Fortunately, I escaped from Sophia’s attempted murder, and as soon as I arrived at the amusement park, I was able to run away on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

It was scary. I was really scared.

[I said let’s just hang out. Why did I say date?]

That was unavoidable. I’m supposed to have Sophia with me today, but I need a reason to stick with it.

I’m just a maid, so stay by my side! Seong-Hoon Lee at the time he said that is dead.

[It’s more like garbage.]


So, there’s nothing you can’t say to someone who works hard. can’t say It’s all about wishing you all the best.

I clenched my tongue in regret, but I turned my head and looked around.


Read at

Unbelievable for an amusement park in Seoul, it’s a very open, sparsely populated place.

Having come all the way to this place, I opened [Inventory] with confidence. but opened


Fingers do not move. I need to free Benia and go back to Sofia right now.

As if his fingers were a stone, he did not move.

[What are you doing?]

“no. Something. It sounds like you’re committing some kind of crime. Is it because I was Seong-Hoon Lee who looked up to the sky and lived without shame?”


What? That ignorant look? Really. He is a model citizen who has never committed any crimes.

….Once in a while. He is a person who only commits minor crimes very occasionally, but when he tries to do it out like this, his conscience is very pricked.

[Think about what the owner usually puts in his mouth. And if you kill demons and vampires well, do you get stabbed like this?]

no. This is a challenge to the social system. to cause social chaos.

Vampires and demons are just about eradicating pests. The country doesn’t say anything about killing bugs.

“Well, I can’t help it.”

After all, a promise is a promise. I made up my mind to be stabbed and pulled Benia and the children out of [Inventory].

Then, as if waiting, Benia landed lightly with Leviathan in her arms. Shion is also hiding behind Benia’s long maid clothes and looking around.

[Oh oh. Is this an amusement park?!]

“yes. That’s right. here is the outskirts. You have to go inside and there will be rides and attractions.”

[Is that so?! It’s amazing!!]

what the hell There is only grass around, so I don’t know what’s strange about it. When he saw Benia and the children with their strangely twinkling eyes, he burst into laughter, so he approached and stroked Leviathan’s head.

“Then I go. having fun Should I take good care of my children?”

[Am I a kid? Don’t worry.]

“Don’t worry. I just said it.”

[Is that so? You believe in me!!]

Why would you ask something obvious? because it’s a dragon of course believe Oddly enough, Akawa prepared to go back after seeing Benia whose smile had changed.

“ah. right. Benia.”


“If there are demons or vampires walking around. know?”

[Well. I know that. You didn’t mean to show me around the amusement park to make this happen, didn’t you?]

“All, of course not.”

how did you know As I spoke in a cold sweat, Benia grinned.

[okay. done. Instead, there are conditions.]


[When one is finished, it is the one I always do. Another one, if you come across one while walking around, can you pretend to know him?]

When you’re done, you’ll know what you always do. The latter is so stupid that it makes no sense.

Why are you allowing this? Are you stupid?

“You can do it.”

[Can I just show off my friendship? I’m closer than you! In the same way!!]

“It is your heart.”

[Really? Really?]

real and real I don’t know why you’re asking me why I can do that, but when I nod my head, Benia smiles brightly.

He looked really happy, so I smiled awkwardly.


On the way back to Raphael. I recalled what happened when I broke up with Benia.

The scene where Leviathan and Shion said, ‘Come back,’ with regretful expressions.

Isn’t this the father’s heart to shake off his children and go to work? It hurts a little, but I can’t help it.

All I have to do is get things done and play the rest of the weekend. However, since Benia is there, they will have a good time.

As I walked with that thought in mind, I began to see the place where I had broken up with Raphael.

On the other side, a blonde and silver-haired woman can be seen, but the two are not talking and looking at each other far away.

One with his chin tucked and the other with his lips protruding.

Even then, the moment one notices me, the atmosphere is reversed. The atmosphere that used to be as cold as an ice sheet warms up in an instant, giving the illusion that even a flower has bloomed behind it.

What is your expression like? The frozen expression changes to a smile. The hand that had been holding her chin until now is waving towards me.

It was the same with the guy next to me, so when I waved my hand, their eyes met—


what are you doing you.


After that, a thousand miles.

Cases happen only in the afternoon, so in the morning I went to ride the rides. A simple story.

I go on rides and when the time comes, I walk to the place where the incident takes place. It is so simple that even elementary school students can do it.

So, I enjoyed riding on the rides, but this was not easy. A ride in an era developed with magical power.

It was really no joke. I thought it was crazy The roller coaster is not the roller coaster I knew.

Not to mention the gyrodrop, the more you turn the rotating cup, the faster it gets, making it difficult to ride. Is this an amusement park for modern people who have become dull with stimuli?

It wasn’t just the rides that were difficult. Raphael and Sophia keep fighting over the seat next to me, and I almost put myself on the brink of a second murder after saying, ‘If you’re going to fight like that, will you two sit down?’

So what is the conclusion? I took turns riding the rides with the two people sitting next to me.

Yes. end.

“Is it still fun? It’s more fun if you play with multiple people, so why did you hate it so much?”

In fact, after starting to play, Sophia’s expression gradually widened. Especially when riding on the rides, it seems to fly very well.

why did you hate it Sophia narrowed her eyes at my words and puffed up her cheeks.

“If that’s the case, why don’t you call Si-Ah Lee and Chae-Yeon Shin too!! Why don’t you call Michael too?!”

“Is that so?”

Well. It’s a joke, but why is the atmosphere like this? really don’t call I’m not that ignorant

He touched his hand with his cold eyes and pressed the hand of the guy who muttered scary words like ‘Karu…

Are you kidding me?

“What?! You won’t get angry if you suddenly hold hands?! Don’t try to solve it this way!!”

I’ve never done it that way. I just pressed it because I thought a monster that could kill people would come out of that hand.

Sophia, who must have misunderstood something, jumped up after panicking with a red-faced face.

“I, I am going to the bathroom! yes. Go!! I’ll be back, so think about the next schedule!!”

What happened after that was sprinting to the bathroom without answering. what made her like that

I do not know.

“Eh. Where are you going? I am hungry.”

Would it be said that he was hungry in this situation? He pressed Raphael’s head, who was lying down almost as if he had become almost one with the table.

“What am I, Doraemon? Will you come out if I ask for it?”

“Seonghoon Emon.”

are you kidding No matter what I said here, the backlash only got worse, so I opened [Inventory] and gave him a cookie.

Then Raphael’s expression changes strangely. A sullen face. It’s like, ‘I’m going to give it to you anyway’, so it makes me angry for nothing.

“Wanna die?”

“Yes~ I’m going to die~ Can I just eat sweets and die~?”

will it really kill you? When he starts to think, Raphael naturally opens the cookie bag, leans his back against me, and starts eating the cookies.

He is eating sweets with one hand and looking at the pictures he took with his cell phone with the other.

Raphael likes to take pictures these days. me too If you have children, you can’t help it.

Even now, when I open my cell phone photo book, it is full of pictures of Leviathan and Zion.

Lachesis, Raphael, and Benia are also occasionally present.

It was the same with Raphael’s photo book. If you turn it over, there will probably be only Leviathan and Zion.

“Look at this picture. Did you come out well? It’s a picture that doesn’t look like Sung Hoon’s smile.”

“I have a good laugh.”

“I don’t have Leviathan or Shion, but this is the first time I’ve seen a smiling picture~”

Having said this, I have nothing more to say. I silently watched what Raphael was showing.

It’s almost just a picture we took together. Sometimes I take photos alone, and photos taken with two people.

When I look at it, a smile comes up on the corner of my mouth, but I kept my expressionless expression in order not to be noticed as much as possible.

“Is that good? okay? Are you good at taking that picture?!”

“It was unbelievably good for an old man.”

“Hey. Are you arguing now?”

do you realize that you’ve grown Raphael. It was when Raphael, who rushed in in an instant, was pushing away.

‘I’ll never let that mouth open again!!’ If you’re dealing with an idiot who says the same thing.

A voice came. At first I thought Sophia had returned, but it was a completely different voice.

A voice full of leeway. Unlike Sofia, it was a voice that was full of skill.

“You look good.”

Thanks to that, Raphael, who was running, stopped and looked at him. What you see is red hair.

red eyes. A woman looking at us as if she had known us for a long time.

The boy smiled and said.

“Long time no see. self. And my sister.”

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