Across the Heavens: Marvel's Mechanical Hunter

$233 Fighting Training Room to Establish Your Prestige

While the three of them were talking, Nathan shouted sternly:

"Are you all free? Those who have changed their clothes should stand in their respective positions. When the time is up, gather and head to the fighting training room!"

Hearing this, Ouyang Jinhai and Suresh blinked at Ye Jiujiu, each stood in the aisle in the middle of the dormitory, lined up and walked to the combat training room. ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

When everyone came to the fighting training, Ye Jiujiu saw several old hunters boringly hitting sandbags in the training room, as expected.

Taiwan Novel Network→𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎

When everyone entered the fighting room, all the old hunters stopped moving and looked at the team of students.

Ouyang Jinhai tilted his head and whispered in Ye Jiujiu's ear:

"Look, Ye, you're in trouble!"

Suresh, who was standing behind Ye Jiujiu, also whispered:

"Wow, Ye, your welcome ceremony is very special! Be careful not to get knocked down by them! Haha!"

Hearing this, Ye Jiujiu didn't speak, but the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, giving him a meaningful smile, which disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ye Jiujiu thought very simply, since the task required him to become the most outstanding student, then. . .

Let’s establish our authority in the combat training room!

When Nathan saw a group of old hunters waiting here, he knew something was wrong and wanted to stop them from beating Ye Jiujiu, so he said:

"Donaldson, what are you doing here?"

After hearing this, Donaldson said on behalf of all the old hunters:

"Oh, isn't it because it's too hard for you to train students by yourself? We are here to help you!"

After he finished speaking, all the old hunters behind him started to boo, leaving Nathan speechless.

Of course he knew that the reason why these veterans said this was not to target other students, but to find an opportunity to teach Ye Jiujiu a lesson.

This made him very embarrassed. To be honest, he was very optimistic about Ye Jiujiu.

Not only because Ye Jiujiu piloted a mecha alone yesterday and defeated two old hunters piloting Winter Ajax;

But through Ye Jiujiu's previous performance in the student dormitory, he saw that Ye Jiujiu was born to be a hunter warrior.

He didn't want Ye Jiujiu to be hit by these old hunters, but he had to let these old hunters who had been frustrated for several days vent their anger.

Just when he was in a dilemma, he suddenly saw Mazi and General Quan standing on the second floor of the fighting room, watching the excitement.

Quite unexpectedly, Nathan saw interest in their eyes. . .


It's just interest.

This time, Nathan no longer hesitated and simply said to the students behind him:

"You are really lucky today. Having these seniors to guide you will benefit you a lot!"

After saying that, Nathan turned back and asked the students to sit down at the edge of the fighting arena one by one. He also asked those students who had the courage and interest to ask the old hunters for advice to come forward and compete with the old hunters on their fighting skills.

Unsurprisingly, the first one to step forward was Vico, who came to Russia.

This girl has the most aggressive temper and is the most daring to fight. When given the opportunity to ask for advice from her seniors, she jumped in first without hesitation.

Seeing that Vico was the first to come forward, Ouyang Jinhai tilted his head and said in Ye Jiujiu's ear:

"Look, it's Vico again, she's such an impulsive girl, look, this time it's his fault!

Those old hunters will not show mercy. "

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Vico shouted "Ah" and rushed towards the old hunter on the field with his hands in a fighting posture.

Unfortunately, although his momentum was strong, his strength was not. Both his fighting skills and his own strength were far behind. After just three fights, he was beaten to the ground by this old hunter.

After beating Vico down, the old hunter looked arrogantly at the students sitting aside and mocked loudly:

"Who's coming next?"

As he spoke, he looked at Ye Jiujiu with a blatant and provocative look.

Now, no matter how stupid you are, you know that these old hunters are here for Ye Jiujiu. Naturally, no student is willing to take the lead and take the lead.

Seeing that Ye Jiujiu had no intention of accepting the challenge, the sarcasm on the old hunter's face became even more obvious, and he almost called him by name and said:

"Why, you have so little courage that you don't even dare to challenge us. How can you fight against the monsters invading the earth in the future?


Didn’t some of you use despicable means to defeat our mechas the day before yesterday?

Come on, fight me one on one! "

Hearing this, Ye Jiujiu knew that he could no longer be alone, so he had to slowly stand up from the ground and said:

"I'll fight you!"

After saying that, Ye Jiujiu glanced at Mazi and General Quan who were standing on the second floor watching the excitement, and then slowly walked into the fighting arena.

Seeing the target coming out, the old hunter chuckled and squeezed his hands together to make a 'click-click' sound.

Ye Jiujiu walked to stand two meters away from him. He stopped putting on any fighting airs. He raised his right hand and gave him a contemptuous hook and said:

"Come on, don't you want to beat me?

I'll give you a chance, let's see if you can defeat me! "

Such contemptuous actions and words immediately made the old hunter furious, and he no longer pretended to teach the younger ones.

'ah! ’ With a loud roar, he rushed towards Ye Jiujiu.

Ye Jiujiu stood there in a confused manner, not even looking at him straight in the eye.

There was no way. Although the big man was huge and powerful, his movements when he rushed over were seen by Ye Jiujiu, a mid-level combat master. . .

There were flaws everywhere. He could avoid his collision with any dodging, and could defeat the big man with any punch.

Sure enough, with a "bang", the strong man rushed fast and flew back even faster.

It was when Ye Jiujiu rushed in front of him and punched him in the cheek.

He turned his head sideways to avoid his punch, and with his right hand, he placed his palm on his chin at lightning speed.

Ye Jiujiu's strength was so great that even without exerting any force, he still knocked the big man's body high up, and he flew back two or three meters before falling to the floor, and then slid on the floor for several meters before he barely stopped.

Unfortunately. . .

Although the man stopped, he had already fainted.

'Wow! ' exclamations came one after another, mixed with the sound of "hissing" of people sucking in cold air.

The students kneeling at the edge of the field couldn't help but exclaim, and the old hunters all gasped in shock.

Even General Quan and Ma Zi, who were standing on the second floor watching the battle, had black lines on their heads, and General Quan couldn't help but twitching his facial muscles slightly.

The two knew that Ye Jiujiu's fighting skills must be very strong when he fought against Winter Ajax the day before yesterday, but they didn't expect it to be so strong.

That's a formal hunter warrior!

Even though he hasn't had the opportunity to fight monsters in these years, his usual fighting training is not vague at all.

Being KOed by Ye Jiujiu in one move, how can those old hunters have the face to teach Ye Jiujiu a lesson?

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