Ace Evolution

Chapter 46: trading had done

Having said that, he set the pair of dark gold shoes and a gold short knife into an exhibition state and leaned leisurely on the side pillar. There are some other things. In this nightmare world, the output rate of blue equipment is actually not high, let alone gold equipment. However, Fang Lin has been strong with weak strikes twice, which is often successful, but this is also the case. He was wit and calm, and at the same time he struggled for the results. In this trading place, gold equipment is rare, let alone dark gold. Suddenly a large number of people gathered to watch, and the pair of dark gold shoes increased the movement speed by 20%. It is also worth mentioning that it may have unknown skills after identification. This undoubtedly adds to the value of gambling.

In addition, the special effect of the golden short knife is also very practical, with a 30% chance to cause an additional 20 points of damage. This is very useful for agile characters. A qualified agile character should learn to grasp Opportunity, just don't move, once you start, you will cause maximum damage in a short time!

In this nightmare world, the identity in the real world is not worth mentioning. The wealth and power in the outside world cannot be brought in. The measure of your status here is naturally based on equipment and personal capabilities. Immediately, someone started to talk with Fang Lin eagerly.

At this time, Fang Lin also learned a lot of valuable information from it. For example, in order to cope with the dangerous situation of the nightmare world, when the strength of the veteran is overwhelmed to a certain degree, his own nightmare mark can also improve the level. You can also form a relatively loose alliance. After paying huge points and potential points, you can also not be affected by the random number distribution when entering the nightmare world. You can gather the alliance members into a faction and not kill each other, but This combination has a major drawback. It only needs to pay 5,000 points to cancel the contract. That is to say, it is impossible to ensure the loyalty and reliability of the alliance personnel, and it is not possible to rule out the possibility of peer betrayal in the face of huge benefits. Therefore, it is called gray. contract.

As the number of people interested in buying gradually increased, Fang Lin also received secret offers from several people. They were also able to come up with skill scrolls that required high mental strength to learn. One of them was a C-level skill from the famous world: current. Shock. The other book is not a small one, but it is a class A skill: the stunt of the American special forces guli in Street Fighter: Crescent Sonic Hand Knife!

Seeing Fang Lin was quite moved, there was a lot of meaning to make a deal on the spot. The three Charlie next to them immediately felt a little stunned. In fact, the two props in the hands of the other Lin actually had a bit of a ambition. Charlie had been deceived. Fang Lin was alone and wanted to take advantage of the price, but he didn't expect it to be self-defeating. He didn't care about that at this moment either, and lowered his face to invite Fang Lin aside:

"Let's discuss it again?"

Wu Fanglin smiled slightly:

"Okay, how do you discuss the law?"

His previous contrition was actually just to put some pressure on these three people. Although Guli's stunt crescent sonic hand knife is powerful, the training conditions are also extremely harsh, requiring strength, agility, and energy to develop in all directions. People, and the seller's conditions are also a lion. Not optimistic about Fang Lin.

"Let's do this," Charlie said, "You and these two things are also very good. Just use the scroll of magic charm to exchange your shoes and knives."

She Fanglin smiled, shook her head, and walked towards the crowd again. Charlie's face was cloudy, and he grabbed his teeth and said:

这样 "So, you take the scroll and pick something from us at will."

Wu Fanglin calmly stretched out **** and smiled:


Charlie angered:

"You don't go too far!"

Wu Fanglin smiled and said:

"Everything you have is blue equipment, so it's not very valuable."

He said this truthfully. There are some strong arguments. The good or bad of the equipment is the attached special attributes. If the blue equipment can have strong additional special effects support, sometimes the value even exceeds dark gold. But Charlie couldn't refute for a while, seeing those around him staring at each other and sighing:


Wu Fanglin went to their booth and did not take their two gold-equipped gold outfits. Instead, he chose a blue coat that accelerated the recovery of mental power by 20%, and a ring with 6 mental power. This transaction was completed. He visited the market dozens of times in the past two days, knowing that these two attributes are quite rare, so he deliberately picked them out. At this time, his mental strength has reached 31 points after equipping the ring, and he has reached the learning conditions. UU Reading returned to his exclusive space and turned the scroll into his own skills.

Uh ...............

Fang Lin learned after learning the A-level powerful magic magic skills, it turns out that this skill can not directly use the potential points to directly smash up to improve the level, you must continue to raise the level to the level after you have completed your skill experience ------- 2. At this time he saw that the time limit for staying was close, and hurried back to the real world.

In order to track down Ruan Mingyuan's true identity, Fang Lin has been away from classes for several days. Although the place where he is studying is the famous "recognize money but not people." After paying enough tuition fees, you will be upset, but after all It is a freshman who has just entered the school. This kind of wanton behavior can be regarded as a thorny one. Therefore, it was very unfortunately selected as a typical example. He was caught in the department director's office for a while and scolded, and his credits were deducted. Lin didn't mind it. After hearing the lesson, he went out and was busy exercising his ability.

When he came back downstairs, he bumped into Hu Jia again. The girl was born with bright eyes, and she was dressed up today. The upper body is a lilac Dior dress, and the lower body is a washed light blue jeans. The full body of Li's full-bodied body is drawn to the fullest, her long hair and a pony tail fluttered behind her, followed by a female companion, followed by two tall and handsome boys.

Although Fang Lin was able to keep his head awake and calm in the frontline of life and death, somehow, when he saw Hu Jia's heart, there was a kind of nagging, the feeling was like waking up after being drunk, although his mind was sober Yes, but the body is still drifting under the scent of alcohol. He could open his eyes coldly in the nightmare world and stare at the sharp knife inserted into his heart, but suddenly his heart was empty and his head bowed.

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