-headed black snake.

Suddenly, both snake heads were seriously injured, and the two-headed black snake was completely angry. It roared angrily and attacked Ye Jiujiu and the others with its snake head and tail frantically.

Seeing that the two-headed black snake was so seriously injured, it could still attack so fiercely. The two knew that the snake head was not the vital point of the two-headed black snake.

At least, the two-headed black snake could not be killed before its snake head was cut off.

The two looked at each other tacitly and launched a big move together.

Ye Jiujiu unceremoniously exerted all his strength to activate the Nine-Layer Ice Blade. For a moment, the blade energy was everywhere, and the white mist and frost wrapped around the two-headed black snake.

Luo Feng jumped into the air, raised his swords in both hands high, and shouted "Ah";

Lightning flashed all over his body. When the lightning gathered almost, his body fell rapidly, and the sword fiercely stabbed into the junction of the two heads of the two-headed black snake.

Facing Luo Feng's thunder attack, the two-headed black snake also sensed the danger, and when it wanted to dodge, it was half a second slower.

Because its body at this time had been affected by the cold attack emitted by Ye Jiujiu's Nine-Layer Ice Blade, its speed was no longer as fast as before, and it could not dodge this knife.

'Puff, sizzle, snap.

. Boom.

. 'The sound kept ringing, and the two-headed black snake kept making shrill howls.

Such power surprised Ye Jiujiu.

Ye Jiujiu naturally saw the power of the Nine-Layer Thunder Blade before, but he did not expect that Luo Feng would also have such great power when he used it.

But things are always mutual, and great power naturally comes at a price.

This is not.


The sword in Luo Feng's hand finally couldn't withstand such a powerful burst of power. When it burst out with all its strength, it also broke into metal fragments with a "crack, ding, clatter", leaving only a hilt in Luo Feng's hand.

In this way, Luo Feng's weapon was useless, but fortunately he still had the telekinetic flying knife, and he could continue to attack the two-headed black snake.

Ye Jiujiu followed closely, and the ice power in his body burst out fiercely. Snow-white ice condensed on the sword, and pierced through the skin of the two-headed black snake with a fierce knife and stabbed into its heart.


The heart of other snake monsters is at their seven inches, but the heart of the two-headed black snake is not, it is at the intersection of the two snake heads.

And the defense here is also the most vulnerable part of the two-headed black snake.



Although the sword in Ye Jiujiu's hand is the same as Luo Feng's, it is only an E-level sword, but with the blessing of his ice power, it still broke into the heart of the two-headed black snake.


. Woo.

. 'After the miserable howl, the body of the two-headed black snake fell heavily to the ground, making a loud "bang, rumble" sound, raising a large cloud of dust.

When the dust cleared, the two looked at the two-headed black snake still twitching on the ground, and couldn't help but sigh at the vitality of the high-level beast general-level monster, which was really tenacious;

The heart was pierced and frozen into ice, but it didn't die immediately.

Just when the two were thinking that after the two-headed black snake died, they would go forward to collect the materials from the two-headed black snake.

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