Ace Evolution

Chapter 51: Discuss

This reminder suddenly made his nerves tense. Fang Lin took a few deep breaths, checked his props and equipment, and decisively opened the door and walked into the corridor. More than ten meters away, a young man in a suit and leather shoes looked gentle and smiling Raised his hand and showed his goodwill:

"Hello, are you interested in talking?"

Wu Fanglin immediately came to his senses and asked tentatively:

"Is it united?"

The young man smiled and nodded:

"According to the rules, within a radius of ten kilometers, only five people will be assigned. We are also assigned the recognition of imprint. Now, we have plenty of time to discuss what to do next."

While he was talking, suddenly a majestic firework burst from a tall building about seven or eight kilometers away, straight into the sky, but formed a terrible sickle shape, which made the whole world as bright as a moment. However, if the pedestrians on the road didn't notice it, they didn't seem to see such magnificent scenes, but the young man's complexion suddenly turned blue, turned and walked downstairs, gritting his teeth:

"These guys are here too! If you don't want to die, come down and meet everyone right away!"

Fang Lin felt a shock in her heart, knowing that the previous fireworks wanted to be the contact method of another team. These guys are so swaggering, naturally they are extremely capable, and they should have formed a loose alliance. The fireworks were purchased from space, so the aborigines of this world are naturally invisible.

He raised his vigilance, and as the young man hurried downstairs, three people downstairs were waiting impatiently, all of them looking terrified. If they walked around like an ant on the hot pot, they would not talk nonsense when they saw them. Urging directly:

走 "Go, hurry! This time, not only the Mad Cows, but also the Stormtroopers! Damn, what luck?"

Fang Lin checked his face, and when they saw that they were not in disguise, they went out with them. Obviously, the other four people were also very uneasy about each other. They stunned the guards in the parking lot. They each picked a car and took it. Going up and hurried out, Fang Lin had a soft spot for motorcycles, and followed them galloping away.

The twenty-five people galloped for a while, naturally they didn't know the way, just hurried to the opposite direction where the firework signal rose quickly. They drove all the way to the edge of the city, then abandoned the car as if it were on fire, and hurried to a quiet park before they rested and panted.

"What mad cows and stormtroopers? Are they all great?" Another little man asked Fang Lin's doubts, and he was sweating with a bit of embarrassment: "The five of us together, are we still afraid of them? "

At this time the youth who looked very polite Sven sneered:

"The Stormtrooper team is composed of three people. It is said that they signed the KOF contract and have successfully passed the first golden mainline mission! What do you say about their strength? The Mad Bulls have a total of four people, each of them The single-player combat capabilities are extremely powerful, but because they signed a gray contract with each other, they have scruples at the combat center and dare not exert their full strength, and lose to the assault team. But I can be sure that if the assault team The members of the team are heads-up against the Mad Cows, and the winner must be the latter! "

Xi Fanglin was the first time to receive information on the main gold task at this time, he asked again, and suddenly the nightmare was imprinted and got prompts:

注意 "Note: The reincarnation is approaching. Do you want to start a mental scan?"

"Note: The reincarnation is approaching." Do you want to start a mental scan? "

At this time, there was no response from the surrounding people, which shows that these people are not as good as him. Fang Lin was not busy. He took a half step back and smiled calmly after seeing the exit:

"I'm convenient."

Jaina Sven youth suddenly frowned, and smiled:

"I just want to go to the bathroom too."

Someone else was surprised, but they didn't think about it deeply. The two just took a few steps, and suddenly, the river next to them burst into a very burly and strong shadow. The mountain came straight up, The small man headed was quite agile. He suddenly pulled a knife from his waist and pierced quickly, but the black shadow protruded with both hands, and it was the latter who took his wrist first, and a hammer hit him. On this little man's face!

The break of the nasal bone was clear and audible. The little man covered his face screaming and screamed. The other two were furious, and one person suddenly took out the gun in his hand and leapt up, his hands With a gun, although the person is in the air, the bullets are splattering like rain, and the companion next to him is directed at the burly shadow, intending to fight close, but the person is smashed by the opponent in the air. go back! His chest was stubbornly swollen, and he could not spit his blood! And the countless guns shot half a foot in front of the burly shadow, and they seemed to have hit a layer of invisible barriers and were bounced off, causing no harm!

When the Sven youth saw that the shadow action was so fast, he bit his teeth, suddenly turned back, leaned forward, and lowered his mouth, spitting out a large flame without warning, just vomiting on the burly figure, and continued Burning, burning its upper body into a raging fire!

This trick is the skill of the spitting short fat man (we call it Zeng Zhiwei ... 囧) in his acclaimed world, and it shows no sign of it. It is really invincible. Many people have died. Under his scheme!

But the burly shadow didn't even look at him half-eye, and his hands were crossed on his face, like a demon bathing in fire, and he rushed towards the gunner who kept firing, and rushed directly in front of him. Caught is an over shoulder fall!

摔 The fall was aimed at the hard flower stand next to it, and the gunner's entire body was weirdly folded in half! His spine was immediately broken and killed, but the burly black shadow still grabbed him and refused to let go, yet another force, even fell straight into the air dozens of meters high! The corpse drew a high parabola and fell straight down. The landing point was not biased. It was exactly where the Sven young man stood, smashing his blood into his mouth, tumbling a few times, and then stopped moving ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Fang Lin suddenly opened his eyes!

Come back!

In the KOF world, Goro's throwing skills were unexpectedly unexpectedly learned by this burly shadow!

The attack was a long story. In fact, the rabbit rose from the hawk, but in just a few tens of seconds, Fang Lin stood beside him. It was so gorgeous, not even when he reacted. At this time, the flame on the burly shadow was still Burning, burning all his upper body clothing, but not hurting him.

At this time, Fang Lin saw the bodies of the four people around him disappearing gradually, leaving a few keys. Where can he take care of the outside body, he immediately ran out with all his strength, and his basic body law at this time was level--7 Level, this force is really moving away from the rabbit, I saw his figure became extremely blurred, and ran away dozens of meters away in an instant!

However, the burly shadow suddenly stood, raised his hands over his head, and slammed the ground!

Suddenly, Fang Lin felt that the ground beneath his feet had become as soft as cotton, and then suddenly hardened. He felt a pain at his feet and immediately fell to the ground! When he got up easily, the whole person was lifted up tight! The whole force was completely paralyzed by the incoming force, and when I saw it, I was forced to fall off the hard railing next to it!

At this moment, Fang Lin suddenly flashed something that seemed to be familiar. Between life and death, thousands of thoughts flashed in his mind, and he suddenly closed his eyes and shouted:

\ "........ \"

Uh .........

Mind scanning is also a basic skill, but it requires special conditions to achieve it. One is that you need to be a mentally strong elder. 2 requires mental strength greater than 30. 3 requires nightmare imprint level greater than 1 and.

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