This time it was a rather normal visit.

I normally have a fruit basket. Sit normally and say hello.

Aren’t those two people weird? No. Sophia was fine too.

Sophia is the best. yes. The person who makes the food is the best.

“Anyway, do you know how surprised I was to suddenly disappear? Are you listening?”

“yes. I am listening.”

I wasn’t actually listening. I was worried because it suddenly disappeared, but I was surprised that the hidden stage was broken.

it would be something like this Say hello. It wasn’t good at first, but it’s ok. He continued speaking in this way.

There’s nothing wrong with being a Moonbyeong in the first place. something like this

Still, I think it’s better than watching TV.

As I was thinking about that, something suddenly appeared in front of me. It was Lee Shia with her face fully drawn in.

I was so surprised that I almost fell backwards.

“Aren’t you listening?!”

“ah. yes. I’m not sorry, so I won’t apologize?”

“what the.”

He sighed once and returned to his original position. As if he knew that, he stared at him once and opened his mouth again.

“That’s Okay. what were you worried about It’s okay because it’s okay.”

“Thank you so much.”

“Gee, is it real? Didn’t you worry? He must have won by using a strange method anyway. What.”

I’m sorry, but that’s wrong. He said he won by way of justice.

It’s thanks to Raphael’s buff and Leviathan’s buff. Because winning is winning.

“ah. right.”

“why? Are you sick?”

Isia was worried, so she shook her head and opened her mouth. Come to think of it, Ishia paid the cost of this spacious hospital room.

I don’t know because I’ve never been hospitalized, but I know the hospitalization fee is quite expensive.

Then there’s the spacious single room. As a human being, shouldn’t I say thank you?

“thank you.”


huh? Why are you getting such an answer? I told Ishia again, who put her ear to her as if she had heard something wrong.

“Thank you. I paid the hospital bills.”


what else is this why are you here Why are you just holding back? did i say something weird?

He tilted his head and looked at Raphael.

“I don’t know. Why are you doing that?”


I don’t know if I can face Raphael and try to shrug his shoulders. why is that

“Oh, thank you?”

Was this deaf? When she nodded her head, Isia stepped back even further.

“ah. I know this.”


“Isn’t this the first time I’ve heard Sunghoon say thank you?”

No way. Since then, I am a person who knows how to be grateful.

I lived without saying thank you-

“Are you stabbed?”


I have nothing to say. I clenched my hair desperately, but it didn’t seem like I ever said thank you.

Was I that stingy?

I shook my head, not knowing. No matter how much I think-

“What are you doing?”

“yes? ah? I know it’s a dream.”

Is that enough? If you like it that much, there’s nothing I can’t say.

I’m kind of pissed off by reacting like that.



“Thank you.”


So I decided to just do a thank you rush. I am a man who can

“Thank you for always being a maid.”

what else is there I’m not very grateful, so I don’t know.

“Thank you for defeating Lucy.”

What else?

“Thank you for giving me the treasure~ again~”

“Come on, wait a minute!!”

Why is there still so much left? Isia held out her hand and shook it wildly.

It’s kind of fun to make a pounding noise.

“I know well that I usually thank you, so stop!!”

“no? I am a person who knows how to be thankful, right?”

recited more Thank you for fighting for me in the fog. Thank you for dealing with the dwarfs in the dungeon.

As I said, there was nothing to do, so I went to thank you for being born. This was absurd even as I said it.


“Not yet.”

“I will go!!!”

Isaiah, who moved so fast that there was a rattling sound, disappeared from my sight in an instant.

“hey!! Don’t run in the hallway!!”

“I’ll take care of it!!”

I looked back and smiled. i won So why are you touching me

I am someone who can thank you. Anyone who sees it knows that he is a careless person.

I just found out about it today. Your face turns so red that you’ve been praised.

“Mr. Sung Hoon.”


“I won. Aren’t you thinking the same thing?”

i did win

“You say it’s childish.”

“There is nothing like that in the world of winning. Whoever wins is justice.”

Let’s pretend we didn’t hear the sighs from the other side.


It opened its eyes. He said he opened his eyes, but he didn’t.

found consciousness. This is the correct expression.

It looked around. He didn’t have eyes, but he could see the surroundings.

It wasn’t dark. It was obviously dark, but I could see the surroundings very well.

Strangely sized, heterogeneous rocks are scattered all over the place. Evil swords that emit magic. Other than that, clothes and masks, poor sickle and huge sickle. huge number of papers.

All sorts of junk and treasures came into view. It looked around and grasped its own situation.


I tried to remember. It had memory. I just woke up, but the memories are vivid.

From the moment someone was born. Until the moment when the world was set on fire and sealed.

After being stuck like that for eternity, he got caught up in a certain dungeon and met the man.

I knew it based on my memory. He gave himself life. gave the will

I knew it instinctively, but I couldn’t express it. There’s too much I don’t know.

it crawled Is it correct to move like this? Let’s crawl hard with a flowing body. I saw something.

Beautiful wings that catch the eye. purple scales. sharp eyes.

A completely different existence from the feeling of a warehouse-like place I had seen before. It was distracted.

And our eyes meet I don’t know if it’s correct to say that we met, but we met anyway.

[Oh. It’s fun.]

With one eye open, something purple stood up and approached. His whole body was covered with wounds.

[You don’t know how to speak?]

I wanted to answer the question. It could understand the words. I knew it was a language because I had a memory.

But no words came out. In a way, it was natural. It was just a lump of liquid. There is no such thing as a vocal cord anywhere.

[It’s really amazing. I’ve seen a lot of my ego weapons, but this is the first time I’ve seen something like you. It is a weapon with a will that is acquired.]


I couldn’t even understand half of what was being said. It was too difficult for this being to speak.

[Hmm. It’s frustrating.]

With those words, you feel as if your body is being pierced. It feels like someone is watching every nook and cranny of your body.

It tried to conceive of this feeling with its poor vocabulary.

I thought about it for a long time, but I gave up because I didn’t know.

[Hmm. Right. i get it. You have “unchangeable”.]

The being who nodded as if he understood understood eventually.


It disappeared with the sound of something popping. It crawled around in surprise, but something walked out of the mist where she had vanished.

She was a beauty with purple hair. A woman of great stature, beautiful long hair, and sharp but captivating eyes.

But it didn’t calm down. As the existence disappeared and a strange woman appeared, I was even more confused.

[Wow. Calm down. Can’t you change like this too? I am that dragon.]

Dragon? what is a dragon After thinking about it for a while, it realized that the existence before was a dragon.

Then that woman is that person before.

[Can’t you transform into a human?]

Person? It tilted its head. There is no such thing as a head.

[Like me. Do you know what a person is? Try changing to someone you know.]

Person? Know. There were many people in my memory. However, most were not intact.

It was swept away by fire, and only those who were incomplete because they cut it in half or melted it remain in memory.

It stung the memory. Obviously a perfect person—

there was.

who made himself. He must have been a human too. It focused the mind. And activate the skill.

I felt my body wriggling and moving. A body that creates something. After waiting for so long, my view changed.

I looked down at the woman who was looking up. It felt like a body. It wasn’t the flabby feeling I had before, it was a body that moved as I thought it would.

[Oh. Can you speak?]

At those words, it tried to raise its voice. I didn’t know how to do it, so after trying for a while, the first hoarse sound came out.


[Do it till the end. It’s really fun. What is the name of the person you transformed into?]

Why are you curious about that? It tilted its head and said.



It got used to the human body. It didn’t take that long to move the body freely.

The problem was different. It’s intelligence. It was a sword that had lived for a long time for just being born, so it had basic intelligence.

However, the mental age was less than 10 years. He speaks, but he doesn’t do it properly, and he doesn’t know too much.

A few basic words you can spit. So Benia taught it.

He taught human speech and gave him intelligence.

[Your name is Leviathan.]


smile wide and say Absorption was no joke. It was an ego weapon, so it was different from a small human child.

It had only been a few days since he had a will, but he had an intelligence of more than seven years.

don’t forget It was a sponge that absorbs talking jokjokjok.

Although the words are slurred, he has reached a level where he can speak to a certain extent.

The biggest change was the appearance. At first, it was a man named Loki who had created himself.

She had become a girl now. A girl of an age appropriate for her mental age.

If you ask him why he is like that, he has only one answer.

[Because men are going to hate it.]

what does this mean Benia felt a bit of a headache.

Day 3 of teaching Leviathan. He showed interest in Lee Sung-hoon, so I projected the situation a little.

Then it happened like that. Benia couldn’t understand it, but it was natural for Leviathan.

Lee Sung-hoon is the person who made him like this. He gave him a will that even the creator of him could not give him.

That is, they are parents. Where in the world is there a child who doesn’t want to look good to his parents?

There was another reason for her appearance as a girl.

Leviathan continued to look at Lee Sung-hoon through Benia.

Continue while he’s in the hospital.

He was always with women. Starting with the blonde who is always together.

A lively blue woman who comes to visit every day.

A flower-like woman with brown hair that comes once in a while.

A black woman who comes every day and only glances at her.

A silver woman who brings rice for lunch.

He obviously likes women! That is why Leviathan turned into a girl. There weren’t many people in my memory, but looking back, it wasn’t that they didn’t exist.

He imitated a girl running away from the waves of fire he had created.

[me. I met my father and sipper.]

Leviathan’s memories were only screams and silence.

People running away from the waves of fire. People who jumped on those who lifted them up and cut them in half and screamed.

screams and screams. And there was nothing but silence, without hearing any sound for eons.

But looking at Lee Sung-hoon, something was different. It was obviously noisy, but not noisy. Contrary to the noise that Leviathan knew, it was calm.

So I wanted to go there.

[Hmm. Is that so?]

Benia, who barely understood, raised her hand. Anyway, her wounds are recovering. I had no regrets because I could see it again when I left.

Forcefully open a gap in [Inventory].

[Ask before you go. If your father is a kid, who is your mother?]

why are you asking that At the obvious question, Leviathan tilted his head. As she taught, parents are always together and trust and depend on each other.

If so, isn’t it one?

Levatein did not answer, and toddled towards the place she had made.

“Sunghoon. When are you saying you don’t eat ramen at the hospital?!”

“Noisy!! Once is hard, twice is hard? It’s bad for Sophia to only bring her lunch. I do not know. i’m innocent I don’t know~”

“Wow. Really… huh?”

“What? what?”

Going between the two men fighting, Leviathan took his hand. It was like a scene from a fairy tale that Benia showed.

[hi. Mom. hi. Dad.]

So I smiled as brightly as possible.

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