After finishing the defensive battle, we headed to the place where Michael was waiting. I don’t even know how many hours it took.

He only fought battles to the extent that he did not know how time passed. Battle, battle, battle, battle, battle. only battle.

Even if you want to finish it quickly, you can’t even use magic because it’s set to run out of magic.

I’m not used to chains, so it’s hard for me. Sylphid goes in because he thinks he’s going to vomit in the middle.

It seems that the stomach was difficult because of the various bad news.

“I’m glad I told you not to wait for Raphael.”

When I told him to wait, he pouted his lips and looked at him and said, ‘Seong-hoon. If I made you wait like this, are you going to play with me tonight?’ would have said the same thing

Playing isn’t bad. It’s rather fun, but I don’t want to be on my own, so this is better.

Leviathan and Shion must have been bored. He spouts and inflates his cheeks and says, ‘Levitain, Shion. I can’t help but laugh when I think of Raphael who will say, “Dad, are you really that bad?”

As I walked with a smile like that, before I knew it, I arrived at the place where Michaels were waiting.

What awaits me as soon as I arrive—

“You really have nothing to do with Lee Sung-hoon, do you?”

“sure!! That man and I are Cheolcheon Jiwon!! My goal is to separate the older sisters from the man!!”

“Ugh. okay? Your sister is Raphael and Michael?”

“yes!! It’s my mission to protect my sisters from that man’s beast!!”

“really? Shall we be friends? I can just call you Sophia. I’ll help you sometimes too. After you get rid of those girls, call me. got it?”

“Help me?! This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this!! thank you!!”

“What. do you have to call Shall we make a plan like this?”


“…do you know that it is in front of you? And it’s been bothering me since a while ago, so I’ll take it out. Why are you including me?”


“What, what are those eyes?! What is this silence?! I, I am different from Raphael!! Please give me an answer!”

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Mess board.

It was a scene that could be expressed in one word. Silver hair and black hair that match each other’s goals.

Sophia doesn’t get along well with other black-haired people, but she gets along surprisingly well with Gabriel.

Even Michael, who intervenes and listens to the story. If you look at him struggling alone, he can’t find the iron wall of the past.

If you approach him with a light heart to see his very peaceful appearance, Michael notices it first and waves his hand.

A small smile hangs on the corner of her mouth, and when I shake it, Gabriel and Sophia also look at it.


“Hey!! Now, I’m working on a plan, but what if you suddenly come out?! Foul!! It’s a foul!!”

“I, I didn’t do anything!! I never thought of an opportunistic idea that Gabriel would take his place if he took it off!! I’m the type who fights proudly?!”

I didn’t even ask there. One of them gibberish looking into the air to see if they were also stabbed, and the other rises up like a bouncing and hides behind her sister and sticks out her head.

what are these really Because there were only idiots even when I looked at cooking and cooking. He approached with a bitter smile.

Then Gabriel withdrew even more and hid behind Michael, who looked at it absurdly and then opened his mouth.


“Why, why?! I’m busy right now!!”

“If being busy is staring at Lee Sung-hoon, then you’re not very busy.”


“Anyway, I’m fine. An older sister who becomes a shield for her younger brother in such a crisis situation. Not bad. This is what I was hoping for.”

It’s a heartwarming scene. An older sister for her fearful younger brother. But the words that followed made me a little moved and made an idiot.

“But why does a plan that worked well in front of me stop only in front of Seong-Hoon Lee?”

do you think it matters

give me back my inspiration


Thanks to the defensive battle that ended well past lunchtime, I had a late lunch.

Sitting at the table where everyone was gathered, I tried to finish lunch quickly. It was the same in the morning, but strangely, it’s hard to eat rice these days.

The reason is-

“I’ve been thinking about it. How can I keep my sisters away from you? After thinking for a while. Sister Michael and Sister Raphael had one thing in common!”

And I’m really curious about that. what the hell

“That’s what it means to keep trying to stick with you!!”

“👌👌👌 Come on, Gabriel!! Don’t say anything weird!!”

“Is that weird? It is an obvious fact that I have observed and found out!”


When Michael bowed his head to see if he could deny it, Gabriel’s remarks strengthened even more.

“yes!! So in the end there is only one way!! A living adult!!”

“A living adult?”

“yes!! I am sacrificing myself to drop my sisters!!”

That’s a really primitive way. I put the rice in my mouth and looked to the side.

Gabriel is right next to me as if taking a seat, and Sophia is next to me.

Is this the operation we were talking about earlier? Michael, who had lost his seat, moved to the front, so he fell.

But does this really mean anything? It’s possible to exchange glances and it’s not that far away?

It was an operation with a lot of loopholes, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, just say one thing.

“Don’t overdo it.”

“Wow, is that unreasonable?! Even if you suddenly say such kind words, they won’t turn away, right?”

no. It’s fine like this. You said it because you were worried. Even with the naked eye, Gabriel looked precarious.

He’s pretending to be fine for other people, but his face is red for one reason he’s sitting right next to me.

Even a volcano is changing as if it is about to explode, and her eyes are slowly turning. Kim also rises a little.

I’m just saying it’s ok. I didn’t touch it any more, because I was afraid I would fall alone if I did anything here.

[You are also growing up.]

Ignoring the noisy cat, Sophia nods when she looks to the side to indicate that you are okay.

“It’s called mutual aid. do you know that The saying that in a den without tigers, foxes are kings? We decided to drive the tiger out.”

What does he mean?

Why are you saying that all of a sudden? Who is the tiger and who is the fox?

“Hmm. So am I a lion?”

what else are you

“Hey, am I a rabbit?!”

What else? It was time to ask a question because I couldn’t understand what they were saying.

When you try to ask what the hell are you talking about.


The lion and the rabbit suddenly looked at a strange place.

why are you

are you meerkat?


[Benia!! Let’s eat that!! that!!]

[okay. OK.]


The child in the maid’s arms smiles brightly. Following him, a blonde woman follows the child in her hand.

It was a gloomy landscape. Two women, who would not be enough even if they were thin people, carry a child, one for each.

It was a situation in which I couldn’t help but be attracted to my eyes. No one looked at them.

As if he was not there, he passed by doing his own thing.

“Wow. Is it like a human bite barrier? I wanted to try something like this.”

[Similar but different. Don’t try to understand I can’t do it anyway.]

“Are you feeling a little off?”

[That’s how high-ranking magic is.]

“is that so? There is nothing you can do about it!!”

I don’t think it’s too easy to pass, but what can you do? This is a woman named Raphael.

Even Shion, who was sitting next to him, was ridiculous and a simple fool. The smile on his face doesn’t disappear, and he’s an idiot enough to change the atmosphere around him.

Feeling tired of it, Benia smiled and walked towards the store that Levitein was pointing to.

[How can your mother be so stupid?]

[Mom? Mom, you’re not stupid!!]

[okay? So what about your dad?]

[Dad? Daddy is an idiot!!]

That’s right. As far as Leviathan knows, that man is a idiot. As the black-haired man brushes his hair, the smile deepens.

Benia smiled and walked.

‘It’s fun.’

It’s a feeling I’ve been feeling for a long time. A feeling I haven’t felt since I was little.

It was simply curiosity that decided to live with humans. From that moment on, it just became a mission. My emotions were already dry, so I thought I wouldn’t be able to feel the joy-

It’s been really fun lately.

From when? I know the truth. From the moment Lee Seong-hoon first appeared in front of his eyes.

It was from then.

From the moment he appeared in front of his dying self and pulled out the sword that was embedded in his body.

It was fun to watch this man’s travels. And that has only exploded since yesterday.

—Your house is your inventory.

-Don’t go anywhere.

To the extent that I want to praise myself for choosing the human world in the past, I can only laugh when I think of the future with Lee Sung-hoon.

When I walk happily in the world like that, a thought suddenly comes to my mind.



[I think it’s strange.]


[Well. your guy Aren’t you supposed to call me mommy? It is because of my rarity that I have taught a language, and that I have a will?]

It used to be like that in the past, but now it’s a pity. I should have made a correction when I first met Leviathan!

Now, even if I say it with a dissatisfied expression, I only make an expression that I don’t know what Leviathan is.

[Mom is mom!!]

I thought this Should I even target my stepmother? So isn’t it too ugly?

If you watch what Raphael and Lee Seong-hoon are doing, wouldn’t that be a bad choice?

As I was thinking the same thing, I heard a voice from behind.


The expression and voice of no-nonsense. With blonde hair that seemed to be at a loss for words, Benia hiccuped involuntarily.

[Oh no!! Hey, this is just what I did!! Never went into selfishness!! I never imagined a future where the two of us would play with Leviathan in rare!!]

“her. I don’t think I even want to hide it now!! This stray cat!!”

[Oh, a cat?! thief?! Can’t do it, call me a dragon!!]

“Is that important now?! This thief!!”

[The cat disappeared too?! Come to think of it, isn’t it yours in the first place!]

“?! Let’s do it now-“

Once again, the conversation that was about to continue ceased. The workshop, where they exchanged words with each other, becomes cold in an instant.

The reason was simple.

Because they both felt it. It was a level that ordinary people could not feel.

A weak magic that even a trained hero cannot feel. It was something that only the transcendental dragons and angels extremely sensitive to magic could feel.

The two eyes meet.

“It’s a temporary truce. Benia is the backup.”

[Stop watching the cartoon.]

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