Ace Evolution

Chapter 97: play off

The four of them have been busy with tasks and fighting together for a while. Although the basic vigilance is still maintained, the former alienation and estrangement has also been eliminated. The four of them sat comfortably around the sofa of Dayou Technology in the headquarters of Li Gui's House and enjoyed the slave-like service of the Japanese woman, which was quite contented. Green took a sip of coffee and said suddenly:

"Hey, wisdom, sell me some cut food. The only thing you have as a man is this **** mutation skill."

Fang Lin spread his hands and smiled bitterly:

"I have taken them out for free for two days. I have already cleared the inventory for a long time, and you also know that when doing this prestige task, the violence rate is pitifully low. Occasionally, I call out the key to open the box. It's almost empty. "

"Let me cry poor!" Green sneered. "You guy must be hiding good stuff. Forget it, I don't expect you."

He motioned slightly, and Hansen started silently holding things out on the coffee table.

"Gum: Gum, high quality, food, can replenish 15% of physical strength in an instant. However, it is not effective for serious injuries such as fractures, residual limbs, etc., can be carried, can not be used in battle, can also be used to exchange 100 points chocolate: , Medium quality, food, can replenish 15% of physical strength in an instant, can be carried, can not be used in combat, can also be used to redeem 100 points ice cream: paffe, low quality, food, can instantly add 25% of physical strength %, Can be carried, cannot be used in battle, and can also be used to redeem 300 points.

............ Lobster: lobster / 1000, low quality, food, can instantly replenish 45% of the physical strength, can be carried, can not be used in battle, and can also be used to redeem 800 points.

Steak: steak / 1000, excellent quality, food, replenish 85% of physical strength within 30 seconds, will be interrupted after being attacked to restore the effect, can be carried, can not be used in combat, can also be used to exchange 1000 points .

Smoked roasted meat: barbecue / 1000, high quality, food, replenishing 100% of physical strength within 10 seconds, will be interrupted to restore the effect after being attacked, can be carried, can not be used in combat, can also be used Redeem 1000 points ... "

Fang Lin was stunned, watching the food on the table. Green Cold Lane:

"It's cheaper for you today, let you practice more skills, cut the food for you a quarter."

The next job naturally did not have to be said, Fang Lin lamented that he had worked hard, and this large pile of food was cut one by one, which was not only a physical exhaustion, but also a technical job. After 12 hours of hard work, he finally prepared the food one by one. And the real cutting technique has also reached level-3, according to common sense, another 1 and a new special effect will appear.

When cutting this pile of food, two special effects appeared. The cut foods were:

"Delicious shrimp tail: high quality, food, can continuously replenish 25% of physical strength within 60 seconds, the effect will not be interrupted, and it can accelerate the recovery of severe injuries such as fractures and residual limbs, and can be carried, It can be used in combat and can be used to redeem 500 points. "

"Sweet ice cream, paffe, food, can replenish 35% of your physical strength in an instant, and increase your strength +3, physical strength +3 within 60 minutes, can be carried, can be used in battle, and can be used to redeem 800 points . "

These two kinds of foods with special effects are naturally praiseworthy. Even the indifferent Hammerson is slightly moved and his face is happy. After all, these rare things are likely to determine a person's life and death. Most of the other foods can also be used in combat, and the cooling time is mostly 2 minutes, which is much better than the cooling time of drugs purchased in space for several hours.

After about half an hour, Yasuda came over, and the other side whispered:

"Mr. Lin, the president asked."

Fang Lin froze and smiled:

"what's up?"

Yasuda bowed respectfully:

"I don't know, but the president seems quite happy."

Fang Lin nodded:

"I'll go up."

At the same time, he made a gesture to Hu Huahao to prepare him. If there were any unexpected events, he would come up to meet himself, then he went up the elevator and came to Li Peiji's president's office. The look was rather respectful, and Momo talked for half an hour before letting it go down.

Fang Lin sat casually on the sofa and smiled:

"It seems that the president must be appreciated by the headquarters."

Li Peiji shouted:

"how do you know?"

"Who can make the president so respectful to speak, besides the veteran of the headquarters?"

Li Peiji looked at him and smiled:

"Your ability is really not small. Not only does this work of looking up and look at the color, but in just two days, you can clean up the nails that oppose my ghost club. It's a lot of effort. "

Fang Lin smiled:

"Receiving money and disaster relief for people, I also took a lot of benefits from the president, we are an equivalent exchange, not much effort."

Li Peiji lit a cigarette and took a breath of inspiration:

"At present, the opposition forces in the whole city of Nara have been basically eliminated. After hearing this, the headquarters was also very surprised. It was decided to seize this great opportunity to use this as an opportunity to open a breakthrough to enter Japan. In order to strengthen our society's power, support me. Completely split from the Honda family to form a two-pronged situation, so a mysterious master was specially invited to fight against the first sumo wrestler Edmondhonda, and he will arrive by plane tomorrow morning! "

Fang Lin flashed an electric light in his heart, and secretly speculated in his heart: "The mysterious master who invited Hongmen to move can compete with Edmondhonda. Maybe ..."

He quickly scrutinized the various clues he had in his hands from beginning to end, and suddenly a strong thought flashed in his heart. After thinking for a while, he tentatively said:

"I don't know how many people are sent from the headquarters?"

Li Peiji gave him a deep look and said vaguely:

"It should be possible to fight against the Honda family. As for the Spring Palace, I will seek the support of the Seven Great Temples."

Fang Lin knew that the president ’s city hall was equally deep, and smiled slightly, seemingly inadvertently:

"Mr. Fei, the president ’s mind is just thinking about passive defense? Hongmen entered the underworld of Naramoto in a big way. Even if you hide it for a long time, it is hard to prevent it from being detected by the people in the Seven Temples. If they know the truth, I'm afraid I will immediately turn back and talk to you in conjunction with Chun Yue Jingu, but the biggest possibility is to kill you and look for a high-ranking person to replace it. Well, Miyata is a good candidate. "

The last sentence directly poke Li Peiji's sore point ~ ~ He sank:

"Just say what you have!"

Fang Lin closed his smile and said:

"I don't know if the president is interested in destroying Honda directly? As long as the Honda family and Chun Yue Jingu are uprooted! Then even after the seven major temples learn the truth, your wings are full and you can no longer compete with you! "

Li Peiji was suddenly surprised:

"This ......... I'm afraid it's hard, right?"

Fang Lin said coldly:

"What if the square master of the Spring Palace and the five rounds in the palace would not be there?" / ~ Ban Yufu * Sheng:. * 无 弹 窗? @ ++

After listening to the words "Fangzhu" and "Five Rounds", Li Peiji shuddered and smashed the tea cup in his hand and smashed to the ground! After half a minute, he was surprised:

"How did you know?"

"I also know that even in the Spring Palace, the monk who was acting as the principal was calling Zhaoquan and died four days ago!" Fang Lin said meaningfully: "The lord of the palace and the five rounds in the palace will be Went to Tokyo and they will be back in about two days! Opportunity is lost ... "

His last misspelling was so long that he was so deliberate that he couldn't help it, so that Li Peiji couldn't help but meditate twice in the back of the word "unmissable". Inhale deeply:

"What you said is true? Why haven't I heard anything?"

"You can hear only ghosts. That's what the Nightmare World arranged for fulfilling my mission." Fang Lin smiled secretly in his heart, but on his face, he said lightly:

"You have 18 hours to investigate the truth of what I said-because if you want to do it, you have to plan for at least 20 hours, do it, and finish the work, and leave another 10 hours for maneuver time."

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