First, I got two water bottles. Single person Sophia, looking at this side with a nice smile, and Lee Shia, who licks her lips.

I looked at the water bottle with two people, and gave one to Raphael.

“Eh? What water is it?”

“Our evolved elite maid and she gave it to us yesterday.”


When I opened the water bottle and drank the liquid inside, a great refreshing sensation filled my mouth. After all, exercise and drinking water are the best.

It has nothing to do with honey. no? More than honey. People who pay expensive money to buy honey should reflect. The water you drink after running 20 laps on the playground is sweeter than honey, but you pay money to eat it?

I drank all the water, feeling pity for those who are losing half of my life. In the meantime, I hear a conversation between the two who looked awkwardly in front of me.

─Ah, thank you for yesterday. I lived thanks to you.

─Not much. I just ran because I could see the fog. I was lucky to be nearby. Is it better than that? said to have been bitten

– Ah. Someone save me before it bleeds. it’s okay.

-It’s good. take good care. If something goes wrong, go to the hospital right away. It was probably a meal. Don’t worry about privatization.

─Yes… Do you know about vampires?

-I’m interested. ha ha ha…

same conversation. Wow. He is such a perfect good person. Besides, he has a gentle-looking face and a friendly smile.

It’s weird not being deceived. If I had not known the true nature of that guy, I would have been deceived and ridiculed.

But I know. His reality and his future.

Right now, he has a nice smile like that, but when he enters the second semester, he turns into a villain. His expression grew darker and his interpersonal relationships became weaker.

A character who becomes the queen of the night who attacks the academy from a certain moment. That’s because, well, it’s because he’s a vampire.

No matter how hard he tries, the fact that he’s a vampire doesn’t change. Eventually, someone will find out, and human beings do not easily accept other races.

In a nutshell, it is a time bomb. A being who will suddenly change and attack if you are next to him.

It’s like living with a wild beast. Originally, he had nothing to do with it, but who knew he would be attacked by a vampire. To be clear, it’s not my fault, is it? Because none of my will is in it?

“thank you. You drank well.”

When I said that, Sophia smiled and held out her hand. what? Shall we shake hands? I could not refuse, so I took that hand.

I have to hold your hand, shake it, and then let it go.



won’t let go Then he smiles. Sophia is smiling. The eyes are smiling, but the mouth is not smiling at all. I feel the unspoken pressure.

It’s like saying, ‘If you tell me what happened yesterday, you’re going to die.’

it’s kinda scary I’m giving my hand a little bit of strength, but it hurts a little bit. let it go

“Do you… have something to say?”

“no. no. just.”

Then please let go of your hand. Sophia let go of my prayers, hid her hands behind her back, and grinned.

I’m sure you’re smiling, so why are you scared? It seems that this guy is trying to nail him to stop talking about yesterday.

I mean, could I really die? As he turned away from the burdensome smile, his eyes met with Lee Shia.

thank god. I have something to change.

Lee Shia, who made eye contact with me, flinched! He shook himself and said to himself as if he had been stabbed.

“Hey, I have nothing to do with it! I just came here as a maid to give you water!!”

you really are a maid


“The back of my head hurts.”

“It’s probably not the back of the head that hurts, but the muscles of Sunghoon. We do it quickly and we rest. I want to experience a little bit of rest during training.”

“That is impossible. Look forward to my next life. I’m going to be born a perfect person in my next life.”

“On what basis do you think that?”

“It’s a reward mentality for ruining this life. I’ve been ruined like this, so there’s no way my next life will be ruined, right?”

“Will there be?”

“What? Is that a lie? Look into my eyes and say it again. hey. don’t look away look this way Say no—!”

After the morning canter, the next exercise is muscle training.

Sophia is sitting on a chair and looking at the two of them arguing while having a frivolous conversation.

hey hey hey.

It’s so piercing that you think it’s the laser coming out of your eye. With the thought that I really want it to be pierced.

The reason is simple.

Won’t Lee Sung-hoon talk about what happened yesterday? because of the concern that If he says so, he runs and watches closely from a distance he can keep his mouth shut.

I already gave notice during the canter time, so I won’t tell you if there is such a thing as nunji. Still, anxiety is unavoidable.

“Woo! My muscles are torn!!”


Seeing Seong-Hoon Lee lifting the exercise equipment screaming, Sophia felt suspicious. The morning canter as well as the current training.

Why are you struggling like that? We know that he is ranked 1028th. From the first day of the semester, I was noticed doing strange things, so I knew it even though I didn’t want to know.

However, Justitia’s training is a simple training that any student who has passed the entrance exam can follow. 1028 is no exception.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Moreover, he defeated Isia, the daughter of the association, and was strong enough to kill a vampire—

why? hide your power

‘It was strange.’

The fact that the magic eye didn’t work, meant that he was an unusual existence. Yesterday, I was embarrassed and didn’t even think about it, but what if it’s an opponent you can’t kill?

Thinking of the worst, Sophia seriously looked at Lee Sung-hoon, but he just focused on training.

After that, I kept trying.

Interpersonal combat training followed by muscle training, lunch break, and theory class followed by afternoon.

Although I gave up all the theory classes like the history of heroes, the development of dimensional warfare, and the great hero, I tried.

Lee Sung-hoon did not speak to anyone at all. In the beginning, the whole class was lying on the desk as if it were one.

When it’s not Raphael, who is always with me, or Isia doing something. Except for those two, I haven’t talked to anyone.

‘You don’t have any friends.’

Were you worried about anything? Just because you don’t have friends doesn’t mean you can’t gossip. You can write on the Internet right now, and the thing that human beings like the most is stimulation.

Gossip is the most exciting thing, and the good boy at school was actually trash? It’s good to spread the same rumors.

You must not be distracted. You should wait at least a month. Sophia, who came to the conclusion that the

A dirty interior, a place where you can’t even tell if it’s not cleaned, stale, or warehouse.

Four students, including myself, gathered there.

“Why is he here?”

“I don’t know.”

“Of course you don’t know. Isia. you ask.”

“I am? I’m not very friendly either.”

Whispering knowing that I can’t hear it, but I can hear everything. Sophia laughed hard.

“I want to study magic rather than cooking.”

Then, their eyes met Sophia once, and the three of them came together again and whispered.

“How to? Can’t you tell me to go?”

“The more members, the better. Our team is limited to three people, so we need to get one more.”

“no. Isn’t three people enough?”

“Sunghoon. Don’t you know the word “many wise”?”

“It’s not the word you’re using right now, right?”

“I have to clean up the insolvency anyway, but it’s better to have at least one more hand.”

“That’s right.”

After the meeting, Isiah came and held out her hand. Welcome to our Magic Research Department. It feels the same.

Sophia smiled and took her hand.

“ah. By the way, the manager is mine. It’s nice to have no one else.”

“yes? Whoever wants-”

“I like it.”


So easy? Isn’t it the right thing for the manager to do? I thought the same thing, but Sophia didn’t really object. It didn’t matter anyway, because he had come to monitor Lee Sung-hoon.

“If everyone agrees, let’s start with cleaning. I’m going to die of filth.”

“Can I leave?! Can’t we just push him away with Lee Shia-san’s magic before that?!”

“Can you? Have you decided to destroy it with magic?”

chit. As Raphael pouted his lips and held his tongue, the cleaning began.


There’s nothing wrong with cleaning it. Ventilate, sweep, wipe and dispose of old items. That alone makes the insolvent clean and feels like being in a human hand.

Sophia is sitting on a desk in such a clean stalemate.

She is looking out with her legs crossed and one arm over the window.

There I saw Isia and Raphael, who were defeated at the rock-paper-scissors and went to throw away the trash. Seong-Hoon Lee registered that he was the manager and left, saying he was coming.

Sophia, who suddenly became alone, was enjoying the wind in a quiet classroom.

‘Do you have any plans to say it?’

Even after chasing after him all day, he showed no sign of speaking. Maybe it’s because of the pressure he put on him, but I don’t think that’s the kind of person who will work.

‘Still, you must not be vigilant.’

All human beings are like that. If you are careless, you will hit the back of the head, and if you believe, you will betray. To believe is suicide.

Even for Sophia, this is her last stronghold. If strange rumors spread and I can’t go here anymore, then—

─ squeak

As I was thinking about that, something entered the corner of my vision. A small animal, a rodent with a long tail and short legs that roams around.

Normally, it would be a situation to start screaming at, but Sophia was different. Saliva dripped from his mouth.

Vampires eat blood. You don’t need to eat other foods, you can fill up your nutrients just by drinking blood, and the taste is sweet.

It means that if it’s blood, it doesn’t matter if it’s an animal.

“Hmm. Hmmm.”

Sophia coughed and looked around. Isia and Raphael have already gone away, and Lee Sung-hoon also said that they would register, so they won’t come back for a while.

Juruk. saliva dripped As if instinctively feeling threatened, the rat tried to run away, but it couldn’t be faster than the vampire’s movements.

‘What if?’


For vampires, vampires are not intolerable. An action that cannot be compared with human instinct and must be done in life. The term vampiric impulse is not for nothing.

Jinjo’s vampire instincts are weak, but she is still young.

Even the situation was perfect. I couldn’t eat even a single meal because I followed Lee Seong-hoon all day, and I was stressed out because I was afraid that I would say anything at any time.

It was an irresistible temptation for a young vampire who had only lived for 17 years.

“Still, I just can’t.”

Be prepared for any unforeseen situation. It may take less than 3 seconds to eat, but there is a saying that Seolma catches people.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Magic is enough. If there is one magic that prevents the door of insolvency from being opened.

After deploying the magic and confirming that the door to the insolvency is closed.

“I will enjoy this food.”

With those words, the rat squashed and vomited blood. The burst of blood drips into Sophia’s mouth, and she feels like she’s drinking sweet honey.

After wiping his lips and burning the body for disposal—

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲


Black hair and black eyes.

“uh. Sorry for the meal. Shall we go out?”


“okay. are you the manager? Really? Did everyone agree?”

“That’s right, so it is.”

“For now, I know. I’ll go check with Isia later. Don’t work, tell me now.”

“That’s right, because it is.”

After I got permission from the teacher, who had a very ugly face, I got out of the office and walked towards the poor room.

footsteps are light With this, the Ministry of Magic is mine. You have to interfere with Kim Tae-hyun by interfering in sports days or festivals.

As I was walking with the same thoughts, a blue window suddenly came to my mind.

[When a threat is detected, the unique magic “Magic Eye” is activated.]


threat? I hurriedly ran. There really was magic in front of the insolvency. Raphael and Isia must have gone to take out the trash.

What happened? I opened [Inventory] and took out a scythe for practice. After that, without hesitation, he stabbed the magic mana.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Magic that flows backwards and disappears. When you remove the magic and open the door, what is there.

It was Sophia holding a rat over her head and squeezing blood.

I felt it as soon as I saw it. oh f*cked.

Why are you eating? Is there no such thing as patience? If you don’t want to be found out, you don’t have to eat in a place where no one else is.

oh It wasn’t there, but I broke the magic and entered.

damn it

Eventually, his eyes met the guy who had an ecstatic expression on his face.

3 seconds of silence.

I was the first to open my mouth in the heavy silence.

“uh. Sorry for the meal. Shall we go out?”

Of course not. The magical vision that had not yet been extinguished showed.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Mana disappears as if sucked into Sophia. Magical power rotates and a magic circle floats in the air.

“Come on, wait!!!”

Doesn’t stop even if I call you Are you planning to kill me? really? really?

I shook my head as much as I could. If the magic explodes, you will die without being able to take it out or beat it, so there is a way to avoid this situation—

none. nothing comes to mind If you don’t say anything, you die like this. I spit out anything that came to mind.

“I’ll keep it a secret!”

Stop. Sophia’s magic stopped, but my words didn’t stop.

“Be a maid instead… No. Do you want to?”

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