Accidentally Became a Taoist

Chapter 62: Unfavored biological daughter (6)

If you have to go back and forth by car, it will take a lot of time. This is Bai Shuhe's excuse. Kong Rou was originally unwilling, but Bai Shuhe said that if she wanted to go to school, Kong Rou would get up before six o'clock every day to make breakfast for her.

"Mom has to go to work, so early is too hard, let's go to school."

Finally, Bai Yuejin and Kong Rou agreed, mainly because Bai Shuyun also persuaded him. All kinds of people say that they don't want their mother to work too hard, and they say that it is very hard for my sister to get up so early, and it is better to live on campus.

At this point, Bai Shuyun is relieved, basically Bai Shuhe only takes care of her once a week, which has made her very happy.

Because Bai Shuhe gave Bai Shuyun a half-term make-up class, her grades improved a lot, and her foundation was also solid. She was very nervous at first, but after a while, she let go of herself.

Especially every test is not bad, she thinks she is very smart, and she can pass the test even if she doesn't study that much, which is even more serious. Especially on weekends, she has learned to find various excuses to escape from Bai Shuhe's discipline.

Every time Bai Shuhe asks Kong Rou and asks Bai Shuyun to make up lessons, Kong Rou will say, "Let Shuyun rest, Shuyun's grades are not bad now, and he doesn't give him any time to rest at all. , too tired. Shu Yun is right, the combination of work and rest is the best."

"Okay." Bai Shuhe didn't insist, she was waiting for this day.

For more than a month, Bai Shuyun was in this state.

At this time, Bai Shuhe and Kong Rou proposed to help people make up lessons on weekends and earn some pocket money by the way. Kong Rou thought that Bai Shuyun didn't need Bai Shuhe to make up the class now, so she let her go. Didn't say anything, don't make her too tired.

This kind of differential treatment, if the original owner is really here, I am afraid that it is unacceptable. It doesn't matter to Bai Shuhe, anyway, she has already laid out the bureau, and now she is waiting for things to develop.

Bai Shuhe's plan is to save some money, it's that simple. Wherever you need money to survive, the same goes for cultivation.

Bai Shuhe's students are the ones at the tail end of the crane. They are all top class. In order to study the kind that is life-threatening, even at the tail end of the crane, their grades are in other classes and other high schools. would be too bad. Most of their families are not bad, and Bai Shuhe's grades have always been far behind them. They think it's worth it if she can make up for her classes, even if it's a little more expensive.

About the way of learning, Bai Shuhe summed it up from the original owner's memory. The original owner is a very smart person, especially his learning style is very good. The grades can be so good, the brain is a little bit smart, and the learning method must be right.

The effect of making up the class is very significant. In just one month, several students who were originally at the back of the crane have been ranked in the middle of the test this time.

"Student Bai Shuhe, do you still accept students?" The students who had become the tail of the crane, after class, snuck in front of Bai Shuhe, "Are you accepting it? Tuition is expensive. fine."

They knew for a long time that Bai Shuhe would give supplementary lessons to those in the class in the afternoon and on weekends. No, they have swam to the middle now, not the tail of the crane, the few left are the tail of the crane.

Bai Shuhe nodded: "Accept."

How much she will charge. Teaching one is teaching, and teaching a class is also teaching. She has observed that the students in this class are not too poor, and the tuition fee is paid. There are a few families with a slightly poorer background, but their grades do not need to make up classes at all.

In this regard, the number of students Bai Shuhe wants to make up for has grown from a few to a dozen.

The mid-term test, the students who were supplemented by her, have now reached the middle and upper reaches.

The students who were originally in the middle are all confused, obviously they have not regressed, and their grades have improved. The ranking they looked at was the ranking of the whole grade, and they made a lot of progress.

So, they can ask why, now they can only be regarded as the tail of the crane?

"Student Bai Shuhe, we want to make up the class, do you still accept it?"

Bai Shuhe smiled and nodded: "Accept." It is not difficult at all to make up lessons for the classmates. Much more convenient.

There used to be 60 people in the class, but now there are 30 students who have come to Bai Shuhe to make up the class. The remaining thirty people, especially the ones at the end of the line, were very nervous, especially square! They have a very bad premonition that before the final exam is the next month's exam, they may become the tail of the crane.

They used to be among the best, but now they are really panicking.

Bai Shuhe, who helped 30 people make up lessons, was also relaxed and did not find it difficult at all. The classmates admired her very much. She did so many exam papers every day, and she had to give them supplementary lessons. It seemed that she had endless energy, the spirit of get out of class, the spirit of class, and she did not doze off at all.

Is this human? This is clearly a monster.

The teacher heard some rumors, pretended not to know, and was very kind to Bai Shuhe.

Since Bai Shuhe went to high school, Bai Shuyun felt that her life was much better. Now she often combines work and rest with Kong Rou's brainwashing. She will study hard at school and let her rest easily at home. Seeing that her grades were stable, Kong Rou let her go.

It looked like a half-semester. In the mid-term exam, Bai Shuyun's grades suddenly dropped by more than a dozen places. She made an excuse that she was not feeling well during the exam. Kong Rou and Bai Yuejin believed it, didn't blame her, and asked her to work harder next time.

Bai Shuyun also thinks that he has not performed well, and he does not think it is a step backward.

Bai Shuhe's grades have always been the first, and every time Kong Rou and Bai Yuejin listened, they didn't need to look at the transcript. Mrs. Bai Shuhe will take care of herself, so they don't need to worry.

Finally, the final exam is coming, Bai Shuhe still holds the first place, Kong Rou and Bai Yuejin heard that the transcript was coming, and she casually mentioned it during dinner, asking how she was doing in the exam.

"Still first in grade, first in class."

The two smiled with satisfaction and turned to Bai Shuyun. Bai Shuyun's face suddenly turned ugly. Originally, she was in the tenth place in the class, and she did not perform well in the midterm exam, so she ran to the twenty-something. She thought that at the end of the term, she would definitely make it up, but she didn't expect the final exam to be worse, so she went straight to the middle and lower reaches.

I was worried that the two would ask about the results, but they came.

"Shuyun, where is your transcript? After eating, take it out and let my mother see it." The reason for checking Bai Shuyun's transcript is that she is not at ease, after all, she passed the exam very well in half term Difference.

"Let's eat first, and then we'll talk about it after dinner." Bai Yuejin said, anyway, I'll have to watch it later.

After dinner, Bai Shuyun bit the bullet and gave the transcript to the two. The two are very persistent in this regard, and they cannot refuse to give it, otherwise they may call the school to ask.

After reading the transcript, the two of them looked ugly and asked her what happened. Bai Shuyun submissively said that he may not have performed well. But the grades have dropped so much, is it just that they haven't performed well? After talking about Bai Shuyun, they set their eyes on Bai Shuhe. Before the two could speak, Bai Shuhe said, "I will also go over the holidays to help people make up lessons."

The faces of the two were even more ugly, thinking that Bai Shuhe refused to give Bai Shuyun a make-up lesson, thinking that she was disobedient.

Bai Shuhe interrupted their thoughts: "Otherwise, Shuyun will go together, and after making up for her classmates, she will make up for Shuyun. I think, Shuyun's grades can only be achieved by making up classes all the time. Hold on."

She has a high chance to guarantee that Bai Shuyun is unwilling and will find a way to escape the make-up class.

Kong Rou and Bai Yuejin were happy, and quickly said that Bai Shuhe was sensible, and Bai Shuyun's face was extremely ugly. Especially when she thought that Bai Shuhe would arrange her life for the whole vacation, she was going crazy. She made an appointment with someone, where to go during the holidays, and with the male classmates in the class.

So, Bai Shuyun tentatively said what she had agreed with her classmates, and also said that she would stay half of the vacation to make up lessons, which was denied by Kong Rou and Bai Yuejin.

Bai Shuyun didn't dare to refute, and even took the initiative to wash the dishes, trying to make Kong Rou change her mind, but it didn't work. This made her very annoyed, and she felt a little more rebellious towards Kong Rou and Bai Yuejin.

The next day, she followed Bai Shuhe to the venue of the make-up class, and the place she chose was a classmate's home. This classmate's home is a villa, and they are happy to provide them with this venue for supplementary lessons.

On the way, Bai Shuyun hugged Bai Shuhe's arm: "Sister, I suddenly have something to do, so I won't go there today. Don't tell your parents. I will definitely come to make up the class tomorrow, That's it, I'll go first."

Bai Shuyun is no longer as obedient as she used to be, so it is impossible for her to make up for the class obediently.

As soon as Bai Shuyun left, Bai Shuhe called Kong Rou. Not to say, that is impossible.

"What did you say?" Kong Rou almost jumped, "What did she do?"

"Shu Yun didn't say anything, she said she was in a hurry and left first, but I didn't stop her. Maybe she really has something to worry about." She learned this tone from Bai Shuyun .

"Mom, ask Shuyun what's in a hurry, I promised them here, I can't go away, so I'll call you. After a while to make up the class, I'm going to turn off the mute. "

"Can't you go and find Shuyun?" Kong Rou said subconsciously.

Bai Shuhe had a faint smile on her lips: "I signed an agreement to make up the class, and I also want to go to Shuyun, but if I breach the contract, I will lose money."

As soon as she heard that she was going to lose money, Kong Rou was speechless, and immediately hung up the phone: "Okay, I'll look for it, I don't know what the girl is worried about."

"Bai Shuhe, who is it? It sounds very difficult, and you want to use the reason of signing an agreement to refuse?"

"My mother." Bai Shuhe briefly said what had just happened, in a very flat tone, but the students who listened shook their heads.

"It sounds like your mother is very partial, you don't seem to be angry. So, are you biological? You're afraid you didn't pick it up."

Several classmates were very angry with Bai Shuhe, but she was finally interrupted by her when the class started, and they all devoted themselves to learning.

Besides, Kong Rou called Bai Shuyun one after another, asking what was wrong with Bai Shuyun and what she was worried about.

Bai Shuyun made a random excuse, saying that a classmate was injured and went to the hospital to see each other.

Kong Rou was not so easy to deceive, so she directly asked her which classmate and hospital she was in. Bai Shuyun couldn't say anything, Kong Rou told her to go home immediately. Bai Shuyun didn't dare to disobey, so she had to go home aggrieved.

In the evening, when Bai Shuhe went home, she received a cold look from Bai Shuyun.

"Your sister is back, go to make up the class for me tomorrow!" Kong Rou said, "Your grades have dropped so much, you don't pay attention, and you won't be able to get into high school in the future, it's up to you How to do."

"Can't you just let me take a good vacation?"

Bai Shuyun learned to talk back, which made Kong Rou very angry: "Look at your sister, when did you rest? Learn?" In a hurry, Kong Rou blurted out to compare the two, and after speaking, she felt that there was nothing wrong.

Yes, Bai Shuhe hasn't had much rest, and has no vacation at all. It's not studying, or it's giving people supplementary lessons. Why is she still not happy when someone gives her free supplementary lessons when she comes to Bai Shuyun?

Bai Shuhe took out a dozen test papers from the house very seriously and put them in front of Bai Shuyun: "Don't make mom angry, she is doing it for your own good, I have prepared test papers for you, I didn't have any today. Go make it up, there's still some time now, let's do it first."

Bai Shuyun almost went crazy looking at the dozen high test papers.

"No, I don't do it, it's all you, if you don't tell me, will Mom know? I just want a little vacation, so what's the matter with a day's delay?"

Bai Shuhe said with a serious face: "Learning should not be delayed, if you don't make progress, others will make progress, then you will be regressing."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-01-2523:41:55~2020-01-2623:58:23 ~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Post Jane 414528431;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 13 bottles of Shuailong;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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