“Michael sister!!”

“Why are you calling me?”

“Take it down for a second!!”

“It’s all here. I’ll go and drop you off. If you let me off anyway, won’t I be walking into the forest alone?”

“How do you do that?! no. That’s not it!! Do you know what kind of rice sack I am?”

“In the old days, it was often moved like this, but it reminds me of the old days.”

“Don’t put your arms down and look down!!”

No matter how much Gabriel raised his voice, Michael wouldn’t let it go. Because I know how tame she is.

Even if you look down, it is clearly a road that leads to asphalt. Even though Michael is going ahead.

I was almost lost, so I just carried it on my shoulder like a sack.

“sister?! My sister is being deceived!! At that man’s drunkenness!!”

“What do you mean?”

“Because I saw everything in heaven?! I went to get a report to God and saw it all!! Heaven doesn’t make sense because of that person!!”

“Is that so. But how did you get to God?”

“yes? oh It’s not… holding the hand of a passing low-level angel…!! Because that human is holding Raphael and Michael in the underworld, so the heavens are not a thing? That human is the mastermind of messing up the heavens!!”

“Well. In some ways you resemble Raphael.”

“Suddenly saying something so harsh?! no. no no!! Don’t turn around!!”

“It’s just not worth answering.”


Isn’t this To Gabriel in a bewildered voice, Michael spoke without a change of emotion.

“It was originally meant to be. Raphael doesn’t normally work. I ran away because I didn’t want to do the piled up work. Even if it wasn’t for Lee Seong-hoon, it was fate. Besides, our God is not omnipotent, but he is omniscient. If we had fallen for that man, would we have just watched?”


It certainly is. God is not omnipotent, but omniscient. He spoke as if he could see through everything, and he especially liked Gabriel, the first angel.

There’s no way you can do things that your own daughters don’t like.

It was God who brought him here in the first place.


Gabriel thought about that and shook his head.

“Well, that’s it. If God dropped it, is there a reason? Don’t go against it, just watch what Seong-Hoon Lee is doing and go up again. It’s pretty fun to watch—”


Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Michael frowned at the sudden interruption of words, but Gabriel didn’t seem to mind. He raised his arms and spoke with his eyes closed.

“I can’t believe Lee Seong-hoon!! So!! I’ll watch over them to get them back!!”


“I can’t believe it, so my sisters say that I’m attached to monitor them so they don’t get in danger!!”

“Does that mean that you will stay by Lee Sung-hoon’s side?”


Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Momentary stillness. It took a while for Gabriel to interpret the meaning.

of course.

“Yes, yes, nen, nene, nene, nene!”

It didn’t take long. There was a sense of urgency in the bright red face, the eyes slowly turning, and the arms moving haphazardly.

In the midst of all that, Michael did not drop her and walked just fine, balancing.

“Hey, why is the story like that?! no!! is not it? It’s not but!! My, why am I with such an unscrupulous man!! Take good care of me from the first meeting, and save me several times from crisis!! Why am I with the guy who pretends to be handsome?!”

Looking at Gabriel, who had now started to flutter, Michael stopped walking.

“No— huh? sister? Why does it suddenly stop?! Wait?!”

“I know how to return to heaven.”


“I think you should go back.”

“suddenly?! You said you were going to take me home?! Are you telling me to prepare to live in the underworld?!”

“Go back.”

Was Michael really such a person? Gabriel thought, having come to the conclusion that it wasn’t.

Seong-Hoon Lee.

because of that man

‘I will absolutely get my sisters back!!’

Of course, it is a fork in the road between returning to heaven or not.


The storm has passed. It was a situation that could only be explained like that. The eyes around you are stinging.

Raphael gets scolded, Michael goes away, and the woman I met and saved several weeks ago was actually a celestial angel.

It was indeed a storm.

But when I found out that Gabriel was an angel, the questions I had suddenly began to fit together like a puzzle.

He wore the same clothes he would wear when he saw Raphael for the first time, with his hard-to-see black hair, his appearance that he could even rub against Raphael, and the tiny amount of magic that humans could not feel.

“How did you not notice?”

Looking at this list, there are too many hints. To the extent that I didn’t know it unless I purposely covered my eyes and turned away.

very. I’m pretty smart, but I missed this. When I was young, my nickname was a quick-witted guy.


The original problem seems easy once you know the answer. call it this The problem was elsewhere.

It’s not like the people around me looked at me like trash. This is also a problem, but fortunately no one knew about it.

The real problem is-

─This unscrupulous!!

─Garbage!! It doesn’t work for me!!

─Somehow you did a good job!!

Gabriel’s attitude changed after he found out that I was Lee Sung-hoon. He’s still sloppy and stupid, his face turns red from time to time, and steam leaks out like a volcano has exploded.

“Am I being hated in heaven?”

If so, that’s a little sad. How bad is my image in heaven. I don’t care if God hates me. I’d rather hate it.

But it’s a little sad to think that even angels who don’t know other names hate me.

“Don’t worry about that.”


“I am there!!”

Saying that, he pounded his chest, but none of it was believable. Even more so because he even has yakitori in his hand.

“If I can say one word, I can’t hate Seong-Hoon!!”

“It’s just pretending you don’t like it.”

“You don’t have to pay the tee only in front of you!!”

“That’s counterproductive… Think of your image in heaven.”

“Well…? anything?”

yes. okay. let’s not talk Because the way of thinking is completely different, the story itself cannot be established.

I heard Raphael tilted his head and said, so I was too lazy to answer, so I stroked his head and walked.

Then Raphael follows with a bashful smile.


“Don’t talk like that. Just give it to me and I will eat it.”

“why. This is how I feel.”

“do whatever you want.”

“You allowed it?!”

As I nod, Raphael pushes the yakitori even more. No meat, only green onions.

It’s been like this ever since. While walking, the meat part is your own. The vegetable part for me.

I wonder if I’m feeding her for this, but I can’t eat it when she smiles like that.

If you take a bite like that, the sweet green onion flavor comes out. The spiciness is gone and only the sweet taste is left after being roasted.

This is the tastiest part, and I think you have a good grasp of your taste.

“Tomorrow, I’ll bring the Leviathan and feed him~”

It seems like he ate it without thinking. Now, Raphael eats the leftover skewers alone.

Read from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Maybe it’s because it’s a look down composition, his mouth swells up like a hamster and he murmurs, but he was so cute that he put his hand on his head and walked.

Then Raphael walks with his hand raised without any objection.

“Is it delicious?”

“yes! Seong-hoon eats all the green onions, so it’s even more delicious.”

“It’s delicious to eat together.”

“yes. It’s delicious because we eat together.”

It seems like the conversation doesn’t quite fit. Well, because there is no discomfort.

After walking for such a long time, you will find an outdoor table from earlier.


And there’s something about the storm that I forgot.


“I want you to stay by my side all day…”

It’s the silver hair that inflates the ball.


Sophia, who was sprained, was fine after stroking her hair a few times. It was a little difficult to appease Raphael, who was staring at it.

In the end, maybe it was because the two of them got along? I think so.

After that, it was time for a match against the opponent I had put in a challenge, and I moved quickly.

Originally, Michael was supposed to escort Sophia, but Raphael was replaced by the appearance of a variable named Gabriel.

Although he is an unbelievable guy, Lachesis is next to him. In a crisis situation, what will happen until I go?

Besides, I can now spread out about a pair of wings.

Because of that.

I am now-


I’m standing on top of the dungeon. On top of the Dalian, where the audience fills the periphery to the extent that it is impossible to think of it as a Dalian of the 700th rank.

I felt it in the first semester, but maybe the gladiators in the Colosseum felt like this? There are even more people than in the first semester.

I turned my head and looked ahead, even though I cringed a little at the huge number of people. The one in front is an ordinary mid-600th wizard.

there’s a man no need to look

Compared to the [Death Ripper], he takes out the [Practice Scythe], which is about to break, and holds it in his hand.

[Reaper Robe], [Skull Mask], and [Death Ripper] cannot be worn. Seeing the [Spell Eater] in my hand as if it was a substitute, I raised my head.

Suddenly, the opposing side taking a fighting stance comes into view. They are in a similar rank, so it seems like they are expecting a fierce battle.

I have no intention of doing that.

Those with lower rankings are quickly defeated. The higher you go, the harder it gets to win.

Then, it will be recognized as a student who is usually in the 300th place.

yes. So.

“Let’s finish it quickly.”

Raphael is waiting.

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