Before he could react, the dagger in the woman's hand pierced his heart fiercely. Bar Book 69 New

The heart was pierced, and Robert suddenly felt that the strength in his body was completely drained, and he fell to the ground weakly.

As he fell, he saw that the woman's body changed and turned into his appearance. She snatched the microphone from his hand and said in his voice coldly:

"Sir, I have decided that we can start Skynet on time!"


There was a doubtful voice in the microphone, and then said:

"Okay, I'll wait!"

After that, the phone was hung up.

When Robert heard the woman's words, the despair in his eyes became more and more intense, and there was deep regret. . .

He finally believed his daughter's words, but unfortunately. . .

His breathing gradually became rapid and weak, his eyes gradually lost their spirit, and his head tilted and died.

T-X, who turned into Robert, put down the phone, bent down and reached out to pick up Robert's body.

He effortlessly carried Robert's body and walked a few steps, then opened the door of the compartment.

He threw Robert's body in, then sat down at the desk and turned on the computer on the desk.

At the same time, the door of a warehouse in the base slowly opened, and a neat "clang" sound came from inside.

Then, ten strange-looking armed robots drove out of the warehouse with a "woohoo".

This group of armed robots is two meters tall, with a tracked vehicle under their square bodies, and Jetlin machine gun barrels in their hands, and red light flashing in their small eyes. ♦ൠ  ♦♦

After leaving the warehouse, this group of armed robots dispersed and guarded all the passages leading to the main computer room.

At this time, Ye Jiujiu and his companions also came to the outside of the base, but were stopped by the soldiers guarding the base.

Kate opened the car door and came to the soldier, saying to him:

"My name is Kate Brewster, Robert Brewster's daughter. I have already spoken to him on the phone. Gentlemen, please let us in?"

Hearing this, the soldier hesitated. Although he could not confirm Kate's identity, he still said to the soldier behind him loyally:

"You, go and contact the base to ask whether they should let them pass!"

The soldier standing outside the sentry box heard this, agreed with a "yes", went into the sentry box, picked up the phone and connected to the base.

Soon, the news of Kate's arrival was immediately passed to Robert's office.

Transformed into Robert, T-X picked up the phone, listened to the report and said indifferently:

"They are not my daughters, they are desperate criminals who come to sabotage the activation of Skynet. Notify the base guards to arrest them immediately.

If there is resistance, no need to ask for instructions, shoot and kill them on the spot!"

The soldier on the other side of the phone was stunned when he heard this. Although he was puzzled, he still stood at attention and replied habitually:

"Yes! Sir!"

After that, the soldier's face became firm and a little excited. He gritted his teeth and pulled the bolt, trying to look relaxed and walked out of the sentry box. ♦♦  ♦♦

Others may not hear the sound of the bolt being pulled, but Ye Jiujiu heard it clearly.

Thinking of T-X entering the base first in the play, he suddenly had an idea and stepped down from Zhuifeng's mount, and took out the small energy cannon from the space and carried it on his back.

Sure enough, after the soldier walked out of the sentry box, he approached several people and suddenly pointed his gun at Kate and shouted:

"Don't move, raise your hands! Everyone in the car should get out immediately and raise your hands!"

After shouting, he did not forget to remind his slightly stunned companion:

"Base order, they are here to cause damage, arrest them immediately, and kill them on the spot if they resist!"

After the words fell, the remaining soldiers also reacted, and pulled the bolt without hesitation to load the gun and surrounded the pickup truck.

Kate, who was frightened by the sudden action of the soldier, raised her hand reflexively and hurriedly explained:

"We are not bad people, I am really Kate Brewster, the daughter of your boss, Robert Brewster.

I want to see my father, you can't do this to us!"

In the car, Connor was also very nervous. He really didn't expect such a thing to happen.

T850 opened the door with an indifferent look and walked down empty-handed.

The tall figure immediately brought a huge sense of oppression to several soldiers, and all the soldiers' attention was focused on him.

At this moment, Ye Jiujiu also moved, raised his hand and picked up the energy cannon to shoot at several soldiers, and shouted:

"Kate, Connor hide!"

As he spoke, the energy cannon shells hit several soldiers and shot them to death.

T850 also moved quickly, stretched out his hand to grab the barrel of the soldier in front of him, and pulled it into his arms.

He pulled the soldier's body close to him, punched him, and knocked him flying backwards. After a shrill howl, he fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Although the battle at the door was short, it was seen by the base surveillance, and the base alarm was immediately sounded.

The red alarm lights in the base flashed, and the sharp alarm sounded, and the soldiers immediately rushed out with guns.

The remaining researchers also shouted in panic and rushed to the safe zone.

The transformed T-X showed an intriguing look in his eyes, and stood up, opened the door and walked out.

The armed robots scattered in the base also took action at the same time, and moved towards the base gate while their tracks turned.

The soldiers at the door were annihilated, and Ye Jiujiu unceremoniously released all the mechanical creatures in the space.

The mechanical flies scattered and monitored the situation of the entire base.

The guard force and personnel distribution in the base were all transmitted back to the Red Queen, and then passed to Ye Jiujiu by the Red Queen.

Four mechanical drones quickly flew to a height of ten meters, controlling the air and ground above the base.

32 mechanical dogs rushed into the base one after another, shooting and killing the soldiers who rushed out of the base.

At this moment, don't blame Ye Jiujiu for being cruel and killing innocent people. Only Ye Jiujiu knew it in his heart.

Since the base has issued an order, it is impossible to rush into the base before Skynet is officially launched.

At this time, Ye Jiujiu also understood why, although it was just a task to enter the base and destroy Skynet, he had 15,000 experience.

Feeling, this task is really not that easy.


Ye Jiujiu had seen the armed robots and drones heading for the gate from the images sent back by the mechanical fly.

Needless to say, these robots were under the control of Skynet to intercept him and others and prevent them from destroying it before it was activated.

When Kate's father appeared in the image sent back by the mechanical fly, and he saw his cold and ruthless expression and the familiar indifference that belonged only to robots, Ye Jiujiu understood...

Kate's father was most likely dead, and the current Robert was transformed from T-X, which explained why the gatekeeper pointed a gun at him and others.

In other words:

The war is inevitable!

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