Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1101: .Long Years (118) Three in One

Long years (118)

There was a woman on the third child's side, which made He Xiaowan nervous as never before. This kind of tension is not the same as the tension caused by Yuan Yi. At least Yuan Yi can't control Qing Hui, at least no matter what Yuan Yi does, Qing Juan will secretly call her mother.

But now it's completely the other way around.

It's been a month or two since the last time I came back from the county seat. Seeing that it's getting hot, I've changed into short sleeves, but the children haven't taken the initiative to call.

She took the initiative to call last night, and when Qing Juan answered the phone, the phone squeaked, and it was not easy to answer any questions.

That was enough to make her feel uncomfortable.

I went back to the county town this morning and went to my child's school to meet. See if the child doesn't speak in front of the woman. It turned out that when they arrived at the school, they could not see their children.

She said she was the mother of the child, and people said don't worry, I'll call.

Then the teacher took the initiative to come out, and the attitude was very good. Saying that the child did not come to school, is not at school now, etc.

I asked myself if I didn’t go today or if I transferred schools a long time ago.

The teacher said that I had to transfer schools, and I don't know where to go.

When she was separated from the teacher, she reacted a bit. Children still live at home, as long as they live in the county, there is absolutely no reason not to go to this primary school. This is now the best primary school in the county. I don't know how many parents can't find a way to put their children in with borrowing fees.

It makes no sense to transfer Qing Juan to another school.

She quietly turned back, went to the window, and just about to knock on the door, she saw the doorman with his back to the window with a phone in his hand. She wanted to wait for the other party to finish the call before going to the theory, but she didn't expect to hear the voice inside: "...Yes, yes...I'm looking for Qing Juan...I pretended to be the child's mother...I called Teacher Zhang... I've been fooled... I've changed schools... I don't think I'll come again..."

He Xiaowan was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. She turned around and went to look for the third child, and went directly to the house.

But there is no one at home now.

The third one has moved.

A family of four, which will be upgraded to a family of five in a few months, is too crowded to live in a two-bedroom.

The knock on the door only disturbed the old lady next door, "...move away, don't bother...go back and live a good life..."

The old lady lives next door. Some things can be hidden from others, but not from the old lady. She knows who the child's mother is, but she knows it will be known, and now it's all like this. The child encounters a sincere person, " should rest assured. Right?"

Find someone who will take good care of the child, but if you can't say that, let the child forget about his mother.

The third child was not found, and no one knew where the third child moved.

Looking for the second child and Yingzi, the second child went to the orchard, and it was the most important time. It was normal not to go back to the city for three or five days. I asked Yingzi, "Where did you go? You look like a mentally ill person, how dare you ask the child to live with her?"

Yingzi said: "If you know it's not normal, don't go to the door. What kind of person is a murderer, and they don't pay for their lives. What do you think you are doing to stimulate her to come and go? She has a background in her family. If you It's okay to be mad at her, how can the parents over there take you? But, your brother, sister-in-law, and your wife's qualifications as a public teacher... If you don't want to go, just go... It's like making up classes in the summer vacation, privately giving them to students Charges for printing materials, if you really catch them, is this illegal? We have to think about it. What’s more terrifying, it’s really irritating and I can’t control it, and it will hurt you again… Don’t think Impossible." Then Barabara's example, who's who's who, who's leg was broken by a lunatic, and he didn't even get medical expenses. So whoever kicked the madman, the house was set on fire, and the whole family was not burned to death. Wait, wait, when He Xiaowan said it, she felt anxious. Then she said: "There's no reason not to ask you to see the child, so, if you want to see the child, call the third child in advance, so that he can take the child out, how do you want to see it? What do you want to tell the child? No? Right? What's the trouble? People will only say that you were the one who left, and that you married first. Now you are married and have a hot life, but the man in front of you is not allowed to find a woman. It doesn't sound good."

He Xiaowan was stunned for a moment, Yingzi's words were euphemistic, and it sounded like she didn't speak about herself directly, but when it comes to her face, it doesn't mean that she is married and has a man, and she has to occupy this one.

This is really ugly.

She burst into tears: "Second sister, I'm mainly for the children..."

"What happened to the child?" Yingzi said to her: "You got married and slapped your **** and left, and you didn't care about the fool that the child followed his father. Since you didn't care, others have come over. Then you don't care now. What does it mean? Qinghui is fifteen years old, and Qingning is about to go to college when he is so old. Qingjuan is also eleven, he is really a big kid. Think about what you were doing when you were eleven years old? Yes It's not that I know everything I should know, I understand everything I should understand. When I was eleven years old, let alone cooking, I would make my own shoes."


If you grasp the farm work and household chores, you can do everything. I understand everything.

She followed Yingzi's words, "...I wanted to transplant a tung tree for the family, but the saplings were so expensive at that time. They would be used to herd sheep for the team. I saw that there were two tung trees in the cemetery in our village. That night, I was alone... It was the eleven-year-old Chun Shang, in the cemetery in our village, and now I think about it, I feel stupid and bold. I really got up in the middle of the night with a shovel and a flashlight. I got it. In the middle of the night, I dug only one tree and brought it home in time for dawn. My dad got up the next day and praised me for being able to do it. My father and I planted the tree secretly, and my dad said, This tree is about the size of the two trees in front of your grandfather's grave..."

"What you stole is from your grandfather's grave?" Yingzi asked in response.

He Xiaowan laughed and laughed: "No! I was busy being a thief all night, but I ended up stealing from my own house. Now the three of them can't hold the tree anymore..."

Very emotional look.

In short, such a big child, in fact, still has a clear self-awareness.

She came out from Yingzi with a feeling that she couldn't tell what she was feeling. She returned to her mother's house in despair and cried to her mother: "...I regret it...I can't regret it..."

Her mother is distressed: "You said that you are making a good life like this. Who is to blame? Don't say anything now, just live a good life there..."

"What's the matter?" She couldn't hold back her tears any longer, "That undead thing is the worst thing. I'll go to the restaurant outside to earn some money secretly. He can find him when he's not there for three or two hours a day. A shameless old woman is doing that thing at home... If it wasn't for the fear of coming back like this, I wouldn't be there long ago. The family is old and small, and there is nothing good..."

Her mother said, "Be quiet so people can hear you..."

He Xiaowan was silent, "What kind of life did you live..."

Her mother sighed and went out: "Okay, let's endure it. Whatever you want to eat, Mom will cook it for you."

He Xiaowan fell on the kang: "Anything will do."

When He Xiaoshan came back, her mother said to Xiaoshan, "No, let's see if Xiaoqing's brother can find a job for your sister? It's better to make money by yourself outside, and it's better to see how others look."

Xiaoshan frowned: "The two children were sentenced to my sister at the beginning, and now I go to get the children back, and say that it's over for the children..."

He Xiaowan was stunned when she heard this at the door of the kitchen: This is asking herself to sue the third child.

How can this be?

The third child has a thousand bad and ten thousand bad, and it is really not bad for his parents to take it. Even if he didn't tell the child to see him, he was almost angry, but he never thought about going to court with the third child.

Even if they are not husband and wife, there is always love.

She believed that the third child had affection for her, and felt that she could not do such a ruthless thing.

Quietly returned to the room, took his bag, left the room and didn't go to the kitchen, only shouted: "Mom, I'm leaving, I'm in a hurry to drive you."

Her mother chased after her, "The meal is ready, how can anyone be hungry? After eating, go, there are cars, and you can catch up..."

"No! I'm really anxious, I just remembered that there's something else..." She almost escaped.

Where can I go out, it seems that half a lifetime has passed, and there is no place that belongs to me.

I went to my small courtyard. Since Qinghui was not in town, no one has come in this house. The grass in the yard grows panic. She cleaned up little by little, looked at the house and the courtyard walls, and remembered the bits and pieces she had experienced for this courtyard.

Then when it gets dark, get up and go out and lock the door.

Take a ride to the provincial capital.

The hitchhiker can only go to the suburbs, and the rest of the journey has to be reversed one by one, taking the bus to drive home.

Hold the key to open the door, the door lock won't open.

She knew that not only the son and daughter-in-law of this family hated her, but the dead old man was also sick of herself. This is bullying yourself in a different way, telling yourself to get out.

She didn't make any noise, she didn't open the door unless she opened it. Sitting alone on the steps, waiting for dawn.

There, the daughter-in-law sent the child out, but she ignored her when she saw her, and muttered, and when she went out, she saw a piece of shit.

She went up to fight without saying a word, pulled her hair and slammed her head against the wall. The screams drew out the neighbors, and the undead in the house.

He Xiaowan's shrewd energy came up and cried to the neighbors: "... This shameless one is with my father-in-law, bullying my mother-in-law... Everyone will judge... The one who doesn't die is an old | **** | stick... ...Daughter-in-law will not let it go... This day will not be over, let's just shoot and break up..." Anyway, there is no marriage certificate.

She herself is only in a few rags, and she always carries the money and savings with her.

There's nothing to take with you here.

Before leaving, let out a bad breath.

How do you explain this kind of thing? The yellow mud fell into the ***, no, no.

When I am bullied? Disgusting should kill you. I see that with such a reputation, how is your family doing?

The words were said, the people were beaten, and then he ran away. After leaving the community, I took the taxi and went straight to the train station. Wherever there is a car, I can get on the car, where can I not eat a bowl of rice?

People are not in the provincial capital, but no one knows. The family's forehead lawsuit, the father and son turned against each other, the husband and wife became enemies, the chaos was turned upside down, and He Xiaowan was ignored. The old man told his son that if he brought someone to confront him, he knew that she was talking nonsense. People's sons don't believe it, he said, what's the use of getting it back, who knows what means you will use to get people to change their minds. Then there was trouble again, and no one went to find He Xiaowan. And He Xiaowan didn't go home or contact her family, so no one knew that she was not in the capital.

On the contrary, Qinghui called here, but it was the end of June, more than a month later.

The family was falling apart, and the son wanted to occupy Laozi's house, but Laozi would not let it. Then, unable to bear the noise of his son, he secretly sold the house. The occupants have changed, and the phone can't get through.

Qinghui drove to the provincial capital, found the place, and knocked on the door, only to find out that his own mother had moved, but he didn't inform himself.

It's not good for him to tell his father about it when he goes back, or he will have a worse impression of his own mother.

His father asked: Is your mother doing well?

He said, "Okay. It's a bigger house."

His sister asked: Why didn't you call back?

He said, "I guess he thought that the mother in the family knew that she would be unhappy, so she didn't call. However, I will send money to us every month, and I will take it for you." He was afraid that his sister would hate his mother. Thinking about it, I still have to find a way to make some extra money, and I have to let my sister know that there is indeed such a sum of money.

After being comforted here, he went back to town in the name of helping his second uncle with some work, and took time to visit his grandma.

"My mother hasn't come back recently?" he asked sideways.

His grandmother said, "Last time I came back and scolded that old thing for not being a thing. I also discussed with your uncle, let's see if your elder brother will help your mother find a job in the city or something? Your uncle also said, What are you going to do, just come back and take care of Qing Juan. Didn't you and Qing Juan sentence your mother at that time? "

Qinghui was stunned for a moment, and realized what it meant.

I and my sister were sentenced to my mother, and now my mother wants to return my sister, it seems to be a matter of course. If you follow the logic of ordinary people, especially if your father wants to find someone else, the younger sister is actually a dragging oil bottle. And I am close to adulthood, married in two years, and living with my mother should be. Of course a son must be a foster mother. This can also make my mother come back with dignity.

But the problem is, in fact, in the past few years, my own mother has never cared about my sister. The two tacitly agreed that their sister would follow their father. If you want it now, it will definitely be in court against Bo.

He felt uncomfortable and asked, "My mother knows what my uncle means?"

His grandmother was stunned for a moment, "I told your uncle, but your mother doesn't know. Before the words were finished that day, your mother left in a hurry...and she hasn't come back yet. I guess she can't leave it there. day……"

It is estimated that my own mother overheard it, got angry with my uncle, and did not contact this side.

He didn't say anything, only said that he would come to see his grandmother after a while, and then went back to the county seat.

She was worried, but she didn't take the initiative to contact him, where should he go to find it. In her heart, she wondered uneasy whether she didn't want to find it by herself, and just wanted to live there in peace.

Lin Yutong didn't know anything about He Xiaowan.

Instead, he gradually became familiar with Yao Siyun. Although we don't meet, the phone has never been cut off. Call two children every week, and say it on the phone. Talk about family matters, such as how the second sister's restaurant is doing, and the second brother is busy with the orchard. This year is a small year, and it is estimated that the output will be affected. He also said that the old five came to borrow money and how much they gave. Miscellaneous, can't bear to chat for an hour and a half every week. Anyway, the Jin family miraculously accepted such a person and gradually got used to it.

Qingyuan and Qingning are also used to calling this Third Auntie.

Qiao Guohong invited Lin Yutong to dinner more than once, expressing one meaning: thank you! Special thanks to.

real! If they didn't know that Yao Siyun was sick, no one would dare to say that she was sick when they saw him now.

Today, Qiao Guohong called again and asked to have dinner together, but Lin Yutong declined: "...I really don't care today, my family has an errand and needs to go out..."

Qiao Guohong heard about this: "It seems that Director Jin will soon be Director Jin."

Now it is vice, which means that it will not be long before it will be positive.

This time I went to Xiangjiang, with a special mission, or for hot money.

Lin Yutong was helping to pack up, "...I guess I won't have a chance to walk around when I go there... You can agree to whatever the two bear children want..."

What can the child want?

It's just fresh.

The fourth master nodded in response: "This time, it's ten days and a half months."

But this is also uncertain, most of them are collective actions when they go out, and they rarely have their own time.

There is no need to send it for business trips. Everything was arranged until everyone arrived and settled in the hotel. Lin Yutong didn't know until he received a call.

On June 30, Lin Yutong had to stick to his post. But the two children were in the square.

They all sang and danced in the student team, witnessing this moment.

Lin Yutong couldn't go home at night, and he didn't have to worry about the children at night. Because it was already midnight, Qingyuan followed the teacher and made arrangements collectively. Don't worry about accidents, and Qingning doesn't need to worry.

When I came home the next day, both children were at home, and their shoes could be seen at the door.

It was also tired enough that both of them slept in the dark.

After being busy for so long, the result is that the summer vacation has been postponed for more than half a month, and the classes that should be taken must be finished.

Going to school on a hot day can't be more painful.

After the exam was over, the summer vacation finally came, and his father came back.

I didn't bring anything, just bought it at the airport, and most of it was a souvenir of the return. He brought two boxes of chocolates to Lin Yutong, greedy the two children, saying that his father was partial and only gave this sweet thing to his mother.

No matter how old they are, they like to make trouble with their parents, but after the trouble is over, the two children are obviously more interested in hot money than in chocolate. They follow his dad to the office and listen to this unseen but extremely tragic war. .

This war was deliberately spent on a summer vacation, and it could not be finished. There were many concepts involved, which they could not understand.

Qingyuan could listen to his dad safely, but Qingning couldn't. She was going to participate in the model aircraft competition this year, and she was chosen by her back. Therefore, in the summer vacation, she is also a library in addition to the school library.

Strictly came back for only a week, and went off to practice in the army. Opportunities like this are rare, not everyone can have this opportunity.

It's good to have something to do.

On the other hand, Xu Qiang did a really good job, and now this driving school is considered a well-known name. The land itself appreciates in value. Excluding the investment in the land, other investments have already been earned back and realized profits this year.

It has entered August, and the appointment of the fourth master has come down. Director of the Finance Department of the Ministry of Finance.

The weight of this director is incomparable to the weight of the previous deputy director. Just look at the frequency of old and old people coming to the door.

Lin Yutong couldn't remember how many people invited him to dinner. But it's really not for everyone.

Fourth Master almost goes home after get off work, unless necessary, he will never go out to socialize. How comfortable it is to accompany the two children to watch The Condor Heroes at home at night, crooked on the sofa.

As a result, he did not go out, but someone unexpectedly came.


It was a guest brought by Qiao Guohong, Yao Sicheng.

As soon as I heard the name, I understood everything, and Yao Siyun's brother came here.

Shake hands with each other, then please come in and take a seat.

The Cai said: "I should have come to the door long ago, but I really couldn't get out. This time I came to the capital for a meeting, and the time was tight, so I had to take the liberty to come to the door at night."

This is a polite thing to say. If it's about my sister, why should I put my posture so low.

The fourth master didn't say anything about family matters, and this one didn't mention it deliberately. It was just a small talk. After sitting for a long time, it was about forty minutes before I got up and said goodbye.

After sending the guest downstairs to go home, Qingning asked, "Why is he here?"

Nothing substantive at all.

Everyone knew he was here for his sister, but did he say it? Not a word was mentioned.

The fourth master laughed: "If you say it, you will fall into the lower class. You think about it yourself, if you don't understand it, ask your mother!" Then he slipped away to Qingyuan, and the two went to the study.

Qingning looked at her mother: "What do you mean?" She really didn't understand.

Lin Yutong just took pictures of her daughter. If this is left in the big family in ancient times, this temperament is really worrying. She leaned on the sofa and asked her: "Even you know what he came to the door in person for, so why would he talk nonsense. Don't say it, it means, we know it. This is also respect for each other. He is Acknowledging the relationship between the two families means taking time out of a meeting to walk around. If you say it, what can you say? If you say take care of his sister, it's looking down on our family and putting her own sister too low. It's inappropriate. ."

So, when people come to the door, you all know what it means. People give you face, and you have to give this face to others. What else is there to say?

When Qing Ning thought about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

As a result, I received a call from Yao Sicheng on the third day of the meeting, saying that the guards were sent to deliver a few boxes of dried seafood. He also asked the fourth master, saying that some of his comrades in arms did not have time to visit, and asked the fourth master to help deliver the gifts. Then the guard gave the fourth master a list and contact number.

Fourth Master showed it to Qingning: "What do you see now?"

Qingning frowned while holding the list: "I don't have time, I can ask the guards to deliver it, and I can call many close people to help deliver it, but now I have asked my father to go... and this list is either empty or the general staff..." Her eyes lit up. With a flash, "He knew that Dad ran the airport for Mayor Song."

Lin Yutong nodded secretly, this is not to ask the fourth master to run errands for him, but to find an excuse to connect the two sides.

This is not only good for the fourth master, but also for the other party.

The Ministry of Finance has a special defense department, and funding and the like follow this path. They might also think it would be beneficial to get through with the fourth master.

This is completely a matter of mutual benefit, but it must be said that since we have gained a benefit, we have to accept the favor of the matchmaker.

Qing Ning said: "He is really a person who can give favors."

With this hand, half of the airport projects were originally approved, and they were approved in a week.

The fourth master simply called Mayor Song in advance and told him to stay in the office for two days, go out for a walk, and wait for the result.

Mayor Song laughed: "Okay, I'll listen to you when I get to the capital."

Then it took two days to transfer, and the approval result came down.

Mayor Song was excited. What he was doing in the capital was not known to other people in the city. I only know that I ran this project myself, and then I ran it. After two days, this project that no one is optimistic about has become. Don't care what relationship you use, it's your personal connections anyway.

How much this will help his work is simply unpredictable.

He came over to thank him again and again, and said, "What's the use of it, just words, absolutely nothing."

It's a boost to his career, can you not be grateful to Dade?

After the matter was over, Qingning asked his father, "If it hadn't been pushed by the Yao family, it wouldn't have been possible."

The fourth master said to her daughter: "Don't put your hopes on others at any time. I plan to intervene in the matter of hot money. I plan to go to the Ministry of Finance. But it's not the Finance Department..."

Qing Ning suddenly realized that it was not the Department of Finance, but the Department of Defense. In fact, even in the financial department, it is very easy to get in touch with each other. Therefore, the Yao family's accident just moved things forward by three or two months, that's all.

But the favor is still accepted.

In mid-August, Lin Yutong personally called the third child, "Come with the child..."

This favor has to be returned.

If the calculation is correct, Yuan Yi's stomach is almost nine months old now. It can happen at any time.

The third family came to the capital and lived in the Pioneer Building. Lin Yutong simply brought Qinghui and Qingjuan home and asked Qingning to play with them.

Adults have adult things to do.

Within two days of coming to the capital, Qiao Guohong arranged for Yao Siyun to be admitted to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Within two days, Yuan Yi called the third child: "...Sorry, the child is gone...I never dared to tell you...Maybe it's because of my constitution...I had a miscarriage two months ago... The agreement between us is void..."


The third child was stunned for two minutes before nodding with a complex expression: "Got it."

I can't tell what it's like in my heart.

Yuan Yi took a deep breath, touched his stomach, and looked at the man in front of the hospital bed, "I accept your proposal, I will give birth to the child, and I will have nothing to do with her after the birth. But you have to keep your word, Xiangjiang's There is no shortage of houses and shops. In addition, give me a manor in the United States, and I will ask a Swiss bank for a check of one hundred thousand dollars..."

The man nodded: "No problem." He handwritten a check and handed it over, "I can advance it to you."

Yuan Yi took it and smiled, "You can go out now, I will give birth to the child well. Don't worry, although the father of the child is not a literate person, he is still a smart man, and his family's genes are good... ...I think you have already investigated these things. The biological father of the child will never know about the existence of the child, so there is no problem involved. Tell your husband and wife that the child is theirs from birth. I will not talk to anyone else. Nothing to do with it."

The man didn't pay any extra glances, and turned around and went out.

Yuan Yi first kept looking at the check, as if trying to tell the truth from the fake. Then he put it away carefully and touched his stomach: "Don't blame mom, mom is telling you to have a good life."

With a smile in her eyes, she felt that the opportunities in this life are really unclear.

Before, because the child and Jin Laosan tore their faces for a broken company, but I didn't expect that this child is really a lucky star. During the maternity check-up, I met an infertile lady, and what she was looking for was a child that belonged to her 'own'.

She couldn't understand the behavior of adopting a child at such a high cost, but she got the benefit and the child was sent to the blessing nest. Having both parents is better than following a single mom or a single dad. Besides, the environment on Jin Laosan's side is really different from the environment on other people's side. Can someone who can spend such a large amount of money in one breath be an ordinary family?

So, she agreed almost without hesitation.

Now that production is imminent, it can finally be cashed out.

One night at the end of August, she gave birth to a child smoothly. Is it a boy or a girl? she does not know. For better or worse, she didn't see it. Just in a trance, I heard a baby cry, and then the cry was far away, and I couldn't hear it again.

Yuan Yi's tears still remained. At this moment, she regretted it, really regretted it. I don't know how hard I tried, so I didn't say the words of regret.

I can only say over and over again in my heart: child, don't blame mom. Mom, this is sending you to enjoy yourself.

And lying in the delivery room, half-awake and half-awake Yao Siyun, who was addicted to the medicine to make people fall asleep, only heard a noisy sound in his ears.

"I was born... I was born..."

"What was born? Boy or girl?"

"It's a girl, she's beautiful."

"We Siyun have worked hard, I'll make soup when we go home."

"I just suffered, I'm afraid I won't be able to give milk..."

"It's alright, I see that the babies fed with milk powder are also healthy."

"It's too old to have a third child. You say that you suffer a lot."

"When will adults wake up?"

The sound came into his ears, and Yao Siyun couldn't help but smile. Did he give birth to a daughter again?

She wanted to open her eyes, but couldn't. She heard the sound of a child crying like a cat, and her eyes opened immediately. She asked, "Is the child... all right?" The greatest strength, but the anaesthetic on the body was not strong, and the voice was thin and low, and it was not the third child who was sitting on the side guarding, so he couldn't hear it at all.

He looked at her with a sore nose and an urge to cry. He said, "The child is fine... how about you?"

Yao Siyun turned to look at the child in the cradle on the side, saw her eyes closed, small nose and small mouth, "Like you?"

The third child looked at the child with complicated eyes. He felt wronged for the child at one time, and thanked for her at the same time. He said with difficulty, "Like you too!"

I feel sorry for it ten thousand times, it would be great if this child was really born in her womb.

Yao Siyun stretched out his arms with difficulty, "Tell me to see her hands and feet..." She laughed, "I was honestly worried when I was pregnant, I was afraid that my child would have something wrong. I don't want to be pretty and smart, just healthy facial features. Look at it now. All eyes are there, I look at my hands and feet..."

The third child picked up the child, took the child's hands and feet out of the swaddle and stuffed them into her hands for her to see.

She counted the child's fingers and toes very seriously, all of them were ten, and the little nails were long and full, she smiled: "The length is just right... It seems that my child was raised well... "After finishing, he said to the third child, "Don't keep guarding me, go back and see Qinghui and Qingjuan, and don't tell the children to think too much. They are all born by us, and they won't hurt the little ones, and don't hurt the big ones..."

The third child followed with a smile: "It's okay, I won't think about it too much..."

Will not think too much.

Qing Juan was crying pitifully at the door of the ward. She couldn't stop her tears when she heard the words inside.

Qingning took her away and said to her on the way, "No matter what anyone says in the future, you must remember that this sister was born to her. Remember?"

"I know." Qing Juan wiped away her tears, "Second sister, why do you think this person is so different from other people. Some people can live with it when they have children and leave it alone. Some people just want to be themselves. My child, or else. Why do you think God loves to play tricks so much."

Not necessarily.

"Those who have children may not be able to enjoy the blessings of their children when they grow old, and those who do not have children to raise other people's children often end well." Qingning said, "She planted a good cause, and you will definitely make her bear good results. Yes."

Of course!

"She's my mother." Qing Juan said.

This child was called by Yao Siyun to the second child and said to her: "Second brother, give the child a name."

The second child of other children may have rejected it, but this child is a little different, and the second child said, "Call it Qingyue."

So the child is called Qingyue.

The name of this child was given to her father by Qingping, otherwise the second child would not have such a level.

Yue: In addition to joy and pleasure, it also means liberation.

If there is depression in the heart, it can be released!

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