
As soon as I opened my eyes, words came out of my mouth without realizing it. You don’t have to look at the clock.

The time will always be the wake-up time.

What is the reason? Did you go to bed early yesterday because you were so tired? Being scolded by Raphael and Benia without knowing English?

It could be both. but That’s not what’s important right now.

What’s important now is-

“master. Weather time. Benia-sama wakes me up— Huh? Are you awake?”

I mean, I woke up before the other guys woke up. I feel defeated. A huge sense of defeat.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

My morning was originally early, but not arbitrarily. In the original world, sleeping late and waking up late were common.

But not since I came here. Benia forcibly wakes him up, Lily wakes him up, Michael wakes him up, Leviathan wakes him up, and Shion wakes him up.

everyone woke me up So the anti-skeletal temperament in my heart must have been trying to get more sleep—


Today I finally gave in. Get used to this time, getting up before someone else wakes you up.

There was no such humiliation.



“I’m going to lie down now. Go out and come back to wake you up. got it?”


Lily asked, confused, but I didn’t stop. Put on the blanket again and go to bed.

I never want to be a right-living child.

“ruler. I’m ready!! You can go out and come in!!”


It’s okay to be stupid. This is a matter of self-esteem. I will never become a child who lives a good life—

“If you don’t leave the living room quickly, Benia-sama will come.”

“How the early bird catches the worm.”

People are sometimes sincere. You can’t live a life where others wake you up forever.

[If you wake up early, just go out happily.]

Noisy. what do you know


Eventually I got up and trudged out into the living room. Apparently, there was no one in the living room.

Naturally, I went to the kitchen with Lily and opened the refrigerator.


“You are lying down. While muttering things like, ‘If I had been in Rare, I would have already recovered and woke Lee Seong-hoon…’.”

“yes. Please keep living there.”

“I will tell you.”

don’t really tell me It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a demon maid trying to assassinate her master. No, it must be the first time in this world that a demon maid is itself.

If anyone could see our house, they would bubble and collapse. The two Transcendental Servants are maids who do housework one by one.

Oh, I never did. Because they do it because they like it. Of course, Lily was forced by Benia, but she seems to be enjoying herself quite a bit now.

At first, the food skills that were like hell have now reached a level where they can say, ‘It’s delicious!’

Taking water from the refrigerator and drinking, I walked over to Lily, who was cooking, and took a peek.

The soup is boiling in the pot.

“It smells delicious.”

“thank you. We are always working hard!”

“okay? I hated it at first.”

It looks like you’re working really hard. It must have been difficult to turn that hellish taste into something edible.

I cook like this as if I’m used to it now.

「Because you are a benefactor!! It’s the master’s cooking for the rest of his life!!”

“uh. okay.”

I haven’t done much Because evolution was just one button away. Still, I like it that way, so maybe it’s good for everyone.

Lily fulfills evolution’s dream, and I use intermediate demons as minions?

The problem is that I can’t even use my powers, and I can’t breathe magic unless I give it my permission.

That’s because it’s well managed.

“Well, work hard. Wouldn’t it be possible to evolve into a higher rank by collecting Magi?”

At those words, Lily’s hand, which was stirring the soup with a ladle, stopped. Standing up- while making the same sound.

Then slowly. I look back very slowly, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the Milky Way flows through my eyes.

“really!! Really?!”

There, he grabs my hand and asks me, which is very burdensome. Why the hell are you holding my hand and putting your tail on it?

what does it mean The distinctive tail of the raised demon is fluttering, and it feels like a puppy.

Feeling excited and waving your tail?

“Yes. You didn’t lie, did you?”

I really don’t know? I don’t know if the system decides it? After saying that, Lily nodded her head frantically.

“master!! No, my lord!! I will follow you for the rest of my life!! I will work hard to collect Magi!!”

I also collect things, and the only thing you do is do chores at home, right?

Still, I nodded my head.

“Do not harm humans?”


I’m glad to see you’re excited. still.

「To me, you are no more than a god now!! May I call you God?!”

“Do you want to return to the lower demons?”

he crosses the line


Lilly, who grew pale at my slur, patted the floor with her tail and continued cooking. My lips are protruding too, but I’m also pouting.

I want to pout my lips too. But if a man did that, he didn’t do it because he would only get nausea.

I also drank water. I sit down on the sofa to take a shower and prepare my heart. Why do you need to prepare your heart?

The reason is simple.


because it’s annoying However, since people have to live together, they can’t wash themselves even for a day.

This absurdity to wash even though it is cumbersome. If you really feel the absurdity of the social structure—


Zion walked out of Benia’s room. Rubbing her eyes with her frizzy hair as if she just woke up.

call my name

Instead of answering, I stretched out my hand, and Zion naturally approached me and surrendered to me.

natural action. It took less than 10 seconds for Shion, who had just left the room, to sit on my lap without talking.

“Zion. How about Benny?”

“Benia? You have improved a lot…”

That’s good. He sat on my lap and touched Shion’s head, nodding. It wasn’t her usual ponytail, but her long, loose hair.

I just slept and woke up very crumbly.



“I was going to wash my face, shall I? I’ll get you a haircut.”

“You can do it with magic…”

Doing it with magic and doing it by hand are two different things.

I took Shion to the bathroom and started to do my hair. Brush your frizzy hair until it subsides and becomes soft.

Then, Shion’s head keeps going over and over, as if it’s a good feeling. Is it because I’m sleepy? Is it because it’s comfortable?

After brushing hard thinking that the latter would be better. took out what was waiting for us.

One of the toothbrushes lying on the other side of the bathroom. I take mine and Zion, apply toothpaste and hand them over.

No matter how much I try, I can’t even replace my toothbrush, so I think it’s annoying if I give it to you.

“When I was young, brushing my teeth was the most important law.”

In fact, all through life. Even when I was growing up, brushing my teeth was the most important thing. And you’ll find out after it rots.


Shion, who received the toothbrush from me, half closes her eyes and starts brushing her teeth. After seeing it and smiling.

I started too. Let’s both look at the mirror in the sink and wipe hard-

“Seonghoon sir~”

A strange noise is heard outside. As if it were a zombie, the blonde trudging along was looking at me with sleepy eyes.


“no. I’m not in the living room. You were brushing your teeth.”

“If you’re brushing your teeth, why don’t you wait outside? Why come in?! It’s already full here!!”

“Where is that? The washroom is so spacious.”

Where do you see this being wide? Zion and I are already full. Raphael, not even pretending to hear what I said, walks forward and stands in front of the mirror.

Then he put his chin on my shoulder and said, half asleep with sleepy eyes.

“toothbrush. toothpaste.”


“what? won’t you? Aww!! it hurts!! Lee Seong-hoon was taken away, but a rib hit by a Wyvern!! shoulders!! stomach!! It hurts so much!! What about Sung Hoon?! I don’t think this pain will stop until Sunghoon gives you a toothbrush?!”


Raphael, who now mobilizes even novel methods, is fed up. Reluctantly, he pulled out a pink toothbrush from the same container and handed it to him.

Then he didn’t take it and kept looking at it with his half-closed eyes—



will you kill

No, it is in front of Zion. After escaping the murder by slashing the kindness that I will endure inwardly three times. He squeezed the toothpaste and shoved it into Raphael’s mouth.

It was a bit of an expression of anger, but he put it in his mouth and chewed it to see if he liked it again.

“Don’t chew, move.”

“Hyo train…”

“What is he saying now. Except for the toothbrush!! Even Shion is so good at it, what are you doing?!”

“Yah heh…”

Are you talking about brushing your teeth? I know I’m more curious

“Obviously, do it yourself. It was full, but they even took a seat.”

“It’s overly self-conscious. Even if Sunghoon told me not to do it, I would do it alone~”

Well. Shall I push you out of my shoulder? I couldn’t because I was brushing my teeth while leaning on my shoulder as if it was too comfortable to do that.

Just let it go, and brush your teeth.

Then I suddenly remembered one thing and opened my mouth without realizing it.

“ah. right.”

“What is it. In addition.”

“You should be ready to move.”

i got a new house

At those words, Raphael and Zion’s half-closed eyes widened for a moment. Before saying anything—

[ah!! Mom!! Dad!! sister!! Don’t do anything fun other than me!!]

Leviathan broke into the sink.

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