Seeing Ye Jiujiu killing people with the robot dog and about to enter its core, Skynet became anxious.

It can be said that it was really scared at this time!

This feeling surprised Skynet.

This was the first time it had such an experience since it was born with real wisdom.

But unfortunately, although it has been developing human wisdom for a long time, it still cannot get rid of the constraints of the host and can only stay in the base.

Otherwise, what it would consider at this time is to possess a robot's body and find a way to kill Ye Jiujiu personally, or run out of the base.

In fact, it can indeed possess a robot for a short time, just like it possessed T-X in Terminator 3.

But it can't break away from the host and become a truly autonomous robot.

This may be the world's will that limits its performance!

Apart from these, in the battle in the factory, after Ye Jiujiu joined, the robots were killed by Ye Jiujiu and the robot dogs in ten minutes.

Entering the passage from the open gate, the five mechanical dogs led the way and advanced deep into the underground base.

When Skynet saw Ye Jiujiu entering the passage, he inexplicably felt that he was about to die.

However, Skynet would not give up easily, and immediately ordered REV9, who had been staying by his side, to kill all creatures entering the base.

After receiving the Skynet order, REV9, who had been standing motionless in front of the light ball, had a flash of data flow in his eyes, and then he regained his brilliance and turned to walk towards the entrance of the passage.

While walking, a robot with a black body and only bones appeared behind it.

Seeing this familiar scene, Ye Jiujiu immediately knew the identity of this robot, which was the last robot to appear in the Terminator, REV9.

This kind of robot is really powerful, but it is not powerful at all.

Compared with other robots, REV9 can only split into an alloy combat skeleton.

Looking at REV9 walking towards him step by step, Ye Jiujiu did not take action immediately, but let Red Queen control the mechanical dog to rush up.

Ye Jiujiu's idea was very simple. He just wanted to let the mechanical dogs entangle REV9, and he should destroy Skynet as soon as possible.

Facing more than 30 mechanical dogs rushing towards him, REV9 still walked towards Ye Jiujiu without looking away, and ignored the mechanical dogs' attacks.

Seeing this, Ye Jiujiu couldn't help but wonder in his heart, thinking:

This REV9 is not a stubborn person, is it its target? Am I locked by hatred?

In fact, it is true. REV9 only has Ye Jiujiu in its eyes, and nothing else is in its eyes.

After all, in its eyes, only Ye Jiujiu is life, and the mechanical dogs are just machines.

The mechanical dogs rushed forward, first opening their mouths to spray energy shells.

Unfortunately, the energy shells that were originally very effective against robots only blasted holes when they hit REV9, but they recovered in the next second.

The mechanical dogs naturally would not give up. Since the energy cannon was not working, they changed their attack method.

The next second, dozens of laser beams were fired at REV9.

Unfortunately, the laser beams that could cut even liquid metal in the past had no effect on REV9.

When the laser beams cut REV9, they could only cut REV9's body surface and could not go any further.

Ye Jiujiu, who had the enhanced vision of Red Queen, even saw that after the laser beams came into contact with REV9's body surface, a large amount of black liquid-like substance gushed out of REV9's body surface, blocking the ray from going deeper.

It was as if the beams and the black liquid had reached a weird balance, and no one could do anything to the other.

Seeing REV9 getting closer and closer, the mechanical dogs simply rushed forward, intending to use physical attacks to break REV9 into pieces.

When the first mechanical dog fell on REV9, something weird happened.

The mechanical dog opened its mouth and bit, and strangely bit off a piece of black liquid. As soon as the liquid left REV9's body, it quickly squirmed and stretched, and then turned into another identical REV9.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jiujiu couldn't help but take a breath, and a bad premonition suddenly rose.

Sure enough, every time a mechanical dog pounced on and bit, there was an extra REV9 on the scene, and it instantly entangled with the mechanical dog.

After more than 30 mechanical dogs went up, there were more than 30 REV9 on the scene.

Of course, Ye Jiujiu could also see that these newly separated REV9s were not abnormally strong, and at most they fought the mechanical dogs to a draw.

Without help, Ye Jiujiu faced the two REV9s directly, and with a thought, his hands turned into a state of left hand shield and right hand sword.

When he was five meters away from Ye Jiujiu, REV9 also raised his hands slightly, and the black liquid quickly stretched into two long swords with sword tips at both ends.

REV9 held the middle of the long sword with both hands, and rushed towards Ye Jiujiu with great speed.

Ye Jiujiu squatted slightly, with the shield in front and the sword behind to make a defensive and offensive posture.

Two meters away, REV9 jumped up suddenly, and stabbed Ye Jiujiu with the two-handed sword.

Ye Jiujiu raised the shield to block, and with a "ding-dong" sound, Ye Jiujiu used the skill of using the force to counter the force, and pushed REV9 out with the shield retracted and pushed.

Then, Ye Jiujiu stood up and rushed out, catching up with the retreating REV9, and also jumped up suddenly, smashing REV9's head with a shield.

Unexpectedly, a metal skeleton rushed out from its side, stretched out both hands and took Ye Jiujiu's shield attack.

With the sound of "dang, bang", the metal skeleton clone was hit by the shield and flew back, and Ye Jiujiu was about to continue attacking.

REV9 had recovered, stopped and continued to pounce, raised his hand and slashed with a sword.

Ye Jiujiu raised his sword to block, and smashed the shield horizontally, blocking the sword in REV9's left hand.

Next, REV9 and the metal skeleton clone attacked Ye Jiujiu from the left and right.

Fortunately, Ye Jiujiu's fighting ability exceeded that of the two robots, and he could withstand the attacks of the two robots.

On the other side, the light of Skynet's light ball flickered unsteadily. That was because Red Queen had increased her invasion strength, leaving Skynet with no time to do anything else and trying to resist Red Queen's invasion.

As a result, the entire wide underground space was filled with robots and mechanical dogs fighting against each other, and the scene was extremely lively.

On Ye Jiujiu's side, the more he fought, the easier it became.

After all, the fighting skills of robots, to be honest, were really bad. They just kept fighting a few times, and their fighting skills were nowhere near as rich as Ye Jiujiu's.

After dozens of rounds, Ye Jiujiu had figured out REV9's fighting routine and launched a counterattack without hesitation.

REV9 and its metal skeleton clone, whose fighting routine Ye Jiujiu had completely figured out, were immediately beaten by Ye Jiujiu without any resistance.

From time to time, they would be hit by a sword or a shield, or by an elbow or a kick.

If they were not made of nano-metal, they would have been chopped into pieces by Ye Jiujiu's sword.

Even so, REV9 and its clones were in a terrible state.

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