The last day of the ranking match has come.

I woke up before anyone woke me up, washed and ate quickly. Very quiet and serious.

Everyone looked at me to see if my atmosphere was unfamiliar. I didn’t mean to feed the kids a little bit, but somehow it happened.

I could see Lily rolling her eyes behind me too. It moves slowly and hides the hidden magic power more deeply.

Don’t take it bastard

Zion glances at me, and Raphael looks at me openly. What about Leviathan? he just eats

As if there was nothing to worry about, he said things like [Drink!!] and ate without noticing me.

I only saw and learned very good things from me. Great. People have to live without looking at them.

The person who opened his mouth the most at the table where he had been eating for a long time was, of course, blonde.

damn blonde.

“What is it?”


“Why are you in such a mood? don’t fit Is it normal to have to wander while watching Leviathan and Zion?”


Do you know who the daughter-in-law is? is not it. I just wipe my mouth a little and feed it.

Anyway, leave those misunderstandings behind. Raphael gave me luck, so I opened my mouth as if it was slow.



It was a bit annoying to bite my fork and tilt my head without answering, but I endured it.

“I go alone today. I have work to do.”

“Are you still in the mood to say that?”

you sound natural Then what do I do to set the mood in front of the kids? As I nod, Raphael’s expression changes.

From an absurd expression to an expression of disbelief.

And then with the mouth-


Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Make the same sound I’m getting a little hot. I was a little pissed off at the look on my face after a long time, but I endured it nonetheless.

Due to the nature of today’s work, it’s comfortable to go alone, so I’m putting up with it somehow.

“What are you going to do? much?”

“A little? It’s important, but it’s not that important. If it was important, I took you.”

Raphael puts an exclamation point above his head at my words. As if he had never imagined it, he dropped the fork he was holding and opened his big eyes even more.

“Heng. It’s been a while since you’ve been honest!”

Well then. Even if I try to drop him, he’s the one next to me, but he’s already given up. I smiled to get hot.

Raphael laughed too.

“I can’t help it! Today I have to take care of Benia!”

It’s so easy it’s good our angel.


What I need to do today is simple.

Last day before ranking. I was crazy because of the move, and I couldn’t check it because I was too busy running around.

A guy who almost forgot because he didn’t have a presence. I’m going to observe him today.

of course.

-It’s already the last day, but I haven’t lost.

─It is also ranked number one. 2nd place, who was the only adversary, is obsessed with strange people…

─Overwhelming. It’s hard to believe that he’s a current hero…

alone Listening to the voices around you and looking straight ahead, there is a battle going on.

A black-haired man wields a knife and moves forward. Knife held in reverse. Its short range is complemented by magic and speed, so it has no weaknesses.

It is based on close combat, but it covers long and medium distances with magic, and it has the sense and physical ability to reattach the moment it falls.

If it sticks, it won’t fall off. The sharpness of the practice knife was beyond imagination.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Magic is not used only for attack. It is attached and used as an auxiliary.

As usual for non-magicians, it is a small magic of verses 1 to 3, but its power far surpassed it.

So it’s only natural for scouts to turn their eyes on.

“her. Oh yeah.”

There are no monsters I don’t know who set it up, but it’s a crazy monster. A mad monster that never loses.

I looked down with my two eyes at the typical protagonist who had trials but no defeat, and who continued his undefeated streak until the demon appeared.

cool A guy who fits the image very well. Her eyes were as cold as ice, and her dark hair had a slight blue aura.

“I’m annoyed.”

I didn’t want to watch him because he’s so handsome that it’s annoying, but I did. The reason is simple.

because I need it At first, I didn’t even look at it. Because he wasn’t at the center of the story that continued to unfold.

I left it because I thought I was a good distraction. But now it’s different. You should use everything that is available.

Whether it’s a crazy dog who bites anything he touches, or a guy who falls away from the main character.

And there is another reason. I’m curious.

What does the main character who loses his position as the main character do?

“I wish it could be returned if possible.”

Don’t disturb me and live quietly.

The sound of ice and blades filled the stadium coldly.


I watched the battle go on. After all, because he was ranked number one, there were a lot of defensive battles going on, but he never ran out of breath.

He always took an even breath and silently sliced through the opponent.

After fighting for such a long time, the human with no sign of tiredness got free time and leisurely left the stadium.

I followed him too. quietly and secretly.

[Neither quiet nor secretive. Who hides behind power poles these days when they’re following you? Like a crow.]

Crows aren’t omnipotent either. You should be prepared in case you miss it, and you shouldn’t depend too much on that tide.

“Noisy. There’s no way a crow can get close to such a crowd. You have to see everything from afar.”

There are weaknesses everywhere. When I finish speaking, Lachesis sighs and something else is heard.

A voice that sounds like a strange one.

“really? Shall we give you a little touch? Even if it’s not magnified, it can confirm and fix the target—”

When I turned around, there was a woman with black hair. A black-eyed woman with long straight hair extended back.

As if I had suddenly become a teacher, I tried to shut the mouth of the guy who was explaining.

“You, how are you—?!”

shut my mouth No matter how much I think about it, the sound coming out of my mouth was louder, so if I shut it up.

The expression I saw this morning is back.

“….What are you doing?”


I have nothing to say. I couldn’t say Kim Tae-hyun stalking here, so I took my hand off the closed mouth and laughed awkwardly.

“Come on, surprise~”


Are you surprised?

I was surprised too.

[Like an idiot.]

of my stupidity.


“So you’re after that guy?”


“The reason is- okay. I’m not going to ask…”

If yes, thank you I continued to follow Kim Tae-hyun and answered. Originally, he would have to look back and say, ‘Who are you?’

Fortunately, there are so many filthy people that we can’t even see us driving in the opposite direction.

This one looks just fine. Although he felt a strange sense of superiority, he did not stop following.

“Isn’t this stalking? yo. this? crime!! It’s a crime!! As the daughter of the president of the Magic Association, I must not get involved in such an incident!!”

“Then go back. In the first place, the secret is to be alone.”

“Hey, I hate that!! yo. this!!”

What do you mean? There is nothing to say while blushing like that.

“Oh, you are alone today. yo. this.”

“right. Raphael told me not to come. must have been a guy If something strange happens, ‘Sunghoon!! Look at this!!!!!’ I would scream while doing it. It’s better not to.”


what. That ‘great chance?!’ expression? If you keep looking at it because you don’t understand it, your stupid tone will swallow your saliva.

As the saliva passes over my neck, I am attached to the pole I am attached to, perhaps because my heart has been hardened.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

My stomach is bowing. It stuck up and down like Dumb and Dumber—

“I’ve heard this before. If you don’t get caught, there’s no crime.”

“That’s a good thing.”

“…..this? yo. this?”

So that would be a bad word.

No matter how much I think about it, I think I said that in front of you. yes. A very cool saying that permeates modern society.

So while we’re having stupid conversations. Kim Tae-hyun, who was at the end of the field of vision, enters a building.

A building with a luxurious interior and the smell of coffee. They asked me to enter a place called a cafe in the world, so I followed without missing a beat.

If you sit in a position where you can see him clearly, and stare at him as he completes the spell—

“What do you want to eat? no. What do you want to eat? I’ll buy it. yo. this.”

Now that’s important. First of all, I’d like to know how to talk about it.

[I want to eat cake. Make it a cake quickly.]

what else are you The ignorant damn cat hit one chestnut and whispered to Lee Shia in a voice that Kim Tae-hyun couldn’t hear.

“You don’t understand the situation right now?! You think this is a date?!”

“Hey, a date?! It’s not like that!! Then pay half the money!”

“If you pay half the money, you won’t be dating?!”

what’s that mindset? Doesn’t this guy have the concept of Dutch Pay?

“Then give it all away!! yo. this!!!!!”

“If you pay everything, it’s a date again!!”

Ishia, whose lips are protruding, is staring at me, perhaps tired of my storm tackle. With his mouth he murmurs, ‘Even if I buy it, it’s a mess.’ But when will this guy figure out the point?

I made all the noise anyway, but I still whisper to him again.

“that. What are you going to do with that?!”

“Is that?”

okay. that. Ishia, who spread her palms as if she understood now—

“If you do something strange, you can blow it away with “Gravity”!! yo. this!!”

you just go back

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