Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲


I’m still quiet, so I’m sitting idly in an unfamiliar room. I just woke up and I’m drooling.

It’s quiet, the damn blonde duo is still sleeping, and Lachesis can’t wake up because I’ve been tormenting him until dawn.

I’m still not angry, so I stared at Lachesis once. didn’t wake me up If I tormented you that much yesterday, I would have repented.

I sat across the bed, enjoyed the silence after a long time, and entered [Skill].

Well, this is the screen I usually see. I skipped all the new windows that popped up indifferently. You have to read it anyway [there is a mind map you can take a picture of], so just ignore it.

And the [Search] bar I barely found. I’m planning on taking the 3rd skill now. Originally, I was going to save a little more, but today I decided to go into the treasury.

Lee Si-woo I didn’t know what that person would do, so I decided to take a picture as a precaution.

You’re the person who tried to kill me with one word from his daughter. Wouldn’t it be twice?

“What are you filming?”

So compare it prepare. Carelessly scrolled down before searching. I had a lot in mind, but I didn’t really need anything right now.

Her physical abilities are resolved with Raphael’s protection, and Lily is there when she’s in a hurry. I don’t want to waste it on useless things.

It’s a skill that can only take 3 shots, so don’t waste even one. So, thinking hard, I scrolled down.

While trying to see if there was anything useful before searching, there was one thing that stood out.

「Super Sense (A+)」(500000P)


enough to live No, the accident remains. He tamed demons and defeated the ancestors. It has been developed to a simple rare, so the points are no joke.

“It’s super-sensory.”

That doesn’t sound like a bad suggestion. Originally, I was thinking of buying something like “Hit (B)” or “Strike Weight (EX)” in case I want to use something like a gun or bow.


First, I lightly pressed the letters. Then another blue window popped out.

[「Supersense (A+)」: Extremely activates the five senses. Depending on the user’s ability, he may show an intuition close to foresight.]

The explanation is ambiguous. Will I regret buying this? I don’t need the foresight part. Because Lachesis is there.

the senses are activated I do not know. How helpful would this be?

I pondered for a while and looked into the blue window. Should I buy something other than this? You can’t get to EX or S grades, but there are points that you can buy all around A+.


He put his hand on his chin and let out a moan. Then I felt my pants pulled from underneath.

I glanced down as I was in a troubled posture, and the blonde was rubbing my sleepy eyes and looking up at me.

In one hand he was holding a pillow. Guess I’ll have to drag it out and brush it off later.

When I look at him, he smiles happily. Then he raised his arm towards me. I know how many times I’ve seen it. It’s a sign that you want a hug. this.


Read at

Unfortunately, I said last time. this is the last time I am a man who keeps his promises.

Perhaps you were shocked by my words, Kugung-!! Levatein, who made the same noise, whimpered and climbed onto the bed.

I ignored it and continued to look at [Skills], but he strode forward and sat down between my legs.

If you look down to do something, you look up at me as if you have won. I don’t know whose daughter it is, but she looks a lot like her.

That’s a good sign. Life doesn’t hurt if you live like me. This guy must be a swordsman.

I’m not that kind of person either, so I didn’t send it down or just let it go.

[Dad. What’s up??]


[What preparation??]

Instead of answering, he patted his head. Then he giggles and smiles. It’s a way of saying things that I’ve learned while living with Leviathan.

[It tickles~]

After playing for a while, the satisfied guy calmed down and focused on the blue window in front of him. what to do

Should I buy this or not? Once again, I pressed 「Super Sense (A+)」. Because it’s the second click, a purchase window comes to mind rather than an explanation.


I tried to press the No button once, but Leviathan raised his head. Then I see the void.

no. it’s not empty Suddenly, I had a bad idea. The boy’s eyes were looking straight in one direction.

It’s like looking at a blue window that only I can see—

[What is this? Dad, there’s something strange in the air!!]

Why doesn’t the sad feeling go away? Before I could say anything, Leviathan’s hand moved.

A hand trying to touch the blue spear floating in the air. And the location that his hand reached was surprisingly the Y button.


[Dad!! Just change it!!]

Real life is absurd I couldn’t get angry at the Leviathan who smiled at me.


I hurried out because I was afraid I would be late for the appointment.

For some reason, if Ishia says she buys her food, and if she refuses, is that a person? You said you live by yourself, but it’s like a restaurant, can you take me to?

I came out with that expectation. Of course, Raphael said, ‘Except for me, let’s go eat something delicious!!’ They said the same thing, but I couldn’t take them with me, so I left them.

I’m a little worried. He’s not a good guy to be alone.

[If you’re worried, you may have left the Leviathan behind.]


As I say over and over again, Siwoo Lee is going into that person’s stomach. Leaving Lebatein behind is like suicide.

Of course, Levitein had a criminal record and pushed it into his inventory. I just put it in as a promise to give you what you want later.

I’ll put it in before I wake up. That’s convenient.

“I gave you money, so I guess I’ll have to order it.”

you’ll figure it out Leaving behind her useless blonde worries, she walked. Shortly thereafter, the meeting place, the fountain, appeared.

There is a person in front of the fountain. Woman standing against the backdrop of falling water. Her black hair fluttered in the wind, and her hand swept up her hair to make sure it covered her eyes.

He always wore a neat school uniform, but today’s plain clothes were black clothes that went well with his hair.

I don’t know because I’m not interested in clothes, but it was a pretty dress. a little bit different

I approached the guy who found me and waved my hand.

And I looked carefully. The guy who felt my gaze froze, covering his body with his arm, but he didn’t stop.


“What, what?! As soon as you arrive?”


Why are you doing this-?!

I pulled out the face that was poking at the guy who was brimming with tears. It’s concluded.


“Why, why?”

“It seems that the saying that clothes are wings is not for nothing.”

“What is that—”

Isia’s face, who had tilted her head at my words, turned bright red. It took me some time to understand the meaning.

He nodded his head a few times with a blushing face, then turned back and started walking.

“Hey, I dress well!”

I thought I wanted to pretend to be determined, but my gait was unstable. They walk in zigzags and say things like ‘hahaha~ It’s hotter~’.

“He’s all good, but he’s weak at compliments.”

[I think you are right in the head.]

What is he saying now. Ignoring Lachesis, who uttered incomprehensible words, I followed the staggering Isia.

After walking for a while, Ishia’s gait returned and her face color also returned, so she stood next to me and walked. It bothered me to keep looking behind my back, but would you bear it because I bought you food?

After walking for such a long time, we arrived at the Warp Gate.

I bought rice in Seoul to make it easier to move around. Well, Seoul is better than the restaurants in Justitia.

Which high-end restaurant should I go to? I climbed the warp gate with great anticipation.

And it lived up to my expectations. The place we arrived at was dazzling.

How dazzling it was.

“Woah aah.”


“Wow aah

To the extent that exclamations from my mouth can’t stop. whopping. It was a place that a small citizen like me would never visit even after waking up from death.

Why is there a chandelier? Isn’t this Seoul? Is the floor red carpet?

Even the chairs were soft. It’s definitely a wooden chair, but it’s soft!

“Woah aah.”

Even the waiter’s gait was choppy. Even the act of putting down the water he brought was elegant.

Is this aristocratic society? Even looking at the waiter, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

So is it? Did those words come out of Isia’s mouth?

“please. mouth.”

“Woah ah ah ah ah ah.”

“Shut up your mouth.”



The rice was delicious. Enough to say that it melts in your mouth. I had never been to a restaurant in the world, but it was a new experience.

“I wish Raphael had come too.”


what? Why are you staring? I couldn’t understand Isia staring with her eyes wide open. I just thought it was okay to eat it if it was free rice because it was usually delicious, but what’s the problem?


Hearing the click of Lachesis’ tongue, I followed Isia.

I couldn’t understand Isia’s behavior from a while ago.

The waiter said, ‘Shall we move you to the couple’s seat?’ Don’t you cover your face with the menu board with the same words?

It was so delicious that I thought, ‘If you marry a rich man, do you eat these things every day? Starting today, my goal is to marry a rich man!!’ If I joked about the same thing, wouldn’t the water that I drink be spouted out?

Aren’t you giving up on yourself because I eat in a hurry?

“Hmm. It’s strange.”

As she tilted her head because she did not understand the principle of action, Isia turned her back and looked back.

“Is this our house?”

“yes? no. uh? Are you here already?”

Turns out, there were no buildings around. None. Only then did I find out

I entered the house of Isia. Lee Shia’s House is a place where the president of the Magic Association purchased a large amount of land in Seoul and carved it out.

It was crazy to press down with money and skills, but it was possible because he was the president of the association. And as soon as I realized it.


sight is blinking I woke up in my dizzy vision. It looks like a luxurious room. It was a luxurious study room reminiscent of a medieval nobleman’s room.

And a middle-aged man sitting on the sofa in the center of that place.

He shrugged and looked at me. With a face you don’t like.


As soon as Ishia approaches, her expression softens and she strokes her hair. That’s really annoying.

I don’t know why, but it’s annoying.

“Not everyone can get into my treasury.”

“by the way.”

whatever. i can get in Shi-woo Lee opened his mouth again after coughing as if he didn’t like my interruption.

“You are still being rude. You can take 2 treasures. If you touch any more than that, annihilation magic will automatically activate, so be careful.”

It’s a face that I really don’t want to tell you. If it’s just that your daughter is a man she knows, then when you get married, you’ll see her expression on her face.

Siwoo Lee clapped his hand. At the same time as the sound, the bookshelf moves with a scream.

A staircase appeared in the place where the bookshelf used to be.

“good. If you go down, it’s a treasure trove. I made the door open, so just pick two and come out.”

Having said that, I sip my tea as if I didn’t want to mix the words. I didn’t have anything to ask, so I headed straight for the stairs.

Shortly thereafter, a huge door appeared. He does things like this and he’s really talented.

I whimpered and opened the door. Why is the big door always hard to open?!



-Don’t go.

sound from afar. Isia was following me and was stopped.

No one will know what that means. Even if you ask a little boy passing by, he knows.

“ah. Shall I go back?”

But my body was already in a treasure trove.

Awesome profit-

The huge door screams and closes. I couldn’t help but look at it.

Why won’t the sad premonition go wrong?

Tears flowed again.

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