“You’re here in the end.”


It’s different from a place I’ve been to before, but it’s almost like an abandoned house. Unlike the street where there were no people and only a cold wind blew.

The place where I am now standing with Raphael is crowded. Of course, it’s not as good as Justitia in the ranking match.

Still, there were many people. there were so many Not only that.

“This smell!! The smoke from the car!! High-rise buildings lined up as if competing with who is bigger!! And the cool shade it creates!! ah!! This is Seoul!!”

“You’re so excited.”

Aren’t you excited then? Do you feel like you are back home after a long time? It is different from Justitia.

With Justitia, where cars don’t move around very often. There are a lot of people walking around, but there are only a few high-rise buildings in Justitia.

ark is different There is a fundamental difference. You don’t have to compete in Justitia, but this is a city of competition.

It is the battlefield of the city people who live fiercely every day!!

“Sunghoon wasn’t even fierce every day, and he played and ate at home.”

“It worked. If I did, I wouldn’t have been able to eat and live!!”

“That’s what you mean, why are you so angry?”

It wasn’t that I was really angry because I was stabbed. Let’s ignore the guy’s grinning face.

I walked as if nothing had happened, and Raphael walked to the side as if it was natural and chattered.

Putting your hands behind your back and talking as if you were a girl is strangely inconsistent with your usual image.

Still, the reason I don’t say anything is because it suits them strangely.

what It doesn’t fit, but it fits. Annoyed but not annoyed If I tilted my head in strange emotions, I was able to go to a place where there were a lot of people.

To say it’s huge, there are about 20 or 30 people, but it’s inevitable to stand out in a crowd like this.

We slowly walked towards it. of course.

“Wow. Who the hell is thinking? It’s a local gathering.”

“That’s it. The basics of school trips are to get together and travel by bus.”

I didn’t close my mouth.

Even if you can’t cross the sea by bus, don’t you have the sincerity to prepare an airplane? What about a student who gets lost in Seoul? So in the end, you did it because you were annoyed.

As we were having the same conversation, we arrived at our destination.

“Well. Sung Hoon. I guess we are the last.”

“why?! How much did everyone expect that we are the last? Didn’t we come out a little earlier?!”

“Iknow, right. Originally, this was expected. look at me!! You woke up early in the morning!!”

I’m proud of it. As if what Raphael had said was true, as soon as we arrived, a teacher who checked our faces began to explain the schedule.

First, go to the dormitory, unpack, and make a group of 5 people and go sightseeing. It is free time from the afternoon, and the schedule for the next day will be announced the next day, etc.

I thought while listening to a typical announcement.

“5 people.”

“What should I do?”

really. What should I really do, 30 seconds to go head-to-head with Raphael. Our worries disappeared in an instant.

The reason is simple.

“I’ll give you a special group!! yo. this!!”

Black hair ran away.

“Hmm. Me, I’m not special, I’ll just do it with you! No, let me do it!!”

Silver hair runs as if something can’t be lost and says strange things.

“……Same group.”

As if it was natural, he approached me and stood next to me, with blue hair.

Raphael frowns when he looks to the side, confused.

“I’m going to rescue three other people.”




India crowded with people. The white-haired beauty, Michael, is walking down the street with his lips pouted.

There were four people I didn’t know beside me, but I didn’t even care.

She only cares about one thing.

There was only a black-haired man in the distance. I can’t take my eyes off you Subjects that you would not normally see eye to eye with.

When I got the chance to see it from afar, I couldn’t take it off. As if someone had put glue on their eyes, their gaze followed only the man.

─Seonghoon!! We are here!! here!!

-Okay!! Don’t stick!!

—I am here. There are five of us, so let’s just take turns one person at a time.

-That’s not bad. yo. this.

─I like it too.

─I don’t like it?! no. Good but I don’t like it!! Only 5 people go together. Not even one person can get dirt in their eyes!!

—Isia. Come with dirt.

─Fine soil is good, right?!

─I didn’t mean to put it in, really?! Shin Chaeyeon, put that down!!

─…Kids, who’s my doctor?

Is it more because of the same situation? It was a chaotic situation, but I was envious of being together like that.

‘Dating one by one.’

this is even more embarrassing Why is he not in the same class? Why is it on the other side?

I didn’t understand. I couldn’t even do it.


Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Michael, who has never had negative feelings toward God since he was born. There’s always something good about it.

I was so busy I didn’t have time to do that. But now-


I’m not busy, and I’m not very good at it. Rather, thanks to him, he is in an unreasonable situation.

Why didn’t he drop it in the same class as Lee Sung-hoon when he dropped it? He didn’t like it, so Michael’s lips protrude to the point that he couldn’t see normally.

Of course, it is a face that is different from usual to other people’s eyes.

‘If Lee Sung-hoon saw it.’

would have come right out. ‘Why are you sprained?’ As soon as he thought about it, Michael’s face turned red.

The white face turns red in an instant, and the contrast effect makes it look even redder. While she shook her head, her ears turned red.

Someone next to me spoke to me.

“what? Michael. it’s okay? Is your face red? Is it hot?”

It was a moment. Michael, whose head was in the flower garden, returns. The bright red face returns to pure white, and the protruding lips return to their original state.

The face, which had been enriched with emotions, became cold, and the eyes that had been revitalized became cold again.

Voices of varying heights were lowered down.

“It doesn’t matter.”

perfect iron wall. The man walking next to him didn’t say anything.

“ah. Can I act separately? I was told to form a group, but I think it’s better if it’s awkward because people who couldn’t join the other group are united anyway.”

“uh. Yes. okay.”

“Yes. then.”


As a courtesy, Michael bowed his head and disappeared in an instant. People present would wonder where she was going.

Perhaps he will go to a quiet place and keep staring at a man or curse his creator.


The time of hardship is coming to an end. For Michael, the group action time was a time of hardship.

Seong-Hoon Lee disappeared from nowhere, and there was nothing he could do. No matter how interesting the summer season was, I had no interest in it, so there was nothing to see.

What’s so good about a street where all the same high-rise buildings have the same shops?

I had no choice but to sit in a cafe and pass the time idly. The time of hardship has come to an end.

After the activity time is over, they return to their dorms. The hotel prepared by Justitia boasted a huge size.

One room was assigned to each student. It was Michael’s idea that there was no such waste.

There was no denying that it was a great opportunity. If it was a double room, it would have been impossible to even go.


In fact, I know I shouldn’t go. It is common sense. It doesn’t make sense for a girl to visit a boy’s room.

What will happen to Lee Sung-hoon the moment he gets caught? But I couldn’t stand it. Isn’t that unreasonable?

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Michael couldn’t speak properly with him for one reason, because he was in a different class.

I came to travel. I couldn’t even follow the Maldives last time.

Thinking up to that point, his legs were already moving. The head continues to think while moving.

Then he will find himself and smile. I’ll tell you I’m fine. I wouldn’t think of it as nonsense.

So you can go comfortably. A smile spread across Michael’s face.

‘Before anyone else.’

before anyone else comes. Let’s go to his room. let’s take over I walked with that thought.

The result is-


blocked by a woman. A woman with black hair and golden eyes. his own younger brother An angel with eight wings.

She was guarding the perimeter of a room with a whistle in her mouth.

“I am the person who guards Lee Sung-hoon’s room today!!”

“…what is that?”

“What?! He is the younger brother who protects the older sisters from the evil beast of garbage!!”


“I’m sorry, but give up!! Raphael unnie and Michael unnie are closed today!!”



“Do you think you can give me strength?”

“That much?! You have to kick your tongue out here!!”

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Michael had no intention of doing that. take a pose I don’t mean to hurt you, you just have to suppress it.

“Come on, wait a minute!! Can’t you see what’s in my hand?! It’s a whistle!! If you do not sleep, public power will come!!”

“The public authority in this country is garbage.”

“Angels can’t say that!!”

A battle of nerves with no retreat. One ready to rush. As one prepares to blow a whistle—


Another angel appeared. This time, a blonde woman appeared from behind. She came over, scratching her head, and tilted her head.

“What are you doing? everyone?”

“Raphael sister?! I knew it!! It was the right answer to keep this front!!”

“no. That’s not it. what are you doing there I’m not in Sunghoon’s room.”


Does this mean that the person who gives the rice cake does not even think about it? Passing the two men who were momentarily stiff, Raphael strode towards the door.

He opened the door with a key that he could not have unless he was the owner, pushed his body into the room and poked out his face.

“What did you say? hunt? said he was going So, stop fussing and go back.”


With the sound of the door closing, the remaining two angels looked at each other—

“Raphael!! Open the door!!”

“sister?! How did you get in?!”

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