“Is this right?”

The woman in my arms nodded at my question. There is no reason to doubt it, and there is no reason to doubt it.

really in this place? I turned my head and looked around. Just an ordinary girl’s room.

Shin Ga-yeon’s taste and Shin Chae-yeon’s taste coexist. It’s a very ordinary twin sister’s room.

no reason to come Wouldn’t it be better to find a place where there’s likely to be more treasure or something to hide?

Before he could answer that question himself, the blue-haired man sitting in front spoke to him.

A woman with her hair tied back, commonly referred to as a ponytail, seems shy. He grabbed his cheek and shook it violently.

“Hey, what did you come here for? I still think it’s too early!!”

yes. You’re only talking about yourself today. Does anyone look that consistent? i think it looks very nice

I can’t even see the guy I’m holding in my arms and the younger brother behind me.

“Well, if you still want it… No!! No!! That’s it!! There is such a thing as an order!! Step by step. Stepping on…”

It’s really noisy. Even when I look at Shin Chae-yeon with an expression of why is that guy numb, I say, ‘Originally like that.’ Only the same expression comes back.

It was there originally.


Shin Ga-yeon looks at the woman in her arms as if scared, but falls into a world of her own and grabs her cheek and shakes her.

Awesome. yes.

Anyway, the situation assessment is already over. There are several reasons why Main came to this room.

Because that guy thinks Shin Chae-yeon took the piece. Did you come to find out that it was this guy’s room?

The other is probably-


Did you notice that we were chasing you and came to take hostages?

With a sigh heard from the side, a knife protrudes toward Shin Ga-yeon’s carotid artery, who is making a fuss alone.

It was a moment. I had already finished understanding the situation and was preparing. protruding knife.

[When a threat is detected, the unique magic “Magic Eye” is activated.]

[When a threat is detected, the skill “Super Sense” is activated.]

Your body reacts with a blue window that blocks your vision. The woman holding it doesn’t matter.

[Death Ripper] is heard in the free hand. It’s too much agility (upper) to run and block that knife.

Accidents accelerated by “super sense”. The body moves sensibly. There is no order process after the accident.

Thought and action happen at the same time. When you finish grasping the situation in your head, your body is already moving.

If you thought it was a skill, you are right. it is unavoidable

This is how to fight the weak. The weak have their own battles. Magical energy drains out of the body that moves naturally.

It wasn’t enough to escape, so a huge amount of magical energy permeated the sickle as if borrowed from the surrounding area.

What happened after that was a simple thing.

The space where the knife used to be trembled. The blade of the sickle came out. Knife bounces off

He runs to Shin Ga-yeon and pulls him towards me.

yes. A perfect response for anyone to see. one thing. No, if there are two mistakes—


One is that she pulled Shin Ga-yeon into my arms.

[Looks like you’re ruined now.]

The two said that they used Benia’s magical powers by drawing them to Mungtang. It was like touching the nose hair of a sleeping dragon.

“Mountain beyond the mountain. But if you don’t cross the first mountain, there is no second mountain.”

That’s the story. Think about it later, Benia.


[Did he put filters on his eyes and ears?]

Iknow, right.

I don’t know either.


“……. tt!!”

A bewildered voice came from the darkness. I watched the darkness as I held Shin Ga-yeon in my arms, and Shin Chae-yeon held the sword in her hand.

And the woman who was originally in my arms—

“I am a firefly…”

let’s ignore I didn’t even want anything to help in battle anyway. Where did you guide me to this point? It would be safe to do that on the floor.

His eyes are half dead, his lips stick out and he says, ‘I’m a firefly.’ ‘It’s rubbish like hitting someone who helped.’ ‘The existence of no help.’ muttering the same thing.

Okay. It will be fine.

“…if I die, will I be able to go back?”

Are you okay? Slowly, he begins to worry, but the situation is not comfortable enough to take care of the woman who is lying on the ground and muttering.

It feels like living dimly in the dark.

“I was trying not to fight.”

“Then just go.”

“It is impossible. If you can’t get it back, you’re in trouble.”

Again from the demons in the dark who say that. A background sound like a laugh is heard.

It sounds like something eerie, but it seems to be trying to make an invisible person feel fear in the dark.

There is no other horror movie here if you just blink your eyes.

I salivate at the strange tension. He gives strength to the sickle in his hand and prepares for battle.

“I’ve never seen an assassin take a hostage.”

“Well, I’m not an assassin. An errand man who gets things done effectively.”

“So you tried to take the children of your family hostage?”


“That’s great. How do you know we’re chasing?”


There was a sense of wonder beyond the darkness at my words. Like, Raphael was like, ‘Huh?’ feels like saying


“What do you mean?”

He seems to be tilting his head. With that angry expression on Raphael. what? suddenly angry

“Are you fools? You chased after me so openly and thought I wouldn’t notice? On the way, I kept bumping into the user on the way, screaming, apologizing, rolling, and screaming like an idiot. Isn’t it too conscientious to expect me not to notice?”


Saying that, there’s nothing to say. Without realizing it, I’m avoiding my gaze. I don’t know where you are talking.

If you say that, you will see the floor without even knowing it. Like Chaeyeon Shin, she looks down at the floor.

There’s only one person who doesn’t look down. Only the woman holding me in my arms and blushing.

I can’t understand the situation at all, so I’m putting a question mark above my head.

“I never yelled.”

“Is it because I just fell?”

“Then it’s your fault.”

“Why is that?! We played together, so it’s a destiny community, right? An accomplice is an accomplice!! We are guilty of the same!!”

“An accomplice? If you are an accomplice just because you were next to me, there is no one in the world who is not a criminal.”

“Is that wrong from the start? Is not it?”

“Not at all.”

So, is it the story that I fell and got caught? Is this all my fault? I can’t live with the world.

If you look at the woman behind you, asking for help—

“under. hahaha… I can see heaven…”

I went out of my mind This is what I’ve been throwing, so I’m sorry I can’t talk to you.

“Well. Shin Chae-yeon?”


“Are we going to do each other’s faults?”

“oh!! It’s both our fault!! In the first place, it’s the fault of someone who doesn’t know the West’s fault!! We are like a community of destiny!!”

“You stay still!!”


“It’s good that you answered well?!”

“I am a useless being, a bird without wings.”

“You have made known your sins.”

“Isn’t that what you say?!”

In the big exchange party where each person only talks about what they want to say. Mine, who listened to our conversation without saying a word—

“I don’t think it’s here, but I’ll have to go look around somewhere else.”

It disappeared with that voice.

What. Wait a minute.


while we’re fooling around Main looked around the room and suddenly disappeared.

To be honest, didn’t it just feel like a fight? ‘It can’t be helped that this happened.’ Wasn’t it the part where you had to come out of the dark and reveal your presence while saying the same thing?

“If not.”

Thanks to you, I thought I would fight, so I couldn’t even write a prayer. Inevitably, I was chasing after him again, but Shin Ga-yeon, who barely grasped the situation, barely stopped him from saying that he would follow me.

Sending him to stay by the housekeeper’s side so that he doesn’t become a hostage again, the woman whose lips were sticking out is comforting him and running again.

[I’m glad I heard the word.]

I know. If you didn’t listen and follow along there, you wouldn’t have been a heroine who was caught at an important moment and caused cancer development.

I’m glad I didn’t follow. Ahh. I am Seong-Hoon Lee. A man who breaks clichés.

Call me a cliché breaker.

“An annoyed look.”

Please do not speak directly. Chaeyeon Shin. There is no emotion in the way you talk, so it really hurts.

Anyway, that’s why I’m chasing after Mine again. This time, as soon as we meet, we pull him out of the dark and fight.

There is no such mistake as before. There is no such thing as being deceived by Majin’s cowardice rumors.

[Main didn’t do anything.]

It’s noisy. Then it’s our idiots’ fault.

I ran, ignoring the cat’s words, and as a result of running with the radar that had lost its vitality—

“uh…? brother….”

I met Zion.

Rubbing her eyes with her frizzy hair, she seemed to come out and run into us while going to the bathroom.

“Where did you go…? Who else? no. Rather, why is my aunt—”

“ah!! Zion!! Nice to meet you!! We were doing something important!!”

“yes? Yes. more brother. who is holding no. Rather, my aunt—”

“Oh, aunt, that’s right. Did you say your aunt is coming to pick you up tomorrow?”

“Yes? no. yes?”

Don’t say more than that. Zion. I’ll explain later. Don’t make a face that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

The blue-haired eyes next to me are scary.

“Yes. right. brother….”


This feels like I’m doing something wrong.

“More than that, it smells like the person your aunt is holding.”


Well, we were in the same mansion for a day, and we must have used the same shampoo. Our Zion has a nice nose.

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