Seeing that Ye Jiujiu's flying speed was so fast, even exceeding the flying speed of missiles, all the soldiers were surprised:

What the hell is this, is it so awesome? Even missiles can't catch it.

In fact, it is exactly what the Red Queen said.

The speed of the missile could not catch up with Ye Jiujiu at all, and it could only maintain a distance of tens of meters at most and chase after Ye Jiujiu's butt.

Of course, this is also because the missiles chasing Ye Jiujiu were missiles launched by helicopters;

Otherwise, if it were a missile launched by a fighter jet, how could Ye Jiujiu escape so easily?

Just think about it and you will know that all fighter jets can fly at supersonic speeds, then. . .

Since the missiles of fighter jets can catch up with fighter jets, the speed of the missiles must also be supersonic.

And if the tracking settings of helicopter missiles were not too abnormal;

Just because Ye Jiujiu is slightly faster than the missile, sooner or later he can get rid of the missile's lock and track the lost target.

Ye Jiujiu flew farther and farther, and finally disappeared from the sight of the army.

With a constipated expression on his face, the adjutant saluted the commander and asked:

"Sir, would you like to order the troops to continue pursuing the target?"

When the commander heard this, his face turned dark and he thought to himself:

Damn it, why do I have such stupid subordinates?

Flying faster than ballistics, apart from a few armed helicopters and ground troops, what should I use to chase them?

I thought so, but after all, I am the commander of the army, so I can't act so incompetent, so I said:

"The ground troops are temporarily stationed in place, clearing the base and checking the base damage!

In addition, send the news back to the base and ask the base to send fighter jets to track the target! "

After saying this, the adjutant breathed a sigh of relief, immediately stood at attention and saluted and said:

"Yes, sir! I'll do it immediately!"

After speaking, the adjutant got back into the command vehicle and asked the correspondent to transmit the information back to the base headquarters.

In fact, the adjutant did this because he was afraid that the commander would chase Ye Jiujiu.

Once you come, you can't say whether you want to catch up or not;

Secondly, what happens if we catch up?

Maybe that armored man has some powerful means that he hasn't used yet. Once a battle breaks out, who knows how many people will die?

Not to mention the adjutant heaving a sigh of relief, in addition to the ground troops, the pilot on the helicopter also heaved a huge sigh of relief after receiving the order to stay in place.

There was no way, even though they were on the helicopter, they were still afraid that Ye Jiujiu would launch a counterattack against them.

Just think about it!

An enemy who can't even catch up with missiles, what does the speed of a helicopter mean to him?

Once Ye Jiujiu gets close, how can they resist?

With cannons and missiles?

If you can't hit the opponent, it won't kill you!

However, there are always times when things cannot be eased.

They only saw a few dead soldiers outside the base gate, and no one could bear these casualties;

But if you enter the base and see the corpses of soldiers all over the ground, the army may not be so merciful.

Ye Jiujiu also didn't expect this result. If he had, he wouldn't have stayed in the base for so long and caused trouble for himself.

Imagine any military commander seeing so many of his men die. . .

No matter what, Ye Jiujiu will be caught and brought to justice, so as to comfort the families of the dead soldiers, as well as the annoying media and the general public.

At this time, Ye Jiujiu was also depressed. After this flight, although he had satisfied his addiction to flying.

But how can anyone get better if they are chased by missiles that can explode at any time?

Finally, under the guidance of the Red Queen, Ye Jiujiu finally found a suitable location.

It was a cliff standing alone, visually estimated to be at least nearly a thousand meters high.

This height was enough for Ye Jiujiu to risk climbing vertically from the foot of the mountain and use the mountain wall to detonate the tracking missiles.

Under Hong Hou's calculations, which were almost accurate to milliseconds, Ye Jiujiu flew into the mountain wall at high speed without any hesitation.

Just when he was about to hit the mountain wall in the next second, Ye Jiujiu was under the command of the Red Queen.

Ye Jiujiu straightened his upper body sharply, with his palms facing down, and his energy exploded with all his strength. . .

The armor made a 'buzz' sound and drew a 90-degree right angle in front of the mountain wall. It barely touched the mountain wall for fifty centimeters and quickly changed directions and climbed vertically. . .

At the same time, the commander in the base also received a report from his soldiers.

After learning that all the researchers in the base, except those who escaped, died in the base.

The commander felt bad. If he hadn't tried so hard to hold back, he would have slapped the table and cursed.

Then I heard that no warheads could be found in any of the wounds of these soldiers;

Only holes were left on the body, scorching the muscles around the wounds.

After receiving the news, the commander who was so angry that he almost roared calmed down instantly, keenly grasped the key points, and immediately thought of Ye Jiujiu who flew away.

A thought suddenly appeared in his mind, that is:

Must catch Ye Jiujiu at all costs, no matter who he is? Catch them all.

because. . .

It can be judged from the wounds of the soldiers who died that the weapon that killed the soldiers must have been a very advanced and powerful weapon. Otherwise, how could there be no warheads left in the bodies, but only scorched wounds?

Combined with the armor that Ye Jiujiu wore that had never appeared before, the commander knew that his opportunity had come. As long as he caught Ye Jiujiu, he would naturally have a share of the credit, and it would not be small.

Thinking of this, the commander hurriedly got into the command vehicle and immediately contacted the general at the base directly:

"Report to the general. The situation in the base is special. There may be unknown weapons and equipment. I hope the general can send more fighter jets and cooperate with ground troops to capture the mysterious man who escaped."

The general heard this and wondered why he, who had been dealing with him for more than ten years, didn't understand what his subordinate meant.

Without any hesitation, the general gave the order to the adjutant who was always by his side:

"Notify the fighter flight group and send out all fighter jets to search and arrest the suspect. Remember...

Stay alive as much as possible! "

When the adjutant heard this, his expression became serious. Although he still didn't know what the matter was, he still stood at attention, saluted and said "yes", and hurriedly left the general's office.

The general then picked up the phone and continued:

"John, don't worry about the base. You are closest to the target. I want you to lead your troops to catch up immediately and catch him no matter what. Do you understand?"

The commander heard the song and knew its elegant meaning. He still didn't understand the general's meaning, so he immediately replied respectfully:

"Yes, General, I promise to complete the mission!"

As soon as the sound fell, the commander immediately ordered the troops to assemble. The helicopter squadron took the lead in chasing Ye Jiujiu in the direction he left, and reported to him as soon as he found anything.

Not to mention how it is in the base, Ye Jiujiu is here. . .

Unsurprisingly, his rapid climb did not allow the missiles chasing him to change direction, and they hit the mountain wall one after another, causing violent explosions.

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