After a pause, the Red Queen continued:

"We will definitely be able to scan the entire North Pole in a short period of time and find the crashed plane that sir is looking for."

Hearing this, Ye Jiujiu was overjoyed and hurriedly urged:

"Very good, Red Queen, you are so awesome! Give me the list of materials quickly, and I will go out and buy them right away!"

‘Yes, sir! I will pass the detailed list to Mr. ’

As soon as the Hong Queen's sweet voice sounded, Ye Jiujiu had a series of names of materials and the required quantities in his mind.

Ye Jiujiu went out impatiently, got in the car and went to buy materials one by one.

When Ye Jiujiu returned home after purchasing the materials, he met Parker outside the door who came to see him.

As soon as he saw Ye Jiujiu, Parker immediately cheered and rushed towards Ye Jiujiu.

I haven't seen Ye Jiujiu for several days, and Parker really misses Ye Jiujiu so much.

Not to mention that although he is now in school and no one bullies him anymore, and he has even developed a relationship with the girl he likes, his favorite is Ye Jiujiu.

Ye Jiujiu saw Parker rushing toward him with a face full of joy. To be honest, he was very touched.

Parker rushed to Ye Jiujiu and was about to reach out to hug Ye Jiujiu when he realized that Ye Jiujiu was holding many things in his arms. He was afraid of knocking the things out of Ye Jiujiu's arms and was about to hug Ye Jiujiu. . .

Relying on his strong physical fitness and super strength, Parker was able to do a somersault 30 centimeters away from Ye Jiujiu before abruptly stopping his forward momentum. After landing and standing up, he touched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile:

"I'm sorry, Ye! I'm so excited. I haven't seen you for so long. I..."

Hearing this, Ye Jiujiu also laughed and said nonchalantly:

"It doesn't matter. In fact, I miss you too! Let's go and talk about it inside the house!"

After saying that, Ye Jiujiu took Parker all the way back to the door, stuffed the things in his arms into Parker's arms and said:

"These are electronic components and other materials. You hold them for me and I will open the door!"

While talking, he took out the key and opened the door, and walked into the house with Parker looking confused.

Parker followed with a large bag of things, put the things on the coffee table, and finally couldn't help but ask:

"Ye, do you want to do something? Why don't you invite me to help you? You know, I am also very powerful!"

Hearing this, Ye Jiujiu also reacted and remembered that Little Spider was also an incredible scientist with extremely strong hands-on skills.

Otherwise, he would not have independently developed and manufactured a spider silk launcher. Later, he even improved the spider silk launcher to restrain Electro Max and defeat Electro.

Thinking of this, Ye Jiujiu didn't want to hide anything from Parker, so he sat on the sofa and poured water for the two of them, while saying:

"Thank you Parker, I'm actually going to make a metal scanner that I want to put on my mechanical drone!"

As expected, Parker's attention was caught as he finished speaking, and he immediately said excitedly:

"Really? Do you need my help? Ye!"

"Of course, with cheap tools to help me, there is no reason to delay!"

Ye Jiujiu answered immediately.

After saying that, both of them burst into laughter.

The time was almost up, and Ye Jiujiu cooked a dinner for the two of them as usual. After finishing the meal, the two of them entered Ye Jiujiu's temporary studio and garage with a large bag of electronic components.

It must be said that after this period of time, Parker was completely influenced by Ye Jiujiu and fell deeply in love with Chinese cuisine.

Parker's favorite is the beef stew with potatoes made by Ye Jiujiu.

A meal of potato stewed beef not only satisfies Americans' preference and demand for beef, but also tastes the unique Chinese delicacy.

The scanner is not that easy to make. Even under the guidance of the Red Queen, it took the two of them several hours to make a scanner for the first time.

Looking at the palm-sized object in front of them, the two of them excitedly high-fived each other and cheered.

Next, Ye Jiujiu did not shy away from Parker and released a mechanical drone with a wave of his hand.

The appearance of the drone immediately startled Parker.

He had never seen what Ye Jiujiu's mechanical drone looked like, and originally thought that the drone was just the same as other drones.

But who would have thought that Ye Jiujiu's mechanical drone would be such a big thing.

Ye Jiujiu took a step forward, followed the instructions of the Red Queen, installed the scanner in his hand on the drone, and couldn't wait to open the garage door, allowing the Red Queen to control the drone and fly out of the garage.

As soon as the drone flew out of the garage, the situation scanned by the drone came to Ye Jiujiu's mind.

Countless cars of various sizes, trash bins, buildings, etc., all with the influence of metal target frames, all appeared in his mind, making Ye Jiujiu's brain feel uncomfortable for a while.

In order to prevent his brain from being overly headached by this information, Ye Jiujiu had to ask the Red Queen not to transmit these images to him for the time being, so that he felt better.

After testing that the scanner could be used normally, Ye Jiujiu asked Queen Hong to fly the drone back to the garage, and then continued to build the scanner with Parker.

With the previous successful experience, the next manufacturing will be much simpler.

Around seven o'clock in the morning, the two finally produced three more scanners and installed them on the remaining three drones one by one.

After not sleeping all night, the two of them were in superhuman physical condition but not tired. Ye Jiujiu made Parker a simple breakfast and sent Parker out to school.

Then Ye Jiujiu also went out and boarded a plane to the nearest city to the North Pole.

When Ye Jiujiu arrived in Anchorage, Fury and Coulson also received the news.

The two were discussing this matter in the office.

‘Colson, you said that Ye knew about Steve. Is this possible?

You know, since Steve crashed, the government has sent a large number of people to look for him, but they have never found him. Can he? ’

‘Sir, I am not sure!

But I think this is still possible! After all...

He still has some special means. Maybe he has got some news that we don’t know, right?

Besides, isn’t he in the city closest to the North Pole now? Isn’t that where Steve crashed when he sent back the last message? ’

Speaking of this, Coulson paused before continuing:

“Sir, you see...

Should we also send people over to monitor nearby?”

Fury habitually tapped his fingers on the desk. Of course, he understood what Coulson meant.

It's just that he's worried that Ye Jiujiu will do something with Steve's body after he finds Steve first.

Also, Coulson admires Steve so much, maybe he wants to see him first.

But no matter what, Fury has to be on guard. Sending someone over can not only monitor Ye Jiujiu, but also help his subordinates, so of course he has to agree.

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