The weekend came pretty quickly. No, the day went by too quickly in the first place. It’s to the point where I can’t tell if time goes through my nose or my mouth.

I mean, I’m regretting waking up now.



“Is today the day?”

isn’t it? say no Tell me it’s not what I’m thinking right now

[Get up quickly and get ready. If you think about rolling all day—]

“I will be sick from now on. I’m going to be sick until a week later. don’t look for it got it?”


Knowing that the words didn’t work, I lay down and go back to sleep. I will go back to sleep again—

“Early Bird!! weather!!”


I couldn’t sleep. The blonde who sprinted through the door looked very excited. I could not even see that I was looking forward to having my things packed and my bright eyes.

“Aren’t you going to a picnic today?”


no. are you going to hell

“Hell is a picnic. Killing the demons has been the pleasure of my life.”

“You don’t know what a parable is?”

[What is the parable?]

you don’t have to know

Raphael shrugged as if he didn’t know. If he’s like this, I have to go too. I had to go in the first place.

If you don’t go, you’ll be here to catch me, so it’s even more dangerous. Get up and get ready to go out.

“Then hurry up and get out. I don’t want to be scolded for being late!”

“You know what you say that doesn’t really suit you?”

I don’t know~ Raphael smiled mischievously and left with Leviathan in his arms. How nice it would be to prepare a little breakfast at a time like this.

If you eat and go out, you’ll be fine. I grunted and changed my clothes.

It’s been really hard lately. Training is too hard. Ga-yeon Shin in the morning, Shin Hak-cheol in the morning, and Hell training in the afternoon were hard to endure.

Thanks to this, the mana operation is quite good and the body seems to have become lighter, but when I check the status, nothing has changed at all.

Even if the original training is gradually getting stronger, there is no noticeable change, so it doesn’t taste like zero.

oh There is a change. one.

[Elixir absorption rate 20%]

The absorption rate is quite high. I think it’s become a system that tells me how far I’ve rolled. However, if all of this is absorbed, nothing bad will happen. i’m a lucky guy

I got dressed and went out to the living room. Raphael was laying cereal on the table.

There’s bread in the kitchen, which probably means I’ll do it.

“I can just put this in and turn it, what are you doing?”

“I can’t do it.”

You would. What do you want from a guy who can’t even text a cell phone properly? I can’t press a single button, but I have to do it myself.


I thought while eating the bread that popped out with a light sound.

This could be the Last Supper.


“It’s my first time riding a boat. The smell of the sea! This is the first time in years!!”

“Hundreds? thousands?”

“Do not attach units. And then there are not one or two demons that died.”

Am I treated like a demon? He tried to avoid Raphael’s staring gaze. We are currently on a boat. That’s one reason. What.

I’m on my way to the 11th island. I really don’t want to go. Who came up with the idea of training on an island with a camp on the weekends?

I am not. I’m sorry. Did you say that it was an episode that passed the midterm exam properly and led to another case?

But it’s twisted because of the damn vampires and the damn half-horse bastards.

give me back my weekend Give me back this golden weekend. no. We need a change of mind here.

It might be surprisingly convenient. It might feel like a retreat, right? A voice was heard as if laughing at my escape from reality.

“Keep your resolve. My sister gave me an elixir to give you, but I drank it.”

Read at

Unknowingly, I received an item from the side. It’s the elixir I’ve always drank. It relieves muscle pain the next day. A little embarrassed, I looked to the side and saw a woman with blue hair wearing a hair band. Do you read books?

Aren’t you dizzy? Rather than that, they come in as if they are sisters. It’s not surprising now. I naturally took the elixir and drank it.

It tastes awful. it’s scary

I frowned and drank it all. Only then did Shin Chae-yeon close the book and look at this.

“You’ve learned a little bit about our family’s martial arts. Then it will be less.”

“It’s a little bit. really little.”

it’s real really learned a bit. No matter how you look at it, it seems that I have no talent for learning. And if you learned a little bit of that, how is it okay on the 11th island?

You can’t use magic. Is it the Son Oh official training method that trains with a 10-kg sandbag?

“I’m okay.”

“Am I other than you?”

“you? Why are you asking that?”

Of course it’s fine. You say the same thing, but I’m scared these days. This infinite trust that comes from around me is hard.

I am a citizen A person who can’t do anything if he misses one of the items, skills, and Raphael.

Adapting to mana is important with an emotionless voice next to him. It will be difficult even for you at first. First, focus on breathing.

Ignore the blue hair that says the same thing.

“Wow! Seagull!! Aren’t seagulls affected by the barrier?! Come to think of it, it seems that only the intelligent body can’t invade?!”

Ignoring the blonde who said, I looked around. You have to listen with one ear and let it flow through the other, but because you are hit with both ears, there is no ear to take out.

I clenched my teeth and looked around, ignoring it, and I saw it from a distance. Black hair leaning against the railing while holding on to the form, and the brown hair chattering next to it.

He’s just standing there. He’s annoyingly handsome. I stared at him as much as I could.

This might be a good opportunity. This is your chance to see how weak Taehyun Kim has become.

It’s been quite disruptive so far. They stole the weapon, the skill, and the incident. It will be much weaker than the original.

It’s time to check my efforts so far. I want to see it with my own eyes.

“It’s Evan who fights directly.”

Fighting itself is not difficult. If you begged the instructor for wanting to fight, or if the mask shop guy you met a while ago is pointed out, they will take care of you.

But I hate it. I don’t think I’ll win. I don’t want to be beaten up for nothing.

no one Someone with similar skills to Kim Tae-hyun, who will fight for me-

With that thought in mind, I looked to the side and met blue eyes. He tilts his head and places a question mark above his head.



Someone who will fight for me. Of course, this guy isn’t a maid, but if I somehow coax him to fight—

“Did you find Sung-hoon too?! I see you too!! there!! That island, right? is it big? Is that also uninhabited?!”

During a very important moment, Raphael grabbed my shoulder and shook me. I shook my head even if I asked him to look, so I had no choice but to turn my head to look at the sea.

Beyond the blue sea, it slowly reveals itself. It is a huge island to be called an uninhabited island.

There was an island that seemed to be enough to build a village.

“Are you happy to see me? I am not happy.”

“why. It feels good to be on a trip.”

“Isn’t it a trip? Is it hell?”

“It’s good! hell!”

I can’t speak. Ignoring the excited blonde running around, she sat down again. How do you two get into a fight?

With the same thought, it arrived quickly. As you can see the island, it is easy to arrive.

In the end, I was forced to get off the ship without finding an answer. I really didn’t want to go, so I held out for a while, but it wasn’t too late.

“It starts from the moment you get off. Try to get used to mana.”

I know it all, but I nodded my head to the blue-haired guy next to me. I’m worried about you, what do you say?

Swallowing his saliva, he set foot on the island. jump on mana Go Hell.


It came down with a light sound.


“Sunghoon. There’s nothing wrong with giving me that fear.”

I know. I didn’t feel any sensation. Is it the same as usual? Looking back to see what happened, Shin Chae-yeon has a dying face.


what is it really


Shin Chae-yeon is very upset right now.

Vomiting came up in the stomach, which did not come up even after reading a book. I experienced shortness of breath that I had never experienced in my life.

I can’t breathe, as if someone is choking me.

‘calm down.’

Don’t panic. Before coming here, I heard everything from my father about how to deal with it.

When you panic, your panic only gets worse. Breathe slowly and adjust to your mana.

Humans are animals of adaptation. I don’t know about magic refining, but it won’t take long to breathe.

Calm down, slowly. As I was holding my breath with the unique calmness I had, I heard it.

Even that Justitia’s teacher was too accustomed to adapt, so she was wearing a gas mask. All the students are almost lying on their backs.

nevertheless heard A voice talking as if nothing.

“These people are tough.”

“I know. It’s strange.”

what? What is it? Injin couldn’t keep up with the situation. This is the 11th island.

Nicknamed Hell Island. Another name is dragon nest without dragons.

It’s such a strange place. The mana here was similar to that of a dragon.

It’s not as rare, but the concentration of mana is thick. It emits high-purity mana, making it difficult for people to even stand. No intruders allowed

But what are they

is standing No one can stand up, but it seems like it’s just the two of them.

look around His eyes were infinitely innocent. ‘Why are you there?’ The same thought was evident.

“Are you guys okay?!”


Even the instructor asked the question in bewilderment, but the answer he got back was in vain. Confusion was evident. When everyone got used to it, they joked around.

Their journey continued even as they went to the building in the center of the island.

Shin Chae-yeon barely adapted, breathing heavily. They managed to climb up with the family’s chess skills, but they climbed like a light jog.

The mouth did not rest.

– The air is good. water is good It’s all good. Why is this hell? Hell is not such a sweet place!!

─Yes. I’m disappointed too. I was very nervous, what is this? give me back my tension reward my resolve.

-It was a picnic. eventually.

-It’s a training session. retreat. From now on, depending on what you do, I can be a devil or an angel. Do you think you’ll do something like this?

I’m going to die of noise. I wanted to tell him to shut up, but there was no time.

How the hell are these monsters fed back? I didn’t understand. Even the instructor who took the lead wearing a gas mask looked at him as if he did not understand.

‘Father was right.’

The doubts I heard are gone. It is true that he defeated the family prosecutor. It was not explained otherwise.


Shin Chae-yeon defined them in one word. Is it really the same human being running around with such excitement in this high concentration of mana?

not. Absolutely not.

When Shin Chae-yeon’s delusion about Lee Seong-hoon is amplified due to the fact that she defeated a family-trained prosecutor in Shin Chae-yeon’s brain.

In fact, I am-

‘I don’t know why, but it’s a gaggle.’

I had no idea.

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