Mingbei went out happily every day during the holidays, and even thought about taking Zhen Zhen to the hydrolysis plant to play, but at this time Zhen Zhen was not thinking about playing at all, she went up the mountain after breakfast every day , and went back to the mountains for lunch. The children in the small town in the forest area are all out in the wild, and Mrs. Li knows that Zhen Zhen can control plants and animals, so she is not worried about her being injured in the mountains. Ming Bei was curious about what Zhen Zhen played in the mountains every day, Zhen Zhen flutteringly said that she was training Da Huang, and Ming Bei was so scared that she didn't want to ask any more questions.

Zhen Zhen had no idea about carpentry, so after a few days of assembling, the planks were still not turned into boxes, and she even dug out a big mahogany box from the soil and emptied the contents inside Nothing has been researched. Since it was unrealistic to pack the boxes by herself, Zhen Zhen came up with another idea, she found a Korean pine that grew into a towering tree with a diameter of more than one meter, and then broke into pieces of wood.

Zhen Zhen touched the one-meter-high wooden stake and couldn't help but praise her wit, when you use it, just hollow out the wooden stake and it can be used as a box, and the things you take out can also be made into Lid, not wasted at all. She patted it casually, Zhen Zhen controlled all the wooden stakes to sink to the ground, the thick soil automatically formed a sealing layer around the wooden stakes, not only could air not get in, but also rainwater would not fall below.

. Zhen Zhen broke some willow branches from the willow tree by the stream, and swiftly weaved a flower basket. Putting the flower basket next to the stream, and lightly tapping with his fingers, a water cricket the size of a palm crawled out of the stream and lined up neatly into the flower basket.

will cause their death. In the Beicha area, the water in this small stream in the middle of the mountain should be considered to be the clearest. Ordinary people cannot find it here. The water crickets that are not preyed on are long and fat.

When the flower basket was full, Zhen Zhen called to stop, fastened the braided cover on the flower basket, tied the wicker up and down, and made a handle out of the way. Carrying the heavy flower basket, Zhen Zhen's saliva almost came out. The taste of this water cricket is similar to that of crayfish, it must be numb and spicy to be delicious.

In this era, dried chili peppers can only be bought for a family during the Chinese New Year. It is also a scarce thing, so Zhen Zhen has already brought some pepper seeds and peppers from home. Grains, cumin grains and the like, I found a flat and wide place in the mountains and planted some. After they grow up, they don't care anymore. As they produce freely, only when they must be used, she comes over to ripen some and bring them back, that is to say, they are wild ones encountered in the mountains. Mrs. Li and Wang Sufen knew this very well, but what they were hiding were Osmanthus and a few children.

Returning home in high spirits, Mrs. Li knew at a glance that it was brought back to eat, and hurriedly went up to take the basket from her hand. As soon as Mrs. Li started, she felt her arm sink, she quickly put down the basket and picked up Zhen Zhen's hand to examine it carefully, for fear that her hand would be damaged, she kept saying: "Why do you carry such an old and heavy thing? Come back? Ask your brother to go with you when you go up the mountain next time. Why don’t you know how to use the ready-made labor, let the nanny look at the print?”

Holding Zhen Zhen's little hand, Mrs. Li softly instructed her: "Although you are strong, you are a girl after all, you feel sorry for yourself at home and outside, don't do any rough and tiring work by yourself. Whatever you want to eat, Take your fourth brother up the mountain, even if he catches a wild boar, he can carry it back for you."

Zhen Zhen was teased and laughed, she put one arm around Mrs. Li's arm and lifted the flower basket with the other: "I'm afraid my fourth brother will be scared when he sees a wild boar. His legs are weak, and when I look back, I have to carry the pig in one hand and carry him in the other."

Put the basket containing the water crickets into the kitchen, and Wang Sufen hurried in from the vegetable garden with a pot of freshly picked vegetables. When she saw the flower basket in the middle of the stove, she quickly put the pot aside, and took off the willow branches tied to it: "What's on top here? Are you picking wild fruits again?"

Wang Sufen picked up the cloth pocket and untied it. There were red peppers and peppercorns in it, and she couldn't help but laugh: "Did such a choking smell kill the water cricket?"

Zhen Zhen smiled a little embarrassedly: "I've been thinking about it all the way, saying that the water cricket must not die, it would be bad if it died."

Mrs. Li found the largest enamel pot in the house, and Wang Sufen poured out all the water crickets in the basket and filled a full pot. Looking at a water cricket that was bigger than the other, Mrs. Li shouted in surprise: "Good guy, they are all so big, where did you catch them?"

Zhen Zhen said vaguely: "Just put it on the side of the mountain." As for her own abilities, because of the need for survival, what she exposed to Mrs. Li and Wang Sufen was to control animals and plants this piece. As for teleportation and the separation of consciousness, she has always regarded it as her little secret, which was deeply pressed in her heart, and no one said it.

The Hongsong Mountain in Beicha stretches endlessly, and there are too many places no one has been to, so Mrs. Li asked casually and didn’t care much. Seeing that Wang Sufen was about to prepare for cooking, Li The old lady hurriedly pushed Zhen Zhen back to the house to rest: "I have been tossing around all morning, hurry up to rest my legs and listen to the radio or something. Your mother just washed a pot of foreign persimmons and cucumbers for you to put in the house, go to Eat two."

Zhen Zhen agreed, and while walking out, she didn't forget to turn her head and instruct Wang Sufen: "Mom, put more chili peppers and Chinese prickly ash to stir-fry, and the taste will be full."

Wang Sufen glanced at her helplessly: "How old a child, how can you eat spicy food better than the gentlemen?"

Zhen Zhen smiled: "It's not spicy, it's not delicious."

Because I made spicy water crickets at noon, lunch was half an hour later than usual, but when I opened the door and smelled the spicy and delicious smell in the kitchen, Zhen Zhen immediately felt that all the waiting was over. is worth it.

A large pot of oily red crickets was brought to the table, Zhen Zhen couldn't wait to take one, first pinched her head, then pulled out Bai Yingying and soaked it in the soup Putting the plump and tender meat in his mouth, and then sucking the fingers that were already soaked with hot sauce, the taste was not so refreshing.

Zhen Zhen peeled one after another without raising her head, and in a short while there was a pile of water cricket skins on the table in front of her, Mrs. Li didn't eat dry food or bite when she saw her Yes, for fear that her stomach would be irritated by water crickets, she fed her a few mouthfuls of vegetables with chopsticks from time to time, and kept stuffing pancakes into her mouth.

Mingbei ran far away today, and when he got home, it was half an hour later than usual. He scooped out a basin of water from the yard and washed his hands, ready to go to the stove to find some leftovers eat. Who knew that as soon as he entered the room, he heard the voice of Mrs. Li in the room: "Is it spicy after eating so much? Is it okay to feed you porridge with milk?"

Smelling the spicy smell of the house, Mingbei's eyes lit up, he rushed into the house three steps at a time, and was immediately shocked by the tall cricket skins piled up in front of Zhen Zhen : "Have you caught a cricket today? You said it earlier, if you know I'll go with you, I'll catch this thing." Mingbei said as he reached out and took one from the basin.

Wang Sufen slapped his hand down and pointed to the messy table: "The table is almost full, you go to the kitchen to get a basin first, I will clean up the table and you are eating." Just after taking the last bite, he quickly put down his chopsticks and got off the kang: "Let Mingbei eat, I'll go get a basin."

Licking his fingers, he looked at the water crickets in the basin with no end in sight, and sighed regretfully: "I haven't eaten enough, this stomach is too unfit."


Zhen Zhen shook her head while burping: "No, I can't eat any more, I have to go around the yard twice, and eat it in the afternoon when it is empty."

While speaking, Mingbei took a water cricket and put it into his mouth without peeling the skin. The numb and spicy soup covered every taste bud of his tongue. Mingbei grinned and stuck out his tongue, sucking in his breath and impatiently pulling the meat out of the shell and stuffing it into his mouth: "Mom, what you've cooked this time is really delicious, it tastes good, and the tofu stew last year was great. Not as good as this one."

Shaking his head: "This wild thing has a stronger taste than the one you grow yourself. You don't know that it choked me when I was cooking. I always regret putting so much in it. When I cook it again tomorrow, I need to put it in less."

Zhen Zhen leaned on Mrs. Li and nodded straight, not forgetting to add: "A little more peppercorns, the tongue will not be numb enough."

"You can really be a demon." Wang Sufen smiled and glanced at Zhen Zhen, while cleaning up the table, she did not forget to instruct Ming Bei: "Save some for your father, and let him drink at night."

After eating the spicy water cricket, Zhen Zhen lay on the kang and pondered the spicy shrimp and spicy crab, but the crab is not fat enough now, why have to wait for autumn, there are a lot of shrimp , go back and grab some.

After eating and drinking, Zhen Zhen lay on the kang without thinking about anything, yawned, her body quickly fell into a deep sleep. Her body was still awake when she was sleeping, and Zhen Zhen took the opportunity to explore the way to the densely populated big city.

In recent years, with the growth of age, Zhen Zhen has become more and more adept at controlling consciousness, even if this kind of consciousness is thousands of miles away, it can return to the body in one second, so Zhen Zhen has become more and more skilled in controlling consciousness. When Zhen is inconvenient to go too far, it is the best way to let consciousness go to find the way.

The first city that Zhen Zhen went to was still the familiar Bingcheng. Bingcheng was an important transportation hub and a key transportation node more than 100 years ago, which created an extremely prosperous local economy and also appeared A lot of big capitalists and big businessmen.

It is different from Beicha's quiet and peaceful place. Bingcheng has started various sports. Zhen Zhen hastily moved to the luxury residential area of ​​Bingcheng. All of them were silent, Zhen Zhen gently landed on a house facing the street.

The owner of the house, surnamed Meng, is an old couple in their 50s and 60s. There is also a young man in his 30s sitting in the house. It should be their youngest son.

The graceful Mrs. Meng was sitting on the sofa wearing a cheongsam with an anxious face: "I heard that Zhang Xiuming's house has been confiscated, and he has been dragged to the streets to travel and travel. Let's continue with this momentum. , will come to our house sooner or later. Lao Meng, you have to think about it, should we ask someone to go to the government to talk about the matter."

Mr. Meng frowned and sat on the brown leather sofa, he took a cigar irritably, and his tone was very bad: "Do you think Zhang Xiuming is not looking for someone? It doesn't work at all. To tell you the truth, if he doesn't find someone, maybe the first one won't be his turn."

"Then what do you say?" Mrs. Meng stood up and paced from the room uneasily: "Can't you still hide?"

? Collect jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings, etc., I will see if anyone is willing to accept them, even if they are sold at a low price, they will be replaced with gold."

"I don't want any of our factories anymore?" Mrs. Meng was so distressed that she almost cried: "The belongings are all inside."

Mr. Meng sighed helplessly: "Where do you care about these now, life is the most important thing."

Meng Fansheng, the youngest son of the Meng family, quickly stood up and echoed: "My dad said that the ticket to Tianjin is probably not easy to buy, so let's go directly by car."

Mr. Meng nodded: "Go and talk to Wanru and ask her to pack her things too. Don't need the miscellaneous ones, just pick the valuable ones and take them with you."

Meng Fansheng responded and left in a hurry, the butler of the Meng family followed behind, hurriedly locking the door, for fear of intruders.

Mrs. Meng had already gone to pack her things at this time, and she was reluctant to leave any of the beautiful cheongsam and beautiful jewelry. Mr. Meng came to the study, took down the antique calligraphy and paintings on the wall and the antiques on the shelf, played with them one by one, and put them in separate boxes one by one, his face full of melancholy.

Zhen Zhen's family is rich, but how to secretly exchange with Mr. Meng is a problem, she is just a child, whether the other party can trust her or not, both of them are at risk. Zhen Zhen was just an ordinary student in her previous life, she didn't use her mind in other places except studying, she really couldn't think of a way to solve such a problem, she scratched her head, Zhen Zhen decided to bring the gold first.

Mr. Meng lived in a wealthy area before the founding of the People's Republic of China, with a beautiful environment and a very good location. Zhen Zhen circled around Meng's house twice, and found a forest not far away. Although the area is not large, it was considered secluded and quiet compared to other places.

Consciousness returned to her body, Zhen Zhen opened her eyes and looked at the clock on the cabinet, it was just three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhen Zhen got off the kang quickly. Wang Sufen was doing laundry in the yard, and when she saw that Zhen Zhen was about to go out again, she couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed: "Go out for the wild when you see the sky, where are you going?"

"I'm sick from eating, so I went out for two laps." When Zhen Zhen passed by Wang Sufen, she kissed her on the face: "I'll pick wild flowers for you when I come back."

Wang Sufen was angry and funny: "I'm so old and still bring flowers, don't give me that useless thing."

"Then I'll give Mom something useful." Zhen Zhen smiled and put her arms around her neck, and whispered in her ear: "I planted a piece of cotton in the mountains."

"Really." Wang Sufen was overjoyed immediately, Li Muwu's annual cotton ticket is really limited, only Ming Dong and Osmanthus made a new cotton jacket when they got married in these years, and Zhen Zhen has a thick coat , Other people's cotton-padded jackets have been worn for seven or eight years. The cotton inside is as thick as the dough, and I dare not even re-flip it, because I am afraid that the padded jacket will not even be broken.

As soon as she heard that Zhen Zhen had planted cotton, Wang Sufen immediately filled a large cotton field, and the snow-white cotton swayed in the sun, how beautiful it is to think of such a scene.

Quickly wiped her wet hands on her body, Wang Sufen pulled Zhen Zhen aside and asked her in a low voice, "Where did you get the cotton seeds? How many did you plant?"

The cotton seeds were naturally picked by Zhen Zhen from the place where cotton was grown in other people's farms. After she saw that the cotton jackets at home were old, she had always wanted to grow cotton. Cotton seeds were found on the farm. She skipped the question, smiled and winked at Wang Sufen: "Mom doesn't know my skills yet, so it's not as much as I want. You hurry up and discuss with my milk to find an excuse. To smuggle the cotton back."

Wang Sufen immediately forgot everything else after hearing this, not even washing her clothes. In the afternoon, Mrs. Li just closed her eyes and dozed off to recuperate, and she didn't have much time to fall asleep. At first, when Wang Sufen came in, she closed her eyes and said nothing. After Wang Sufen opened the door eight times in five minutes, Mrs. Li finally couldn't bear it anymore. She rolled over and sat up frowning and looked at Wang Sufen: "Is the house burning down or What's the matter? You can't wait for me to get up and talk about it, you look at you opening the door over and over again, and you've disturbed my sleep."

Wang Sufen was not angry at all, but rubbed her hands embarrassedly: "I can't help it."

Ms. Li has been with Wang Sufen for more than 20 years, and she understands her character very well. She has always been the kind of person who doesn’t like words when she works hard matter.

Ms. Li picked up the cigarette bag pot and stuffed some tobacco leaves into it: "Go and pour me a jar of water and talk on the kang."

Wang Sufen hurriedly responded, and quickly poured a glass of warm water. Madam Li just took a sip, and before she could swallow it, Wang Sufen couldn't wait to tell her: "Mother, Zhen Zhen planted cotton on the ground."

"Pfft..." Old Madam Li sprayed Wang Sufen without swallowing her saliva. Wang Sufen couldn't care less while pulling on the wet clothes, and hurriedly went to help Old Madam Li beat her back.

After finally gasping for breath, Mrs. Li pushed Wang Sufen away angrily: "You can't wait for me to finish drinking water, you will choke me."

Wang Sufen laughed again: "I couldn't hold back."

Mr. Li was amused by her wet and silly appearance, she waved her hand: "Go and change your clothes and come back and tell me." Cigarette pot, old lady Li suddenly remembered that she didn't see Zhen Zhen's figure: "Where's Zhen Zhen?"

"Going out to play." Wang Sufen went back to the house, opened the box, changed clothes, and hurriedly sat on Mrs. Li's kang again: "Zhen Zhen said that she has planted a big piece, how much does it cost? There are so many, I just don't know how to get them back, and let my mother think of excuses."

Mr. Li smoked the cigarette bag, and her face showed a bit of deep thought: "The quilt will not be changed this year, it can be covered for a year if we make do, and when will Osmanthus go to Dongzi's place? , let's take the opportunity to replace all the quilts with new ones."

"Are you going to make a padded jacket this year?" Wang Sufen looked at Mrs. Li expectantly. It wasn't that she was greedy for new clothes. She was almost fifty years old, so she didn't like that one. It's that old jacket and trousers that are so outrageous.

"We'll do it all." Mrs. Li pondered and said, "If it's not enough to let Mu Wu go out, he said that he bought it outside. Who else can go to verify it?"

Wang Sufen hesitated for a while, and couldn't help but ask Mrs. Li: "Although no one is going to testify, but so much cotton is pulled back all at once, who do you think Osmanthus will doubt?"

"Doubt what?" Mrs. Li looked at her and smiled: "Silly daughter-in-law, I told you that our Zhen Zhen is so exhausted that she can't guess. It's like the neighborhood of our pigsty. Seeing that the wild vegetables grow from the east to the west, they are more lush than those in the mountains, who doubts it?”

Wang Sufen shook her head, and Mrs. Li patted her thigh happily: "That's right, they all thought it was our family's soil. It was the yellow sheep that she delivered to her door that year. It's not that you can't figure out why just by watching it. Those who are envious can only say that our family is lucky. Dongzi and her mother, you can just rest assured about this matter, all we can do is to help Zhen Zhen find a suitable excuse to go home. You don't have to worry about the things next to you."

Wang Sufen hey hey and happy: "Mother said, there is no doubt about this thing, even if some people think that our family is naughty, they can't guess who it is. If someone really does this Say, I will say that I did it, I was possessed by the yellow skin, let's see what they can do."

"If someone really dares to say that, I will say that he is feudal and superstitious. When he sees it, they are afraid or our family is afraid."

The more Wang Sufen thought about it, the more she felt that it was safe. She turned around and got off the kang: "I can't wait for the evening, no, I'll call Dongzi's father back to talk about it now."

Mr. Li looked at her helplessly: "Go, go, you are true, there is no dry food hidden in the kennel, it is really hard to see good things."

At this time, Zhen Zhen was taking the gold bars out of the ground in the mountains. Zhen Zhen had no idea how much today's antique calligraphy and paintings were worth, but to be on the safe side, she counted twenty large yellow croakers and put them in two cloth pockets. One large yellow croaker costs sixteen taels, Zhen Zhen pondered, twenty large yellow croakers is enough to buy a few antique calligraphy and paintings.

The author has something to say: 1. The crickets are divided into water crickets and soil crickets. The water appearance, taste and eating method are very similar to crayfish. Soil crickets are insects and should not be eaten. The water cricket belongs to the shrimp family, and must be very clean in water to survive, and the taste is very delicious. In fact, I have no impression of this, but when the Internet was not very developed, my mother always thought that crayfish was a water cricket.

My own IQ is not very good. Although I have pondered a lot of details, I am still afraid of being called too naive. Children's shoes who have good suggestions for this plot boldly leave a message. I have a big red envelope to send as an extra.

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