113 – Families


Illyana contemplates the innocent young man in front of her eyes.

It’s the first time I’ve seen her in person, but in fact she knows a lot about Zeroa.

I didn’t investigate him.

If she wants to know how her daughter is doing at her academy, she can go to Andreth’s office.

Andres receives information related to Arya almost in real time.

There is even a separate team dedicated to arranging Arya’s data on one side of the office.

Of course, this dedicated team is a secret to her daughter.

Anyway, data on Arya is piled up like a mountain, and you can just go and check it whenever you want.

The most frequently mentioned word among the materials is zeroa.

There is already a portrait of Zeroa on the wall of the office. This means that it is an object of intensive investigation.

Every time Andres is in a bad mood, his face is scribbled, but a dedicated team of diligent people replace it with a new portrait in less than an hour.

Beyond her arms, she has to worry about her obsession with her daughter, but Illyana fully understands her husband, Andres.

Because she is too worried about Arya.

Aria Shane Brickville.

She has a devilish beauty that makes anyone fall in love with her, but because of that, she is my poor child who came along with misfortune.

Even the halo of the Brickville family, which had been dukes for generations, could not be her shield.

Her appearance was not mere appearance, but the magic of enchantment.

Those whose hearts were not disciplined fell for Arya and had a bad heart.

She knows what happens to her if she is stamped with the duke’s family, but she doesn’t hesitate to throw herself at her to covet Arya.

Ever since she was a child who was supposed to grow up seeing only the good things, Arya had to be threatened by those around her.

Commoners who don’t even have a back stomach look at it, and nobles who know the fear of dukes also lick their lips.

Even maids and soldiers who were loyal to her family sometimes fell for Arya.

In a way, she was a beauty that was no different from a curse.

After an incident in which a family knight who had followed the duke for generations tried to kidnap Arya and barely rescued her, Andres did not trust anyone about her daughter.

Arya never went outside her mansion, where her danger lurked, and always surrounded her with carefully selected and carefully selected people.

She is not relieved that she is a woman. Since the knight who tried to kidnap Arya was a female knight, she cannot be relieved.

For the safety of her daughter, Andreth took great care.

The reason why the 4th prince fled to a foreign country under the threat of her safety was to the extent that rumors spread that it was her because the duke was enraged when he saw Arya and made fun of her.

But her problem appeared to Arya.

Arya, cut off from the outside world, lacked her social skills. She has no sociability at all and her emotional expression is low, so she rarely even smiles at her parents.

Illiana could no longer see Aria, who would not hurt even if she put it in her eyes, but she gradually turned into a doll.

Andres was also aware of her problems, so it took a long time to convince her, but in the end he allowed her to go to the academy.

The only escort she actually shows is Terla, but dozens of escorts are attached to her Aria.

As if she wasn’t at ease, Arya was able to come to the academy only after putting on numerous safety devices, such as having an ancient existence contracted with her family and being continuously briefed on how she was doing.

The lady laughed while talking to Terla’s ‘Zeroa. Awesome.” Andres shed bloody tears when the report came up, but Illyana was so happy that she cried.

Showing a smile that she rarely shows even to her family, to others, and even to someone she hasn’t known for less than a year, is proof that she’s regaining her social skills.

Arya’s life at the academy continued through Terla to the Brickville family.

‘The lady held the red bean bread with both hands and ate it. It’s really cute.’

‘A lecturer named Lay calls her lady a miser. May I kill you?’

‘Three-set, the daughter of the Eliza family, became close with the lady. It’s amazing to see them cuddling.’

‘The young lady gave Seria’s sweetness to an instructor named Rai and Zeroa. Will you kill me now?’

‘You did not attend the prom day. She said she couldn’t go because she was embarrassed. I love the way she looks shy.’

Although her gaze was a bit biased, Illyana smiled whenever she received a report from Terla.

Doesn’t her daughter, who is so hard at home, seem like an ordinary child at her academy?

She was Illyana who I thought was really good at sending her to the academy.

And the starting point began with a child named Zeroa.

She said that she was so beautiful that people couldn’t approach her, so she was happy.

Since then, Illyana has been interested in her young man, Zero Ara, and has looked through her materials whenever they come.

It’s not that I discriminate against commoners or nobles, but Zeroa’s family wasn’t as good as I thought.

His father is a laborer at the store, so the salary is not enough, so his mother takes on side jobs to support her family, such as weaving baskets and embroidery at home.

Her family’s financial situation is not good, so she says that even from a young age, she has worked quite a variety of jobs.

The list of jobs he’s done is too many. Does Illyana, with her much experience, really have a job like this? She was just curious.

Andres doesn’t like Zeroa, who is her daughter and best friend at her academy, but Illyana thinks good of him.

A duke who has everything the Empire has to offer.

Unless the opponent is the emperor, there is no wealth or power to increase no matter who you take.

Anyway, the Brickville family was a family that neither cared about such things nor was greedy.

Her only desire is how happy her daughter is.

I see better sons-in-law as parents, but that’s just the parents’ greed, not the daughter’s.

As long as her personality wasn’t bad, Illyana was on Arya’s side no matter who she brought.

Although Aria doesn’t have romantic feelings yet, Illyana has set Zero Ado as her candidate.

She has a lot of time left to spend at the academy and since she is a beautiful daughter, her candidacy will only grow. She will forgive her daughter as long as she chooses and supports a decent child among them.

“Hey, can you beat him?”

“Yes? No. I’m still good enough…”

“Eh- you weakling, fail, fail. You absolutely won’t, why? Why, dear daughter. Uh-“

Arya is embarrassed and slaps her Andreth on the arm and pushes him away.

She asked if she could beat her escort.

Her husband, who is behaving like a child just for the reason of being close to her daughter, will have to overcome, but that must be an ordeal for that child to overcome.

Illyana smiles a little and moves to stop the two of them.

* * *

“Oh, why are you here?!”

Asran looked at her older brother, Lulz, and got her annoyed.

It’s the first time I’ve seen her family since leaving the family, but I don’t like her brother who came without contacting me.

“What are you so annoyed about? The older brother might come to see the younger brother.”

“Obviously not with good intentions.”

Even at Lulz’s words, Aslan did not straighten her expression.

Since she left home, she hasn’t contacted her family even once.

I don’t have feelings for my brother, but the problem is my father who is above him.

It was almost certain that he would say something strange again through Lulz.

“I didn’t tell my father. I came alone.”


Contrary to his expectations, Lulz only came because he was worried about his younger brother.

For Aslan, who is unable to speak because of embarrassment, Lulz looks around and invites him to sit on a bench.

“Are you living well? My father is like that, but how come you haven’t contacted me or Arnelle? Adele keeps whining that she misses you.”

“Um… Sorry about that. How’s Adele?”

“Unlike my ugly brother, he’s growing up well. He started learning the sword last month.”

Asran, the ugly older brother, becomes solemn thinking of young Adele.

There is a bit of an age difference between Asrando and Rulez, but Adele is 9 years older.

When he was at home, this is Adele, who used to chase after her with her tiny body, calling her older brother.

Athlan was curious about how big he had grown since he hadn’t seen it in over half a year.

“Didn’t you bring Adele?”

“After all that fuss, can you come to the academy with Adele? I also said I was going on a business trip as a district inspector.”

“That old man is still stubborn.”

Looking at Aslan grumbling, Lulz thought that nothing had changed.

I wasn’t swearing, but I was relieved to see my younger brother as usual and he’s doing well.

His father, Alion, cut off all interest in Aslan at the Aye family level.

Because of his notice, I couldn’t tell if his brother was living well or how he was living.

“You said you were indebted to the instructor at the academy?”

Unable to leave her concerned younger brother alone, Lulz found out a little about how Aslan lives through her acquaintances, and was able to obtain information that he was living in the house of an instructor named Rai.

“Uh, Lai-kang, no, no. I live with Lai.”

Asran corrected his words by saying that he was in front of his older brother, but Lulz stared blankly at his younger brother’s attitude of saying the instructor’s name without hesitation.

Lai Kang is probably a nickname, and seeing the instructor’s name casually, it was obvious without seeing how her sister usually behaves.

“You son of a b*tch. If you are rude to the instructor…”

“Puhahahahaha! What are you doing?!”

Before Lulz finished speaking, Aslan looked at someone and laughed out loud.

When she turned her head to follow her brother’s gaze, there was a man wearing sunglasses.

“How did you find out?”

“Did you call it makeup? I’d rather…”

She tried to tell her to disguise herself as a woman, but Aslan shut her mouth. The work of that day is a secret.

“Oh, no.”

Rai frowns, takes off her sunglasses, and pulls off her beard.

It was frustrating, but not a single viewer could not recognize it. I get annoyed by receiving attention and being teased for no reason.

From noble mtl dot com

“Asran… Just in case… Are you the instructor…?”

When Lulz cautiously asked her attitude, Asran introduced her as an instructor living with her carefreely.

The position of an instructor that Lulz knows is never low.

You must have experience and achievements. Besides, according to the information he knows, Rai is the instructor in charge.

Only instructors from the field can take the position of instructor in charge, as they have to manage and supervise the academy students.

These are not people who are devoted to research simply because they are in a special field, but people who have rolled their own way in the field.

You are young, but being able to become a lecturer at a young age also means that you are a great person.

Lulz immediately lowered his head while pressing the back of his brother’s head.

“I’m sorry. I was rude because I was wrong in my brother’s education.”

“Yes? Are you Aslan’s brother?”

“What? What’s wrong?!”

Athlan gets up and approaches Rai, slashing Lulz’s hand as if it’s annoying.

“Where do you get these?”

“The Wizard of Dawn.”

“A magic shop run by that weird bearded man? Did you even cut his beard?”

“Would you use something like that? I bought it for 50 pieces of silver, and they recognize everything.”

“It didn’t even take magic, but of course they recognize it. That man is a man who does something, so he sells things like this.”

Lulz’s mouth gapes when she sees her brother talking to the instructor in casual language.

He is a lecturer in charge, and he is a benefactor who even rents out his house, but he sells his courtesy everywhere and treats him as if he were a friend.

“This is my brother Lulz.”

“Hello. I’m Rai Redford, the instructor in charge of Aslan.”

“… Hey, nice to meet you. I’m Aslan’s older brother Lulz Scape.”

Since he has been on his way to meet the parents of the academy students, Rai greeted them naturally, but Lulz reacted a beat late and lowered his head in embarrassment.

“Ha ha ha, don’t be so polite, hyung. This guy doesn’t like that.”

Wanting to stop his younger brother laughing next to him, Rawls ignores his words and looks at Rai with a difficult expression.

“The lack of scapegoats caused trouble to the instructor. Thank you for taking care of Aslan.”

“I’m not going to bow my head like that.”

‘That’s not what you’re talking about!’

When Aslan calmly answered what Rai had to say, Lulz held back and lowered his head.


“… Is something wrong?”

As Rai let out a sigh, Lulz raised his head and asked cautiously.

“No, no. I was surprised to see a normal person.”

“Ah… I understand.”

Rulz immediately understood how much trouble Aslan was causing Rai’s words.

How can you even use the expression that you are a normal person?

I think I should have a deep conversation with my younger brother.

Since the academy is not normally open, there were many families looking for it.

You can see him after the semester is over, but seeing him at home and seeing how he lives at the academy are different, so many people visit the academy.

Zeroa’s parents couldn’t come because it was time to work, but her sister Kara came, and Sesset and Diana’s parents also visited the academy despite their busy schedules.


But not all academy students’ families came to the academy.

Abigail, who has no family or Philiana out of the house, watches the academy students walking around the academy with their families.

Everyone is busy introducing the academy to their families or introducing instructors, but the two are free.



Seeing the academy student having a friendly conversation with her family, Philia calls, and her Abigail, who was next to her, replies in an annoyed voice.

“Do you want to go sparring?”

“Your ass looks itchy because you want to be kicked.”

“No, I want to kick my ass. And that too.”

“It’s a coincidence. I feel the same way.”

The competition starts late because of the guests who visited the academy.

Philia and Abigail go to Rai’s house without saying anything.

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