Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1092: .Long Years (109) Three in One

Long years (109)

Fang Xing looked at Ji Chuan and said to Qingning very gently, "I'm sorry for causing trouble to you, and I won't be able to do it in the future."

Then suddenly, I felt very uncomfortable.

Qingning said: "I am also a whim. I should not say it casually about the withdrawal of capital. Business is a serious matter. I will not bring personal feelings to business, but I also hope that the cooperation between us will only be It is limited to cooperation. If it is too personal, the cooperation between us may not be very pure. I would rather lose some, I think, I will still withdraw. I am not difficult to get along with, but only if I don't like trouble relation."

And your whim has completely disrupted the otherwise peaceful life.

The atmosphere in the dormitory is weird.

Ji Chuan agreed, and when Qingning returned home over the weekend, he called her to go to her dormitory. It was Zhou Yanan who answered the call.

"It's the senior," she said.

"How do you know?" Ji Chuan said embarrassedly, "I often see you eating with Qingning, but I don't know who you are?"

"I can hear your voice." Zhou Yanan smiled and said, "Qingning is not in the dormitory, she is going home. You can call her cell phone."

Her cell phone is often on silent.

Moreover, this time it was not looking for Qingning. If you lose, you have to know where you lost. Why is there no room for things to turn around all of a sudden. He felt that he should ask her friend.

So I made this phone call, "Why don't I invite you to dinner, I just want to ask you a little bit."

"Invite me to dinner?" Zhou Yanan hesitated for a moment and nodded, "Okay, where can I meet you?"

Then when Yuan Yuan came back, he saw Zhou Yanan changing his clothes: "You're going out, and I brought you a meal." Thinking about it, it's better to ease the relationship. If you live in a dormitory, you can't be too stiff.

Zhou Yanan felt uncomfortable for a moment, "I made an appointment to go out to eat..." But she continued with kindness, "You keep it for me, I'll eat at night..."

In April, I went out wearing a dress.

Yuan Yuan looked outside, the tree trunks were swaying in the wind, wearing a dress? Don't be afraid of the flu.

Ji Chuan looked at the girl... "Then let's eat hot pot." It was warm there.

Zhou Yanan's face was flushed, and he felt that it was very bad. It was really strange to wear it like this.

Sitting in the store is much more comfortable.

Ji Chuan said, "Qingning lost his temper inexplicably that night, and I still don't know why?"

"Oh!" Zhou Yanan said, "It's just that the people in our dormitory were joking together. Some felt that the conditions of the seniors were good, and some felt that the conditions of Qingning were also good, so there was no need to accommodate anyone. Then there was a quarrel. The girls' dormitory is In this way, just quarrel for trivial matters. Qingning is young and is the kind of person who can't control his temper well, so he was angry with the senior at that time." She asked carefully, "Are you guys still reconciled? You want me to go. Persuasion?"

"Scared me, I thought it was me that made her unhappy." Ji Chuan seemed to be relieved, "It seems that the school girls still have a lot of opinions on me. It seems that I haven't bribed them yet. , or else, let me invite you in the dormitory to have dinner together."

"Ah?" Zhou Yanan was stunned for a moment and then said yes, "Then let me help you with the appointment. Can you do it tomorrow?"

Ah? !

Ji Chuan was also stunned for a moment, he just said it casually, to be polite. But now I can only say with a smile: "Okay, because of my business, I have created conflicts for everyone, I should treat you."

But he didn't talk about Qingning.

Zhou Yanan didn't hear it, so he discussed with Ji Chuan what time and where it was.

Then I talked about some Qingning things, such as my hometown should be rural, because I often call my sister in my hometown. For example, her third uncle or third uncle should be in business, and the business is not small. Qingning's clothes are all given over there. As for Qingning's parents, she doesn't know much, "It should be a civil servant. She doesn't like to talk about it, and it's not easy for us to ask." As for what she likes, "That's not true. Consumption is not that special. Eating She doesn't pay much attention to the above, she eats whatever we eat and doesn't choose. If she wears it, it seems to be the clothes given by her relatives. As long as it fits, she will wear it. She also wears it from the stalls and brands. Which one doesn't really matter."

"The male classmates in their class..." Ji Chuan asked with a smile, "Do you understand what it means?"

"Oh!" Zhou Yanan looked astonished, "There are only two people who have a good relationship with him. One is from the National University of Finance and Economics, who often talks on the phone. But listening to that means, it's not about that relationship, nor is it chasing Qingning. The two of them The family relationship is very good. Listening to Qingning, that one seems to like his sister. The other one is from the military academy..."

Ji Chuan's ears perked up.

Zhou Yanan understood when he saw the expression, and smiled: "The name is quite interesting, it sounds like it's called Strict. Qingning didn't say it was his boyfriend, but when we said it was her boyfriend, she didn't refute it."

In other words, that strictly should be her boyfriend.

Ji Chuan was not happy, "I often come back to see her?"

"I don't know!" Zhou Yanan laughed. "She is quite mysterious when she goes to school. She is not at school on weekends. Whether the two of them have lived together outside of school for a long time, let alone know."

The word cohabitation called Ji Chuan a little uncomfortable.

He thought of the kid who was sleeping on the sofa at Qingning's house.

After the two of them finished their meal, one was full of worries, while the other was very happy.

After humming a little tune, she went to buy some fruit and went back. When everyone in the dormitory was there, she laughed, "Come and eat the fruit."

Want to reconcile.

Everyone understands this. Then they all acted very enthusiastically, and they all thought about turning over the unpleasantness and forgetting it.

Then halfway through the meal, Zhou Yanan said, "Senior invites us to dinner. No one will leave at noon tomorrow."

Yuan Yuan was taken aback: "What do you mean? Does Qingning know?"

"You know." Zhou Yanan said, "I didn't agree with Qingning, why did the senior invite us to dinner?"

Is this a promise?

Several people in the dormitory thought it was quite boring. They had quarreled about whether the two were suitable or not, but they turned their faces and they were fine.

But when everyone invited me to dinner, it was just a gesture of goodwill to everyone. Then go for it.

When he got to the place and sat down, Wang Xiao asked, "Where's Qingning? Haven't come yet? This is not what it looks like to be a host..."

Ji Chuan laughed: "I had dinner with Zhou Yanan yesterday. I heard that you guys were arguing about me. I'll pay you back. It's none of Qingning's business, she doesn't know..."

Several people glanced at Zhou Yanan, Yuan Yuan sneered and got up to leave.

He was grabbed by Yang Ningning, "Why? The senior is here to apologize, what do you mean by this? Say, it has nothing to do with Qingning..."

When Qing Ning returned to the dormitory on Sunday night, he felt the atmosphere was even more strange.

She didn't ask much, what to do.

Two weeks later, Yuan Yuan seized the opportunity and said, "You should grow some snacks. You've been pryed from the corner."

what does it mean?

Yuan Yuan said, "Zhou Yanan doesn't close the door at night and doesn't go back to the dormitory now, and he doesn't see anyone on weekends. He's running around with Senior Ji."

Qing Ning was stunned for a moment, then ran and ran.

What's the matter?

When the Internet cafe opened, Ji Chuan called and called. It was business and it was time to go. It was only when he arrived at the local Qingning that he realized that Zhou Yanan was now an employee of the company.

"Cook for us and clean up the office." Fang Xing sighed, "Extremely capable. The key is that it's free."

Management is Ji Chuan's business, and she does not interfere. So he just nodded and didn't say any extra words.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhou Yanan called Qingning outside the dormitory: "Let's talk..."

Qing Ning frowned: "It's okay! Just tell me."

Zhou Yanan said in a low voice, "I learned oral English from Senior Ji Chuan. It's not a free helper..."

Before she revealed that she wanted to go abroad, Qingning expressed her understanding: "Ji Chuan's spoken English is really good."

and then?

There's no after that.

What should Qing Ning be doing? Even for Zhou Yanan, his previous attitude was not inappropriate.

The dormitory seems to have returned to its previous atmosphere. But it was Zhou Yanan who didn't act much with everyone, so he naturally became estranged.

But Yuan Yuan has said more than once: She knows she is chasing you, so she joins in the fun.

That kind of thing doesn't matter.

She received a box of all kinds of modeling materials strictly sent, and she was very happy.

The fourth master packed a room for her daughter to use as a studio. If you like to toss, just toss.

The only dissatisfaction is Qingyuan, because he has been set up with access control. That studio, he wasn't allowed in.

Strictly call, the mobile phone does not answer, it should be silent. Call home, the line is busy. It should be online. Then call Lin Yutong's cell phone: "Aunt Lin, where is Qingning?"

"Strict." Lin Yutong looked upstairs, "Wait a minute, I'll call you. Get that model..."

"Aunt Lin, then don't call her." Strictly said quickly, "Are you okay at home? Where's my uncle? It's more leisurely than in Qin City."

Yes! Much more leisurely.

Lin Yutong said so.

Strictly said: "When I have nothing to do with my uncle on weekends, it's better to go around." Then, as if thinking of something, "I sent two boxes of jujubes last week, which are special products here, I have tasted them. Once, it tasted very good. My mother received it from my mother's side, and you also pay attention to check it. If it tastes good, you can call me and I will send it to you. "

Then the next day I received two boxes of golden jujubes with about 40 catties.

Half are dried dates and half are pitted candied dates.

Qingning has no resistance to candied dates at all, and is one of the few favorite snacks. Buying this stuff is not easy when kids are young.

Qingyuan pouted while eating, "The advantage of childhood sweethearts comes out..."

There's nothing he doesn't know.

He even remembered that his mother liked to use dried dates when she made soup.

Lin Yutong patted his son, "Let's go..."

She only looked at the children's affairs and never intervened. The key is that the child has a track record. As long as she likes it, then she has no problem with the fourth master.

Qingning eats jujube very well, and if he brings it to school, then he can collect it.

But in the words of the fourth master, it is not too late for his daughter to talk about marriage in ten years. What's the hurry?

But today, he didn't come back alone, he brought someone -- Cheng Hai.

Or say the world is small.

Xu Qiang said such a person, and the fourth master also took it to heart. Need to employ people, such people are naturally good.

He went to the restaurant by himself, only to see this sea.

Speaking of which, he and Cheng Hai really had a few encounters, but they only met in a hurry and never said hello to each other.

In the early years, I followed Mingguang to the old leader he knew, and I saw Chenghai, who was still a soldier at the time, standing guard.

How old was Cheng Hai at that time? Fifteen or six.

Eleven or twelve years have passed! However, the two of them recognized each other as soon as they met.

The relationship became close at once.

No, at night, the fourth master simply brought people home to recognize the door.

When Lin Yutong heard that it was such a mess, he laughed: "That's really a fate that no one thought of."

She cooks and cooks: "Try my craft too."

The fourth master talked to Cheng Hai in the living room, "That orchard back then also used a lot of connections from the old leader. You know about this, right?"

Cheng Hai really knew, "I never thought it was you."

The two chatted happily, the fourth master didn't want to ask Cheng Hai to go to that driving school, it was too condescending.

So I called someone to the study, and it was said that it was eight o'clock in the evening, and the children finished their homework before the two came down.

After eating and drinking until after ten o'clock in the evening, Lin Yutong helped the hot dishes, and then he heard a general idea. He asked Cheng Hai to do the real estate development. There is nothing else, only one point, the quality must pass the test, and the set of earthquake resistance standards that Lin Yutong made before must be promoted as a gimmick.

People take tea to cool down and benefit from this thing, which is very touching. If it doesn't come like this, it will be a flash in the pan, and it will be drowned in the dust in an instant.

Cheng Hai said, "Don't worry, building bridges, paving roads and building houses is a lot of work for engineering troops. It's also very easy to pull a few excellent engineering teams."

He wants to do his own business.

The fourth master said that you are in charge. If there is any problem, let's talk about it.

Lin Yutong thinks, don't look at it for a few lifetimes, he has always been the one to clean up his tail behind his back.

When she lay down at night, she said, "I can't grow much, it's all up to you..."

Fourth Master laughed: "Then rely on me, I'm happy to..."

If both of you are happy, then it's romantic. If only one party is happy, that would be called scumbag.

Yuan Yuan said this about Zhou Yanan in private, "...running behind people's buttocks all day long. A fellow senior from the computer asked me, and I was embarrassed to say that I live in the same dormitory with her. It's too embarrassing."

After saying this three or five times, Qingning asked as if he didn't understand, "Who is it?"

It doesn't make sense anymore.

Qing Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Lan, who is equivalent to the dormitory, also encountered suitors, and then these few in the dormitory couldn't help but gossip and give opinions, and Qingning realized: Oh! No one here is evil. It is purely to give an opinion to the other party from my own point of view.

Li Lan said: "I found out why our dormitory is so interesting? What are you worried about when I fall in love? The dormitories are all supportive, what about us? The first is the review. The clothes are messy and sloppy. Then I feel a little nervous in my heart. I said, can we give each other some space? Can we have a quiet love relationship? "

Yuan Yuan said: "Okay! You can do it if you want. I take back what I said before!"

"We all take it back."

But it's not a matter of taking it back, right?

I heard what went in my heart.

It really annoys me.

Qing Ning called her father: "Can I live in the dormitory?" She was also getting annoyed to death.

Her father said: "Child, stay here. You will meet more people in the future, all kinds of people, just take it as an experience."

She pouted and called her mother again. Her mother said, "Okay! I'll get back to you soon. Your aunt Zhou Ping is here..."

There's something right.

"You're busy." Qing Ning quickly said, "Greet aunty for me, I have no major business here, so I don't need to go back."

Zhou Ping laughed when he could hear the voice across the phone: "This girl is really nice. I don't envy you for anything, I just envy you for having two good children."

Zhou Ping and Dr. Yun have been married for more than ten years and have not had any children.

Lin Yutong said, "You're still young, so hurry up and find one. It's too late to have another one. What are you afraid of when you're young?"

Have you ever seen a leading cadre who went home to give birth to a child?

When a child is born, the seat must be vacated by others.

She shook her head: "At this age, forget it. If you can't recognize a daughter and a son, forget it..."

Lin Yutong laughed: "Then you have to recognize someone who is younger. I've kissed since I was a child, and I'll kiss you when I grow up." In this circle, it is easy to recognize a relative, but it brings too much trouble. Don't make trouble for this.

It's true that Zhou Ping likes children, but no one would believe it if she didn't have any special intentions.

When Lin Yutong and Shi Ke were chatting, they could still be friends, and they didn't have so many calculations. But talking to Zhou Ping, no matter how affectionate you are, you have to keep it in your heart, maybe which sentence is a trap.

When Zhou Ping saw that Lin Yutong was not arguing, she immediately said, "What you said makes sense. Now I'm thinking about whether to adopt a seven- or eight-year-old child. Now that I can go to school, I can take care of myself."

That's why there are no plans to remarry.

Lin Yutong nodded, as if approving, but changed the subject, "Is there something wrong with going to Beijing? Just talk about it, don't go around in circles about our relationship."

"It was the introduction of a foreign pesticide company, and the approval was stuck." Zhou Ping said calmly, "I'm here to ask, and I'm here to ask you, the chief director, to give me a word."

How did the pesticide run the plan? Is it over if you save the batch?

Could it be a provincial-level project, but why did Zhou Ping come to such a big project?

There are a lot of things that don't conform to the procedures. Lin Yutong didn't finish anything. Naturally, he wouldn't rashly agree. He just said, "I really haven't heard of this project. I'll check it when I go back today."

After a meal, they separated.

Lin Yutong didn't invite the other party to come, and the other party didn't ask to come.

After going to the unit, Lin Yutong really asked, and he had to do what he promised.

In the past few months, in addition to doing her own work, she has been in contact.

No matter how big or small, they can even talk to the gatekeeper.

She went to the project office to ask someone, and the old man in the office said, "Lin, don't get involved in this matter. This project is set up by the W River..."

Needless to say, Lin Yutong also understood. Too much pollution!

Handed it up, which further shows that this investment is very huge.

Large investment means large scale, and large scale means large pollution.

Lin Yutong expressed his understanding, and said, "You have to get stuck."

In the end, when I got home in the evening, and before I could sit still, Fourth Master's phone rang, and it was Vice Mayor Song and Song Yan's father.

He's already on the plane, and he'll be there in two hours.

The fourth master said, "I'll pick it up."

That's what he meant.

Qingyuan can't be at home alone, only the fourth master goes alone.

While changing clothes, the fourth master said to Lin Yutong, "Vice Mayor Song has become Mayor Song and has been transferred to Qinbei'an City."

Yo! I really don't know.

The fourth master personally picked it up and placed it in the hotel. When he came back, he said to Lin Yutong, "Please come to my house for dinner tomorrow night."

Lin Yutong had already guessed that this guy didn't go to the Beijing Office and went directly to the Fourth Master. There must be something wrong.

And this matter, he has to use this more personal relationship.

When I saw it, this one said bluntly: "Fight for the airport project."

The earliest airport in Qinbei was only used for military purposes. Later, between Qinbei and Qinshi, there was a flight, a small plane, with twelve people. What he means now is that with the development of energy, the traffic in Qinbei has to keep up. The previous mayor just applied for the railway project and has not yet started construction. Now he is here to fight for this airport project.

But this airport is not just a matter of planning, it must first have the Civil Aviation Administration, then the air traffic control, and finally the General Staff may approve it.

Get permission from the military.

This thing is not easy to do.

Lin Yutong smiled bitterly, "You really gave me a problem."

Mayor Song just laughed: "You all know Qin Bei's situation. Now there is no train connection... Both of them are capable people. As for me, I am sincerely looking for you to discuss and see how this matter can be handled. "

After all, the Planning Commission and these units have business overlaps, and I may not know who they are, so they can build a bridge in the middle...

The fourth master said: "It's hard to do this in three or two months! Just to measure the route, it won't take two or three years. So, don't be in a hurry. If you have other things, you can do it first. Other things. I'm relieved about what you said, and I'll call you when I have a look."

To be able to respond so cautiously is to really take it to heart.

Mayor Song seemed happy and talked a lot.

Speaking of provincial affairs, who is too anxious to settle down on any project. Whoever opposed it, but the voice of opposition was too small, but it was not impossible. In the end, people did not object but supported it. Not only did they support it, but they also turned this project into a provincial key project. The other party thought that they really agreed. As a result, the item is reported up, and the result is given to the card owner.

He is a vague reminder to Lin Yutong that some projects seem to be projects, but they are more than projects. There's a lot going on in there. He also reminded Lin Yutong not to look at some people in the province who were temporarily weak, but their methods were brilliant. Who knew that with such a push back and forth, the opponent would be sent to the knife edge.

They are all people with a heart, those who speak have a heart, and those who listen also pay attention.

They know each other well, and they talk happily.

Then Lin Yutong made an appointment with Zhou Ping directly the next day, and said more directly, "This matter, why is a troublesome method, you know it well. It's not that I don't help my old classmates, it's that I really don't know how to help. Besides, listen to me. One sentence, get out early, what are you doing in there?"

Seeing that Lin Yutong's tone was a little anxious, Zhou Ping was obviously a little angry at her deception, so she quickly said: "I really didn't know the water was so deep inside. I apologize, I'll treat you tonight, where can you tell me."

Lin Yutong didn't want to talk nonsense with her, so he got up directly, "I still have something to do today, so I'll come here. I'll talk about the meal later."

After that, it's gone.

Zhou Ping smiled wryly: Is this considered a gentleman to break up friendship and not speak ill.

After work, I went home to buy vegetables, parked the car in the parking lot, and went home with the vegetables. There were hurried footsteps behind me, and when I turned my face, I saw Ji Chuan's young man.

"Auntie, let me mention it for you." He came over to mention it.

Lin Yutong looked at the book in his hand, "I'll take it myself. Are you going to graduate?"

"Yeah!" Ji Chuan smiled, "I'm about to graduate. I'll take a graduation photo today, come back early, and I should take these things back little by little."

Lin Yutong nodded: "Didn't you live with your parents?"

"Yeah!" Ji Chuan said, "My parents and my mother are both abroad."

"Oh!" Lin Yutong nodded, "I'm just looking forward to your going abroad."

"Yeah!" Ji Chuan showed a bit of distress, "My mother said that domestic girls are the best. If I can't find a girlfriend, I'm not allowed to go out..."

"I'm planning to take my girlfriend abroad." Lin Yutong pretended to be surprised, "The company didn't do it?"

"Do it." Ji Chuan said with a bit of confidence, "Today's Internet, remote... there is no problem at all. But I will go out for two or three years, see the world, and come back..."

"It's very good." Lin Yutong said and pointed to the front, "Is that girl looking for you?"

Ji Chuan was stunned, "A school girl, probably looking for me for something..."

Lin Yutong smiled and passed by carrying something.

Ji Chuan asked Zhou Yanan, "How did you find it?"

"I heard Qingning say that you live in the next unit with her, so I came over to try your luck. I know that you are busy, senior, so I will come to help you clean up..." Then she stuck out her tongue very cutely.

"No need." As soon as Ji Chuan finished speaking, he heard a knock on the door of the unit next door. He was about to say hello to Qingning's mother, but it turned out that Qingning came out, and he must have seen it on the terrace. Now, let's pick up her mother's.

Qing Ning wanted to mention what was in her mother's hands, and Lin Yutong said, "There is still a roast duck in the trunk. Didn't Qingyuan want to eat it long ago?"

Then Qingning ran out as soon as he took the key, and saw Zhou Yanan taking a book from Ji Chuan's arms.

She trotted to greet the two of them, "You guys came out so early..." Then she waved her hand, "I'll go get something, you guys are busy with yours."

When the child came back, Lin Yutong carefully looked at Qingning's face.

Qing Ning was annoyed, "Mom, why are you looking at me?"

A boy who is chasing you suddenly becomes friendly with your dorm. May I ask the shadow area in your heart.

But in the end, you are a mother, and you will definitely not make fun of the child about this, just say: "Have you gained weight recently?"

Are you fat?


She touched her breasts, and said to her mother, "underwear is too small."

Oh! Don't look at the freshman year is finished, but it is still in the developmental stage.

Just as he was talking, the phone rang. It was Mao Li. Qing Ning took the phone to the terrace, and pulled away from Mao Li.

Mao Li mainly wanted to find someone to go home with during the summer vacation, so she asked Qingning, "Will you not be returning this summer vacation?"

"No!" Qingning leaned on the side and trimmed the branches of a potted plant raised by his father. "You can go with Yang Dong. Xu Qiang may not be able to go back." Long time and then come again.

"Then it's over, is it just me and Yang Dong?" She looked like she was about to collapse, "It's just two people, aren't you and me a light bulb?"

Qing Ning laughed, and when he turned his head, he saw Ji Chuan and Zhou Yanan downstairs and didn't know what to say? The two shoved a little.

Mao Li was anxious on the phone: "Hey hey hey—did you listen to me?"

"Listen." Qingning glanced at the two of them again, then took two steps back, not wanting to look at them.

Mao Li suddenly asked again: "You said that I won't go back during the summer vacation. How about finding a job in the capital? I need to earn tuition fees. With my living expenses, it's hard to buy more clothes."

"As long as my uncle and aunt agree, it's fine." Qingning didn't think there was a problem. "We don't want to go back to the dormitory. Some of them stay to find a part-time job, and some are to try to go abroad. It's very troublesome."

The school has to allow dorms. Otherwise it would be more troublesome to live outside.

Mao Li also said that the family was reluctant.

When it came time to go back, she gave it to her.

Summer vacation is here, but strictly can't come back. As for the military cadets, they have to stay on duty in the nursing school. Unfortunately, their class was selected.

"I thought it was a 40-day summer vacation, and I went back to stay for a while before my grandma was confused, but now it's not going to work." He sighed, "We can't meet again."

You won't be drawn in the winter vacation.

After talking for half an hour, the two hung up the phone.

It's okay to have summer vacation, and I don't always stay at home. Occasionally stay in Qingyuan, follow Xu Qiang, and visit the driving school that is under construction.

But I didn't expect to go with Xu Qiang this time, but I met an unexpected person on the construction site.

"Han Chao?" Why is he here?

Xu Qiang waved to Han Chao who was busy: "Come here!"

If you look closely, you can still see that Han Chao has some problems walking.

Xu Qiang said: "The injury is healed, that's all. Now help me take care of the construction site here."

Big summer shirtless, wearing big shorts, plastic slippers, covered in dirt and sweat.

When he came over and smiled at Qingning, he took a cigarette from Xu Qiang's pocket, "Give me one, I want to die."

Xu Qiang laughed and scolded: "You can be detained. You can't bear a pack of cigarettes."

"There's no way." Han Chao grinned, "Gao Jie's mother told me to buy a house in the capital."

Not only to buy a house, but also to take self-study exams and at least have a college diploma.

Xu Qiang whispered to Qingning, "I'm studying at night school now."

It surprised me that.

"Her mother agreed?" she asked hastily.

"Have a house, a diploma, and a formal job. After five years, we will be allowed to communicate." Han Chao said happily, "If I don't work hard, am I still a person?"

Thinking of the things that girl did for him, his heart was hot and hot.

Although Qing Ning was not optimistic about these two people before, but at this time, he couldn't help but think: This is really good!

It's the kind of vigorous, life-and-death feeling.

After turning around from the construction site, Qingning asked Xu Qiang, "Are you still on the phone with my sister?"


A month's phone bills have caught up with living expenses.

But some things, once started, cannot be interrupted.

In the evening, the three of them had nothing to do to eat roadside stalls, kebabs, two bottles of beer, and a bottle of Coke for Qingyuan. Thirty yuan would be enough to eat.

It was a good game, Xu Qiang sent the two to the gate of the community before going back.

When the siblings entered the door, they were startled, and then quickly put on smiling faces: "Second uncle, aunt, why are you here? Why didn't you tell us in advance, or we wouldn't go out."

Then when I looked up, I was even happier to see Qing Ping and Qing An also there.

Qing Ning also winked at Qing Ping, leaned over, and whispered, "Xu Qiang sent us back, it probably didn't go very far..."

Qingping shook his head quickly, "Something happened."


Qing Ning pulled Qing Ping upstairs, and by the way gave Qing Yuan and Qing An a wink.

When I got to the living room upstairs and turned on the air conditioner, I said, "What's the matter?"

"First of all, Qingfeng said that he went to the city, but he couldn't find anyone. But I still knew that I had called and said that I was in the capital, I found a job, what kind of swing device did I sell, and how to make money... The uncle and the uncle showed off everywhere... Afterwards, Qinghui did not know how to get in touch with Qingfeng, and Qinghui also clamored to go, the third uncle was not happy, saying that there is nothing so good in the world, and the pie just happened to be smashed When I came to our house, I had never heard of it. As a result, the boy didn't say hello and ran away. The third uncle was so angry that he was discussing where to arrest people. , asked my mother to make an extra meal for the collection. He and the aunt went to the aunt's parents' house to help for two days. My mother said yes. As a result, I didn't come back for a week after I left. My father went there. The Li family asked, but they said they didn't see him. When he came back, he asked about Qingshou, and Qingshou said that his parents said that he went to his brother's place. But it has been two months since he left, and he has not returned a single letter. When we came to the capital this time, we only sent the clearing to his uncle. The third uncle went to the south and said it was... said that it was not done well, that he joined some MLM | ​​sales company..."

My goodness!

Plot | Qing Ning has really heard about selling, but where can I find someone here?

Lin Yutong said, "...More importantly, this pyramid still legal today..."

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