Across the Heavens: Marvel's Mechanical Hunter

026 New uses for mechanical traps

After these people walked away, Ye Jiujiu and Zhan Lang would sneak into the base station, first deal with the guards in the base station, then ambush in the base station, and wait for these people to come back, and then find a way to kill them one by one. Google search reading

Half an hour after the Saviors left, Ye Jiujiu began to act.

Taking advantage of the gap when the guards upstairs turned around, Ye Jiujiu and Zhan Lang rushed out quickly. The woods were only a few dozen meters away from the base station gate. At Ye Jiujiu's current speed, it only took a few seconds to run over.

When the two guards turned around again, Ye Jiujiu and Zhan Lang had already rushed to the base station gate.

Luckily, the base station gate was not locked, and Ye Jiujiu and Zhan Lang easily entered the base station.

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At this time, there were not many people in the base station. Except for a few guards on night duty sleeping in the room, it can be said that there was no one.

Ye Jiujiu ordered War Wolf to go to the roof and kill the two guards, while he searched the rooms with a mechanical crossbow and eliminated the sleeping Saviors one by one.

As for the remaining weapons in the base station, Ye Jiujiu put them all into the space without hesitation, and then began to set traps in the base.

In fact, Ye Jiujiu was too cautious. With his current combat power and War Wolf's strength, in the narrow environment of this base station, without heavy firepower, not to mention the mere thirty or so Saviors, even if there were hundreds of people, they would not be his and War Wolf's opponents.

Of course, it is necessary for Ye Jiujiu to be so cautious. After all, this is a battle, not a game, so it is not too careful.

After setting a trap in the corridor, Ye Jiujiu found a place and had a good rest.

It was not until dusk that Ye Jiujiu learned from War Wolf, who was on sentry duty outside the base station, that the Saviors had returned to the outside of the base station.

Standing up, Ye Jiujiu checked the equipment. This time, Ye Jiujiu did not choose to use a mechanical crossbow to fight the enemy, but chose a more convenient pistol.

With a large capacity of 33 rounds of bullets and light and compact, the pistol is obviously more convenient than a mechanical crossbow in a narrow space.

Hidden in the room in the center of the base station, Ye Jiujiu was like an old hunter patiently waiting for prey, quietly squatting behind a large machine, while War Wolf hid outside the base station, ready to launch a fatal attack on the Savior Army from behind.

Not long after, there was a noisy argument and scolding at the door of the base station. It was obvious that the people who came back did not find the guards and had become suspicious.

Sure enough, the next moment, Ye Jiujiu keenly heard the "clatter, click" sound of pulling the bolt.

Then, the hurried footsteps sounded in the corridor. Ye Jiujiu began to count silently in his heart. When he counted to ten, he heard the sound of "swoosh, swoosh, swoosh" in the corridor, as well as the screams of people before they died and the wailing of people who could not bear the pain after being injured.

Obviously, the mechanical trap set by Ye Jiujiu has been triggered by the Savior Army. It is unknown how many Savior Army soldiers were killed.

To be honest, Ye Jiujiu did not have much hope. How many enemies could be killed by the mechanical trap? After all, due to the narrow environment, the killing range of the trap of 20 meters could not kill many enemies.

Ye Jiujiu only set one trap, because the Savior Army who had been fooled once would not be stupid enough not to check whether there were any traps in the corridor.

Although Ye Jiujiu's trap is a product of black technology, it also has many shortcomings.

For example, it needs to be triggered by contact, and the target is obvious. In short, as long as you see the trap and don't touch it, it will not have much effect.

In fact, it is true. The corridor is long and narrow and can't squeeze so many people. There are actually only a dozen people within 20 meters before and after the trap. Therefore, the Savior Army killed by this wave of traps is only a dozen people.

After waiting patiently for a few minutes, the noisy sound in the corridor stopped. The Savior Army, who had long developed the habit of silence in the end of the world, walked lightly into the base station.

If Ye Jiujiu's spiritual attribute had not reached 10 points, he might not have heard their footsteps.

The next moment, the Savior Army entered the room, with several tall and strong men in front of them, all holding assault rifles, and their firepower was really strong.

They carefully checked the surrounding movements while paying attention to whether there were traps under their feet, and their faces were very nervous.

Ye Jiujiu also launched an attack at this time, hiding behind the machine, only showing his head and the arm holding the gun, raising the pistol and shooting continuously.

The crisp and light sound of "bang bang bang" resounded in the room and the corridor. The first few Savior Army men fell to the ground, with a bloody hole on their foreheads and chests. They were obviously killed by Ye Jiujiu.

The next moment, noisy shouts and curses came from the corridor, and fierce gunshots of "da da da" also rang out, and countless bullets were shot into the room.

The bullets hit the machines in the room, making a dense "dangdangdang" sound, and many computer screens on the table were shattered by the bullets.

Ye Jiujiu had to squat a little lower, hiding behind the machine, holding his head with both hands, cursing "Mad".

The next moment, the base station door was opened again, and the Wolf Warrior appeared silently in the corridor, attacking from behind when the Saviors were concentrating on the room.

The power and speed of the War Wolf were not comparable to those flesh-and-blood Saviors. In just a few seconds, the War Wolf pounced on two people, stabbed two people to death with its tail, swept three people with its tail, and bit two people to death.

The Saviors who were shooting in front heard the screams of their companions behind them, and realized that there were still enemies behind them. In a panic, they turned their guns and shot at the War Wolf.

Unfortunately, the bullets hit the War Wolf, only bursting out sparks, but could only leave countless bullet marks on the metal body of the War Wolf.

Ye Jiujiu also rushed out at this time, subconsciously took out a trap from the space, shook his hand and threw it into the corridor, and hid behind the wall of the room.

The trap fell into the corridor with a "bang", and the next second it was ejected into the air with a "buzz", and a series of arrows and steel balls shot out with a "swoosh".

A series of screams of "Ah, Ah" suddenly came out in the corridor. Ye Jiujiu was stunned and couldn't help but call himself "idiot".

Obviously, he didn't expect that after he threw the trap as a grenade, the trap fell to the ground and triggered the mechanism, creating a grenade-like effect.

This is also the habitual thinking that limits Ye Jiujiu's imagination. Who stipulates that the trap must be triggered on the ground? Although the weight of the mechanical trap is dozens of kilograms, it is not something that ordinary people can throw out.

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